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Class : IK 1 A

Assalmualaikum Wr.Wb

Good Morning Mr.Sasongko and good morning my friends. In this fresh morning I would
like to tell you about my presentation. And Ill talk about solid shape. And I now bring 2
examples of the 3-D shape. There are cube and cylinder.

In geometry, a cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces,

facets or sides, with three meeting at each vertex. The cube can also be called a regular
hexahedron and is one of the five Platonic solids. It is a special kind of square prism, of
rectangular parallelepiped and of trigonal trapezohedron. The cube is dual to the octahedron. It
has cubical symmetry (also called octahedral symmetry).

A cube is the three-dimensional case of the more general concept of a hypercube.It has 11
nets If one were to colour the cube so that no two adjacent faces had the same colour, one would
need 3 colours. If the original cube has edge length 1, its dual octahedron has edge length .

For a cube of edge length a,

surface area 6a2

volume a3
face diagonal
space diagonal

radius of circumscribed sphere

radius of sphere tangent to edges

radius of inscribed sphere

angles between faces

The cube is unique among the Platonic solids for being able to tile Euclidean space
regularly. It is also unique among the Platonic solids in having faces with an even number of
sides and, consequently, it is the only member of that group that is a zonohedron (every face has
point symmetry).The cube can be cut into 6 identical square pyramids. If these square pyramids
are then attached to the faces of a second cube, a rhombic dodecahedron is obtained.

The vertices of a cube can be grouped into two groups of four, each forming a regular
tetrahedron; more generally this is referred to as a demicube. These two together form a regular
compound, the stella octangula. The intersection of the two forms a regular octahedron. The
symmetries of a regular tetrahedron correspond to those of a cube which map each tetrahedron to
itself; the other symmetries of the cube map the two to each other.

One such regular tetrahedron has a volume of of that of the cube. The remaining space
consists of four equal irregular tetrahedra with a volume of 1/6 of that of the cube, each.The
rectified cube is the cuboctahedron. If smaller corners are cut off we get a polyhedron with 6
octagonal faces and 8 triangular ones. In particular we can get regular octagons (truncated cube).
The rhombicuboctahedron is obtained by cutting off both corners and edges to the correct

A cube can be inscribed in a dodecahedron so that each vertex of the cube is a vertex of
the dodecahedron and each edge is a diagonal of one of the dodecahedron's faces; taking all such
cubes gives rise to the regular compound of five cubes.If two opposite corners of a cube are
truncated at the depth of the 3 vertices directly connected to them, an irregular octahedron is
obtained. Eight of these irregular octahedra can be attached to the triangular faces of a regular
octahedron to obtain the cuboctahedron.

Cylinder, also called Tube is solid shapes that has circle base and circle roof . The shape
and the measure of base and the roof are same . So the tube can stand by the base or the roof .
Cylinder has three sides that are two sides ( one side on upper and one side under ) and one cover
side . In the base and the roof, there is a diameter . Diameter is center line of the circle . And a
half of diameter usually called radius (r). For measure the volume we must find the high of the
cylinder first . So from that radius and the high, we can measure the volume, the cover area, and
the surface area of the cylinder.

How to measure the Volume of the cylinder ?

Look at this formula !
A = the base area
A=*r 2
V=A* h r = the radius of the base (circle)
h = the high of the Cylinder
= 22/7 = 3.14
Example :
There is a Cylinder that has 10 inch radius and 30 inch high . How the volume of that
cylinder ??
Answer : r = 10 inch ; h = 30 inch

A = * r2 = 3.14 * 10 * 10 = 314 inch

V = A * h = 314 * 30
= 9420 inch
How to measure the cover of Cylinder ?
Look at this formula !

CA = the cover area of Cylinder

CA = 2 * * r * h
r = the radius of the base (circle)
h = the high of the Cylinder
= 22/7 = 3.14

Example :
There is a cylinder that has 10 inch radius and 30 inch high . How the volume of that
cylinder ??
Answer : r = 10 inch ; h = 30 inch

CA = 2 * * r * h
= 2 * 3.14 * 10 * 30
= 1884 inch

How to measure the Surface area of Cylinder ??

Look at this formula !
SA = 2 * A * CA SA = the surface area of the Cylinder

= 2**r2+2*r*h CA = the cover area of Cylinder

=2r(r+h) r = the radius of the base (circle)
h = the high of the Cylinder
= 22/7 = 3.14

Example :
There is a cylinder that has 10 inch radius and 30 inch high . How the volume of that
cylinder ??
Answer : r = 10 inch ; h = 30 inch

SA = 2 r ( r + h )
= 2 * 3.14 * 10 ( 10 + 30 )
= 62.8 ( 40 )
= 2512 inch

Regular Trigonal
Name Square prism Cuboid
hexahedron trapezohedron
Schlfli symbol {4,3} {4}x{} {}x{}x{}
Wythoff symbol 3|42 42|2 |222
Oh D4h D2h D3d
(*432) (*422) (*222) (2*3)
Symmetry order 24 16 8 12

(111) (112) (123)

Two tetrahedra in the cube (stella octangula)

The rectified cube (cuboctahedron)

Truncated cube

Cantellated cube (rhombicuboctahedron) Omnitruncated cube (truncated cuboctahedron)

Snub cube Compound of three cubes

Compound of five cubes

All but the last of the figures shown have the same symmetries as the cube (see octahedral

The hemicube is the 2-to-1 quotient of the cube.

The quotient of the cube by the antipodal map yields a projective polyhedron, the hemicube.

The cube is a special case in various classes of general polyhedra:

Name Equal edge-lengths? Equal angles? Right angles?

Cube Yes Yes Yes
Rhombohedron Yes Yes No
Cuboid No Yes Yes
Parallelepiped No Yes No
quadrilaterally-faced hexahedron No No No

d = (s2 + s2)
= s3 = (2s2) =

D = (s2 + s2 + s2)

= (3s2) = s3

V : the volume of the cube

S : the long sides of Cube

d = area diagonal of Cube

D : room diagonal of Cube



A = * r2 V=A*h CA = 2 * * r * h

SA = 2 * A * CA A = the base area

r = the radius of the base (circle)
= 2 * * r + 2 h=*the
r * hhigh of the Cylinder
= 22/7 = 3.14
CA = the cover area of Cylinder
SA = the surface area of the Cylinder

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