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't .
10 Queuing is a common occurrenco-m banks,
public transpor1a11on, hospitals. hair sal0ons,
theatrell. airway,. worksh~ ... everywhere. Un-
0 Whnt fraction of time i,, the sys1em provid-
ing service expected to be busy (or idle)?
derstandably, queues arc formed when there Cl Wh~t arc the chances of a certain number
nre more arrivals lhan what the ~erv1ce faci lity of customl'rs being prcsrnt in the syslcm al
can handle. and no queues arc formed when the a random poin1 in 11mc?
arrival arc less than that. The unc..-rtainty of
arrivals and the time 1hcy require for getting CJ On the average, how many cus1orncr, arc
expected to be prcse-nt in the system?
service account. for the fact 1hat at times there
are long queue, while at some Olhcr times CJ What is the avemgc length ofqueues formed
there are no queues al all. Funher, II can be fro m time 10 time'.'
easily understood 1hat the greater the average 0 How much lime is a customer Cllpccted
rate of arrivals for a g"en r-Jte of service wluch to ~pend m lhe system - in waiting for and
can be provided. the lengtlucr would the queues gelling the Sl'rv1ce?
formed and more would be the time requ!J'Cd by
a typical arrival to get service. Similarly, for a
CJ How much time docs a customer typically
spend in the queue?
given rate ofarn~als, the greater tbe rate at which
service can be provided, the smaller would the CJ What is 1he ex peeled total cosl of providing
queues be and Uie time needed to get the ~er- service for various allemet1vc serv ice lev-
Queuing Theory vice. However, one cannot quantify that for a .:L, and, accordingly, what 1s the op1imal
level of service 10 pro~1dc'!
given set of arrival and !>erv1ce rates, how long
the queues will generally be and how much time An understanding of this chapter requires
I a customer will take to get the service. A study knowledge of the concepts of probab ility,
of queuing theory does that. eltpected value, a, also the ellponent1al and
Specifically, the theory helps the tnanaga- to seek Po1s~on distributions. However, the deriva-
answen1 to the questions like the following when tion of the various formu lae are no1 given,
actual/expected arrival and service ra1cs are as lbe focus is on appl1cat 1ons, which
known and a set of assumptions iii made. simplifies learning.
!52:2:__ lQua~~n~11~
,a~t~/v~e:_T<~e~c~hn~iq~u'.!'.es~in!_;U~a:'.!na~g~e:m~e~n~t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
... - - ----- -- - - _______ Queum! 'f!'eory _ 523
to wait near the store to obtain the ,upplies of matenal , .
have . ed vith poor employee morale rc,ultm ~
~ 10.1
be. s. pans or tools needed for their wnrk), 01 loss
.~..c1at \

It 1n very high , ct-up co~t and idl. 111 r . On. the other hand. too htg h a ,er. 1cc Ie,,cI
g rom h mg idle
uld resu . . c nc ,or t c service stauon(~) Th . h, , I 1- , . ., I
wo . achicvemcnl ot an economic balance between th , . : us. t c goa o queuing moue -
. . . . 1 eo owes its development to AK Erlang's cffons to anal linS 1s the . d 1 c co,1 of prov1d1ng !>Crv1cc and the cost a,sociated
'th the wait require 1or t iat service.
The quell!.~.!!Jeory.,_ al~ called_!he wa'!.!ng hne ~st%; the randomly arising demand for the scrvie~ of ~se WI
telephone traffic congestion with a view lo sat ea/I 909 _The theory is applicable to ~ltuations where he

~ 10.2
Copenhagen automatic telephone sySle'.11'" ~e Y rvicc wait (occasionally not): and then I the
, . station (s) for some SC , eave the GENERAL STRUCTURE OF QUEUING SYSTEM
customers arnvc at some service . d ,i...,~rtnre' problems the ctL~tomen might be
system after getting t 1e serv1
ce In such amval an -,-- .
hines waiting 10 be repaired m a facto ,
waiting to deposit their electricity bills at_a cash co~nte~, _mac hospital who need treatment ... and ry s repair '!be general structure of a queuing ,y, tem is dcpic1cd in Figure. 10.1.
I . . . t I d at an airport, pauents in a . . so on. The
shop, aerop anes wattmg O an h Jectricity office repaumen 111 the sho
rervice stations in such problems are the cash counters m I e e ' f . P, runways
. d. th , tents respectively. Some more examples o queumg situations Input
at the a1rpon and doctors atten mg e pa 1 , are population Queue
Service sySlem Customers leave
the system
given in Table I0.1.
,/ 1~ J! ! -1 _1--GOO I
TABLE 10.1 Queuing Examples I
Arrival Queue

Passage of customers through a
Arrniing Customers
Sen:ice Facility

Cticcli:out count<.'rs
process structure Service mechanism
supermarket checkout Fi;irc 10.1 General Structure of the Queuing Sysrem
(b) Flow of automobile traffic through a Automobil~ Road network
road network We shall discuss in more deta1h the vanous clements of a queuing system and then prcseot rnathematical
Electronic mes.<ages Traosmil>ion hoes results for some specific ~ystems The clements of a system arc:
(c) Transfer ofelectronic messages
(d) Banking ll'llnsactions Bank patrons Bank teller.. t. Arrival Process The arrivals from the input population may be classified on different b~es as _follows;
(e) Flow of computer programmes through Computer programmes Central processmg unit
(a)According ro .murce The source of customers for a queuing system can be infinite or finite. For example.
a computer system all people ofa city or state (and other;) could be the potential customen; at a superbazar. The number ofp1.-ople
(f) Sale of theatre tickelS Theatre-goer. Ticket boolung windows being very large, it can be taken to be intin11e. On the other hand. there arc many siruations in business and
(g) Arrival of Lrucks to cany fruiL~and Truckii Loading crews and facihties ind11Strial conditions where we cannot consider the population to be infimtc- it is finite. Thus. the ten
vegetables from a central market machines in a factory rcqumng n:pairs and maintenance by the maintenance crew \\ ould .:xamplify finite
(h) Registnttion of unemployed 111 Unemployed pmonnel Reg~'traLJon ass1'11Ults population. Removing one m,1chinc from ,1 small. finite. population like this will have a notic.:able dT.:ct on
employment exchange the calls expected to be mad.: (for repairing) by the remaining machines than 1fthcre Y.l!re a largt: number of
(i) Occurrences offlre, Fires Firemen and equipment machines, say 500.
(j) Flow of ships to the 5eashore Ship, Harbour and docking facili1iea (b)Accordlng 10 numbers The customers may urriw for service individually or in groups. Single arrivals arc
(le) Calls at police control room Service calls Policemen ill11Strated by customc1, visiting a bcuuucian, studcnLs reaching ata library counter. and so on. On the crthcr
hand, families visiting restuurants, ship discharging cargo at a dock arc examples of bulk, or batch, arrivals.

U,he waiting lines develop because the service to a customer may not be rendered i~mcdiaiely as the customer (c) According to time Customers may arri~e in the system at known (regular or otheiv. isc) limes, or they
might arrive in a random way The queuing mo<lcls wherein cu~tomers' arrival limes arc known with certainty
reaches the service facility. Thus, lack offtdequate service facility would cause waiting lines ofcustomers to be are categorised as Jetcrm1nistic muf.dt (imofar,as th is charactcrisuc 1s concerned) anc! arc ea~1cr to handk.
formed. The only way that the service demand can be met with ease is .I'! increase the service capacity (and On U1e other hand, u , ubstantml mnjunly of the queuing modds an: bused on the premise that the custome~
raising the efficiency of the existing capacity if possible) to a higher lev_sVThe capacity might be built to suc_h
enter the system stochustically. at random points tn 1ime.
a high level as ~an always meet the peak demand with no queues. But adding to capacity may be costly affair
and uneconomic after a stage because then _it shall remain idle to varying degrees when there are no or few With random lltJ'ivals, the number of customers reaching the system per unit time might be described by a
customers. A manager, therefore, has to decide on an appropriate level of service which is neither too low nor probability distribution. Although the arrivals might follow any pattern. the frequently employed assumption,
too high. Inefficient or ~r service would cause excessive waiting which hus a cost in terms of customer w'li1cl1 aClcqua!cfy supports many real world situations, is that the arr~ arc Poisson distributed.
frustrauon, loss of goodwill m the long run. direct cost of idle employees (where, for example, the employees
524 Quantitative Techniques in Management ----
_,_- --------- Queumg Theory 525
. system-{a) structure of the service systern service Facilities In a Series ln this a custo - -
2. Servtce System There arc two aspects of 3 service and th
(Mrvice and thn ~
moves on to the next station get. _mer enters e first Station and gets a ponion of
, s some service and the
(b) the speed of service. st and finall~ leaves the system ha . n again moves on to the nc,t ,tatwn
-~d so on. , , \ mg rece1\cd the com I,
... "'' . ., f . . P cte serv1ss-,For example, machining of
(a) Structure Qf the Service System . . "in steel 1tem ma) consist o cutt111g, turning knurling d II' .
the service facilities exist. There are several possibilities F acc, ...~ .,.,_ - ~ db . ' n ing, gnndmg and packaging operations
....,,.-0 fwhich 1s per, om1c Ya single server in a scncs. Figure 10 (d) h . '
By structure ofthe service system we mean how . or eacn_________ 2 s ows such a s11ua11on.
example. there may be . .
rb unter is an example of this. The models that involve a sin 7
(i) A Single Service fgf_f.iiD' A I rary co . ( ) illustrates such a model. g1e Queue
Service station
service facility arc called single server models. Figure 102 a
ooo I

\I Arrivals
r'\J J
Queue -I Service facility Cu=ers _ _ _ _J
iI 000~'-------- iii"gure 10.2(d) Multiple Servers in Series
Besides these. there may be other possibilities as well.
Figure I0.2(a) Si11gle Server, Single Queue Model
(ii) Muldp_$.,Par.Jl} ~J ~ !Jitie&WJth.,Si/lgl~ ue Tha! !s, there i~ more than one s~rver. The tenn (b) speed ofService
paralfcl implies that each server provides the same type o_f facility. Booking _at a serv'.ce ~talion that has
ln a queuing system, the speed with which service is provided can be expressed in either of t\\O ways- as
several mechanics, each handling one vehicle, illustrates this type of model. It is shown in Figure 10.2 (b).
service rate and as serv1ce_time. The S~imJJUe describes the number ofcustomers serviced during a panicu-
Service statlOOS tirifriie"0odThe~ice time indicates the arnoun~ of time needed to service a customer. Service rates and
times are reciproc<!IS ofeach other and either of them 1s sufficient to indicate the capacity of the facility. Thus,
1f a cashier can attend, on the averagt:, to IO customers in an bour, the service rate would be expressed as
Customers 10 customers/hour and service time would be equal to 6 minutes/customer. Generally, however. we consider
Amvals leave the service time only.
lfthese service times are known exactly, the problem can be handled easily. But. as generally happens, if these
are different and not known with certainty. we have to consider the distribution of the service times 111 ordcr 10
analyse the queuing system. Generally, the queuing models are based on the assumption that service times are
exponentially distributed about some average service time.
Figure 10.2(b) Multiple, Parallel Servers, Single Queue Model 3. Queue Structure Another element of a queuing system is 1he queue structure. ln the queue structure,
the important thing to know is the queue discipline which means the order by which customers are picked up
(lli) Multiple, Parallel Faci/fdes with Multiple Queues This type of model is different fro~ the from the waiting line for service. There are a number of possibilities. They are:
earlier one only in that eacnoftlie servers has a different queue. Different cash counters in an electnc1~
office where the customers can make payment in respect of their electricity bills provide an example of this (a) Ffrst-comejirst-served
type of model. Figure 10.2(c) portrays such a model.
When the order ofservice of customers is in the order of their arrival, the queue discipline is of the first-come- I:-,.
Queues Service slatlOns Customers 1
first-served type. For example, with a queue at the bus stop, the rople who came first will board the bus first. (
,t)OQ~,.____ __:--'e_ave_ (b) Last-comefirs,t-served
-000~~-_r--- Sometimes, the customers ~;;~iced in an order reverse of the order in which they enter so that the ones who
JOin the last are served first. For example, assume that letters to be typed, or order forms to be processed
-ooo~---t""-- accumulate in a pile, each new addition being put on the top of them. The typist or the clerk might process
these letters or orders by taking each m:w task from the top of the pile. Thus, a just arriving task would_be the
- 0 0 0 ~ 1~~ next to be serviced provided that no fresh task arrives before II is picked up. S1milarly, the people who J01 n an
elevator last are the first ones to leave it. k--

Figure 10.2(c) Multiple, Parallel Servers, Multiple Queues Model r

nl~it~a~ti~ve~T<~ec~h~n~iqfu~e;:s..!m~M~a~n~ag~em~e~n:!.1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ __ ,--- Queui11g Theory 511
r. - .,,ridle tim' the relati\c frequency with which lhc . . --
(c) Service-in-random-order (SIRO) 5..)e"""
reducmg. .
idle 111m: may have advcrs ff service system 1s 1Jlc ldlc 1une 1s d.,r~-clIy reIateJ to
. . cho,cn for service. the sclccuon 1s d . cost, 0 . e c ccis on the other charactcristu:s men11oned al,1" c
Random order of service ,s defined as: whenever a ~ust0mer is Th . f .. f ma e in a ~ proceed to discuss ,omc of the qucumg models It be .
. 1-,. I '] be lected e ume o am\ a 1o t I1c custo . wen s models arc based on thi.: assum t' may. ' mcnt1oned hcre that 1hc rcsu , It , o,,1,11nc, t
way that ~I)' customer in the q~e 1s eqlllllly ,,.q~o Sc mers 1s, 1..
1011 h 1
thc!refore, of no consequence in such a case. frofll vanou .. p t ,H l ic scr. ice system 1> operalln , under c,1u1hbnu111 or
,,,state cond111ons.. For many systcrm,. the opcratmg da)' be.,in . . .
.. I . .
o s Ill /I a11s11m1 s/aft' \~ Ith no c11sto111cr; 111 lhc
ein ll takes some 111111a lime mlcrval tor enough customers 10
(d) PrlorlfY Service sys l . amvc such that a steady state balance: 1,
... ht be dered service on a priority basis. Thus. customers may be call cited. It should be clearly understood
fCll .
lhal a Mcady slate docs not " h 1 . .
meant at t 1c system '"" reach ,1 po111t
The customers m a queue m1!Y' ren . ed
,ere the number of customers 111 lhc system never chungcs Even wh n ti . . h b
accordmg. to ~omc I enu 1a e ch-ctenstic
d fi bl w a
(length ofJ'ob

for example) for service. Treatment ofVJpsin
. W! . .. ,, d . . . . . . . c 1e system rcac cs equ1 I1 num,
preference to other patients in a hospital is an example m pomt. nuctuauons will on:ur. . . A ska Y st,llc cond111011 really 1111phcs that ' various. ~y,.1cm per 1-onnancc measures (t hc
operating charactenst1es) \\ ould reach stable val ues.
IF~~ ing models that we shall cons~er, the assumption would be.lhlll th.e. cu~r~rs are serviced on the

~ 10.4
4.1-com~eiveao~ . . -
Another thmg 10 consider in the queuing structure is thc\w:hav1our or_ attJ.tudd'. the customcn; entering the QUEUING MODELS
queuing system. On this basis, the customers may be classified as be'.ng (~)R_8l.1.!:.!!l,-QL(b)....imatii::ru..1r the
customers join 8 queue, when it e:-.ists. and wan till they enter the ,crv1~e station for ge!flng scrvicc;t:ney are
called patient customers. On the other hand, the queuing systems may cnJOY customer behaviour in the fonn of l]lC queuing models can be c_ati:goris~d as being deterministic or prohahilistic. If each customer ,,m,cs at
defections from the queue. The customers may not select queues randomly (if there an: multiple queues) and known intervnls and the service lime is known with cenamty. the queuing model shall be de1cnni111st1c 111
look for the sbonest queue. There may be jockeying among the many queues. that is the customers may switch nature, The \'ast majority of the queuing models arc, ho\\ ever. based on the assumpuon that one or m,ire
to other queues which are moving fast', and also rtneging is possible-when a customer stands in the queue elements of the queuing system can be expressed only m probnb1lis11c terms. Hence. nearly all of the queuing
for sometime and then leaves the system because it is working 'too slowly'. There may also be bribing or models are of probabi listic type.
chl'atmg by some customers for queue positions. Besides. some customers may, upon their anival. not join the
queue for some reason nnd decide to return for seivice at a later lime. or may e\ en abandon the input popula- 10.4. l Deterministic Queuing Model
non altogether. In tem'5 of the queuing theory. this is known as balking. and occurs panieularly when there arc
Let us first consider the case where the customers amve in the queuing system at regular intervals and the
limits on the time and the extent of storage capacity available to hold waiting customers. Unless otherwise
strVice time for each customer is known and constant.
specified, the storage capacity is taken to be infinite. In the queuing models that we consider, \~e shall assume
that there is no balkin . . ( at the custo . . a ' ( ~ Suppose tlmt customers come tu a bank s 1dlcrcountcr every 5 minutes. rhus. the intcnal bcl\\cen the amvnl
athematical models give way 10 simulation when this assumption breaks. ofany two succes.~ive customers 1s exactly 5 minutes. Suppose further that the bunker takes exactly 5 minutes
to serve a customer. Here the nnivul and the service rates ore each t-qunl to I2 customers per hour. In this
sirua1ion there shall never be a queue and the banker shall uh\11ys be busy with w,irk.
10.3 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF QUEUING SYSTEM ! Now, suppose that tl1c banker can ,er.e 15 customer.; pi:r hour. rt1e cons1.-que111:e of th,~ higher sen 1cc 1111,
would be that the banker would he busy 4 5th of the time mtd idle 111 I 5th of his time. He shall take 4111111u1e,
An anal) sis ofa gi,en queuing system involves a study of its diffen:nt operating characteristics. This is done toserve a customer and wait for I minute for the next cu,tomcr to come. There \\,iuld be. as llefore. 1w <JUcuc.
using. queuing models. Some of the more commonly considered characterisllcs are discussed below. If, on the other hand, the banker ctm ser. c onl) IO customers per hour. then the result \\ ould lie that he "011ltl
I. ({!!_I'll" lengtlt-the average nlllllbcr o(.s~CIS.in_the queue \\'llU~ io ar:t seryic~. Large queues may hra!ways busy and the queue length\\ ill mcrensc continuou,I) \\llhout hnut \\ 1th 1hi: pas.--:1ge oftmw. It 1s cJs)
indicate poor server perfonnancc while small queues may imply too much server capacity. 10 \'lsualisc that when the sen tee mtc is lcl\$ limn the uniYnl rate. the sen ice f:t,ihty cann,,t c,ipc \\ 1th ull the
amval and eventually the ~ystem !cuds to un cxplosi\ c situation. The probkm in such situations can be
2. System lt>ngrh-tlie 11\eral?S..~ofcnstoroecs 111 thes~tom. those 11nd tho ~ -
ll'SOhcd by providing additional sc:nicc sh1Lion(s). Symbolically, kt the arrival r:.itc be ,I. cu,tomcrs per mu1
1iced. Large valu~ of this stnt1st1c imply congestion and possible customer dissatisfaction and O potcnhal need
hme and the service rate is .:ustomcrs per umt time.
for greater sen 1cc capacity.
3. l~~in1tg nmu_~e---tllc average time that a customer has to w1111 in the queue to get ervke. Long
if). > the wniting line shall be fom1ed which will i1lCrcU.~l' indt>tinitely: th<' servit.-e tl!cility
\\'alUng times are d1rectl~ related to customerdi$"3lisra tion and potenllal loss of future revenui:s. while very
Sfnllll \\'alllng runes may md1cnte too much ~n 11:e capncuy.
would alwayi; be bUS)': and the service system will cvennmlly fail: and
if .l ~ thcrt' sh11ll he no ,Vtriting time: the proponion oftime tht sen ice fucility " ould be idle
4. T<Jlal run, in tl1t s,:wmr -the avero.,,..
0 tin~ "-- 1 8 '"toni
,r >'pt-'11ds m
the ~stem. from entry l11
ti1c quc11< 10
- .~ " " ' '-
is 1- .lt .
complct](ln ol sm 1,'t'. llll)le
~ art mdicati, ,~ ot' theneed tomak-e ad-;-
values ofth1.s stnustic -111 ..u1~,. c-npncity
~ustment Tht l'lllo A.I "' pis ,nlled the awroge uli/isatiOII, ,ir the tro_(lic intensity, or the clton'11g ratiu.
:28 -~!!..,.~"!~m~-~~M~ana~g:!e:m::::en:i_______________
Quanmamre , ec 1. , - 111 ~ Quewng Thwl') 529

For our prescot model, . and (a) Here = 18 customervhour

. would ultimately fail, T = 3 minutes =() 05 hour
if P> 1, the 5)'Stffll . oportion of ume it ts busy.
if p ~ I, the system works and p IS the pr . . P (less than 3 minutes) = I - 2 7183 -m, 10~1
. f nifonn amval and uniform service rates has a very r .
We can easily visual!SC that the ~ we are dealing, for example, with movements of 1llllled = 0 593
practicability. S_uch ccndittons ma~exi~ w ever generally, and more particularly when human ~~ for (b) With = I fS customers/hour,
processing m highly automa~_P . :Variable and uncertain. Thus, variable arrival rates and_:~ :ire T = 12 minutes = 0 20 hour,
. I ..,. the arrivab and scmcmg ume 31 . od I . - ..~....
mvo v...., . . ns The probabilistic queuing rn e s, as mentioned previo"I -,; P (more than 12 minutes) - e T
times arc the more realistic asswTIP110 "" Y, an
based on these assumpuons. = 2 7) 83..(I~/ 10.20J
= 0.027
10.4.2 Probabilistic Queuing Models Further, in each of the models, the customer service is assumed to be in first-come-first-served order.
,1._ m-~-1s available , we shall ccnsider the following models
0 f uoc numerous queuing IJU<, Now we shall describe and analyse these three models in tum
(a) Poisson-exponential, single server model-infinite population;
,._ Poisson-exponential Single Server Model-Infinite Population 1111s model 1s b ~ on the
(b) Poisi;on-cxponential, smgle server model-finite population; and
fo!loWi ng assumptior1S:
(c) Poisson-cxponent1al, multiple server model-infinite population. (a) The arrivals follow Poisson distribution, with a mean arrival rate of, say, ,l
In each of these, the words 'Poisson-exponential' indicate that the customer arrivals follow Poisson distril,u. (b) The service time has exponential distnbution. Let the average service rate be.
tion while the service umcs are distributed exponentially To recapitulate, if the arrivals arc independent, with (c) Arrivals are from infinite population.
the avcrdgc arrival rate equal to Aper period of time, then, according to the Poisson probability distribution,
(d) The customers arc served on a first-come-first-served basis.
I.he probability that n cu~tomcrs will arrive in the system during a given interval T, is given by the following:
(e) There is only a single service station .

P (n customers during period T) = e m!!!_ To evaluate the model, we begin with the first question whether the service station can handle the customer
11! demand for service. The answer to this question lies m the values of and .l. If). ~ , the walling line
where m = AT, and e 2.7183 would increase without limit, leading to the breakdown of the system ult,matcly. For a workable system, 11 is
necessary that A<. It is interesting to ob~erve that even if A= , then system shall not work. This can be
#f111HiJlII shown mathematically.

On an average, 5 customers reach a barber's shop every hour. Determine the probabllity that
exactly 2 customers will reach In a JO.minute period, assuming that the arrivals follow Poisson distribution.
A= 5 customers/hour
lI As pointed out earlier, the ratio p = )J is defined as the traffic intensity. This indicates the proportion of time,
orlhc probability, that the service station is busy. From this, the probability that the system is idle, that is, there
arc no customers in the system, equals P0 = I - p.
T 30 minutes s 0.5 hour
Thus, We can show that the probability of having exactly one customer m lhc system is P 1 = pP0 . Similarly, the
m" AT 5 x 0.5 "' 2.5 customers probability of having exactly 2 customers in the system would be P2 = pP1 = p2P0
P(2customcrs) a 2.7183 2!x (2.5) To generalise, the probability of having exactly II customers in the system shall be:
C 0,257 P. = p"P0 = p"(I - p)

Simil~ly, when the time~taken to serve different customers arc independent, the probability that no more lhan We can use this result to determine the expected number ofcustomers in the system.
T pcnoos would be required to serve a ct .1 . b . . .
1s omer 1s given y exponential distribution as follows:
P (no more than Tl1111c period needed to service a cu~tomer) = I - e ,,r,
L, "' L, nP.
where 1-1 refers to lhc uvcrosc Mcrvkc rate. Thia can be solved to obtain
L __.t_ or _ P_
ji f i,,HrjjQ The manager of a bank observes lhat ~ cash- ' - A 1- p
ier 1n an hour Assuming that the 8 1 on the average, 18 customers are served by 8
0 8
customer shall be free within 3 ml~:: :: has an exponential distribution, what is the probability that (a) E~J)Cetcd number of customers in the queue shall be equal to the difference between the expected number of
_ ' customer shall bo serviced In mor(l than 12 minutes?
customers in lhc system and the expected number of customers being served. Now, since the server is busy, or
' r ,,r--.''
( r , /.

I ' ~53~0~ _ jQt

! 1~,.,~s~i~
~ t ~ - - - - - - - - - : - -- : - - - - - - - - --- Qu~ Th:!:ry ~
. . . , il is idle) I - )JJI ,,fthe lime, lhc CX\K'Cted n ,iijJ,11 A tailor specialises in ladies dresses Th
is serving one unit, ).; c>fthc lime, and ,ss.:rvmgt.lumt{i.c.. l.lnl\ier lilillM1be Poisson distributed with a mean of 6 cust e number of custome rs a pproaching the tailor

li )+oll-~)= ~-
cnn11ar o omers per hour The ta1 tt d
-~a-first-served basis and the customers wail if the need be T . 1or a e n s the customers on a \ I
rate of 1O customers per hour with the servic r he tailor can attend the customers at an
being served equals I

Consequently. expected numher of customers in the queue. A


e ,me exponenllally distributed .
l A __ A__ _ ) Find the probability of the number of arrivals (0 through 5 ) d . (') . . ..
L. = ' - -
/I - ,l /I l8 so-minute interval. unng I a 15-mmute mterva l. and (11) a
b) n,e utilisation parameter. .
L \ ) n,e probability that the queuing system is idle.
( - ,l) I- p l~) Toe average time that the tailor is free on a 10-hour working da
(el n,e probability
associated with the number of customers (0 5) th
t d b f

in e queuing system.
It is si!milicant to note mut Lq is the a\'crage length of all queues includin~ empty queue~. The average length (f) Whal 1s the expec e num er o customers in the tallor shop? :_ s
ofn o n ~ queues. that is. those which contain at \cast one customer, 4i,1s given by the to\\owmg expression. (g) What is the expected number of customers waiting for tailor's services? ,_ r,

L ,= - 1- oc __
(h) What is the ~~g~~ngth~ _gueues 1t:ia11'ave al l e a ~ ( L Y
1-p -,l (i) How much time shoulo a customer expect to spend in the queue? ~ /
0) What is the expected t_1me a customer would spend in the tailor's shop? , 's
With an average aniva\ rate of ,l_ the average time between the anivals is 1/A.. Thus, the mean waiting time in (k) Assuming that n > 0 (1.e. customers are in the system) what is the probability that the waiting time
queue, w,, is the product of the average time between the anivals and the average queue length. Symbolically, (excluding service time) of a customer in the queue shall be more than 10 minutes?
(I) Assuming that the customers are in the system, what is the probability that a customer shall be in the
shop for more than 15 minutes?
(a) The probabilities in two cases (i) when T = 1/4 hour and (ii) when r = 1/2 hour. of o throu11:h 5
Substituting J.21 (}l - A) for L, and simplifying, we get customers are given in the Tabh! 10.2. These arc calculated by using the forrnula -
Ir = A. =-p- P(11) = e..,. x !!!'.'._
( - ,l) - A. n!
Similarly, the mean time in the system, W,, is equal to the product of the average time between arrivals and the where 111 = ,lTand e = 2.7183
average number of customers in the system. Thus, with A = 6. we have 111 = 6 x 114 = 1.5 in (i). and 111 = 6 x \ /2 = 3 for (ii).

s ). s TABLE 10.2 Calculation of Probabilities of Arrivals

Putting L. = Ai(p. - A) in this equation and simplifying, we get Whe11 T ; 114 hr. When T = 112 hr.
P(n) P(n)
' - ). 0 0.2231 0.0498
Stated another way. since the mean servie1: rate is.. the average ( expected) time for completing the service is I 0.3347 0.1497
I_!. Therefore. the expected time a customer would spend in the system shall be equal to the expected waiting 2 0.2510 0.2240
time m the queue plus the average processing/servicing time. Thus, \ 3 0.1255 0.2240
s q
l 4
.. 0.0471
A. I 1
+ - = -- (b) Utilisation parameter ,l 6
( - A) - )._ p=- = - =0.6
which is the same as shown earlier. 10

. probability !hat a customer spends more than 1 uruts ofnme m th.e system, W, ( t ) = e-<111', - And the
Finally,. the
(c) Probability that system is idle, P0 = \ - ~ =I - 0.6 = 0.4
probab1hry that a customer spends more than t units of time in !he
_ _ _ .
w ( ) - -111,.
queue, q t - pe
It IS .s1gri1fican1
10 note that although the time spent
in the system di .b ed exponenn"all y, and so is. the
ts stn ut
{d) Average time the tailor is free on a \ 0-bour work n da = P0 x No. of hours = 0.4 x 10 = 4 hours
servtce rune. but the difference of the two, that 1s to say, the time spent i th W () . t exponeonsllY (e) Probability of n customers in the syste Pn = p"(1 - p). .
distributed. n e queue, 9 t , lS no
~53~2:.__..:Q~ua~n~t~it~a~ti~ve:'. .T<~e:!c~h~111~q~11e:s~1~11~M~u~11~u~gt~'fl~le~11~/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . _Q11e11i11g Theory 533
___.- .. r h
Using this rule, probabilities ur~ given 111 Tub le I OJ. (i) W1t. h four
people waItIng ,or I cir turn in the que 1111 1
. , . . . . . uc P ies a total of5 people in the system Thus, the
probability t~at an arrival ilnds four persons 111 the queue is,
T~A~B~L~E~1~0::3~ C:a~lc~ul~at~io~n~o~f~P~ro~b~ab~il'.:it:ie_:s:0 f'...:C ~ .--J P(n 5) "' p"(l - p)
~ in-;;;S
iiiy-;;:5tpe;m-;-_________ 0
r '.:_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~P~r-ol~,a;;b;i/1~
11)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-
- ~ = 0.3 5 ( 1 0.3)
0 = 0.0017
I (ii) The average number of people waiting and making calls is given by the expected length of the system.
2 Thus,
0.05184 l =-p-
0.031104 1- p
= __Q}_ = 0.43
(I) Expected number of customers in the shop, 1- 0.3
~ L= p = 0.6 - 1.5 / (iii) The average length of queue that is formed from time to lime,
~ 1
I - p I - 0.6 V
l ,= _I_
(g) Expected number of cus~ers in the queue, q 1- p
e L = L= ~ = o.3610.4 = o.9 / I
f _ ~ q I - p I - 0.6 /
= 1- 0.3 = 1.43
(h) Exnected length of non-empty ruwies, ~
~ -.r-
"l ,-:-e..
' - I ,
l t
L = - --=2.5
I - p I - 0.6 . , The Taj Service Station has a central store where service mechanics arrive to take spare
rts for the jobs they work upon. The mechanics wait in queue if necessary and are served on a first-come-
(1 Expeete<tw!utmg tim~ineue, basis. The store is manned by one attendant who can attend 8 mechanics in an hour on. a~
bV w= }. 6
6 h
r. = 9 minutes
average. The arrival rate of the mechanics averages 6 per hour. Assuming that the pattern of mechanics
~t ,e) q (-1) 10(10 - 6) 40 ..,,.,,,- amvals is Poisson distributed and the servicing time is exponentially distributed, determine W,, Wq and Lq
(j) Expected time a customer spends in the system, where the symbols carry their usual meaning. ~ - t
~, ~ w = _I_ 1
= -- = ..!. hr.= 15 minutes According to the given infonnation,
:> . i
>,(l "'1 1
- J,, 10 - 6 4 .------
A. = 6 mechanics/hour, and = 8 mechanics/hour
~ (k) Probability that a customer shall wait for more than IO minutes in th~.e ~,
,,- Wq(IO)= pe-1,w,= 0.6x2.718r I0115 = 0.31 :. Average utilisation, p = 6/8, which is less than unity.
e ;- ~ ~---

.,,,,? (I) Probability that a customer shall be in the shop for more than ) 5 minute$, With these values,
1/' W,(1) = e-t!W, = 2.718r15115 = 0.368 (i) Expected time spent by a mechanic in the system,

w=_ I_ = _I_ = 1/2 hour = 30 minutes

i#flnH/11& Arrivals at a telephone booth are considered to be Poisson, with an average time of 10 ' -A. 8-6
minutes between one arrival and the next. The length of a phone call is assumed to be distributed exponen- (ii) Expected time spent by a mechanic in the queue,
tially, with mean 3 minutes. Find:
w= 1 6_ = _i_ hour = 22.5 minutes
= __
(i) the probability that an arrival finds that four persons are waiting for their turn;
~ i i ) the average number of persons waiting and making telephone calls; and t.
q (-).) 8(8-6) 16
(Iii) the average length of the queue that is formed from time to time. L-y
(CS, June, 1998) I
(iii) Expected number of mechanics in the queue,
The average inter-am val time being IO minutes, the average arrival rate = 60/ 1O = 6 customers per hour.
Similarly, average length ofthe phone call being 3 minutes, the average service rate = 60/3 = 20 customers per
L _ ---:-:- = __62 _ = -36 = 2.25 mechamcs.
q- (-1) 8(8-6) 16
hour. With A. = 6 customers/hour a n ~ customers/hour, we have p =)Ju = 6120 = ~.3.
I /,-.J )
~534~_.JQ~u~a~n!:_l'!!_'a~1~1~~e~T,~e:c~J,n~1~q~ue:,:.1~i~n~M,~a~n~a~g~em~e:'.n~1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - ----- - - __ _ _.....;;.Q_uc_umg Theory~
that the manager believe~ tha1 11' one m .
now d . , h . h ore anendunt Is hired tor the ,torcrnom. the service
ncrcasc 1rom 8 1o 1~ mec an Ic, an our Th d
10.4.3 Cost Analysis . . rate can""
c cxpccic lune spent by a mechanic III the system
fully employed 111 detcnrnnmg the approprinte
The infom1ation provided by n queuing model can be usfeh talion miuhl be concerned ahout the tiine th 1cvcJ w0uld equal I I
. o ~ the manuucr o es nt lhc
o service. hir instance. rn Example 1 . ,
I r:>
h. , arc parts or tools thut they need, because -
W, -
, _-).-
1 - IN = 6I hour
mechamcs huvc lo 11 a11 111 1hc queue 111 order obtain c spmay consider employing add1110nal attcnd coSll
) The manager ' an1.1 i
to the service station (to pay for their Idiclime and consequently. the mccha111cs don't I n 'ting time in 1he ,y~tcm for a day 48 x 1/6 = K hours.
the storeroom so !hut service may be provi e
d d 81o fas1cr ra1c
- Th d sionwould a1c
h .. the twin cfTccts- firsl, 1t reduces the idle
1avc l
Total wa1

w1111 long ,or ovta1n1ng supp11es. 15 c~ I ,i,ccordingly,
, L .
. . iii cos! ofprov1dinn service !hrou,,J p
there lore the coM (as\l>eiuled wu
h 11. ) d . ond II mcreascs c
, an sec ' Id d
employ additional ancndunt(s) if nnd
" 1 aymc l
n Service cost
~ 2x 5x X
, 1i1 11 d I d 'The manaucr wou O we1110 . so long
to l hca< 111onu inn cmp oyc .0 . Tl1e optimum level of service would nat Cost ofwoiting = 8 x X lh 64
h, . . . th !facts the increase m cost. uni11y be
as l c saving III cost more nn
dctem1med where 1he total ofihc wuiting time cost an cost O pro .

. . . .
f viding service 1s the min1111um Th
. . . . cse ideas :. Totnl cost "' 80 ~ M Rs 144 per day.
are poitmyc<l m . hgurc
.. I 0.3 w11c:rc .II Is
. c1cur ih!
" incrcusing the service level would result m mcrcnsing lhe coSI
of ~crvice nnd reducing the cost of waiting time. 'fhus, ihc tolal cost of providing ,ervicc reduces from Rs 232 10 Rs 144 per day by hiring an add11101111l
CoSI ..... h r suppose thul 1hc nrnnagcr believes 1h.a1 by cmploy111g yet another person, the ,crvIce rule can be
Total cost of Fwu,C' up 10 16 mcch11111cs. per I10ur. wII h I h1s,
the syalem s1epped
W = -- =-1-=J.. hour
' - ). 16 - 6 10
Toial waiting time in the sy,tcm 4X x - 4.8 hours per dny
Service cost J x5xX lb 120.0
Waiimg cost .. 4.1! x H Rs 18.4
Total cost Rs 158.4
Cot! of walling
Clearly, it is not worthwhile employmg the third person. To minImIsc the totul cos!, therefore, lhc manugcr
should omploy two 11ncn<l11111s.

Op!lmnl aervlco level _:r- Level of Nrvic. H@JHrjji A repairman Is to be hired by ll company to repair machines that break down following a
Poisson process, with an average rate of four.Q!.I' ho1,1r. Tho cost of non-productive machine limo Is 13.s 90 per
Figure 10.3 Dtttm1i1101/011 of Opti11111/ Smict uvel hour. The company has the option or choosing either a last or a slow repairman. The fast repairmen charges
The tluck curve show that the totul coM decline~ upto npoint 1111d then ric,. The service level corretpondina
RI 70 per hour and will repair machines al an average rate o~7 per hour, while the slow repairman charges
lo th<' minimum point 011 ii iff 1hc optlmnl service level. Ra 50 per hour and will repair machines al on average reto of 6 per hour. Which repairmen should be hired?

Let us unnlytlcolly oonsldcr the: monugcr's problem. Suppose thut the 1~rvicg1~h~~1 Ille poid ut RM~ Pornilving this problem, we compnrc the l<llul cxptctcd doily cos! 1hr ho!h lhc repuinnen. 1his would cquul
lhetulul wugcs puid plu8 lhc 1.:ost of non-productive muchint haunt
I~ nnd lhc ~1orcrno111 !!!!~'s wngos uro l~~>t hour. In o 1ypicol R-hour dny, the totul nrrivul1 woula6c
Bx 6 4k. \\fknow 1hnt un 11rnvc1hu~ w wn11 1our'1idforc he ohtuins pons of'hi8 requirement. ThU5, lhc We hnvc, Totul wages .. 1lourly rute x No. oJ' hours
IOtul wa111n111i111c in lhc ~ysic:111 for II dny C:ll lllilK 4K x l/2 24 hourM.
Por fo1t rcp11lm11111,
Now, !Ill' doily co~, of service provided by one uttcn<lnnt coA! of, crvicc ~ CUKl of wnitin11,
c.'011 of ~ervIcc No of 1111end11n1~ x llourly 111Ic x No. of'huurs Totul w1111cs 70 >< N(assuming H-hour shift) "' Rs ~60
I x 5x H R~ 40 Por slow rcp11irmun,
( '11s1 of wn11ln11 No. of huurNw1111in11 x t lourly rnll' ( for mcchnnicK) Totul wuaes 50 >< K Rs 400
24 XX 11/2 C'Qijt or non-productive 1i111e cun be culculutcd us wider:
ToIul co~, 40 I1/2 Its 2)2 pur duy
Queuing Theory 531
5 ta'.!:t~iv~e:_!T,~ec~h~n~iq~u~e:s~i~n~M~a~n'.!!a~g~e:;m~e:'.!nt~ --~:::::;::~---------.......
~ . h x No of hours
f. die machme our . ~ I : Si_ngle-server Model- Fin~ ulati~n This queuing model: based on
Expected No. of machines in the system x Cost O I A \ 8
iJa1assumpt1ons as the carher discussed model except that the input population is finite For th,~ model. the
Expected number of machines in the system, L -- - - A A>< sun strncture is such that we have 3 total of M customers; a customer 1s either in the system (consisting of
sys~:e and a single sei:vice stat1on), or outsidc _the system and. m a sense. arriving. In panicular, when a
. _ Rs 90/hour 8
Cost of idle mac hme - q is in. the
ustorner . amvmg
. . hcondition,
- 1/ then
' A the lime II takes him to arrive is a random variable having an
cexPonen rial d1stnbut1on
wit mean -
d h s a rresult, when there arc n customers in the system, then there arc
No. of hours (assuming 8-hour shift) = 8
Stomers m the amvmg state an , t ere,ore, the total average rate of arrivals in the system is A.(M n).
111- ncu h' . If I .
For fast repairman, 1113 be observed that t 1s system 1s sc -rcgu atmg. By this, we mean that when the system gets busy. with
A= 4 machines/hour and -- 7 machincs/hour It \fthese customers in the queue, then the rate at which additional customers arrive is, in fact, reduced,
-.6C ~ manY, ering the fun her congestion in the system.
L = ~ = ~ machines
d1US, OW
I - e

. - 4
I 1- 4 3

90 X 8 = Rs 960
.11 irate, suppose that a factory has five machines which arc required to be handled by the maintenance
repairing and working. The number of customers (the machines here), or the population, is finite, a
a II or untable set. It has the implication that the removal of one machine from production can drastically
Thus, cost of non-productive machme ume - 3 X
sina c~he probability of another machine being removed. Thus. there exists a strong dependency relationship
changen the amvals and they arc no longer independent. Of course, 1fthere were a large number of machines
For slow repairman. bet;eefactory, say three hundred, removal of one machine would have but an insignificant impact on the
A= 4 machines/hour and = 6 machines/hour ~ ofanother machine being removed for repairs. In such a situation. the assumption of independence of
:als nearly sustains and, therefore, we can use the first model for studying various operating characteristics
L = _4_ = 2 mach"mes
' 6- 4 ofthe queuing system.
For the reason of dependency relationships between arrival.s, th: Poisson probability law cannot be strictly
. mac h"me time -- 2 X 90 X 8 = Rs 1,440
Accordingly, cost of non-producnve . r d when the input population 1s finite. Instead of the amvals statement as an average for the populauon,
. . can be aItematively calculated as follows.
The cost of non-productive machme lime . . appc;:ssify them as an average ofa unit time. Hence, as mentioned, the inter-arrival time ofcustomers is stated
. th t x No of arrivals per day x Cost of idle lime per hour : be following exponential distribution with mean = 1/X
Expected nme a machine spends m e sys em . . .
th t tal machine hours lost per day which, when mulhphed by the The operating characteristics of such a system are given here:
The product ofthe first two elements gives e o .
hourly rate, yields the cost of idle (non-producuve) ume per day. With Mas the number of customers in the source population, t/,1. as the average inter-arrival time between
successive arrivals, and as the service rate, we have
I I (a) Probability that the system shall be idle.
w (for fast) = - - = - hour

' 7- 4

w, (for slow) = -1 1
- = - hour
6-4 2
Po= [t ( 1
(MM_ i)! )(

No. of arrivals per day of8-hours = 8 x 4 = 32 (b) Probability that there shall be II customers in the system,
Cost of idle time per hour = Rs 90
Accordingly, the cost of idle time is as follows: P. -1:(H (MM',).
0 <

11 SM

for fast repairman : ! x 32 x 90 = Rs 960 n

3 (c) Expected length of the queue,
for slow repainnan : .!. x 32 x 90 z Rs 1,440 L = M - .t+ ( l - P0)
2 q ,t
Now, Total cost for each of the repainnen is as follows:
(d) Expected number of customers in the system,
Fast repairman : Rs 560 + Rs 960 = Rs 1,520
L, = Lq + ( I - Po)
Slow repairman : Rs 400 + Rs 1,440 = Rs 1,840
It is evident that the fast repairman should be employed by the manager. = M - 1}_ (I - Po)
538 Quantitative Technique, rn Management ----~-- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -Q~ue~u~,n~g~~_er-_iry
__ ~ 39

(e) Expected waning umc of a customer in the queue, we1iave,

wq ----
(I - Po) P,, [f(~
, r,
('M - 1)!

I (_}1_
1- P
-!:.!)!_) ).
= 27.25 I

0 - 0.0367
(f) Expected umc a customer spends m thc sy5lem,
I 'JbUS,
(a) The probab')'
11ty that Ihc \ ,ac1
r ')
1ty will be idle,
W=W +-
' q Po= 0.0367

"' .!..
(.2!.--~ +1] ).
(b) The probability ~f variou~ number of customers, n, being in the sy, tcm is shown in the Table I0.5. ft
15 obtained by using the follow ing rule:

I:! tllf!'ICIIIM Past rec.o<ds llldicate that or the five machines 1hat a .factory owns,
br.eakdowns occur ...
. a,
P ~ P0 (l)n(

( M - n )!
random and the average tme betWeeO the bfeakdoWnS is 2 days. Assummg ~at repa1nng capacity of 1he

one maclWle a day and the repairing time is distributed exponentially, deleml1ne the following:
(a) the Pfobabtilty lhat the 9efVIC8 facility will be idle, . TABLE 10.5 Probabilities of Various Number of Machines in the System
(b) the Pfobabtlrty of vanous number of machines (0 through 5) to be, and being repaired,
(c) the expected length of the queue,
(d) the expected number of machines waiting to be, and being repaired,
(e) the expected bme that a machrie shat wait In the queue to be repaired, and
(fTLu~'n)') Probability

(f) the expected lime a mactune shall be KIie !Of reason of waiting to be repaired and being repaired. 0 1.00 0036700
I 2.50 0.091750
A.crordtng to the givm mformation.
M = 5 machints 2 soo 0.183.SOO
3 7.50 0.27S250
= I machine/day
4 7.50 0.275250
l = 1/2 machine/day
p =li =0.5 .s 3.7S 0.137620 I

Smee P0 11 ballc ID all the formulae for this mode~ we shall first detenninc its value. It i, shown in Table 10.4. 'The IUffl 10lal ofall the9e probabilities should naturally equal I. I!ere 1t LS slightly different becau~ c,f the approx1mauoo
TABLE 10.4 Calculation af P0
(c) Expected length of the queue,

I 0
M'.l(J./ IJ'. (AJf
M ! ( ).
(M - 1)! ) l 9
=M -
l +
- l - { I - P0J

0.5 + I
I 1.00000 1.00 =5 - - - ( I - 0.0367>
I s o.soooo 2 ..SO 05
2 w = 5 - 2.89 = 2.11 machines
0.2SOOO .S.00
3 60 0.12500 7 .so Id) fapected number of machines waiting to be, and being repaued,
4 IW 0.IJ62SO 7..SO
.s IW O.D3125 3.7.S
l,= M- f (I - Po)

27.2.S _J = 5 - O~ ( I - 0.0376)
= S - 1.93 = 3.07 machines
540 Quantitative Techniques in Management
. . .
. (e) Expected time a machine will wait m queu
e 10 be repaired,

M -~]
--- .
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __g

em is moderately sensitive
'fbC syst
rvice ra
~ _
Q~u_euing Theory

. . to the char.ges in the ave

te decreases ,rom - 1 mac me per day to = o8
se d number of customers m the system increases from 3 07 10 3 43

rage customer service rate, For example when the

mac me per day, a decrease of20 per cent, the
. .
Wq= I [ ~ ). expecte .
ected number of customers m the system queue increases fi
machines, an increase of 12 per cent.
. . . . .
'fbeeXP d .. . . rom 2. 11 to 2.45 machines, md1caung a nse
I , 0.5 +I ] cnt The expec Ie wa1 1mg 11me m the queu s .
5 of 16 per c . .. mg sy lcm increases from 3. 19 to 4.36 days - an
=+[ t- 0.0367 - 0 5 . rease of37 per cent. Finally, the expected wa1tmg time in the queue rises from 2.19 to 3.11 da s. su estin
UIC 2 per cent. On the other hand, when the serv y gg g
nse of 4 ice rate increases by the same amount, the percentage
decreases in v ariousparametcrsare:L
. . '
= 10 L
' q
= 14 W
= 24 dW
an y = 26. Clearly, an equal degree of change
0.9633 . the service rate on ei ther side does not produce the same effect. The system is more volatile when there is an
= 5.1905 _ 3 = 2. I 9 days in urable change in the service rate.
(f) Expected time a machine will be in the syS!em, Further, using the same cost da'.a, as considered earlier, the average cost per breakdown for = 0.8 works out
1 Rs 819.98 while for = 1-2, 11 equals Rs 468.02. _Thus, for a 20 per cent fall in the working efficiency of the
W = w + __!_ = 2.19 +- = 3.19days 10
' q I repairman per day, the cost per breakdown would nse by about 35%, while an equal amount of increase in the
efficiency would produce a cost saving of23%.
. . .th E
Cost Analysis To continue w1 xamp1e 1 ,
o7 suppose that the, machine idle time cost is Rs 160. per mach1ne
70 C, POisson-Exponential, Multiple Server Model- Infinite Population Each of the previous two
, .
per day; the operator s cost 1s Rs 40 per , while the workman s charges are Rs per day. Usmg these dat,...,
we can obtain the expected cost per breakdown as follows: odels were based on the assumption that there 1s only one service facility in the system. Now we shall
Total Cost = Machine idle time cost + Lost productivity of machine operator + Repair cost :nsider a model in which there are multiple service stations, which arc givi ng parallel, identical service. It
covers situations where, for example, there may be more than one doctor in a hospital whom the patients can
Idle time of a machine x Operator cost visit; there may be more than one runway at an airport for takeoff and landing, ... and so on.
= (Idle time) x (Idle time cost)+ No. of machines
In cases where multiple servers are involved, an important point to consider is whether there is a separate,
+ (Repair time) (Repair rate) independent queue for each server or the customers form a single queue form which they are picked up for
service. Indeed if there are as many queues as the service stations, equal to, say, K. the system can be thought
W X 160 + W, X 40 + (W,- W9) X 70 of, and analysed as one composed of K different si ngle server queuing systems. For our purposes here. we shall
' 5 presume that the customers form a single queue.
3.19 x 40 Assumptions The model is based on the following assumptions:
= 3.19x 160 + - - - + (3.19 -2. 19) x70
5 (a) The arrival of customers follows Poisson probability law, the average arrival rate being 1.
= 510.4 + 25.52 + 70 = Rs 605.92 (b) The service time has an exponential distribution.
(c) There are K service stations, each of which provides identical service.
Thus, the average cost per machine breakdown would be equal to Rs 605.92. (d) A single waiting line is formed.
Sensitivity Analysis We can now examine the sensitivity ofour previous example to the number of machines (e) The input population is infinite.
which can be repaired by a repairman everyday (of course, sensitivity can be tested by changing any of the (f) The service is on a first-come-first-served basis.
parameters of the system, but here we confine to the changes in the service rate). To do this, we will allow the (g) The arrival rate is smaller than the combined service rate of all K service facilities.
service rate to be = 0.8, I (already discussed) and 1.2 machines per day, with the number of machine Operating Characteristics We shall use the following expressions:
breakdowns per day being held constant at ,l = 0.5 machines per day. Using the relationships discussed earlier
,l = average rate of arrivals
for this finite population mode~ we can make computations for various operating characteristics of the system.
The results are given here: = mean service rate of each of the servers
K = number of servers
Po L, L, w, Wq
K = mean combined service rate of all the servers
0.8 0.0177 3.43 2.45 4.36 3. 11
1.0 0.0367 3.07 2. 11 3.19 2. 19 p = ~ = utilisation factor of the entire system
1.2 0.0625 2.75 1.81 2.44 1.61 K
S4~2~_JQu~a~n~ti~ta~ti~ve:,_Ti~e=c~hn~ifqu~e:,s~in~M~a~n~a~ge~m~e~nt~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _JQ~u~eu~in~g2T,~h~eo~,y~ ~S~4~3

The operating characteristics are given here: TABLE 10,6 (Contd)

(a) Probability that the system shall be idle, _1
N11mber of Channels, K
1 -1 (ll )' (Mt ] J_ =p
Po= [ L ~+K!{l- p) K 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 /0
I: 0
~ .6393 .5157
.22 .4145 .3328 .2671
tomers in the system. .2144 .17204 .11080
(b) Probability that there shall exactIYbe II cus .24
.6129 4852 .3824 .3011 .2369 .1864 14660 .09072
p =(Po)()../)" , when11 ~ K. .5873 .4564 .3528 .2723
.26 2101 .1620 . 12492 .07427
" 11! .5625 .4292 .3255 .2463 .1863
.28 .1408 .10645 .06081
.5385 4035 .3002 .2228
p = (P 1
( )./ )" . , when 11 > K .30 .1652 .1224 .09070 .04978
.32 .5152 .3791 .2768 .2014 .1464
and n OJ K!Kn-h .1064 .07728 .04076
.34 .4925 .3561 .255 1 .1821 .1298 .0925 .06584 .03337
(c) The expected number of customers in the waitiog line, .36 .4706 .3343 2351 .1646 .1151 .0804 .05609 .02732
.38 .4493 .3137 .2165 .1487 .1020 .0698 .04778
L = (llt p (Po} .02236
9 2 .40 .4286 .2941 .1993 .1343 .0903 .0606 .04069 .01830
K!{I- p)
.42 .4085 .2756 .1834 .1213 .0800 .0527 .03465 .01498
(d) The expected number of customers in the system, .44 .3889 .2580 .1686 .1094 .0708 .0457 .02950 .01226
L =l
s q
+l .46 .3699 .2414 .1549 .0987 .0626 .0397 .02511 .01003
,48 .3514 .2255 .1422 .0889 .0554 .0344 .02136 .00820
(e) The expected waiting time in the queue, .50 .3333 .2105 .1304 .0801 .0490 .0298 .01816 .00671
L .52 .3158 .1963 .1195 .0721 .0432 .0259 .01544 .00548
w = _!_ .2987 .1827 .1094
q A. .54 .0648 .0381 .0224 .01311 .00448
.56 .2821 .1699 .0999 .0581 .0336 .0194 .01113 .00366
(f) The expected time a customer spends in the system,
.58 .2658 .1576 .0912 .0521 .0296 .0167 .00943 .00298
W = W +_!_ .60 .2500 . 1460 .083 1 .0466 .0260 .0144 .00799 .00243
s q
.62 .2346 . 1349 .0755 .0417 .0228 .0124 .00675 .00198
Table I0.6 provides the probabilities P0 associated with different values ofpand K, which ease the computations. .64 .2 195 .1244 .0685 .0372 .0200 .0107 .00570 .001 61
.66 .2048 .1143 .0619 .0330 .0175 .0092 .00480 .00131
TABLE 10.6 P0 Values for Various Combinations of p and K .68 .1905 .1048 .0559 .0293 .0152 .0079 .00404 .00106
.70 .1765 .0957 .0502 .0259 .0132 .0067 .00338 .00085
i =p Number ofChannels, K .72 .1628 .0870 .0450 .0228 .0114 0057 .00283 .00069
K 2 .74 .1494 .0788 .0401 .0200 .0099 .0048 .00235 .00055
3 4 5 6 7 8 JO
.10 .1364 .0709 .0355 .0174 .0085 .0041 .00195 .00044
02 .9608 .9418 .9231 .9048 .8869 .8694 .85214 .81873 .78 .1236 .0634 .0313 .0151 .0072 .0034 .00160 .00035
.04 .9231 .8869 .8521 .8187 .7866 .7558 .72615 .67032 .80 .1111 .0562 .0273 .0130 .0061 .0028 .00131 .00028
.06 .8868 .8353 .7866 .7408 .6977 .54881
.6570 .61878 .82 .0989 .0493 .0236 .0111 .0051 .0023 .00106 .00022
.08 .8519 .7866 .7261 .6703 .44933
.6188 .5712 .52729 .84 .0870 .0428 .0202 ,0093 .0042 .0019 .00085 .00017
.IO .8182 .7407 .6703 .6065 .36788 .00013
.5488 .4966 .44933 .86 .0753 0.366 .0170 .()()77 .0035 .0015 .00067
.12 .7857 .6975 .6188 .5488 .30119 .00052 .00010
.4868 .4317 .38289 .88 .0638 .0306 .0140 .0063 .0028 .0012
.14 .7544 .6568 .571 2 .24660 .00039 .00007
.4966 .4317 .3753 .32628 .90 .0526 .0249 .0113 .0050 .0021 .0009
. 16 .7241 .6184 .5272 .4493 .3829 .3263 .27804 ~ ,20190 .92 .0417 .0 195 ,0087 .0038 .0016 .0007 .00028 .00005
, 18 .6949 .5821 .4866 .16530 .94 .0011 .0005 00019 .00003
.4065 .3396 .2837 .23693 0309 .0143 0063 ,0027
.20 .6667 .5479 .4491 .13534 .96 .0017 .0007 .0003 .00012 .00002
3678 .3012 .2466 .20189 .0204 .0093 .0040

(Contd) - .98 .0l01 .0045 .0019 .0008 .0003 .0001 .00005 .00001
0. /
/l/\1 ef-,:;, fl ; f '
f''K' I'
( 2

~ lj~)
/ I) fJfJ/J

l2/J/';' /tJfJPJ1 t1lf'/1'>',

1, 1 1 ; ~ rnsmbcr ,,f i,,..,1,tJ1cr1 ,,:.,,1m~ 11, tt., 'fllCJ~,

(;, / {J / (f',1
f''(I pf I

With these valuet, ( 2t}J

(a) U11h..a11on fJCIOI', p ---
K Sx J/2
2 08 flJ
/,,(JI J(J 2 221,(;I/JCer,

(b) The probability that the sy11m1 i1 Mile, (f) &pecied IW11lbcr ,,, WJ<Jlc/\ ,n the YAens,
i I (}./ )' ().!),: ] I
/,, /,f ;_ 2 22 - 6 22 IW<Aen

[ I~ ~ + K!(l-p) fJ.5
/J) E ~ warting ume m lhc: queue,

I (0~)' + S!(I - 0.8)
- , -,-
Wv L,/J. 2.2212 I 11 boun
[ (JaJ Eipcaed time i K,(JOkr t m lhc: YMffll.

W W ...!._ I.II- Jlloow,

, " (J.5
"11Aul11u Suppote now that the nwiager ofthe ICJ\x;t; .imon "romldmng w mpc,e a WXUI IT,t.(.~

___.... (LY
o,s--'--_ = 4j = _128_
dlt ,Yllffll, It II Jiven that C05' of ill-w,ll crea:le:d by CUWtJfflCr -..umg i. ulued lll R. 12 pcr ~ pcr
, "11ile tad! medwuc If paJd Ju 5 per hour. To deade IO whcfhcr ~ b e c v ~ ft.Ir the
5! (I - 0.8) 120-" 0.2 3 -.r lo add a new mechanic, we shall fiM wort our the opaaung ~ ofthe J*m Ith r. " fJ,
Ille tame amvaJ raJt ). 2 ~ Then we thall desernuoc rJx, c:OA impil(:alJ{JM
- 1033 + 1283
.. Po -( )-1 77 1
.. 0.0130 (tlm value may be read directly from the Table 10.6)
forK 6, l/2cuswmerlbour. and J..- 2 CU110men1bout, ..-e ba-.eps 113 = 0.67. hom Tllbk 1111;, '4C~
(c) The probability that there shall be 3 iCOOten in the serv1~ ~Ire; ""- die value ofP0 by 1me,polaoon. TbiJ worb OUI IO be 0,001635 The v.alue\ '"' ochet- 'JPCf"Anll d:tarac-
(,V )" b1111C1 arc given here, along with values for K'"' S(almady warted outt
Wchavc, P , . _
_ .,,_ (Pi,) whenn~K
" n! K 5.L,6.12 L2.12 W, '"3.11 W, I.II

K 6 L, s 4.S58 L ; 0.5S8 W.2..279

~~_JQli~==~~zn~w~TJ.,aqws~~~~-~JhaJ.~~g~-eW111=:;:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'-oa weamOOIZJ!l 6EC11111ofillct911> ,,_..foloft: {ji} p (flD cmt,ornef 111zrtmg 1tl ,,e \CT'<edJ = P'f(JI _ Pt 11
= (JI, - (J.24
S,-., I 1n1e.11 K = s =(Jjj,4
~ MU. 18-w,1! = E:J9CCICld..-,aof arm per iloul' y \Jrarung Ume D S)'>WJl / Howty J'.ilt
(Ir) f(a ~ ts bemg \er,ed a.xl ts aJ110g1 = P fl J = fJ24.
: 2 / 3 11 / 12 = Rs -i41,4
'-tr COIII ofpn,nd::;ig IG\'11% = "'wm1C1' o f ~ / Howi) ras,e jr,ffl A T V ' ~ ~ 1iat ~ ~ ~ ?r1 ta fXJ "a! a-- ~re-r..a ~ ,m
= S d =Rs2:SOO ~ t1W1'J,eS If he reoan ~ ., ~ ~ ... whlct- fle)' o:ne ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ !S ,:1wn;, ~

,...._...... an tllf!:'w;Je rlJle of 10 ~ day what ,s hs ~,,,,_...,,.

......-_,, ~....,....,,.........
.:, , : -.. e=--.-,
......,,., ~.,..~VA
Toail Wit ~ 74 .64 - 2:S1JO =h "9..64 pa ilocr 1/Ba,ead "t,eset ,ust brougll r,? ,

~ z-,.-.e.,:.,1; .-c,rcpvai...
Hols1) -l ofii-,nJI ., 2 / 2219 x 12 = Rs :S-4.70 The apcaed atn\al me:, i. = l(J1$day.
T b e ~ scmcerale = It; JoCU.cbj
no.t,'Clllr.C~IOVI "6 XS"' Jtt 3'),00
p "' i. = }() 16 = 5 ~
T<ul C0111 = suo- 3(JJ~ = Rs 84 10 pa !Ku. 0c pn,babilJty for the rcpamnan to be: Jdlc,
fAa~A:a~it~ ...Wbeolli-al 'aldam6 oxcbamc. Sumlar compu1auomc:aia1,e Pl<JJ = I - p = I - 2. = 2.
dolC IO W die adu I 11, of mpgsng more nxchamo. ulcuboom will Iha,,. thZ1 adding a le'<'Qlh 1s fS
c.cdmacd camdaacy, w,di arJMI r3llt ~ - NDIC al 2 custlJmen per hour. Wouid raise OJt
\ ~ a.o.fy~ io hlS.le Hca:c, ii 11111 ecODO<Pical to bne more than 6 \Cr,,m, m the p r ~ case
:. Eq,c:ded idle umc per day =lS..,. 3,fs"' 3 bouo.
To ddamine the cxpcctcd llll1Jlbcr of sct5 ahead of the K:t JUSl brought m. v. e ihali frnd the ~ ,mraber


if tf'':11'0 ~ a n w e altle Fnt Cfall Tic:taauur of a The<*e at a rate of 12 Pl!' hcu'. TheJe
one~ _-rog tie alllOmefW a a rale ol 30 per hou'.
"- ill die l)'IIC1ll. Thus,

L = _p_=-
8 -=2.=Jl.i,cu
1- p ,_1 3 3
(IJ Wlla lhe p r ~ ti.JI lhete it n o ~ 11 ~ (i,e. flat the syscern w:leP
(,fJ What lhe p , ~ flat h!ffl are 11De ltan 2 adfolneB si lhe ~ @ ,:ih(jj'i5j Assume that at a bank 1e1e:r window the a.l5lomer's amve r, thew' cars ai the c,,,erage ra1e
Oil Whal t i e ~ llal tlere n o ~ waCing to b6 lefVed? ~lwelty per hour aca>fding to a POISSOfl dlstnbulloo Assume also 1hat lhe banK ~ S()efld5 an average of

(#'j What tie p r ~ hat a CUllorner it being eerved and nobody ii waiulg?
lllronwiutes per custome< to ccmplele a semce. and the seN1Ce tme is exponenbaly ~ Cuslomers
I ) -:. 2- (CA, November. 199(/J w arrive from an inf1111te population, are served on a firsk:ome.frsHe basis. and there e no limlt IO
~ queue length.
Hae, "- ,:: 30 i - 12~ Ii) What it lhe expected waiting lime ., lhe system per ruMorne(>
30 ~ (i) Whal lhe mean numbef of cuslome<a waiting ., the syslem?
p }J ., 12/30 0,4 (Ii) Whal ii the probability of zaro ~ in the system?
(N) Whal value i$ lhe U1*sabon fador? (OMS, Mumbai, May, 1998)
(~1-0AO.b/ Hae, llrival rate, AC 20 CU510mm/hour,
(ti} P (1t > 2J I P (,r S 2)
1tmce raae, '"' 30 ~ -
I (Pl01 FYl)+ P(2)) nu., p = )./= 20/30=VJ.
I (0..6 0.4 / 0,6 + 0.42 / 0.6) (i) Expected waiting time in the syllCIJI per Cll5lOrller,
I 10.h rJ 24 .. 0.096)
W = _I_= _ I _ = J_ hour or 6 minutes
09~ 0.()64 I -J. 30-20 JO
AJ6o, p(.., "' p Iii) Mean number ofcusromm waiting in the ,ystem.
P(,; 21 0.4 ' 0.41 O.Ofi4 p2 (2/3)2 4
L --=--=-
1-p 1-2/3 3
- ___ - -
Quantitative Trchnlq111s In Managem
:::"",::.t_ _ _ _ __

(111) l'robab1h1y of ,cro cu~111mc:n m the ~y11c01,

.. _..iltif~loll and lo6l uoo<JwI11. 11 Rs 20 - r h
P9- ,..v our or Uie, urn.,
(J11,.111nx f h,.w,

Pflnt W1J1t11111 In ttiv qut,u 11 ni., <Jw nttr .-

P(Ol ,. I p I -
i,ms,1,1Ing to reploco lhn mechanic by linothe
()OIi ,. on tho aver111JH Und11r cQnd11lona or 11 ~
""'...,. 1end the tollll coal pllr rl11y 11 lhfl prt1M1nl ......
,~ l<J demioo, f<, 111 llflr hour 1111d whc, 1,1m r11i,111r 4
aing.., 11erv11r mod 1
.. ,....,IamcI1r1Jplar."" 1 I

Cllh,ululb 11,., lrJtul w 1I p,,, cJ,,y "'
p 21] I" ...- nle? ""' ' 1 11uvIn11bl11 lo rtii,lm-'1 u,., c,xI~hniJ
(i v) U11h~1111on factor.
m,ch8 (M Com (Jt,//11 7005)
t public teleph<>n follow11 Pol110n dl1tnbutlon Wllh Accordlna to the ~,vc:111nlornm11on,
I \j:j jyj,jt)Hfl The rate of arr1val of cu1tomera a.~ 1h11 next. Thi duration of a phone call ls a1a~mtdfin arrivul rule, ,l 2 , u, I0111~r~/h11ur
average time of ten mInut111 between one cui tomer lo
. tIme of three minuI11. fhUI, e,ipectcd number of 11r11vu l~ per day, N .. xx 2
follow exponential d11tribullon with 8 mean t the boOth will have to wait? 16
(i) What la the probability that a pef'1()11 arriving a Cost of waiting time 111 411cuc, ,. I!, 20 per hour
1 h ne length of the queue?
(II) What a t e avera,, , Ltd will install another bOOth when it Is convinced that th With exl.,t/n!( ,,,,_,,,J,111111"
(Iii) The Mahenagar Telephone_~iga~eaat three minutes for their tum to mako a call How much houi:
Wilh 3 customcrH/hour, cx pcetc<l wa 1tin11 11mc 111 queue, wq ).
cuslomer11 would have to wait or a boOth? (M Com Delhi
be the flow of cuatomera In ordar to justlfy 8 second , 1999/ ( .l.1
From the given infunnation, 2 2
,t 6 customers/hour hour
arrival rutc, 30 - 2)
20 customers/hour C'o~t of walling per day N x Wq xc
service rote,
A d
ccor .
mg Iy, p .ti 6/20 0.3 2
16 X X 20 R~ 213 33
(i) A customer arriving at the booth will have 10 wait if the booth i~ busy . Thw., 3
p (a customer has to wait) p 0.3 ToIal w st per duy Mechanic '8 chargCll +- COtii of wanmg
14 x k t-2 )3.33 R8 32D 3
(ii) Average length of the queue,
pl With ntw m,chanlc:
L --
' 1- p \ Here,

4 cu,tomcrs/hour
2 I
_ _Qf_ Thus, expected waiting lime m queue, ,, - - - '" - hour
q 4( 4 - 2) 4
I - OJ Cost of waI11ng per <lay N x Wq x ,.

z 0.09 = .!. customers I

"' 16 x - x 20 .. Rs 80
0.70 70 4
w~ ,t Total cost per day ., 18 x R + RO ,. Rs 224
( - )..) Since the total cost is lower with the new mechanic, it is advisable to replace the ex isling mechanic.
6 ;; - 3 bour or -9 mmutes
Al present, W ----,-
q 20(20 - 6) 140 7 bjn,\j,jijj1fC A warehouse has only one loading dock manned by a three pe~n crew Trucks arrive at
the loading dock at an average rate of 4 trucks per hour and the arrivals are Poisson distributed. The loading
Let the new arrival rate be .~.'. Setting W9 3 minutea or 3/60 hour, we get ofatruck takes 10 minutes on an average and the loading time can be assumed lo be exponentially distributed
..1.. -
20(20 - ,t') l about Ihle average. The operating cost of a truck is Rs 100 per hour and the members of the loading crew are
paid at a rate of Rs 25 per hour. Assuming that the addition of new crew members would reduce the loading

or 20 - ,l' ,l' or ,l' IO customers/hour

Thus, as soon as the arri val rate increase, to 10 custome~our, another booth may be installed,
I time to 7.5 minutes, would you advise the truck owner to add another crew of three persons?
According to gi ven information,
A 4 trucks/hour,

ii:fi11HiJj lft The average time between successive arrivals to a repair &hop, which worka 8 hours0~

day, is 30 minutes. The shop has one mechanic who can repair the Incoming vehicles at an average rate
l We have,
6 trucks/hour.

Total hourly cost L oading crew cost + Cost of waiting time

3 per hour. The mechanic is paid at Rs 14 per hour while the cost of waiting time. in terms of cust0m9 r
_ ,..-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ __jQ~u~eu~i~

At present 24( 24 _ 22 ) = I0.08 letters

Loading crew cost = o. of loaders x Hourly wage rate
= 3 x 25 = Rs 75 per hour Expected time needed to have a letter typed.
.. truck (W) x Expected arrivals per hour (A) x Houri
Cost of waiting time = Expected wan mg 11me per s y w = _!__
waiting cost - }.,
= _ I _ x 4 x JOO = Rs 200 per hour - I I
. .
6- 4
d ber of trucks in the system (L ) x Hourly waiti
2 dayor 4hours
Alternatively, cost ofwaitmg lime = Expecte num ' ng cost (iv) Total daily cost of waiting letters to be mailed = Exp1.:cted number of letters in the system
= _ _ x JOO = Rs 200 per hour (L,) x Opportunity cost+ Salary of the typist
6- 4
Total cost = Rs 75 + Rs 200 = Rs 275 per hour ).,
Now, L,= - -
. ti - ).,
With proposed crew addition
Loading crew cost = 6 x 25 = Rs 150 per hour 22
= - - - = I I letters
Cost of waiting time = - - x 100 = Rs 100 per hour 24 - 22
8- 4 Opportunity cost to mail a letter is 80 P per hour or 8 x 80 p = Rs 6.40 per day. Thus, total opportunity
Total cost = Rs 150 + Rs I00 = Rs 250 per hour cost of waiting letters ~ Rs 6.40 x 11 = Rs 70 40.
Conclusion. It is advisable to add a crew of three loaders. Accordingly
Total daily cost = Rs 70.40 + Rs 40.00 = Rs 110.40
i# fju,,jiJjlfj ta) A typist at an office receives, on an average, 22 letters per day of typing. The typist
works 8 hours a day and rt takes on an average 20 minutes to type a letter. The company has determined that (b) Model I Increase in efficiency is given to be 50% with this model. Therefore, service rate - 24 x 1.5
the cost of a letter waiting to be mailed (opportunity cost) is 80 paise per hour and the equipment operating = 36 letters per day. With A= 22 letters per day,
cost plus the salary of the typist will be Rs 40 per day. L =_ ,l_
(i) What is the typist's utilisation rate? ' ti - .l
(ii) What is the average number of letters waiting to be typed?
(iii) What 1s the average waiting time needed to have a letter typed? 22 II
= - -- "' - letters
(iv) What rs the total cost of waiting letters to be mailed? 36 - 22 7 I
(b) Forced to improve the letter typing service, the above company is planning to take lease of one of the Now,
two models of an automated typewriter available in the market. The daily costs a nd the resulting Total daily cost = L, x Opportunity cost+ Equipment operating cost+ Salary of the typist
increase in the typist's efficiency are displayed in the table given below:
Model Additional Cost per Day Increase in Typist's Efficiency = J__!_
X 6.40 + 37 + 40 "
I Rs 37 50%
II Rs 39 75% = Rs 87.06

What action should the company take to minimise the total dally costs of waiting letters to be mailed? Model II With a 75% increase in the service rate with this model, we have = 24 x 7/4 = 42 letters
(CA. May, 1993) per day. The given arrival rate being 22 letters per day, we get
(a) From the given infonnation,
L = ~=J..!. letters
arrival rate, A= 22 letters/day ' 42 - 22 10
8x60 Accordingly,
service rate, "' ~ = 24 letters/day

(i) The typist's uulisauon rate, p = A.I = 22/24 = 0.917 Total daily cost = J..!. x 6.40 + 39 + 40 = Rs 86.04
(ii) Expected number ofletters waiting to be typed,
Conclusion: It is advisable to use model II typewriter in order to minimise the total daily cost ofwaiting
L s_f_ leucrs to be mailed.
~ ( -,l )

Qlmui,anw r~ Ill JJ--.gtJWfll
~ and haS 240 workmg days rn the year_ I t ~
h'.l:J(lt) A factory ~ for 8 ~ b y ~ ,n8Wltenanee eogrneer at a cost of Rs 4 Pet~
large numbet of smal mac:Nn8S whidl can be can ~ - be seMC8d by ltle supplier at an ~
for the labour and spare parts. The maclWl8S and
spare parts needed- The supphef undertai(es to ~

- ------------------2:~~~TMor.~~
Cost of labour and Spare Pans = Rs 20.000
Total cost ,. :?3.040 ~ :?0,000 = Rs 43 _040 p.a.
~ - thc1l- the maintcnam.-e of the machmcs b} the SUpplier is the better altm1ati,c:
cootract pnce of Rs 20.000 ~ ~ latXX6 more than one repainnan is sent The SefVioe li'l'les of-= @@i'lt1 On an average 4 patients~ hour~
repairman as soon as a cell is made ~ " no case are both exponenb8IY distributed wrth ~ ~ the serw::e ol an eme,gency c:linoc. AJso :in an

manenance ~ and !he supplier 5 repairman()CQJI' ,anoom1y and follow Pocsson distribution. ~ .-i ~ 8 patJent requll"E!S 10 minutes of active attention. The cine can harde orly one emergetq 31 a
irne- StC)POS8 that rt costs the druc Rs 300 pel" pat>ent treated to ootaa-, an average ser-..ang :wne ot
ot , 7 and 1 5 days. The rnachlle breakttawnS 15 out of order. it costs the company Rs 8 Which ser..-_
average ol 2" 5 days. Each hour that a madWle --..... ":I 10 ~ and that each minute of decrease ., thcs a ~ time WOUid COSI Rs 50 pee patient treated How
~ ~ yo.J adYISe it to ()pl. Jo() .
- ~ have to be budgeted by the dw,ic to decrease the a ~ size at the queue from 413 pa,ents to
. - . c:ac:b of the altcmah\-CS fur taking 1~ d.:.::1$100. 1/2 pali80'5?
V. c shall csk"Ulare the NSt ,m-oh= klr .
ACC(llding 10 the g1,cn mfOITMOon.
--.>.:- mc+Costoflabourand~pam
T,ul AMual Cost .. Costoftdlc
,_J n . . . Mean arrwal rate. .l = 4 patients. hour
-- fmachincs m the svsiem x o. ot "orkmg houn;
Cost ofldk Ma,.hmcr, Tune = E.~cu R<'-0 . . Mean scn-x:e rate. = 6 pancnis hour
per year x Houri) 1dk tune rost
.~,-,,_1,-.- I \IJWtwlk"t by,,.,,._.~ :. p= .i =~
6 3
\\'cha,~ trom the gi,'ffl i n t i . ~ ,\ I ~ l the c."<pccted length of queue.
.i. = ~ 5 mac:hincs per day
L =_i__
= \ 1. machines pcr day
~ number of macbmcs in the syston. = --
=-4139 =-43 =I -3I pallfflts
.l 25 17 ___..,~
l, - - - - - = - m m..u,u= 3
- .u-l - J_ _ _! Toob&ain the planned a,crage queue length. let the service rare~'. With this..
1.7 5
l = -- -
Cost ofldk ~i~~ Time = .!1. x 19:0 x = Rs 32.640 '(p' - .l)
Sub5tituring the known \'a]ues.
Cost of labour and~ P3ns = ~o. of machines in the system x No.ofwoding hours
pcr:,urx Hourly C061 2 '(' - 4)
"'.!1_ X 1920 X 4 = Rs \6.3::!() J - 4' = 3.2
' 1 - 4' - 32 = 0
Tocal cost = 32.640 16.320 = Rs 43,960 p.a.

.~ w J. l#cialtwattb_\~ '~- ' ~4 -3:?=0

Wcha';IIC. Q( (p ' - )(p' 4)=0
1 ,. 2. S machines per day Sacc ocgativc value of' is not possible. we ha,~' = ' l ~hour).
=l 1.S macllincs per day Thc scr.ioe ratcof8 customers pcr bourimplics a sef'ice time equal ro 7.5 mmutcs pcr cust\.'ffiCf.
Expctttd nmnbcrof machines m the system. Tbiss,tt:ductioo in service time = 10-7.S 2..Sminu~ c~ ofrcl-000 being Rs 50 pcr min~. t h e ~
rtqlmancnt equals 300 + 50 x 2.5 '"' 42S nipc,es per patient.
I., = _ A _ = ~ = l machioes
-A ..!_ _ _! 2 :. Total tiudgct 4 x 24 x 425 = Rs 40,800 pcr da) l,
\j 5
Coa ofldlc ~ac~ Time = l x 19:?0 x = Rs 23.040 ftfMfu@"8f:J The Tooth-Care Hospital provides he dental WVIC8 to the patients on f1'lf!IY s..aay
' ~ -There are three dentists on duty, who .-e ~ qualified and expenenced. It iakes. on ai .-age,
20 l1Wlutes b a patient to get tn1atment. and the actual time taken is known to VflY ~
ot 6
~ w TwrttJqlln

"''6 The aornr.-_,.

III UOM~g!!.em,,,J~~---------
e,q,o,,ew'lllalyanuicttlllavetage n,e~atrrwe
oer atftt:l!I d 1t1e taptlll __.
1a1 T h e e ~ ~ d p a e , e , l C t ~ . , , - ~
10n!f11119t8'hefolowlog -----
aax,,di'1g to ttie ~ ~ W i t t \ ao
,.,,rr-. of ...
J "-'-lw)IIV le.Ht 'Jfl(; uj)c dcnt\t

Cb) The~!JmeN!apaee,l!~ai!NdnC f>,, 1'1 f'1 ~ I

IC, The Mirage pe,centage de WM for eactl al t,e der1IIIII
6c!1 Thelradionoli.nea11e111onedll'*"de p Lf-\jHE I Cut~ am-11) a1 !ti'! of t#flrt/ Pet m,.s w , the~~
- .-.,. ,wt; pe< hour for a<, e,gtl1hour daf
!rinr.; ' ~ '.'
Help!wn rt#
.,_lbegivaa~ lJlflll fll ~ fc,rmulae P,o.'lded /<:AJ r; reQl#ed lo ~ ar-'1 ~
(I) fll ave,a,;,e bme in ~ queue
X 3. .i. " 6 paoenu per hour. 11iJ pebfflll per ffWIIJIC Of J pmenu per hoof
ll>I fll implled value of cvtt.omers time rf the ?Wnio,r of ~ M<VI"~ has ~ . . : , buf ,e,euec, I.MW
Tu.p6(3, 3t23 ~ arr~t Nfl-d'l NOIJ/,d 005( aro e11ra Rt. 20 for an ""'l'd~.n, 1;11 Id ,.,,..,.-,1 , - h
_,.-,a 1ate 10 fatty PP.< hour
TIW fdlOWWlg formlJlae ate ~en
Ave<age time in 5:(Slem 1
1r ;
,., f.~nwnber'l*JC1JU"iJlM:l!llldacqiaeut. Average time ,n queue '
1 ,
L a /i.Jp. 'Xf,
11) Herc ). "' :!()'hour. Jl)oou,
' .K!(I - pr P : 2() J(Jc 2.3

-1 ,t,:~~, jlH .....

l J ., (b) Wllh a lfflicc
A\erage umc 10 qoc'Ue .. - - , -

rate of 4-0 per hoot, e hne 10 41) - O .5

2 3
1- l

(bj E ~ lllnC a pu:a& tpcudl ia lbe syaem. .If,"' W, + _!,_ Prc-.lOW ,l\ttaj!C time m ~ "' -
- - .,,
;: h/J - 6 mm~
Ji J-(J67 30
u- L g I 4
..... ,u-9x6=21 ~~ &\eragc rime i n ) ) ~ -
" I x -I JI 6o = , minuin
I - 05 40 -
W ~ + .!. fl. llo&n 21.9111111U1e1 I{die lfta~en value ofcwtomm' waumg ume is Rs K per hour, then
' 27 3 ?7
(c) To dcletnunc th&. pe1~ofidle11111eofdle dealilli. -e reafile thll 1l'ben the ,yt1em 11cmpy,
dw dne_.11toald be idlr:. Wtbeaoely oee~ die
daic, dial two ofthem arc JdJe; wbat
IS"(!- ~]xl"K 20

r.v~an., lhrdac.oal) Oat doallr idle;ad, r..J)y, wbal lhreeor more~ die e 11x.l. J<20.cK<20
dilut. dlcll 111 dit . . . M)' ~ nndom ldectaon of denulu. wt,a, more than OIIC 60
1-darr, A< 60 or Rs 2.SO per hour.
P(Mle.,_l I l'P,+ .!r.
+! P,
l , A b9t* hale-, ....,.. ~ on UV111g1 accounts The Int 1e1er handles WllhdlNan
- .! + (.! V.!X.!) ... (!."1:. V.!.) .. .!. . ,...... MOOnd talel' tw,dlet depoles orlty I t , _ ~ lound that t h e ~ bme ~ ol
9 1A.11 9 3Jl.2!)l9 3 bat!__,,. and wllhcnwall .,. e!q)OlIIIII Wlf, a mean MtYl08 tme of 3 mwues per wsaomer, aar-6anl of la ume. a drGlla DO petJam to namme. Of coanc, Ibis probability can be ~-~.,.b#ICIIOlfrlven~ p,oc:ea~lhedaywct1,-, amn1me
4irecdr c:ak:tlbeed eqi. IO I - p I - 213 Ill. fllllanols-hal#~ Wt.awoulclbe._.,_.onlheawrave..-ig..-nelordepo,illol'laod
~ tlMCtl . . . couldt.-bolldldr'Nlillanddlpoalll?Whatwouldbehllfflclrltt.GOUld
fritbe ~ b y ~ the MMOe trne 10 mnnes? II

The existing situation is as folio\\ s:

For Withdrawers
t _________________
_ __

For Depositors
A= 8 cu,tomersfhr.
jhe eXisting system is a, fo llows:
Mean arrival rate, ,l
Tool Crib J
20 mechanics/hour
Queuing Theory

Tool Crib 2
20 mechanics/hour

A= 16 customers/hr. Mean service rate,

Mean arrival rate = 20 customers/hr. 30 mechanics/hour 30 mechanics/hour
= 20 customers/hr.
Mean service rate p ~ 8120 = 0.4
p = 16/20 = 0.8 /np11ts Tool Crib I Tool Crib2
Utilisation parameter Operati11g characteristics
... ti.' p w = 0.8- = - hour W
=~- I
20 - 8 - 30 hour Utilisation parameter, p = ..l! 20/30 = 2/3
Wa1tmg tune, ,.9 "' - - , q 20 - 16 5 20/30 = 2/3
- II. probability that a mechanic has to 2/3 = 0.67
= 2 minutes 2/3 = 0.67
= 12 minutes
wait, p (busy)= p 2/3
Expected No. of mechanics at the --=2 2/ 3
When there are two tellers rendering the same service, --=2
I - 2/3 I - 2/3
A = 16 + 8= 24 customers/hr. p
crib, L, = I - p
= 20 customers/hr.
(2/ 3)2 (2/3)2 = 1.33
K= 2 Expected No. ofmcchamcs in the - - - 133
1- 2/3 . I - 2/3
1 24
p = - = - - = 0.60
Accordingly, K 2 X 20 queue,Lq= _p
From the Table 10.6, P0 for p = 0.60 and K = 2 is 0.2500. We have, Expected waiting time in the system, - - - = - hour - -1- = _!_ hour
30 - 20 10 30-20 10
Wq= L/ 1, where I = 6 minutes = 6 minutes
W= -
' - l
L - (')./lp R For the proposed system:
q- K!(l - p)2 o
L = (24/20)2 X 0.60 X 0.2500 = 0.675 Mean arrival rate. A= 40 mechanics/hour
Thus, 2 !(I - 0.60)2 = 30 mechanics/hour
q Service rate,
and wq= 0.675124 = 0.0281 hour or 1.69 minutes t
No. of servers, K= 2
When service time averages 4 minutes, Operating characteristics:
= 60/4 = 15 customers/hr. l 40 2
Utilisation parameter, p=-=-- = -
24 K 2x 30 3
p = - - = 0.80
2 X 15 It may be observed from Table I0.6 that, for p = 0.66 and K = 2, P0 = 0.2048. while for p = 0.68 and
For p = 0.80 and K = 2, we have P0 = 0.1111 K=2, it equals 0.1905. Thus, for p = 0.67, the estimated P0 = (0.2048 + 0. 1905)/2 = 0.19765. With this,
Expected number of mechanics in the queue,
Tbus, Lq = (24/15)2 X 0.80
X OJ 111 = 2.8442
2 !(I - 0.80)
L = (').t t p (Po)
Hence, Wq = 2.8442/24 = 0.1185 hour or 7. 11 minutes q K! (l-p)2
Substituting the lcoown values,
i#fj,,j-jr:jj,fJ A company currently has two tool cribs, each having a single clerk, in its manufacturing
area. One tool crib handles only the tools for the heavy machinery, while the second one handles all other L = (40/30)2 X 0.67 X 0.19765 = 1.067
tools. It is observed that for each tool crib the arrivals follow a Poisson distribution with a mean of 20 per hour. q 2!(1-0.67)2
and the service time distribution is negative exponential with a mean of 2 minutes. Further,
The tool manager feels that if the tool cribs are combined in such a way that either clerk can handle any L = Lq + _! = 1.067 + 4/3 = 2.4
kind of tool as demand arises, rt would be more efficient and the waiting problem could be reduced to some I
extent. It 1s believed that the mean arrival rate at the two tool cribs will be 40 per hour, while the service rate wq = LI(I ). = I 067/40 = 0.0267 hour or 1.6 minutes
will remain unchanged.
JV = JV + II = 0.0267 + 1/30 = 0.060 hour or 3.6 minutes
Compare In status of queue and the proposal with respect to the total expected number of mechanics at t/l8 I q .

tool Clib(s), the expected waiting including service time for each mechanic and probability that he has to wart Thus, it is evident that the system would be more efficient if both the tool cribs provide similar service.
tor service. (MBA, Delhi, November, 19991

........ --
~S~S!S_ ~Qlu~a~n~t~it~a~ti~ve:l.i!e~ch~n~i2q!1'~:t~1~n~M~an~a~g~e!n~1e:n~1____________ _ - - - - -


- .th tuations where customers arrive, wait for the service
) Queuing theory deaI~ w1 sr h , get
Queuing Theory 559

. d leave the system. Customers, human or non- uman, may coro Mark the following statements as T (Tr11e) or r (False).
l he service an . k n/ . . e
. . . all . from large/small population, at now vanable times fi
mdiv1du y or m groups . . , onn
one or more queues and n
love in a certain order then to the service stauon/s provid
ll)g I. In queuing tbeory. rnstomers might include humans, mach,nes, au
, tomob'I, es, and so on.
service whose speed may be fixed or variable. 2. A study of queuing theory helps the manager lo establish an optimal level of service.
) Q . tructures are analysed for determining the optimal service level, where th 3. Arrival of passengers from aeroplanes at an airport is an example of individual arrivals of customers.
ueu1ng s .. . . . . d A . . e
. total cost of providing service and wa1tmg, is mm1m1se . n increase i_n_ the service 4. Arrival of patients with appointment to a dentist can be described as arrival by Poisson process.
level increases the cost of providing service but reduces the cost of waiting, while a 5_ The service rate and service time are reciprocals of each dther.
decrease in the service level induces opposite changes. 6. Multiple servers may be in series or in parallel.
) Operating characteristics of a queuing system include queue length'. system length, 7. The only way the cu stomcrs are serviced in queuing situations is the first-come-first-served basis.
waiting time in the queue, total time m the system and the server idle l!me. 8. Jfa waiting customer becomes impatient, it may decide to renege.
) While queuing models can be deterministic as well, the probabilistic ones are most 9. An expectation of a long waiting time, particularly when there are limits on the time and extent of
commonly occurring and analysed. Three such models include: storage capacity available, an arriving customer may balk.
(a) Poisson-exponential, single server model- infinite population JO. Jockeying is exercised by the customers in shifting to the "fast" moving queues in an attempt to save
(b) Poisson-exponential, single server model- finite population the waiting time.
(c) Po1sson-exponential, multiple server model-infinite population 11. A queuing model where customer arrivals are at known intervals and the service time is also certain, is
a deterministic model.
) For a workable queuing system, it is necessary that the arrival rate ofcustomers per unit
12. In a deterministic queuing model, the arrival rate must not exceed the service rate, but in a probabilistic
of time should be less than the service rate.
model it can.
:l> For the three queuing models. operating characteristics are summarised below:
13. The term Poisson-exponential in the context of a queuing model indicates that the arrival rate of
customers is Poisson distributed while the service rate is distributed exponentially.
Characteristic Mode/A Model B Mode/C 14. If the arrivals occur according to a Poisson distribution, the inter-arrival times would be exponentially
L, ..L
M---(I - P0 )
(). /)Kp
15. An arrival rate of IO customers per hour according to Poisson process implies an average inter-arrival
K!{l-p)2 time of six minutes.
16. The arrival rate in the Poisson distribution is equal to the mean of the exponential inter-arrival time.
L, _ P_ M -E.( 1-P0 ) L +.!
q 17. In the Poisson-exponential single server model, the system is not workable if the arrival and service
1-p ).
rates are equal.
_P_ 18. In a single server queuing situation, steady state is reached after a sufficiently long period oftime if the
w, - ).
I [ M ).+] L/). service rate is greater than the arrival rate.
l -P0
19. In a Poisson-exponential single server queuing model, the probability of having at least II customers in
w, I
- ).
l -P0

+t] w+.!.
the system at a random point of time is equal to p" ( I - p).
20. For a single server model, l q' > L, > l q and W, > Wq.
,l arrival rare M: total customers )..; arrival rate 2I. The expected length of system, L,, should be equal to the expected length of queue plus one.

22. It is necessary that at the optimal level of service, the cost of waiting equals cost of servicing.
: service rate J.: arrival rate : service rate
23. In the Poisson-exponential single server model with finite source population. there is a strong
p = )../ : service rate K: number of servers
dependency relationship between the arrivals.
p = MK 24. Equal degree of cbange in the service rate on higher and lower sides produces skewed effect in terms
of changes in various parameters. I
25. In both single server and multi-server models. rho is defined as the ratio of lambda to mu.
...---- - - - ------------------~QMa,~~,M~-~lM~or,~.f~_:5'~1
1_ Auaru:in petrol pump. c1.1'W,men arme m ~ p,l!Wln pr<.JCn\ -..-ru:i :i:-. a-,~ '.r.,c ,,f f"i,r: ::-.-:-.~
~ ,ucaw,ve arm ab The tnne taken at the petrol~ 11, \er,t: crsrr.e.-1 ft,O,""' n:p,K.c:~
~ ,imh an a, of tM, mmUSt\ Y,,.. :a~ rcqwred v, rJbtasr. !he fr,IJ,n, ~t'i
(a) Arrival and ~ i c e rate\ . -
(b) The Ulllisaoon pi,T<fll'ICter
,,, Pr<,blbihty that there wll be four CUltOmcrl In the lytiem
(4) Pn,bablhty that there are more than four Cl.\WJmen m the ~)Wm.
Ce> ~ queue length
((j ~ number of CUWJIJ'ler\ m the f'J1'em.
(gJ Ex~ ume that a <.UWJfflel' has"' an m the queue
EXEROSES th/ Expected !Jmc t.'lal a 0.1\tnmer ha\ 11, \pCT,d m t.1>e ~'\Um
(i/ ltadecided tt>openanc-... \tr,1Cepr.,v1twhmtheCU:S10mCr1 ~ a,tmgtr::ixrna!I,~~
~ tbe prew:m le,- el. V.bat r:icrtaied fl<,,. o f ~ r.U ,mtu'J dm..,
v,,- ~ -..y? ~'ka iype o f ~ aa tcqbt IO b e ~ m ma1yling a ~
z. 1k i,eadaJy of the Excellent Oxporation reccna ~ lor typrng. t!,c =a1 of?lid: fo&.., the
POIS60II In ,r,ith ;,n .r,erage amul rate;_ - 3 &euen.bof.-
2. Gr'Capaaal ana:nofiaecpcaag sy-.aaadapbi:i.. m::su-JOme qucumg ~ (a) Fmdlheprobabtltt: tr.a: ;he '-'l'lrcur,er~,:nr~!haa; 2 ~ c z : : hocr.uc:a.~!.X.c iena o;i:r;
J. Ytsa ~ la wlm l)'PCI al publca lllmbla cac 11 be applied IUCCeKfuJJy? ~ boar.
(b) Det,mmnc the number of lcuen expecud ;o be recer,ed ma ntr>-hoar aer.-al.
4 ~ llar folowg s,11a::S by daati:::g lbeiz' variom ~ pttye:itits.
3. ()a a oariomlhi~ay. automobile\ arrhe for toll '.a.X J:2"f:=l at r: r , ~ rate of 3 111 ~ mmc1e1.
,., Halipll.l tw.gax:, loom,
aco,rdmg so the PcmlO!l prooabd~ 1- The aamdaTX reatsa !he w; 111 ?r. ~~ .:me o( 'Lit
'9> Tmficlap1,
(cJ CocpllerS,..aalwwnily.
per CU5WIDCI'. The ~ 1 c t (colkctmg the iax, nme n ~ ~ Y<A. an
S. _,_ ii a ~ ft1ua l*3C ~ ofa qaeumg '}'llan'! (aJ die probabilit], of armals of(J IMJIJgh 5 ~ma Jf.HilJO!lS,C :mer,al.
6. Dmailra~ lilts:aadd.Gneacsz::;ik aal life, for each oftbe ioOowiog a,, 6e ~ o( umt lhe mmdant ~ the toll ~ Jlwl be idle.
(c) die-. ume that the m.codaul n 6ft: Cl I m ~ dra; 1Dt
(If) a probabi1ll) of odJrougb 5 cuaomm m lhe S}-.m.
(e) lkapear.d aamher of cust.omcn the 5)'S1ml.
(f) Wapcaed mmibecof cusiornen - ~ lhe qticue lO pra:, tn.
4 fa) For a mgle ~er qDeUm! model. t!,c 2'cagr Knltt ttme-111 3 ~ IIOd wr-xx tS & ftt
2S% ofdie time. The iala-amal !DDt o(CtSOmeO b izxh 1 S)'1ICm ..,-n ht'
(i) 12 ( ii) 4 .S tm11D1e:S (iii) 4 misacs ( n-J i..dttieumw
'1,) For a taigle sen-er qaemag model. die-.
' K n ~ time is 15 l!:!!!CCI ~ ~ maer-arn~
11:ieofcastaarJJ;,. 20imaJlt$. a 11ir ~W'aili::g bmeofa ~ iz; :!le qmt11e'
9 le) Ifoa aa ~ 1 0 ~,om acpeaeaoar..,_ad~z,,~ ienlcc tlCJe pa a:$f.CX:r
6 lhmdllC~-nia:lglimeafa-.m-al a . W M . I I ~ ~ ~
')'11tm one lxu.
Ct)Tn:ie, {is) Fahc. (m) Camol say.

12 ~ - ~-
li:::Je,tl{Otfli _.,,
Cd1 aaagitlG'crqtiamgsimalicm,dletancr,,-mis~7S%ofdlen=rmdtir~-
arm-a1 timr of(1ll10DJCn is 4
(1}4.5 mmuies fii) 4 (iii)J
F lk-.
(iw) 2
Kmtt li:x 111 be-:
562 Quantitative Techniques in Managemenl
(e) Customers arrive at a sales counter manned by a smgle person accord"mg to a Poisson -Pr0ce
-- --- Queuing Theory 563
w1th a mean rate of 20 per hour. The time required to serve a ~ust~mcr has an exl>Onentiss complete~ the typing jobs in an average time of 15 . . .
distribution with a mean of I 00 seconds. What is the average wattmg lime of a customer? . a] exponenttally. From this information, determine: minutes, the times taken being d1stnbuted
S. A TV repairman finds that the time spent on his jobs has an e~ponen~ial di~tribution with ~ mean 30 (a) What fraction of time is the typist busy?
minutes. If he repairs sets on the first-come-first-served ba5is an~ if th e arnval of sets 1s With an (b) What is the probability of having less than 3 custo
h d
.h . . .
mcrs Wit the typist al any ttme?
average rate of 10 pc~ 8-hour day, what is repairman's expected idle lime each day? Also Obtain (c) What 1.s I e expecte number of customers with th e 1yp1st. ?
average number ofunlls in the system. . (M Com, Delhi, 1984) (d) What 1s the expected
. number. of customers waiting in the queue.?
6. A foreign bank is considering opening a drive-in window for customer service. Management est"1 (e) How much ttme a customer 1s expected 10 spend in the queue?
that customers will arrive for service at the rate of 12 per hour. The teller, whom it is constde ?1ates (f) What time would, on an average, elapse between a custo h
h . A nngto (g) The expecte~ time a customer would spend in the systemmer reac mg and leavmg the typist?
staffthe wmdow, can serve customers at the rate of one ~very l ree mmutes._ ssummg Poisson aniv
and exponential service. find (i) utilisahon of teller, (11) average number m the system, (iii) av als (h) The probability
. that a customer shall wait for more than Io mmutcs
in the queue.
waiting time in the line, and (iv) average wamng .
lime . h
int e system. A, ,,ovember, 1crage
(C "
(i) The probab 1hty that a customer shall be in the system for more than Io minutes.
7. The mechanic at CarPoint is able to install new mufflers at an average _of three per hour wht 12. I~ the ce?tral ~ii way sta!ion l 5 computerised reservation counters are available. A customer can book
customers needing this service arrive at an average rate of2 per hour. Assuming that the conditio ~ e his/her ticket 111 any tram on any day in any one of these computerised reservation counters. The
a single-server infinite population model are all sallsfied, calculate the following: ns or average time spent ? n each customer by each clerk is five minutes. Average arrivals per hour during
(a) The utilisation parameter. three types of acllvll_Y penods have b~en calculated and customers have been surveyed to dctermme
(b) The average number of customers in the system.
how long they arc willing to wall dunng each type of period.
(c) The average time a customer spends in the system. Type ofperiod A"ivals per hour Customers' acceptable
(d) The average ume a customer spends in the queue.
waiting time
(e) The probability that there are more than three customers in the system.
(M Com, Delhi, 2008) Peak 110 15 minutes
Normal 60 IO minutes
8. A company distributes its products by trucks loaded at its only loading station. Both, company's trucks
Low JO 5 minutes
and contractor's trucks are used for this purpose. It was found that on an average, every five minutes
one truck .ut!ved and the average loading time was three minutes. 50% of the trucks belong to th; Making suitable assumptions on this queuing process, determine how many counters should be kept
contractor. Find out: open during each type of period. (CA. Nov. /99 l)
(i) the probability that a truck has to wait: 13. A repair shop attended to by a single mechanic has an average of four customers an hour who bring
(ii) the waiting time of a truck that waits; and small appliances for repair. The mechanic inspects them for defects and quite often can fix them right
(iii) the expected waiting lime of contractor's trucks per day, assuming a 24 hours shift. away or otherwise render a diagnosis. This takes him six minutes, on the average. Arrivals are Poisson
(CA , No1ember, 1996) and service time has exponential distribution. You are required to:
9. Customers for a local bakery arrive randomly following a Poisson process. The single salesman can (a) Find the proportion of time during which the shop is empty.
attend Cll;5Lomers at an average rate of 12 customers per hour, the service time being distributed (b) Find the probability of finding at least one customer in the shop.
exponentially. The mean amval rate of the customers is 20 per hour. (c) What is the average number of customers in the system?
Is the above queuing system workable? lfnot., why? If yes, determine the following: (d) Find the average time spent, including service. (M Com, Delhi. 1008)
(a) the mean number ofcustomers in the bakery. 14. Arrivals at the enquiry counter of Roshanara Transport Company are Poisson distributed with an
(b) the mean time spent by a customer in the bakery. average of six per hour. The time that the customers spend in seeking information from the clerk
(c) the expected number of customers waiting to be served. stationed at the counter is known to be exponentially distributed with an average of three minutes.
(d) the mean waiting rime of a typical customer in the queue. Using this information determine
(a) the probabiltty that a customer reaching the counter shall have to wait for gcning the needed
1O. Custom~ arrive at a one-window drive according to a Poisson distribution with mean of IOminutes
and service lime per customer is exponential with mean of6 mmutes. The space in front ofthe window (b) the probability that a queue shall be formed.
ctha_n accommodate only three vehicles including the serviced one. Other vehicles have to wait outside (c) the expected time that a customer shall wait in the queue to obtain information.
1s space. Calculate:
Suppose that the company manager employs another clerk if he is convinced that a customer has to I' I
..) P
...) H
( 111
. . that an arriving customercan dnve
(11 robab1hty that an arriving custo
. .
ow long an amving custome 15

. . .
mer wi ave to wait outside the directed space.
to the space in front of the wmdow. wait for at least 4 minutes for receiving information. What arrival flow rate would justify employing
the second clerk?
I fl
r expect to wall before getting the service? IS. At a tool counter, the supply clerk is paid daily wage at Rs I 00 per day for an 8-hour working day. The
(CA May, /998) 'I
employees who come to him to take and return the tools, their daily charges are Rs 120 per day. On an
11. Customers
th arrive. to a typist
. ' who is known r,or qua11ty . according to Poisson probab1
- typing ' 1ity taw
average, 25 workers come to the counter every hour for replacing the tools. The supply clerk takes, on I
wi an average mter-amval lime of20 minutes. The custome~ wait if the typist is not free. The typiSt an average, 2 minutes either for issuing or for replacing the tools. The company is considering a semi-
564 Quantitative Techniques in Management --.......... _ _ __ _gue11ing Theory 565
h cc rate becomes faster. It will involve an add" .
automatic device at the tool counter so that 1e r;~t at the same time, it will increase the serv 1110na1
1 ~echanic is to be recruited to _repair scooters that breakdown at an average rate of6 per hour. The
expenditure of Rs I 00 per day besides the c er ;ny i~stall the semi-automallc device? ice rate 20- breakdowns follow a Poisson d1stnb_u11on. Non-productive lime of a scooter cosL~ Rs 40 per hour.
by 33.33 per cent (one-third). Should the comp (MIB D I . Mechanics A and B have been mterv1ewed for the purpose. Mechanic A charges R, 20 per hour, and
. e h1, 2008) services scooters at the rate of 8 per_hour. Mechanic B charges Rs 28 per hour, and services 12
b akdown at an average rate of 5 per day, the numbe scooters per hour, on an average. Which one of the two should be recruited and why1 Assume an 8
16. In an engineeri_ng wo_rkshop'. motorsd ~ resent unqualified mechanic can repair motors r of hours of work each day. (M Com, De//11. 2007)
breakdowns bcmg Poisson distnbut: dail :~ge of Rs JOO. A qualified mechanic offers his se~~ an
average rate of 6 per day and 15 paid bl
at a daily wage of Rs 200 and is capa. e
Ir repairing, on the average, 8 motors per day. When ices
ce at the rate of Rs 100 per day. Would it be wo ev~a
The Hi-Power Company provides electric _power, supplied by four big generators, to an industrial
area. The generators are subject to an occas1onal b_reakdown and, from the past data, 11 is known that a
generator develops problem, on an average, once m every 12 months. The company has a repair crew
motor is idlthe, there! _1~ a:~:~1:0~cc~s:i;;~~:e present mechanic? Justify on cost/benefit ana~~~sh1le which is entrusted with the task of rcpamng the faulty generators. From the past records, it is known
10 employ e qua 1 1e (DMS Mumb .
' a,.1993) that it takes 2 months, on an average, for a generator to be repaired. Calculate
. T C decided to hire a new mechanic to handle all tyre changes for custom (a) the proportion of time there shall be no generators to be repaired,
17 Und1que yre omlpfantyyres Two mechanics applied for the job. One mechanic has limited experienecrs (b) the proportion of time there shall be one, two, three, and four defective generators,
or enng a new se o . f h h e,
can be hired for Rs I4 per hour, and can service an average o I ree customers per our. The other (c) the average number of generators waiting repairs.
mechan1c has severaI years of experience, can service an average . of four customers per hour, but (d) the average number of generators out of service,
needs to be paid Rs 20 per hour. Assume that the customers amve at the company garage at the rate of (e) the average waiting time for repair of a defective generator to begin. and
two customers per hour. . . . . (f) the average down-time per generator.
Calculate the following characteristics ofthe queuing system usmg each mechanic, assuming Poisson
arrivals and exponential service times: 22. Alaundry has six washing machines which breakdown randomly and the average time interval between
successive breakdowns is 4 hours. The machines breaking down require, on an average, forty-five
(i) Expected length of queue, minutes to repair, the service time being exponentially distributed. Using this information, you are
(ii) Expected length ofsystcm, . required to determine:
(iii) Expected waiting time in queue, and (a) the probabilities of 0, I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 machines in the system,
(iv) Expected waiting time in the system. (b) the expected waiting time of a machine in the queue,
If the company assigns a customer waiting time cost of Rs 30 per hour, which mechanic provides the (c) the expected number of machines in the system, and
lower operating cost? (M Com, Delhi, 2009) (d) the expected number of machines in the queue.
18. PQR Company has been experiencing machine breakdown for sometime and now wants to hire a 23. A telephone exchange has two long distance operators. It is observed that, during the peak load_, long
mechanic on a permanent basis as against the present practice of engaging a mechanic as and when a distance calls arrive in a Poisson fashion at an average rate of 15 per hour. The length of service on
breakdown occurs. The company has a large number of machines and, on an average, two machines these calls is approximately exponentially distributed with mean length of 5 minutes.
breakdown per day. The machine down-time is estimated to cost the company Rs 800 per day. (i) What is the probability that a subscriber will have 10 wait for this long distance call during the
Two mechanics A and B, are available. A will cost the company Rs 40 per day and can on average peak hours of the day?
repair three machines per day, whereas B will cost Rs 50 per day and his average service rate is four (ii) If the subscribers will wait and are serviced in tum, what is the expected waiting time?
machines per day. Describing any assumptions you might make, determine which repainnan should be (MBA, Delhi, /998)
hired so that total expected cost per day is minimised.
24. Patients arriving in the OPD of the Delhi Instirute of Medical Sciences arc_registered at the counter
l9. A large firm has on an average, 30 pieces of an equipment requiring repairs per week. The probability after which they can be attended to by any one of the panel of 5 equally efficient doctors. The patients
of an equipment failure is approximately constant so that the arrivals are distributed according to the arrive at an average interval of 1.5 minutes and the arrival rate follows the Poisson prnbabili_ty l_aw. A
Poisson law. The repair time is exponentially distributed. The down-time cost of the equipment is doctor attends to a patient for an average time of six minutes, the time taken being d1stnbuted
estimated at Rs I00 per work day. There are 6 working days and the finn works 50 weeks per annum. exponentially. Assuming the steady state conditions, determine the following:
The firm has two repair facilities to choose from. The details are: (a) The traffic intensity.
(b) The probability that none of the doctors is busy.
(c) The probability of there being exactly 3 patients in the hospital.
(d) The expected length of the queue of patients waiting for checkup.
Installation Charges Rs 120,000 Rs 200,000 (e) The expected number of patients in the hospital.
Operating Expenses p.a. Rs 40,000 Rs 50,000 (f) The probability of there being exactly 8 patients in the hospital.
Economic Life 5 Y~ars 5 Years (g) The average waiting time in the queue. . .
Scrap Value
nil nil (h) The average time a patient spends in the hospital, waiting for and getting doctor's service.
Senice Rate
40 per week 80 per week 25. A company has two manufacturing shops and two tool cribs, one for each shop. B?th the tool cribs
Assummg that there is no time value of money, which facility would you suggest the firm to choose? handle almost identical jobs, gauges, and measuring instruments. Analysis of service lime shows a 1
566 Quantitative Techniques in Management ----..... Queu111K Theory 567
. .th a mean of 2.5 minutes per workman. Amvals of WOT\-.
0 , 20 per hour. The current facility receives an average often calls
negatJve exponen!ial_ d1stnbutWn Wlan of 18 per hour. . . ...,"'1 "" II h c per hour, with two en b,, eac h h
v. 1t
follows Poisson dtstnbuuon wi m; tool cnbs are combined for both shop~. efficiency wil) irn average five ca s per .our. urrcntly . there arc two anendan,..,, each of whom ~crv1cc-, "
one cra,L\man at
1 a time, each has a service rate of eight craftsman per hour Each could do just a5 well in a ~cparatc tool
The productton manager feels ~t ed Do you agree with hts opinion? JlrO',c
and wa1ung ume m the queue wtll r uce. enb. There would be added average inventory cos.., 0 vcr th c year o f Rs 2 hour w11h rhe ~eparatc tool
. . . h I s letters dictated by a manager. Suppose that letters cribs. However, each craftsman would require six minutes less walking time per call [\aluatc the
26 Two typists have tdenucal Jobs. ~oi:n distribu1ton) at a rate of three per hour for each ~ -he
typed amvc at random (following four Jeuers on the average per hour (following expo~,v~
Suppose that each typist can type
dtstnbution) th ed
Cntiat I proposal to set up a new cnb so that each attendant would run one cnb. (\fBA. De/Ju. 20fJ3J
J2. The customers amve into a large departmental store and wander around the place selecting 11cms
of household and other use, and then proceed to checkout stand!> w11h a basket of 11ems. There arc

h "stdoesherownworlc what1s eexpect wattmgttmeforaletter(t,-. 4 checkout count~r~ each of which can serve a customer m six minutes, on the average Assume that
(a) Assuming that eac 1yp1 ' ""IC
before work 1s started on a letter)? the customers am ve at a rate of one every three minutes.
'"'" are 'pooled'. That is, letters are sent to the two together and are A-. Calculate the following:
(b) Supposethatthe two typ ..,.., . ted . . . ,. ...,.ic
by whoever is free, in order of arrival. What ts the expec wattmg ttme ,or a l~er under Ibis (a) the probab1htics of 0, I, 2, 3, 4, and 5 customers m the system.
arrangement? . (MBA. Delhi, April, 1996/ (b) the average number of customers in the store
27 _ An insurance company has three claim adJ~ m tts Delhi branch o~;e . Claimants against the (c) the average number of customers wa11mg for a checkout.
company arc found 10 arrive in a PolSSOfl fashion, at an average rate o 0 per I0_-hour day. The (d) the average number of customer~ being serviced.
amount ofume a server (the adjuster) spends with a customer_ ts found to be exl?nent1ally distributed (e) the average waiting time in the system per customer
with mean service ume of 40 mmutes. Claims are processed m the order m which they appear (f) the average waiting time in the queue.
(a) How many hours a week can an adjuster expect to spend with claimants? Assume a 5-<lay week. 33. (a) The arrivals at a desk are Poisson distributed wnh a mean of one customer every tv.,o minutes.
(b) How much time, on the average, does a claimant spend in the office? The service ttmes arc exponentially d1stnbuted with an average of 15 seconds per customer. You
28. Customers arrive at a barber's shop according to Poisson distribution. The average time betwccn are required to calculate:
successive arrivals is 6 minutes. There are three barbers, all of !>3me efficiency. The service tune oflhe (i) Overall system utilisation.
customers ts exponenually d1stnbuted with a mean equal to 10 mrnutes per customer. Find (a) !he (ii) Expected number of customers in the system.
expected number of customers in the shop, (b) the expected time a customer spends in the shop, (c)lhe
(iii) Expected length of queues.
average ttme a customer has to wait in the queue, and (d) the expected number of barbers idJe.
(iv) Expected time a customer spends m the system.
29. A post office has rwo counters, the first one handles money-orders and registration leners, while !he
(v) Expected time a customer spends in the queue.
second bandies all other business. II bas been found that service time distnbutions for both the countm
(vi) Probabil11y that the system 1s completely idle.
are exponential with a mean service time of4 minuies per customer. The customers are found to arrive
at the first counter in a Poisson fashion with mean arrival rate of IO per hour while the customers arrive (vii) Probability that an arriving customer waits.
at the second counter in a Poisson fashion with mean arrival rate of 12 per hour. What would be the (b) Recalculate the parameters given in (a) assuming, first, that the server works twice as fast and.
effect on the average waiting time for the rwo types of customers if each counter can handle all typeS second, that two servers each work at the original rate. and compare them.
of business? 34. A post office has two clerks, either ofwhom averages 1.5 mmutes per customer transaction (the service
30. The CUSIOmers in the Raja Ji Oepanrnental Store, which is being renovated, order their requirements ill time being distributed exponentially). The arrival rate of the customers 10 the post office is one
the difT~t sections, pay cash at the cash counters and then, finally, obtain delivery from the 'delivery customer per minute. Compute
counter . After takmg delivery, the customers queue up to leave through a checkout lane. (a) the probability that both the clerks would be idle.
The manager is in a fix whether to provide 2 check.out lanes or 3. He needs your help and provides yr,i (b) the probability that there shall be one customer m the post office.
with the following infonnation. (c) the probability that there shall be five customers in the post office.
"It is estimated th at the mean arrival of the customers at the checkout would be 7 per onc-minlllt (d) the average number of customers waiting in the queue.
penod and the servi:,:e ~~e would be 4 customers per one-minute period per lane. Further, due 10 (e) the average number of customers being serviced.
goodwill, customers wamng lime costs the store IO p per minute. The cost to operate a lane is Rs 26S (f) the average time a customer spends wa1tmg for service.
per hour~
(g) the average time a customer spends in the post office.
For your analys~, assume that (i) customers form a smglc queue and (ii) the arrival and service rates 35. If the mean arrival rate is 24 per hour, consider from the customers's point of view, the lime spent in
are Poisson d1stnbuted. '
the system, whether three channels in parallel with a mean service rate of IO per hour is better or worse
(a) Show !o the manager the comparative values of P(O) L W and W for 2 and 3 1anes, than a single channel with mean service rate of30 per hour.
respectively. ,, q ,
36. A certain queuing system has a Poisson input with a mean arrival rate of two c_alling units per ~~ur.
(b) Suggest to the manager whether to provide 2 Ian- ~, or 3. The service time distribution is exponential with a mean of0.4 hour. The margrnal c~st of prov1dmg
31. A steel fabrication plant was considcri th . t save each server is Rs 4 per hour, where it is estimated that the cost wh_1ch ts incurred by having each calling
wallung time of the sltalled cra"ts ngh e mSla lation of a second tool crib in the plant ~..,..nJ
unit idle (i.e. in the queuing system) is Rs 100 per hour. Detennme the number of servers tha1_should
,, men w o check out equ h b Toe Pol=
exponential assumptions about arri I5 . . . ipmem at t e too1 en s. . I ed al be assigned to the system in order to mmimise the expected total cost per hour. (MBA. Delhi. 1974)
va arc JUS!Jfied in this case. The time of the craftsman is va u
1040 Quantitative Techniques in Management
3. (a) 0.00248; 0.01487; 0.04462; 0 08924 _
Appendix C: Answers to Practical Problems
---...JII 1041
30. (i) EOQ = 137; \8 app (ii) EPLS = 808 units; 0.168 years (iii) Manufacture internally; TC (b) 40% . O. l 3385; 0.16062
= Rs 61.548 (c) 3.2 hours
31. 67 days; 44 units app (d) 0.4;_ 0.24; 0. 144; 0.0864; 0.05184; 0.031104
32. (a) 500 units; TC = Rs 122,650 4. (a) 4 mrnutes
(b) (i) 2,000 units (ii) Rs 150,000 (iii) 5 (iv) 0.1 year (v) 1,000 units (b) 0.75 hour or 45 minutes
(c) EOQ larger in case (ii) since P > D (c) False
(d) (i) 1,225 units (ii) 968 (d) 3 minutes
(e) (i) 67 units (ii) 24 units (iii) 99.38% (e) 2.08 minutes
33. (i) 82 chairs (ii) 66 (iii) Rs 1,3 I4.5
5. 3 hours; 1.67
34. (a) (i) 400 (ii) Rs 2,000
6. (i) 0.6 (ii) 1.5 (iii) 0.075 hour (iv) o. 125 hour
(b) (i) 490 (ii) 327 (iii) 163 (iv) Rs 1,633
7. (a) 0.67 (b) 2 (c) 60 min (d) 40 min (e) 0_1975
35. 1,897 units; 1,000 units
36. (i) 577 units, (ii) 433 units (iii) Rs 4,330 8. (i) 0.6 (ii) 7.5 minutes (iii) 10.8 hours
37. (i) I 155 units (ii) 866 units (iii) 289 units (iv) Rs 8,660; EOQ = 1,000, Max stock 1,000, Rs 10,000 9. Not workable since .-l. > 12
38. (a) 300 units (b) 300 units (c) 150 units 10. (i) 0.784 (ii) 0.216 (iii) 9 minutes
39. (i) 3,000 units (ii) 12 (iii) 4,500 units (iv) 3,000 units I I. (a) 0.75
40. 56 units, 400 units (b) 0.578125
41. SS = 100 units, ROL = 400 units (c) 3 customers
42. 76.42%; 439 units (d) 2.25 customers
43. ROQ = 1,570 units, ROP = 469 units (e) 0.75 hour
(f) I hour
44. (a) 200 units (b) 5 (c) 40 units (d) 50 or 60 units
(g) I hour
45. (a) 48 (b) 30 units, Rs 25 (c) 28 units (d) 35 units
(h) 0.6348
46. (a) 150units(b)SS=41units(c)3app
(i) 0.8465
47. (a) 727 units (b) 1,527 units (c) Rs 378
12. Peak: 13; Normal: 8; Low: 5
48. 330 units
13. (a) 0.60
49. (a) 180 units (b) 50 per cent (c) 204 units
(b) 0.40
50. (i) 88 units app (ii) 72 units app
(c) 2/3 customers
51. Buy no spares
(d) 1/6 hour
14. (a) 0.3
(b) 0.09
I . (a) A.= 12 customers/hour,= 30 customers/hour (c) 1.29 minutes (present Wq); 11.43 customers/hour
(b) 0.40 15. Present: Rs 4,900/day; Proposed: Rs 1,800/day; install.
(c) 0.01536 16. Present: TC = Rs 600/day; Proposed: TC= Rs 367/day
(d) 0.01024 17. (i) 4/3 and 1/2 (ii) 2 and I (iii) 2/3 and 1/4 (iv) I and 1/2; TC (I)= Rs 54 per hour, TC (II) = Rs 35 per hour
(e) 4/15 customer
18. Mechanic B; TC= Rs 1,050/day
(f) 2/3 customer
19. F 1: TC = Rs 154,000 p.a.; F2 TC = 108,000 p.a.
(g) 4/3 minutes
20. Mechanic B; TC = Rs 544/day; for A, TC = Rs I, 120/day
(h) I 0/3 minutes
(i) 20 customers/hour 21. (a) 0.47
2. (a) 0.4232; 0.9502 (b) 6 (b) 0.3 I; 0.16; 0.05; 0.01
(c) 0.29

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