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Let Me Try!

Setting Task Durations

In this exercise, youll enter estimated durations for several tasks.
Open the file Home Construction 2C from your course dataset.

1. Click Assign Project Team Members (the first task).

2. Choose TaskEditingScroll to Task to move to the project start date.

Take a moment to analyze this view, focusing on the Duration column and the Start and Finish
date columns. At this time, all tasks have a default duration of one day. Some of the summary
tasks may have question marks next to the duration entry. The question mark is generated by
Microsoft Project based on an estimated duration calculated by Projects internal scheduling

3. On the right side of the view, notice the Gantt Chart bars that represent task durations on a
calendar. These bars will change as you modify durations.

The first task has an assigned duration of one day. Make no change here. The next two tasks
are summary tasks; they will get their durations by rolling up the durations of sub-tasks. Make
no changes for these two tasks.

4. Click on the duration for Task 4, Select Architect.

5. Enter a duration value of 2, if required. Tap enter.

Note the change to the Gantt Chart. On the right side of the Gantt Chart view, the blue Gantt
bar grows longer to reflect the increased duration. On the left side of the Gantt Chart view, the
Duration and Finish columns turn a light blue color to indicate they were modified by this step.

6. Next, verify the duration entries in the task list, compared to what is detailed below. Make all
necessary adjustments.

Task Name Duration

Draw blueprints 2 wk
Review blueprints with Client 1d
Develop construction estimate 24h
Verify financing 2d
Sign contract with client 1d
Order materials 2d
Let Me Try!

When these entries are completed, your Gantt Chart view will look like the illustration below.

7. Save this file and close the file.

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