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Pediatric Pulmonology 47:321337 (2012)

State of the Art

Dysphagia and Aspiration in Children

James D. Tutor, MD1* and Memorie M. Gosa, CCC-SLP, BRSS2
Summary. Aspiration is a signicant cause of respiratory morbidity and sometimes mortality in
children. It occurs when airway protective reexes fail, especially, when dysphagia is also pres-
ent. Clinical symptoms and physical ndings of aspiration can be nonspecic. Advances in
technology can lead to early diagnosis of dysphagia and aspiration, and, new therapeutic
advances can signicantly improve outcome and prognosis. This report rst reviews the anato-
my and physiology involved in the normal process of swallowing. Next, the protective reexes
that help to prevent aspiration are discussed followed by the pathophysiologic events that
occur after an aspiration event. Various disease processes that can result in dysphagia and
aspiration in children are discussed. Finally, the various methods for diagnosis and treatment
of dysphagia in children are reviewed. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2012; 47:321337.
2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: aspiration; dysphagia; pediatrics.

Funding source: none reported.

INTRODUCTION the current methods for diagnosis of dysphagia and its

therapy, both current and evolving (including special
Aspiration, the inhalation of foreign material into the
therapies for salivary aspiration), will be discussed.
lower airway, has been a signicant cause of morbidity
and mortality throughout history. Aspiration can be an
acute event or a chronic recurrent syndrome. It may oc-
cur during oral feeding or may occur after feeding dur- To understand how aspiration can occur, knowledge of
ing episodes of gastroesophageal reux (GER). the normal anatomy and physiology of the human swal-
Aspiration may occur in children who have problems lowing mechanism is required. Bosma made signicant
with dysphagia, difcult or improper swallowing of contributions to the current knowledge of the anatomy
liquids, solids, or even saliva. When aspiration is chron- of the head and neck in the infant and about its physio-
ic and recurrent, the effects on lung development can logic inuence on feeding and swallowing.13 The
be devastating leading to pulmonary problems such
as recurrent wheezing, recurrent pneumonias, and the
development of severe impairment of lung function and 1
pulmonary scarring that can occasionally lead to death. Program in Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine, University of Tennessee
Health Science Center, LeBonheur Childrens Hospital, St. Jude Child-
Though the exact incidence of dysphagia in children rens Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee.
and accompanying aspiration, is unknown, it is felt
to be signicant and it is frequently unrecognized 2
Speech Therapy Department, LeBonheur Childrens Hospital, Memphis,
by primary care physicians or caregivers as a cause of Tennessee.
chronic respiratory symptoms.
*Correspondence to: James D. Tutor, MD, Division of Pulmonology,
In this article, dysphagia in children will be Department of Pediatrics, LeBonheur Childrens Hospital, 50 North
reviewed. First, the normal swallowing mechanism and Dunlap, Memphis, TN 38103. E-mail:
the protective airway reexes to prevent aspiration will be
discussed. Next, the pathophysiologic events that occur Received 25 February 2011; Accepted 11 August 2011.
due to aspiration will be reviewed and some of the DOI 10.1002/ppul.21576
disease processes in children that may be accompanied Published online 18 October 2011 in Wiley Online Library
by dysphagia are each briey discussed. Finally, (

2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

322 Tutor and Gosa

swallowing mechanism is part of the upper aerodiges- concentrated over the surface of the pharynx, epiglottis,
tive tract which includes the oral, pharyngeal, and nasal arytenoid cartilages, and vocal cords.10,11 The chemore-
cavities and the larynx. All of these structures working ceptors are activated by water, as well as by a variety
in a coordinated fashion are responsible for normal res- of salts, sugars, and acids.12,13 Failure of these protec-
piration, swallowing, and eventually speech.4 Infants tive reexes allows aspiration to occur from swallowed
upper aerodigestive tracts are unique in their anatomic boluses or material reuxed up the esophagus from the
relationships.46 The major anatomical differences are stomach.
presented in Table 1 and Figure 1a,b. These anatomic The nature of the protective reex response invoked
differences in the infant are believed to provide the op- varies as a function of the age of the individual and
timal arrangement for safe, effective nipple feeding.4 the region of the pharynx or larynx that is stimulated.
The anatomy of the newborn swallowing mechanism Mechanical stimulation of pharyngeal afferent receptors
gradually changes over the rst months of life as the stimulates swallowing at any age. In susceptible human
larynx descends in the pharynx and the upper aerodi- infants, stimulation of the laryngeal chemoreex, when
gestive tract begins to resemble more closely that of the acid, water, or milk contacts the larynx, can lead to pro-
adult by approximately 5 months of age. Sasaki et al.7 longed apnea, rather than coughing and swallowing.
reported on the effects of laryngeal descent pointing out This developmental inuence is most likely due to cen-
that it allows for oral tidal breathing in the infant and tral respiratory inhibition.14 Viral respiratory infections
also coincides with the peak incidence of sudden infant can cause the adult response pattern, that is, coughing
death syndrome (SIDS). As the larynx descends, it and swallowing, to revert to the immature pattern
allows for greater variety of vocalizations but the more in which apnea predominates.15 This tendency may
caudal laryngeal positioning sacrices the aspiration explain why prone infants with respiratory viral infec-
protection believed to be afforded to the young infant tions, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), have
by the intranaral positioning of the epiglottis during an increased incidence of apnea and SIDS particularly
swallowing. Intranaral epiglottic positioning is only when lying face downward.1618 When studied in detail,
possible with the most cephalic positioning of the lar- in a premature and a term infant, each experiencing
ynx with the tip of the epiglottis at the level of cervical apnea while infected with RSV, the spontaneous apneic
vertebrae C2C3.8 events resemble laryngeal chemoreex-associated apnea.
For diagnostic purposes, swallowing is divided into The apnea event in the RSV-infected infants often
three distinct phases: oral (to include both oral prepara- lasted longer than 30 sec. The apnea was rst central
tory and oral transit phases), pharyngeal, and esophage- and then obstructed (i.e., mixed) and was usually termi-
al. What is functional for each of these swallowing nated after a series of swallows, or occasionally a
phases depends on the individual development of the cough. Upper airway secretions, which are increased
patient at the time of the assessment. Each of the three during acute RSV infection, might elicit prolonged
phases plays a part in directing a bolus of salivary laryngeal chemoreex-associated apnea unless cleared
secretions or ingested food into the esophagus, and not efciently by swallowing.17,18
into the air passages.9 Thach19 discussed the maturation of cough and other
reexes in the neonatal airway. Maturation of the laryn-
geal cough response leads to an increase in coughing
and a decrease in both swallowing and apnea. These
The airway is protected from aspiration by a series of changes have been attributed to central processing of
reexes with sensors in the pharynx, larynx, and esoph- afferent (sensory) stimuli as opposed to a reduction in
agus. These mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors are the sensitivity of the larynx or any major change in the

TABLE 1 Major Oral-Facial Anatomical Differences in Infants and Adolescents

Anatomic location Infant Adolescent

Oral cavity Smaller, due to size and position of mandible Larger, due to downward forward growth of mandible
Filled with tongue and fat pads Presence of teeth and absence of sucking pads creates more space
Tongue Housed entirely in the oral cavity Base of tongue is located in the oropharynx
Larynx Approximately 1/3 the size of the adult larynx, Vocal fold length is 1721 mm
minimal gender differences
Vocal fold length is 2.53.0 mm Size of the adult larynx is 36 mm for females and 44 mm for males
Epiglottis Tip is located at C2 Tip is located at C57
Tip makes contact with soft palate Tip no longer makes contact with soft palate
Eustachian tubes Located at the floor of the nasal cavity Located posteriorly to the inferior nasal conchea

Pediatric Pulmonology
Dysphagia in Children 323

During most episodes of GER, the gastric contents

enter the lower esophagus, but the upper esophageal
sphincter remains closed. The reuxed gastric contents
are pushed back into the stomach by peristaltic contrac-
tions in the body of the esophagus.20 During these epi-
sodes of GER, some patients may cough, even though
the gastric contents do not enter the pharynx. This
coughing may be due to a reexive increase in salivary
secretions that occurs after esophageal acid exposure.21
Patients with abnormal airway anatomy or inadequate
stimulation of swallowing may have difculty handling
the increased volume of salivary secretions and there-
fore aspirate saliva, causing a cough.20 In addition, acid
exposure of the esophagus can result in apnea22 or
bronchoconstriction.23 When the proximal esophagus is
distended vigorously, the upper esophageal sphincter
relaxes and allows reuxed stomach contents to enter
the hypopharynx.20 Closure of the airway occurs as
a result of stimulation of the esophagoglottal closure
reex. This reex causes anterior movement of the
larynx, closure of the vocal cords, and apnea in a man-
ner similar to that seen with swallowing.20,24,25 If the
reuxed gastric contents enter the pharynx, they are
expelled from the mouth or swallowed before respira-
tion is reinitiated. The afferent information that stimu-
lates this reex is carried in the recurrent laryngeal


Aspiration has the potential to cause permanent dam-
age to the developing lungs of infants and children.
Teabeut28 suggested that as the pH of aspirated material
drops below 2.5, lung injury increases, with maximal
lung injury occurring at a pH of 1.5. The volume of the
aspirated material also plays a major role in lung injury.
In dogs, 1 ml/kg of acid aspiration produces only mild
effects, whereas 2 ml/kg or more of acid aspirate causes
serious effects, usually death.29 Histologic ndings of
Fig. 1. a: The mouth and pharynx of the adult. b: The mouth
and pharynx of the newborn. The anatomical parts begin to
aspiration include degeneration of bronchiolar epitheli-
change over the 1st months of life so that by age 5 months, um, pulmonary edema and hemorrhage, focal atelecta-
the anatomy is much closer to that of the adult. Figure used sis, exudation of brin, and acute inammatory cell
by permission of Betsy True, New Visions, and Suzanne E. inltrate. Later ndings include regeneration of bron-
Morris, PhD. chiolar epithelium, proliferation of broblasts, and
brosis.30 Gastric contents instilled into the trachea of
dogs appear on the lung surface within 1218 sec.
Extensive atelectasis develops within 3 min. Changes
distribution or quantity of receptor sites within the lar- of acute pneumonia occur within hours, and granuloma-
ynx. Laryngeal chemoreceptors in the newborn are the tous changes develop within 48 hr.31,32
primary defense against aspiration of liquids. As the in- Aspiration is most commonly the result of dysphagia
fant matures, the laryngeal cough response (reex) (swallowing dysfunction), gastroesopheageal reux disease,
becomes more prominent. In adults, the chemoreexive or insufcient management of nasal/oral secretions.33
responses of the larynx continue to provide the primary There are several conditions that predispose children to
source of airway protection.19 aspiration lung injury (Table 2).
Pediatric Pulmonology
324 Tutor and Gosa
TABLE 2 Conditions Predisposing to Aspiration in over time with growth and further neurological develop-
Children ment. Sheikh et al.41 reported on a group of neurologi-
Anatomic cally intact infants born at term without GER who
Choanal stenosis had chronic aspiration due to dysphagia that resolved
Cleft lip/palate
within 39 months.
Laryngotracheal cleft
Esophageal atresia Dysphagia with aspiration can also occur in young
Tracheoesophageal fistula infants due to fatigue of the swallowing mechanism
Craniofacial abnormalities during feedings. This frequently occurs when the
Vascular ring infants are pushed to take prolonged or large feedings,
particularly toward the end of the feedings.34 Infants
Cystic hygroma
Syndromes placed in their beds with bottles propped in their
Pierre-Robin mouths are at risk for dysphagia and aspiration, espe-
Beckwith-Wiedemann cially when they try to suck and swallow when only
Down (sometimes) partially awake.42
Young infants who develop viral respiratory illnesses,
Perinatal asphyxia
Cranial nerve or recurrent laryngeal nerve injury such as RSV bronchiolitis, may develop silent aspira-
Congenital hydrocephalus tion.31 This can lead to unexpected acute respiratory
Neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage deterioration if these infants continue to eat by mouth.
Familial dyautonomia Providing thickened feedings to these infants during the
Moebius syndrome
course of their bronchiolitis has been suggested.43
Myotonic dystrophy
Wernig-Hoffman disease Anatomic problems involving the nasopharynx,
Cornelia de Lange syndrome oropharynx, and trachea can result in dysfunctional
Muscular dystrophy swallowing with resultant aspiration. In some infants
Myasthenia gravis with choanal stenosis, respiratory distress may occur
Guillian-Barre syndrome
only with oral feedings. Due to increased nasal resis-
Cerebral palsy
Vocal cord paralysis tance to airow and the infants necessity for nasal
Arnold-Chiari malformation (sometimes) breathing, the infant cannot adequately coordinate suck-
Gastrointestinal ing and swallowing with breathing.34 Treatment con-
Gastroesophageal reflux sists of complete repair of these anatomic abnormalities
Esophageal motility dysfunction
with operative intervention if the infant is free of other
Developmental/immaturity of swallowing serious medical conditions or with placement of a
Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis tracheostomy if surgical repair is not appropriate or
Endotracheal tubes/tracheostomy tubes feasible.4446
Foreign body aspiration Infants with cleft palates and lips are at risk for aspi-
Collagen vascular disease
ration due to nasal reux of feeding causing them to
Obstructive sleep apnea
Bottle-propping gasp and have aspiration.34 Also, aspiration may occur
if food in the nasal cavity falls into a still open airway
The major differences of the VFSS and FEES/FEESST examinations after the infant has swallowed. Treatment includes
are outlined in Table 3. proper positioning of the infant during feeding, allow-
ing only short bursts of sucking, suctioning the airway
during feeding, and providing supplemental oxygen to
the infant during feeding, if needed. Another treatment
The acquisition of the ability to swallow in a normal of the feeding problems of an infant with a cleft
fashion is a developmental phenomenon. Premature palate requires identication of a therapeutic bottle
infants are at signicant risk for dysphagia but by and nipple system that will ensure adequate oral intake
34 weeks gestation the swallowing mechanism has gen- despite the childs poor capacity for sucking.
erally developed adequately enough so that they are Laryngotracheal clefts, esophageal atresia, and tra-
able to transition from gavage feedings to oral feedings cheoesophageal stulas (TEFs) can result in aspiration.
given by breast or bottle.34,35 If there is incomplete de- Infants with laryngotracheal clefts, esophageal atresia,
velopment or coordination of the suckswallowbreathe and TEFs are at risk for respiratory difculties, such
mechanism, aspiration due to dysphagia can occur.36,37 as coughing, choking, cyanosis, or respiratory distress
Often this problem occurs in association with a linger- in association with feeding, and feeding may precipitate
ing neonatal respiratory illness with or without the pres- aspiration with the subsequent risk of recurrent
ence of tachypnea.3840 Occasionally, infants born at pneumonia.47 Preoperative therapy involves maintaining
term may have dysphagia, but this seems to improve a patent airway and preventing aspiration of secretions
Pediatric Pulmonology
Dysphagia in Children 325

and gastric contents. Denitive treatment is surgical and wheezing, predominate, but dysphagia may be pres-
repair, with closure of the laryngotracheal cleft, division ent as well. Surgical intervention is generally required.
and ligation of the TEF, and end-to-end anastomosis of Infants and children with neurologic or neuromuscu-
the esophagus, if feasible.47 lar dysfunction may develop aspiration. They may be
Infants and children with craniofacial abnormalities unable to feed by nipple or at the breast due to an
that include micrognathia or macroglossia can have inability to coordinate breathing and swallowing, or
problems with recurrent aspiration. The presence of because they lack adequate bulbar muscle function to
micrognathia results in relative macroglossia that com- successfully feed.34 They also may have a weak gag
promises the oral airway and often interrupts, impairs, mechanism or ineffective cough that predispose them to
or prevents successful oral feeding.34 The infants should acute and chronic aspiration.30 Infants who have a dif-
be maintained in the prone position so that the tongue cult vaginal delivery of their heads with the possibility
and mandible fall forward to relieve airway obstruction of a cranial nerve or laryngeal recurrent nerve injury,
at the tongue-base level.48 When positioning alone fails, or infants who have perinatal asphyxia, congenital
tongue-base airway obstruction may be relieved by hydrocephalus, or neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage
placement of a nasopharyngeal airway without anesthe- should also be screened for the presence of feeding dif-
sia.49 However, in that same study, of the 35 infants culties by observation of their feeding by a feeding
who had placement of nasopharyngeal airways, 40% team that includes a feeding therapist with subsequent
ultimately needed tube feedings suggesting that airway testing for dysphagia, if needed.34
interventions may negatively affect feeding perfor- Aspiration can occur in infants and children with en-
mance.49 In some infants, tongue-lip adhesion surgery dotracheal tube placement or with tracheostomies. En-
pulls the tongue anteriorly in the oral cavity, opening dotracheal tubes can cause remodeling of the palate due
the posterior pharynx, thus enabling them to grasp the to pressure of the tube on the hard and soft palate. After
nipple and to successfully suck and swallow and to ex- extubation, the infant may be unable to establish a seal
perience unobstructed breathing.34,50Adverse outcomes around the nipple during feeding due to palato-pharyn-
of that surgery include dehiscence and need for sub- geal incompetence, leading to aspiration secondary to
sequent procedures.51 Some have argued that tongue- nasal reux of feedings or defective integration of the
lip adhesion is detrimental for feeding because it sucking and swallowing mechanism.61 The presence of
alters tongue mobility and swallowing while others a tracheostomy tube interferes with the swallowing
have found improved feeding and weight gain after mechanism by preventing the subglottic rise in tracheal
glossopexy.52,53 Mandibular distraction procedures in pressure and by limiting elevation of the larynx during
the neonate can improve mandibular size, enhance swallowing.6264 The use of a one-way speaking valve
respiration, and facilitate oral feedings.48,54 has been shown to improve swallowing function in
Infants with Down syndrome have protruding adults and children with a tracheotomy by improving
tongues and occasionally cleft palates or tracheosopha- oral and pharyngeal sensation and increasing subglottic
geal stulas that can put them at risk for feeding dif- pressure during swallowing. The use of these speaking
culties and aspiration. Also, Wells et al. reported on valves have been shown to decrease the occurrence of
patients with Down syndrome who had midtracheal aspiration in adults.65 The use of a tracheostomy tube
stenosis. These patients had respiratory difculty and with an inatable cuff has previously been used by
stridor.55 Infants with short tracheas would seem to be some to hopefully decrease the risk of aspiration of
at high risk for aspiration. oral liquids and feedings in some children who have
Infants with left-sided congenital diaphragmatic her- dysphagia. Currently, it is recommended that the cuff
nia (CDH) have a high incidence of GER, 22%81%,56 not be inated during eating so as not to tether the lar-
which could place these infants at possible risk of aspi- ynx and prevent its rise.66 Care must be taken to not
ration. GER is most commonly seen in infants who overinate the cuff of these tubes or leave the cuffs
have had patch closure of their CDHs or if the stomach continuously inated since that may lead to ischemia of
was located in the thorax.57 If these predictors are pres- the tracheal mucosa sometimes with disastrous results
ent, performance of a fundoplication at the time of re- such as formation of a TEF or a trachea-innominate ar-
pair of the CDH may help in controlling GER.58,59 tery stula.6769
However, long-term follow-up for GER in CDH survi- Acute episodes of aspiration can occur when infants
vors is mandatory.57 or children swallow volatile or oily liquids such as
Vascular rings and pulmonary slings are well-dened mineral oil, medium-chain triglycerides, furniture
congenital anomalies of the aortic arch, brachiocephalic polish,70,71 or other hydrocarbon-containing liquids.
arteries, or pulmonary arteries that cause symptoms These liquids cause extensive airway mucosal and lung
due to compression of the airway, esophagus, or both.60 parenchymal inammation and injury, resulting in
Respiratory symptoms, such as stridor, barking cough, pneumonia with the possibility of acute respiratory
Pediatric Pulmonology
326 Tutor and Gosa

distress syndrome,72 and pulmonary parenchymal bro- such as the upper lobes and the posterior areas of the
sis.73 Infants and children, particularly those younger lower lobes.30 Inltrates are frequently not associated
than 4 years old, are at the highest risk to acutely aspi- with fever typical of infectious causes. Chest radio-
rate foreign bodies. Also, older children occasionally graphs are largely insensitive to early changes of lung
aspirate foreign bodies. However, the relative risk and injury.79
the types of foreign bodies that are aspirated change. Computed tomography scans, particularly high-reso-
This can result in asphyxiation and death or post- lution images, are more sensitive in the detection of
obstructive pneumonia and eventually bronchiectasis.34 early airway and parenchymal disease in children who
aspirate, particularly in those with lipoid pneumonia.80
SYMPTOMS OF ASPIRATION Findings of bronchial wall thickening, air-trapping,
bronchiectasis, ground-glass opacities, and centrilobular
Aspiration may occur due to dysphagia, in children
opacities (tree in bud) are common in children who
with some neurological conditions or with weak muscu-
chronically aspirate.33
lature, or in those with disorders of gastroesophageal
motility and sphincter tone. They may present to their
physicians with complaints such as wheezing that is DIAGNOSIS OF CHRONIC ASPIRATION DUE
poorly responsive to appropriate therapies, chronic TO DYSPHAGIA
cough, recurrent pneumonia, atelectasis, bronchiectasis,
The pediatric assessment for dysphagia begins with
pulmonary abscess, pulmonary brosis, bronchiolitis
a thorough review of the patients history, including
obliterans, apnea/bradycardia/acute life-threatening events,
medical, developmental, and feeding history.8083
failure to thrive, stridor, or laryngitis/hoarseness.74
Clinical feeding assessment usually includes obser-
Animal studies have suggested that microaspiration can
vation of the parent and child during feeding, oral
cause symptoms directly from airway inammation as
peripheral examination, communicative behavior, and
well as predisposing to or accentuating airway hyperre-
observations of the child before and after feeding.8183
activity. Reex bronchoconstriction from esophageal
It may also include a screening test for aspiration such
acidication has been observed in both animals and
as the 3-ounce water swallow challenge (3-oz WSC).84
humans.74,75 Esophageal acidication can also increase
Suiter et al.85 reported on the sensitivity and specicity
nonspecic airway hyperreactivity without necessarily
of the 3-oz WSC for children ranging in age from 2 to
causing a change in baseline pulmonary mechanics.76
18 years of age. They utilized the results of beroptic
Infants and children with an absent or ineffective
endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) as the out-
cough reex may have silent aspiration and have nd-
come variable and standard by which the results of the
ings of only increased respiratory mucus, congestion
3-oz WSC were compared. The sensitivity for predict-
and chronic wheeze or rhonchi, recurrent bronchitis, or
ing aspiration using the 3-oz WSC was 100% with a
recurrent pneumonia.34,77
specicity of 51%. The sensitivity and specicity of the
3-oz WSC for predicting which children could safely
intake thin liquids was 100% and 44% respectively.
It is important that the clinician observe the infant Based on these results, the authors suggested that suc-
or child eating and auscultate the chest and back both cessful accomplishment of the 3-oz WSC allows for the
before and after feeding for crackles, wheezes, wet safe oral intake of thin liquids as well as pureed and
upper airway noises, and wet voice quality. Attention soft oral solids without the need for further swallowing
should be given to nasopharyngeal reux, difculty assessment. They did suggest, however, that the 3-oz
when sucking or swallowing, and associated coughing WSC was not the best screening tool for identifying
and choking. Drooling or excessive accumulation of children who are at risk for aspirating thin liquids due
secretions in the mouth suggests dysphagia.78 to the high false positive rate and low specicity of the
Instrumental assessment is necessary for denitive
diagnosis of swallowing dysfunction and aspiration.86
The initial test for a patient with chronic or recurrent Instrumental assessment for dysphagia might include
respiratory symptoms often is the chest radiograph. In a the following: videouoroscopic swallow study (VFSS),
group of 22 children with recurrent aspiration, the chest also commonly known as the modied barium swallow
radiograph was normal in 14% and revealed only bron- study (MBS), beroptic endoscopic evaluation of
chial wall thickening or hyperination in 18%. The swallowing with or without sensory testing (FEES or
radiographs in the rest of the children revealed diffuse FEESST), sonography, manometry, scintigraphy, and
(27%) or localized (41%) inltrates. Inltrates in infants cervical auscultation.8183,87 VFSS and FEES/FEESST
with recurrent aspiration can be in dependent areas are the most common instrumental assessments for
Pediatric Pulmonology
Dysphagia in Children 327


Visualizes Radiographic image of oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, Soft tissue components of pharynx and larynx before and
and upper esophagus during all four stages of the swallow after swallow, including any soft tissue anomaly; unable
in real time to visualize pharynx during the swallow due to white-out
with pharyngeal constriction during swallow
Test materials Small amounts of barium liquids, semi-solid barium Real food items colored to provide contrast
consistency, and solid consistency with barium coating
Duration Limited to 24 min due to use of fluoroscopy Duration of entire meal (if necessary)

objective assessment of oropharyngeal swallowing in the pediatric population. It continues to be the

function in the pediatric population (Table 3). Neither assumed gold standard in adults for objectively
procedure has been established as a gold standard assessing oropharyngeal swallowing function. VFSS is
for the detection of aspiration. Rao et al.88 compared generally considered to be a reliable and safe method
VFSS and FEES to determine their sensitivities and for diagnosing dysphagia in the pediatric population.
specicities. When each was individually used as a The test, however, potentially employs a signicant
gold standard for the detection of aspiration, FEES amount of radiation exposure to the brain. The benets
was found to have a higher sensitivity, but VFSS was from use of the test should be weighed against its risks,
found to have a higher specicity in their study particularly if its use involves small infants or in chil-
(Table 4). Several investigators have reported on the dren with signicant brain injuries. Currently, no data
reliability of FEES as compared to other diagnostic is available regarding its sensitivity and specicity
tests for aspiration, primarily VFSS in pediatric popula- for detecting aspiration in children and, only one
tions and have found it to be a reliable and safe exam study has reported on its sensitivity and specicity in
for diagnosing dysphagia. It has good agreement with adults.33,8183,9497
VFSS in that population, especially when trying to VFSS is accomplished by age/developmentally
detect aspiration.8993 However, currently data is only appropriate positioning of infants and children within
available in adults, not in children regarding the sensi- a uoroscopy suite in a specialized seating device
tivity and specicity of FEES to detect aspiration that provides adequate trunk, neck, and head control.
(Table 4). Presentation of test materials and viscosity of test mate-
rials are also presented in an age/developmentally
appropriate format.82
For infants younger than 6 months, liquid from a bot-
The VFSS is the only instrumental assessment that tle is presented. For infants older than 6 months and
provides visualization of the anatomy of the oral cavity, children, liquid is given from a preferred method (in
pharynx, larynx, and upper esophagus, as well as the graded quantities if cup/straw drinking), and thicker
function and integration of all four areas during the consistencies and chewable foods are offered when
dynamic process of swallowing. It provides the most developmentally appropriate.82
thorough assessment of swallowing function and of The ultimate goal of the VFSS is to determine the
compensatory measures to improve swallowing function physiologic cause of the dysphagia symptom (aspiration

TABLE 4 Sensitivity and Specicity of Tests to Detect Aspiration

Measure measure Sensitivity Specificity Refs.

Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation VFSS 7096% for detecting 87.5100% for detecting 88,89,9093
of swallowing (FEES) aspiration in adults aspiration in adults
Videofluoroscopic Swallow FEES 100% for detecting 63% for detecting aspiration 88,9496
Study (VFSS) aspiration in adults in adults
Lipid-laden macrophage Battery of other clinical 6998.6% for detecting 7879% for detecting aspiration 105107
index (LLMI) and imaging exams aspiration in infants in infants and children
and children
Blue dye test (BDT) VFSS 3879% for detecting 28100% for detecting 124,126132
aspiration in adults aspiration in adults
Modified Evans blue FEES 8295% for detecting 38100% for detecting 124,126,127,128132
dye test (MEBDT) aspiration in adults aspiration in adults

Pediatric Pulmonology
328 Tutor and Gosa

or laryngeal penetration, nasopharyngeal backow, reported that children with suspected aspiration had an
swallow trigger, and pharyngeal residual) and then LLM index >86, with the highest LLM index in the
identify the most appropriate treatment strategies to nonaspirator group being 72. Furuya et al.106
allow the safest and most appropriate intake of calories reported that a LLM index >165 had a 98.6% sensitivi-
for infants and children. When choosing management ty, 78% specicity, and 87.8% overall accuracy as a
strategies, the clinician must be mindful of the develop- diagnostic test for aspiration in a group of 112 children.
mental level of the patient as well as the patients A LLM index >90 for aspirators versus nonaspira-
cognitive status.82,97 tors, was retrospectively reviewed in 1999. The sensi-
tivity and specicity of the test were 0.69 and 0.79,
FEES/FEESST respectively.107 Elevated LLM indexes have been found
in children, not suspected of aspirating who have vari-
FEES enables direct visualization of soft tissue struc-
ous diseases including cystic brosis, those receiving
tures before and after the swallow.33,98 For infants and
intravenous lipid preparations, those with pulmonary fat
children, the speech-language pathologist or physician
embolism in sickle cell disease, and those with endogenous
passes a small exible endoscope through the patients
lipoid pneumonia from bronchial obstruction.108112
nose and positions it for optimal visualization of the
The LLM index is reportedly poorly reproducible due
hypopharynx and larynx. Test materials are colored to
to inter- and intra-observer variability in calculating the
provide improved visualization of the foods and liquids
index.113 Finally, the LLM index may also vary depend-
as they are swallowed.99
ing on the amount of time since the last aspiration
During feeding, FEES can identify oropharyngeal
event.114 Despite all these limitations, a LLM index
dysfunction that occurs before the swallow such as
may provide supporting evidence of aspiration in select
spillover and laryngeal penetration or aspiration. During
the swallow, pharyngeal constriction causes white-out
Some children may have aspiration of saliva with
and briey totally blocks all visualization of oropharyn-
continued respiratory symptoms even if other causes of
geal structures. After the swallow, residual material can
aspiration from oral feeding and GER have been effec-
be seen, and the presence of laryngeal penetration or
tively treated. The radionuclide salivagram is used to
aspiration from the residue can be noted. Additionally,
try to detect salivary aspiration. A small quantity of ra-
aspiration during the swallow may be identied with
diotracer is placed in the buccal pouch, and serial
visualization of food or liquid in the trachea after the
images are taken until the tracer clears the mouth.
swallow.99 Treatment strategies can then be tested and a
Activity in the trachea or bronchi indicates aspiration.
treatment plan made based on information collected
Though it has been reported that the salivagram is
from the history, clinical feeding assessment, and
a sensitive test for salivary aspiration, there was only
26%28% prevalence of positive salivagrams in chil-
FEESST gives the examiner information about swal-
dren suspected of aspiration seen in three retrospective
lowing dysfunction and about the laryngeal adductor
studies.116118 Salivagrams also have poor correlation
reex (LAR). The LAR, which is vital for airway
with other tests of aspiration such as barium video-
protection, is stimulated by providing controlled air
uoroscopy and milk scans.119 In a study evaluating the
pulses to the aryepiglottic folds through the port of
ability of salivagrams to predict the need for laryngotra-
a exible laryngoscope. By stimulating them with
cheal separation (LTS), there was no signicant correla-
increasing pressure in the form of the air pulse, the
tion noted between the salivagram result and days
examiner gains information about laryngopharyngeal
hospitalized due to respiratory symptoms.120 However,
mechanosensitivity. Normal LAR is elicited with
Finder et al.121 reported the use of serial salivagrams to
<4.0 mmHg of air pulse pressure; anything greater
titrate continuous positive airway pressure given via tra-
than that is considered abnormal. Abnormal laryngo-
cheostomy to decrease salivary aspiration. Thus, while
pharyngeal mechanosensitivity can result from a variety
the salivagram is useful for the detection of aspiration
of conditions, including GER disease.100104
in some patients, further studies need to be conducted
to evaluate its sensitivity and specicity. This has not
been done to date due to the lack of a gold standard
The calculation of a quantitative index of lipid-laden exam for detection of salivary aspiration to which the
macrophages (LLM) in bronchoalveloar lavage samples salivagram can be compared.
has been evaluated repeatedly as a test for chronic aspi- Colored dye placed on the tongue (blue dye test) or
ration, but results have been conicting (Table 4). mixed in the foods (modied Evans Blue dye test) of
Colombo and Hallberg105 reported on the use of an children with endotracheal tubes or tracheostomies was
LLM index in a group of children suspected to have previously frequently used to determine whether chron-
aspiration during feeding. Using a 0400 scale, they ic aspiration into the pulmonary airway is occurring
Pediatric Pulmonology
Dysphagia in Children 329

(Table 4). Finding of the dye in tracheal secretions suc- GER, and ve of the infants were also exposed chroni-
tioned from the airway tube is presumptive evidence of cally to tobacco smoke. The PFTs were performed
aspiration. Amanntea et al.122 reported on a group of 50 shortly after the diagnosis of dysphagia using the
endotracheally intubated children who had Evans blue raised lung volume rapid thoracoabdominal compres-
dye placed in their oral cavities. Two tracheal aspirates sion technique135,136 and consisted of pre- and post-
were obtained at 5-and 30-min intervals. The preva- bronchodilator spirometry and measurement of lung
lence of aspiration was reported to be 28%. volumes via plethysmography. Twelve infants had
Several researchers, who studied only adults, have abnormal PFTs, with 11 demonstrating evidence of air-
compared the accuracy of dye studies with other diag- ways obstruction (AO), 4 of whom also demonstrated a
nostic studies of aspiration such as the VFSS and the component of bronchodilator responsiveness (BR) after
FEES. Four of the studies reported the false negative receiving albuterol. Ten of the original 18 infants under-
rates of the dye studies to be 5061% but with specic- went a repeat PFT 6 months after initiation of therapies
ities near 100%. In those studies, food of various con- for dysphagia and GER. Of the 12 infants who
sistencies for VFSS and FEES were dyed blue, and the had abnormalities on their initial PFTs, 3 infants contin-
tracheostomy tube was then suctioned.123126 Belafsky ued to demonstrate AO without BR, and 2 infants con-
et al.127 reported on the use of a modied blue dye tinued to demonstrate AO with BR, respectively. One
screening protocol and found the modied Evans blue infant who initially demonstrated AO without BR on
dye test to have slightly higher sensitivity and specici- the rst PFT demonstrated normal spirometry but a
ty for detecting aspiration than the unmodied blue dye mild decrease in total lung capacity on plethysmogra-
test (Table 4). Dye studies using large volumes and phy 6 months later. Two of the infants with AO on their
more frequent administrations were previously reported initial PFTs had completely normal PFTs 6 months lat-
to serve as a screening test for children with possible er. Eight of the 10 infants who performed PFTs initially
aspiration.79 Using either VFSS or FEES to document and 6 months later, had documented evidence of GER.
aspiration, several reports have examined swallowing The initial PFTs of seven of those eight infants were
function in pediatric patients with tracheostomies and abnormal but 6 months later four of the seven infants
have reported on the incidence, prevalence, and symp- had normal PFTs. All ve of the infants who were
toms of dysphagia found in this population. None of chronically exposed to tobacco smoke had abnormal
these studies reported on the use of the blue dye test or initial PFTS but 6 months later, three of those infants
the modied Evans blue dye test in these children. Pres- had normal PFTs. The authors concluded that PFT
ently, data for determining the sensitivity and specicity abnormalities, predominantly AO, occur commonly
of the blue dye test or the modied Evans blue dye test in infants with respiratory symptoms who have been
to detect aspiration in children is unavailable.128132 recently diagnosed with dysphagia and many of the
The use of these blue dyes in enteral nutrition formula- infants continued to show abnormalities at follow-up.134
tions has signicantly decreased or been discontinued Performance of PFTs in infants diagnosed with dys-
in many institutions due to reports of systemic absorp- phagia is suggested to determine if abnormalities are
tion of the dye with the subsequent development of present. They may need to be repeated, particularly if
adverse outcomes.133 the infants remain symptomatic despite appropriate
treatment of their dysphagia.
Sequelae of pulmonary aspiration associated with Initial decisions for the treatment of dysphagia must
dysphagia in children can include infections such as take into account the prognosis for safe and adequate
pneumonias and pulmonary abscesses. Other children oral intake. The safest, most effective method of
can also develop chronic conditions such as bronchiec- caloric intake may either be orally with compensatory
tasis, pulmonary brosis, or bronchiolitis obliterans. strategies or temporary/permanent feeding tube
When these conditions occur, they require treatment placement.81,83
and monitoring. One of the monitoring tools now avail- Compensatory strategies for infants and children
able in infants with dysphagia is pulmonary function may include changes in positioning, changes/modica-
tests (PFTs). tions to utensils (including bottle/nipple systems),
Recently, Tutor et al.134 performed (PFTs) in a group modications to the viscosity of the liquids (thickening
of 18 neurologically normal infants, born at term, each liquids), and targeting improved swallowing function
with a history of recurrent coughing and wheezing and through exercises and maneuvers that compensate
who had dysphagia newly diagnosed using VFSS. Thir- for poor swallowing function or help improve
teen of the infants also had concomitant documented it.8183,86,137
Pediatric Pulmonology
330 Tutor and Gosa

Anecdotal reports suggest that use of thickeners for dehydration or malnutrition. The feeding tube can be
oral liquids may lead to adverse effects in certain pop- placed nasogastrically or nasojejunally but caregivers
ulations of infants. Clarke and Robinson described the must be adequately trained in the proper insertion of
acute onset of ultimately fatal necrotizing entercolitis nasogastric/nasojejunal tubes to prevent their migration
(NEC) in two premature infants who received enteral into the lower airway with the resultant signicant risk
feeds thickened with carob bean gum to relieve symp- of iatrogenic aspiration pneumonia. This approach is
toms of GER. They suggested that the use of thickened generally used only for short-term treatment. These
feedings may have led to the onset of NEC.137,138 Re- types of feeding methods are also used frequently in
cently, the US Food and Drug administration warned critically ill children, to try to reduce the risk of pulmo-
that the use of SimplyThick1 should be discontinued in nary aspiration. In a study involving 41 critically ill
hospitalized and recently discharged premature infants children who received transpyloric enteral feedings,
after 15 more infants developed NEC and 2 infants none suffered from pulmonary aspiration and the inci-
with dysphagia died after using this product to thicken dence of pulmonary infection and hepatic dysfunction
their feedings. The risk of NEC may be related to the diminished during transpyloric enteral feedings. Howev-
use of thickening products in general, especially those er, 10 of the children developed gastrointestinal compli-
made with xanthan gum or other thickeners such as cations consisting of abdominal distension, excessive
cornstarch.139 Caregivers may want to consider thicken- gastric residual, and diarrhea. Gastrointestinal compli-
ing liquid feedings with a more natural foodstuff, such cations were more frequent in post-surgical than in
as infant rice cereal, for premature infants with dyspha- nonsurgical patients.143 Subsequent reports indicate
gia, provided the infants are able to digest rice cereal. that the incidence of GER is increased in children
Each infants caloric intake, respiratory status, and during transpyloric feedings144 and in preterm infants,
gastrointestinal status must also be considered before the incidence of gastrointestinal disturbances and mor-
making the decision to add rice cereal to the liquid tality are increased in those who receive transpyloric
feedings. feedings.145
A potential new treatment for dysphagia in the pedi- Surgical gastrostomy or jejunostomy tubes may be
atric population is the use of neuromuscular electrical placed as an open procedure or by newer laparoscopic
stimulation to affect the cranial nerves. The stimulation and percutaneous or endoscopic methods.79 Since it is
causes the muscles involved in swallowing to contract, more difcult to perform a fundoplication after a gas-
and this reportedly results in muscle strengthening or trostomy, many surgeons prefer to have an evaluation
improved motor control. Humbert et al.140 reviewed the done to exclude GER before placement of a gastro-
available published evidence regarding the effectiveness stomy tube.
of neuromuscular electrical stimulation as a treatment Multiple problems can occur after placement of a
for dysphagia. They concluded that it has a potentially gastrostomy tube. The development of granulation tis-
positive effect on recovery from dysphagia, but they sue around the tube site was the most common problem
cautioned there is a paucity of available data, lack of sited in two studies occurring in 58% and 68% of
agreement about the effects of it on swallowing func- patients, respectively,146,147 followed by tube dislodge-
tion, and potential for harm with the use of this ment noted in 28% of patients in one of the studies.146
modality. Placement of the surface electrodes is Also, the stoma may close quickly after the tube is
critical, because results opposite to what is desired accidently removed making reinsertion difcult if not
have been seen, such as the larynx descending versus impossible without surgical intervention. Other compli-
ascending during the swallow.140 Other researchers cations include new or deteriorating GER, infection,
have recently reported very little efcacy of neuromus- intra-abdominal leakage of feed, and gastrocolic
cular electrical stimulation for treatment of dysphagia stulae.148
in children.141,142 Both major and minor problems can occur with
placement of a feeding jejuunostomy. In a report
involving 89 patients who underwent placement of the
jejunostomy, 15 patients (15.2%) had complications.
Minor complications (7.2%) included dislodgement,
Children with dysphagia and chronic aspiration who blockage of the tube, and pericatheter leak. Major com-
continue to have recurrent signicant respiratory symp- plications which required surgical intervention included
toms despite the use of food modication, positioning, detachment of the jejunostomy from the abdominal
changes in ow-rate, and utensil use may ultimately wall, leak into the peritoneal cavity, jejunal perforation
need placement of a temporary or permanent feeding by the catheter tip, and peritonitis after removal of the
tube. This may become necessary acutely if there is tube. Procedure related mortality was 3.2%.149 Also,
inadequate intake of uids or calories to prevent if the tube is accidently removed, the stoma may close
Pediatric Pulmonology
Dysphagia in Children 331
rapidly making tube reinsertion difcult, if not impossi- aspiration pneumonia and, they also have more den-
ble, without surgical intervention. tal plaque and calculus.168 Meticulous oral hygiene/care
The decision to place a feeding tube either on a tem- and more frequent visits to dentists are recommended
porary or permanent basis has long-reaching implica- for children who receive tube feedings.167,168 This type
tions in the development of further feeding skills and of care has been recommended for critically ill children
the development of social, learning, and emotional to try to help decrease the incidence of ventilator-asso-
skills.8286 ciated pneumonia.169 However, two recent studies did
Several studies have been performed over the years not demonstrate a decrease in the incidence of ventila-
regarding the benet of having an antireux procedure, tor-associated pneumonia in critically ill children who
such as fundoplication, at the time of placement of a received tooth brushing or oral hygiene care.170,171 In
gastrostomy tube, particularly in children with neuro- children with neurologic impairment and dysphagia,
logical impairment. Several studies have reported wors- proper positioning of the head appears to prevent aspi-
ening or de novo development of GER after placement ration pneumonias.172
of a gastrostomy tube alone in 567% of these children.
So far, this has not been predictable by studies such
as pH probe monitoring, biopsy, or radiography. Thus,
534% of children will require anti-GER surgery, such Oral anticholinergic agents, such as glycopyrrolate
as fundoplication, to control symptomatic GER.79,150161 or scopolamine patches, have been used, especially
Fundoplications can be performed as a complete in neurologically impaired children, to treat sialorrhea.
(3608) Nissen procedure where the fundus of the stom- Although effective in decreasing salivation, anticholin-
ach is wrapped completely around the esophagus or a ergic therapy can be associated with signicant adverse
partial procedure, where the fundus is partially wrapped side effects, including behavioral changes, constipation,
around the esophagus. Dysphagia, which can be a com- dry mouth, thick secretions, urinary retention, constipa-
plication of fundoplication, has reportedly been more tion, ushing, nasal congestion, vomiting, diarrhea, and
frequent after Nissen versus partial fundoplication in tachycardia. Treatment may need to be discontinued in
adults particularly adults with severe esophageal dys- up to one third of patients.79,173176
motility disorders (scleroderma, post-myotomy achala- In the last few years, several studies have shown that
sia).162 Partial fundoplication particularly the Toupet injections of botulinum toxin, particularly type A, are
procedure (posterior 2708 wrap of the fundus around effective in controlling sialorrhea in children, particular-
the esophagus) or anterior fundoplication in adults, ly those with neurological impairment.177181 The toxin
may more frequently come unwrapped leading to re- is usually injected into the submandibular or parotid
emergence of GER symptoms.162,163 However, in one salivary glands with sonographic guidance up to four
report, 5% of Nissen fundoplications required surgical times per year. Up to 88% of the patients in one study
revision.163 showed a signicant decrease in saliva production.177
Performance of a fundoplication can be associated Some researchers also reported a decrease in the num-
with several serious intraoperative complications such bers of hospitalizations and pulmonary infections after
as liver laceration, bowel perforation, bleeding, and the injections, as well as, reduced pulmonary toilet
peritonitis.164 Other complications include a slipped requirements and reduced use of anticholinergic medi-
or disrupted fundoplication, dehiscence, hiatal hernia, cation.178 The reduction in saliva production ranged
and bowel obstruction.165 Post-operative development from 6 to 28 weeks in one study.179 Reported complica-
of dysphagia was noted to be signicantly more severe tions have included self-limited oral bleeding, viscous
after placement of a Nissan fundoplication when com- saliva, parotitis, and transient xerostomia in a small
pared to placement of a Thal fundoplication in a group number of patients.177,179,180 Berweck et al.181 reported
of 175 children.164 Frequent long-term problems have a case study of a 15-year-old boy with cerebral palsy
included gas bloating, dumping syndrome, esophageal who, after three successful treatment sessions, develop-
dysmotility, achalasia, inability to vomit or burp, and ed antibodies to botulinum toxin type B, resulting in
slow eating.166 Despite placement of a fundoplication two subsequent treatment sessions with no clinical re-
to reduce GER and placement of a surgical tube for sponse. In some centers, the use of botulinum toxin has
feeding, some children with dysphagia will continue to been discontinued due to migration of the toxin from
have lower respiratory infections or other signs of aspi- the injection site resulting in paralysis of critical bulbar
ration. At that point, one needs to determine if salivary functions resulting in acute deterioration and death in
aspiration is occurring and if so, effective therapy needs children and adults, principally those with amyotrophic
to be provided. lateral sclerosis (ALS).182 Also, an adult with ALS deve-
Children who receive tube feedings have signicantly loped recurrent jaw dislocation after intraparotid botu-
more oral microora that can be associated with linum toxin injections for treatment of sialorrhea.183
Pediatric Pulmonology
332 Tutor and Gosa

Surgical management of sialorrhea is an option possibly in the future be a complementary therapy for
in children for whom medical management fails. This children with dysphagia along with the currently avail-
often involves bilateral submandibular and parotid duct able feeding therapies or use of tube feedings. The use
ligation or submandibular gland excision with parotid of botulinum toxin injections and resection of salivary
duct ligation. Recent studies have reported varying glands are therapies along with the use of anticholiner-
results, from up to an 87% success rate in controlling gic agents and tracheostomy and LTS procedures avail-
drooling184186 to minimal control of sialorrhea with able to treat sialorrhea. Infant PFTs have documented
surgery.187,188 that one of the sequelae of dysphagia and aspiration can
Children who continue to aspirate and have recurrent be AO, which should be monitored in symptomatic
pneumonias despite other medical/surgical therapies infants. Hopefully, all these diagnostic and therapeutic
may need the placement of a tracheostomy, particularly modalities can help improve the prognosis for many
one using a cuffed tracheostomy tube, for pulmonary children with dysphagia or aspiration and decrease
toilet. Despite this, there is a lessened but still present subsequent morbidity and mortality.
risk of continued aspiration. There is the belief by some
people that a cuffed tracheostomy tube has the potential
of tethering: the larynx which limits its elevation ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
during swallowing and thus, negatively impacting We thank Dr. Dennis Stokes and Dr. David Galloway
swallowing safety.66 As previously mentioned, the use for their helpful suggestions and critical review of the
of a tracheostomy speaking valve has been reported to manuscript.
reduce but not eliminate occurrences of aspiration,
at least in adults.65 The valve allows movement of air
during exhalation through the vocal cords so that adult REFERENCES
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