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Report Assignment 2


ABDULLAH (1406605912)
ANDY KHOOTAMA (1406573942)
HARIS ABDUL AZIZ (1406605755)



Carrageenan is widely used as thickener, gelling agent, and stabilizer in

processed food. The plant proposed is a carrageenan production plant which
targets processed meat industry
Carrageenan production process consists of washing, alkaline extraction,
coarse filtration, pressure filtration, alcohol precipitation, tray drying, alcohol
recovery, milling, and packaging. In the first step, pre-treatment on raw material is
done by cleaning and washing the brown seaweed. The seaweed is washed to
remove sand, salts and other foreign matters. In the next step, the clean seaweed is
mixed and heated with hot water containing an alkali. Parts of the seaweed which
are not dissolved will be removed through coarse filtration. Coarse Filtration is
used as the first stage of filtration to remove seaweed residue.
Furthermore, the solution will be filtered with pressure filtration. The next
step is to to purify the extract using alcohol precipitation. Isopropanol is added
until all the carrageenan is precipitated as a fibrous coagulum that is then
In this assignment, there are two tasks that should be done. The first task is
to set Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) and the second task is to set up the Utility
System. To set up HEN, analyzing the heat exchanger that will be use to optimize
the utility system. This plant will use steam, cooling water, electricity, and fuel
To know the minimum utility for cold and hot stream, there are three
methods (composite curves, problem table cascade, and pinch design). In
composite curves method the cold and hold fluid based on the process. This
method will be determined is resulting composite curve to determine the
minimum utility for hold and cold. The second method is problem cascade
method. This method is determine the energy (Q) based on mix temperature
without identification of hot and cold streams. The result is also the same with the
first method.
Before heat exchanger network analysis, hot utility requirements is
363.311 kW and cold utility requirements is 66.396 kW. After analysing using
ii Universitas Indonesia
problem cascade method, the conclusion is the alcohol recovery section is the
only part in the plants that can applied the heat exchanger networking, there are
two exchangers that pairing two streams, and the utility needed after HEN is one
cooler and three heaters. After using HEN the energy requirements for hot utility is
decreased to 9.45% and the requirements for cold utility is decreased to 55.13%. The
number of heaters and coolers used in the plant after heat integration is 3 and 1
respectively. The number of heaters and coolers used before heat integration for
alcohol recovery section is 3 heaters and 2 coolers with higher duties.
Steam is needed in several process such as alkaline extraction, tray drying,
and other hot utilities. The steam needed will be generated by using steam
generator. The steam generator uses coal fired boiler to boil liquid water and
convert it into its vapor phase, referred to as steam. One steam generator is
enough to run this plant because the steam generator available on the market is
enough to provide the need of steam in the plant. Based on the calculations made,
steam requirements for the plant per hour is 5,938.52 kg. Heating in heater and
reboiler uses shell and tube heat exchanger and in extraction uses jacketed reactor.
Water requirements for the plant per hour is 6,594,992.44 kg for steam
generation and heat exchange, and 85,073.1 kg for process. Water supplied from
PT. KIMA is chosen, where the water will pass through a water treatment
consisting of sand filter, carbon filter, and softener. Shell and tube heat exchanger
is used for condenser and cooler.
The electricity utility includes the electricity for process and utility unit.
Supporting facilities such as office and manufacturing area has yet to be
calculated since the equipment sizing has yet to be done. Based on the calculation,
the requirement of electricity for process and utility is 201,039.3 kWh/year. This
electricity is supplied by PLN.
As for the steam boiling, the fuel utilityis calculated by using bitominuous
coal which is 841.3 kg/hour production, if the plant is using the integrated HEN,
otherwise the plant will require 10,767.94 kg of bituminuous type coal.
Bituminous coal or black coal is a relatively soft coal containing a tarlike
substance called bitumen or asphalt. Bituminous coal ranks second in heat and
carbon content compared with other types of coal, according to ASTM D388.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... ii

LIST OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... iv
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. v
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... vi
1.1. Heat Exchanger Network Description ..................................................... vi
1.2. Stream Classification ................................................................................ 2
1.3. Maximum Energy Recovery Calculation: Problem Cascade Method ...... 3
1.4. Heat Exchanger Network Integration ....................................................... 5
1.5. Energy Efficiency ..................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 2 UTILITY ........................................................................................ 8
2.1. Steam Requirement .................................................................................. 8
2.1.1. Steam Requirement After Heat Network Integration........................ 8
2.1.2. Steam Equipment Selection and Description .................................... 9
2.2. Water Requirement ................................................................................. 11
2.2.1. Water Requirement After Heat Network Integration ...................... 12
2.2.2. Water Equipment Selection and Description .................................. 13
2.2.3. Water Treatment.............................................................................. 14
2.3. Electricity Requirement .......................................................................... 14
2.4. Fuel Requirement, Selection and Description ........................................ 16
2.4.1 Fuel Requirement Before and After Heat Exchanger Network ...... 17
CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION ............................................................................ 20
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 21

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Figure 1. 1. Heat Balance Near Temperature Interval ............................................ 4

Figure 1. 2. Problem Table Cascade ....................................................................... 5
Figure 1. 3. Streams Matching at the Pinch ............................................................ 6
Figure 1. 4. Heat Exchanger Network ..................................................................... 6
Figure 2. 1. Coal Fired Steam Generator ................................................................ 9
Figure 2. 2. Jacketed Reactor for Alkaline Extraction .......................................... 10
Figure 2. 3. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger ........................................................ 10
Figure 2. 4. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger ........................................................ 13
Figure 2. 5. Bituminous Coal ................................................................................ 17

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Table 1. 1. Classification of Hot and Cold Fluid in Carrageenan Plant .................. 3

Table 1. 2. Adjusted Temperature Calculation ....................................................... 4
Table 1. 3. Utility Requirements Before Heat Exchanger ...................................... 7
Table 1 .4. Utility Requirements After Heat Exchanger ......................................... 7
Table 1. 5. Energy Efficiency ................................................................................. 7
Table 2. 1. Steam Requirements ............................................................................. 8
Table 2. 2. Steam Requirements after HEN ............................................................ 8
Table 2. 3. Specifications of Steam Generator ........................................................ 9
Table 2. 4. Specifications of Jacketed Reactor .................................................... 10
Table 2. 5. Specifications of Reboiler ................................................................... 11
Table 2. 6. Water Requirements for Steam Generation and Heat Exchange ........ 11
Table 2. 7. Process Water Requirements .............................................................. 12
Table 2. 8. Water Requirements for Steam Generation and Heat Exchange after
HEN ...................................................................................................................... 13
Table 2. 9. Specifications of Condenser................................................................ 13
Table 2. 10. Electricity Calculation....................................................................... 15

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1.1 Heat Exchanger Network Description

Energy conservation is important in process design. In industrial
experience, the calculation of the minimum heating and cooling requirements
reveal significant energy savings. To save energy on manufacturing the utility
system integration must be calculate, especially on heat integration in each
The first step in the energy integration analysis is the calculation of the
minimum heating and cooling requirements for a heat-exchanger network. In any
process flow sheet, there are several streams that need to be heated and there are
some that need to be cooled.
There are two laws for heat integration analysis. The first law states that
the difference between the heat available in the hot streams and the heat required
for the cold streams is the net amount of heat that must be removed or supplied.
Consider this example. Suppose there are 6 streams given, three that need to be
heated and the other three need to be cooled. The heat associated with each stream
can be calculated by using the following equation:
= (1.1)
The calculation for the first law does not consider the fact that heat can
only be transferred from a hot stream to a cold stream if the temperature of the hot
stream surpasses that of the cold stream. Therefore, a second law states that a
positive temperature driving force must exist between the hot and the cold
streams. For any heat-exchanger networks, the second law must be satisfied as
well as the firtst law.
A simple way to encompass the second law was presented by Hohmann,
Umeda et al., and Linhoff and Flower. A description of their analysis is as
described: If a minimum driving force of 10F between the hot and the cold
streams is chosen, a graph can be established showing two temperature scales that.

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Then, stream data is plotted on this graph before a series of temperature

intervalare generated corresponding to the heads and the tails of the arrows on the
graph. In each interval, heat from any hot streams in the high-temperature
intervals can be transferred to any of the cold streams at lower-temperature
intervals. For a starting point, heat transfer in each interval would be considered
separately. The necessary equation is shown below.
= [(), (), ] (1.2)
Notice that the summation of the heat available in all the intervals is the same as
the net difference between the heat available in the hot streams and that in the cold
streams obtained using the first law.
1.2 Stream Classification
There are several streams in the carrageenan plant, but only a few streams
are necessary to evaluate the heat transfer. Flow to be evaluated is divided into
two types, namely cold fluid and heat fluid. Cold fluid is the flow of heat that
requires utilities to heat flow towards the desired temperature. Meanwhile, hot
fluid is a flow that requires a cool utility to cool the flow towards the desired
temperature. Because the main process is consists of solid material so that the heat
exchanger networking is not suitable for the main process. The heat exchanger
networking will be suitable for alcohol recovery process, which consists of mixing
for distillation, distillation 1, adsorption and distillation 2. Before the distillation,
heating is needed to ensure the isopropranol will be evaporated. The initial
temperature (termed supply temperature), final temperature (termed target
temperature), and enthalpy change of both streams are given in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1. shows that the plant has 4 cold streams and 2 hot streams
known by read in P&ID. Q value as specific heat of a measured substances in
each streams is resulted from general equation, Q = mcT. Enthalpy associated
with a stream passing through the exchanger is given by First Law
H=QW (1.3)

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In heat exchanger, no mechanical work is being performed:

W = 0 (zero) (1.4)
The above equation simplifies to:
H=Q (1.5)

Table 1. 1. Classification of Hot and Cold Fluid in Carrageenan Plant

Stream Stream Location Classification Temperature CP H (kW)
Number Supply Target (kW/C)
C1 Heating before Cold 83 90 19.83 138.843
distillation 1
C2 Distillation 1 Cold 90 100 18.75 187.5433
(bottom product)
C3 Heating before Cold 40 90 0.84 41.925
Distillation 2
H1 Distillation 1 Hot 80 40 1.48 -59.16
(top product)
H2 Distillation 2 Hot 90 80 0.72 -7.236
(top product)

1.3 Maximum Energy Recovery Calculation: Problem Cascade Method

The calculation of maximum energy recovery can also conducted using
temperature interval method. Other than composite curves that use graph to
determine minimum heat and cooling utility, this method use a calculation based
on the temperature interval of the stream. To ensure that minimum energy is used,
the stream is grouped based on its temperature interval and the energy
requirement is calculated. To ensure that the temperature change are
thermodinamically feasible, a minimum temperature difference is set as the
driving force for heat transport. This minimum temperature difference (Tm) is
expressed by the adjustment of hot stream temperature, in which the hot stream
source and target temperature is reduced by Tm. Table 1.2. shows the adjusted
temperature of each stream. The Tm used in this calculation is 5oC.

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Table 1. 2. Adjusted Temperature Calculation

Stream m.Cp Adjusted
Stream Location Ts Tt
Number (kW/C) Ts Tt
C1 Heating before distillation 1 19.83 83 90 85.5 92.5
C2 Distillation 1 (bottom product) 18.75 90 100 92.5 102.5
C3 Heating before distillation 2 0.84 40 90 42.5 92.5
H1 Distillation 1 (top product) 1.48 80 40 77.5 37.5
H2 Distillation 2 (top product) 0.72 90 80 87.5 77.5

Based on the adjusted temperature calculated, then create groups of

temperature interval, ranging from the highest temperature to the lowest one.
Temperature interval table can be used to help us determine the temperature
interval and the stream that grouped on each intervals as can see in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1. 1. Heat Balance Near Temperature Interval

The intervals are then used to calculate the entalphy in each process to get
the energy requirement in each intervals. To get maximum energy recovery, it is
intended to use as much energy from higher temperature as possible to heat the
lower temperature stream. Thus, by creating a cascade in which the intervals is
alligned from the highest to the lowest. First, conduct a calculation of every
residual energy between each interval using assumption that no external heat is
needed. However, if there is any interval in which the residual energy have
negative value, therefore can not heat the stream below, then a modification on the
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cascade is done and external energy is added to the process. The point in which
the residual energy equal to zero is called pinch point, the temperature that no heat
is transfered.

Figure 1. 2. Problem Table Cascade

From the calculation conducted on this chapter, the minimum energy
required to heat the stream is 331.15 KW and the minimum energy required to
cool down the stream is 29.8 KW. This value is obtains based on maximum
energy recovery, that leave only a little portion of external energy requirement.
1.4 Heat Exchanger Network Integration
After calculating the minimum amount of energy needed for heating utility
and cooling utility, the heat exchanger network is designed based on the identified
pinch. The design starts by matching the streams as shown in
Figure 1.3. The idea is to match hot streams with cold streams so the heat that is
released from the hot stream moves to its respective cold streams. The hot streams
temperature decreases as the cold streams temperature increases.

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Figure 1. 3. Streams Matching at the Pinch

In Figure 1.3., as in above pinch the stream H2 is used to heat up stream C3.
Based on the calculation the final temperature at the stream C3 will be 81.43 C
therefore because the temperature target that needed is 90 C then putting a heater
will be needed to afford the temperature target.
As for the stream that below the pinch point, stream H1 and stream C3 will be
pair. On stream H1 the energy released is used to heat up stream H1, the energy is
enough to increase temperature of C3 all the way up tp 75C, but stream H1 is still at
60.15 C. To reach the target temperature of 40 C a cooler is installed on stream H1
to cool down the rest of the remaining heat. As for the other stream that cant be
paired such as stream C1 and C2 a heater is installed on the streams to achieve the
temperature targets. According to the design, the requirements for this network are 3
heaters and 1 cooler. Figure 1.4. shows the network of streams that exchange heat.

Figure 1. 4. Heat Exchanger Network

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1.5 Energy Efficiency

After doing heat exchanger network integration, analysis on energy efficiency
is done. The analysis compares the utility requirements before and after heat
exchanger network integration. Table 1.3. shows the utility requirements before heat
exchanger network integration. Table 1.4. shows the utility requirements after heat
exchanger network integration.

Table 1. 3. Utility Requirements Before Heat Exchanger

Hot Utility Cold Utility
Stream Location Requirement Requirement
(kW) (kW)
C1 Heating before distillation 1 138.843 -
C2 Distillation 1 (bottom product) 187.5433 -
C3 Heating before distillation 2 41.925 -
H1 Distillation 1 (top product) - 59.16
H2 Distillation 2 (top product) - 7.236
Total Utility before HEN 368.311 66.396

Table 1. 4. Utility Requirements After Heat Exchanger

Hot Utility Cold Utility
Stream Location Requirement Requirement
(kW) (kW)
C1 Heating before distillation 1 7.19 -
C2 Distillation 1 (bottom product) 187.5 -
C3 Heating before distillation 2 138.81 -
H1 Distillation 1 (top product) - 29.79
Total Utility after HEN 333.5 29.79

Table 1.5. shows the energy efficiency calculations; which means the
requirements for hot utility is decreased to 9.45% and the requirements for cold utility
is decreased to 55.13%.

Table 1. 5. Energy Efficiency

Utility Requirements
Difference Efficiency
Utility Before HEN After HEN
(kW) (%)
(kW) (kW)
Hot 368.311 333.5 34.811 9.45
Cold 66.396 29.79 36.606 55.13

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2.1 Steam Requirement

Before choosing what kind of boiler or steam generator that will be
utilized, it is necessary to calculate how much steam that is need for this plant.
Basically steam is needed for heating in alkaline extraction, tray drying, 2 heaters
and 2 reboilers in alcohol recovery system. Table 2.1. shows the calculation based
on the simulation.

Table 2. 1. Steam Requirements

No. Procedure Amount (kg/h)
1 Alkaline Extraction 5,319.96
2 Tray Drying 48.86
3 Heating before Distillation 1 3,698.45
4 Heating before Distillation 2 2,942.87
5 Reboiler Distillation 1 63,756.3
6 Reboiler Distillation 2 241.9
Total 76,008.34

The steam used is saturated steam (152oC). The total steam requirement
per hour is 76,008.34 kg.
2.1.1 Steam Requirement After Heat Network Integration
According to Chapter 1, it is stated that this plant will use Heat Exchanger
Network (HEN) that helps to reduce the use of heater and cooler. Decreasing duty
of heater means that the requirement of steam also decreases. A calculation of
steam requirement after HEN integration is done and it is shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2. 2. Steam Requirements after HEN

No. Procedure Amount (kg/h)
1 Alkaline Extraction 5,319.96
2 Tray Drying 48.86
3 Hot Utility after HEN 569.7
Total 5,938.52

2.1.2 Steam Equipment Selection and Description

As discussed before, steam is needed in several process such as alkaline
extraction, tray drying, and other hot utilities. The steam needed will be generated
by using steam generator, or usually called as boiler. A steam generator is a
device that uses a heat source to boil liquid water and convert it into its vapor
phase, referred to as steam. The heat may be derived from the combustion of fuel
such as coal, petroleum fuel oil, and other sources. One steam generator is
enough for running this plant because the steam generator available on the market
is enough to provide the need of steam in our plant.
Steam generator that is chosen uses coal as its energy source. The choice is
based on the fact that coal is one of the cheapest fuel that can be used in steam
generators. Coal is also available abundantly in Indonesia, which means that the
fuel stock will not be a problem in the future.

Figure 2. 1. Coal Fired Steam Generator

(Source: Luo et al., 2017)

Table 2. 3. Specifications of Steam Generator

Steam Generator Characteristic Specification
Rated Evaporation 8 tonnes/hour
Rated Steam Pressure 1.25 Mpa
Thermal Efficiency 80.6 %
Model DZL8-1.25-AII

(Source: Luo et al., 2017)

The steam will be distributed for processes mentioned earlier. For
alkaline extraction, the steam will be distributed in a jacketed reactor. The steam

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will provide heat in extraction process. The jacketed reactor will have general
specification as shown in Table 2.4.

Figure 2. 2. Jacketed Reactor for Alkaline Extraction

(Source: Logist et al., 2007)

Table 2. 4. Specifications of Jacketed Reactor

Boiler Characteristic Specification
Product Model Yongde 100,000 L Jacketed
Agitated Reactor Mixer
Material Steel
Heating Method Steam
Motor Power 55 kW
Power Supply 380V/3P/50 Hz
Dimension 3500x3500x8000 mm

(Source: Logist et al., 2007)

For reboiler and heater, the steam will be distributed in a heat exchanger.
The steam will provide heat needed to heat up the feed entering distillation
column (heater) and boil up the bottom product (reboiler). The heat exchanger
will have general specification as mentioned in Table 2.5.

Figure 2. 3. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

(Source: Mirzaei et al., 2017)

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Table 2. 5. Specifications of Reboiler

Characteristic Specification
Model WC-15HPA / WC-70HP /
Heat Exchange Duty (kW) 36.9 / 154.3 / 200.2
Pipe Diameter (inch) 1-1/2" / 3" / 3"

(Source: Mirzaei et al., 2017)

2.2 Water Requirement

Water is needed for steam generation, heat exchange (condenser in alcohol
recovery system), washing, and KOH mixing. It will be calculated separately
since the water specification for steam generation and heat exchange differs from
washing and KOH mixing.
a. Water needed for steam generation & heat exchange
Separate calculations of water for steam generation considers enhancement
of 20% for safety reason and 10% for leakage prevention:
kg kg
Total Steam Requirement = 1.3 76,008.34 = 98,810.84
h h
Assume that 90% of the condensate can be reused:
kg kg
Reused Condensate = 90% 98,810.84 = 88,929.76
h h
The total addition of water needed per hour is:
kg kg kg
Makeup water for boiler = 98,810.84 88,929.76 = 9,881.08
h h h

Table 2. 6. Water Requirements for Steam Generation and Heat Exchange

No. Procedure Amount (kg/h)
1 Boiler (Steam Generation) 98,810.84
2 Makeup Water for Boiler 9,881.08
3 Condenser Distillation 1 6,476,434.8
4 Condenser Distillation 2 104,936,2
5 Cooling after Distillation 1 53,359.9
6 Cooling after Distillation 2 26,091.01
Total 6,690,062.93

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b. Process water

Table 2. 7. Process Water Requirements

No. Procedure Amount (kg/h)
1 Washing 100
2 KOH Mixing 84,973.61
Total 85,073.61

2.2.1 Water Requirement After Heat Network Integration

As explained before, the integration of Heat Exchanger Network (HEN)
helps to reduce the use of heater. Decreasing duty of heater means that the
requirement of steam decreases. The decrease in the requirement of steam also
means that the water needed for steam generation also decreases. Not only
decreasing duty of heater, HEN also decreases the duty of cooler which means
that the need of water decreases too.
A calculation of water requirement after HEN integration is done and it is
shown in Table 2.8. It has to be noted that only water requirement for steam
generation & heat exchange that decreases because HEN integration does not
affect the requirement of process water.
Separate calculation of water needed for steam generation (boiler)
considers enhancement of 20% for safety reason and 10% for leakage prevention:
kg kg
Total Water Requirement = 1.3 5,938.52 = 7,720.08
h h
Assume that 90% of the condensate can be reused:
kg kg
Reused Condensate = 90% 7,720.08 = 6,948.07
h h
The total addition of water needed per hour is:
kg kg kg
Makeup water for boiler = 7,720.08 6,948.07 = 772.01
h h h

Table 2. 8. Water Requirements for Steam Generation and Heat Exchange after HEN
No. Procedure Amount (kg/h)
1 Boiler (Steam Generation) 7,720.08
2 Makeup Water for Boiler 772.01
3 Condenser Distillation 1 6,476,434.8
4 Condenser Distillation 2 104,936,2
5 Cold Utility after HEN 5,129.36
Total 6,594,992.44

2.2.2 Water Equipment Selection and Description

Water utility supplies the need of water in all section of the plant, such as
water for production process. In order to fulfill the requirement of water in the
plant, industrial water is chosen. However, as the water supplied by PT. KIMA
has not met the specification for carrageenan production, this plant needs to install
water treatment so that the water will be suitable for production.
The equipment needed for water utility is condenser and cooler. Condenser
is used to condense vapor into liquid. Cooler is used to decrease temperature of a
fluid using heat exchange principle. For condenser and cooler, the water will be
distributed in heat exchanger with general specification as mentioned in Table 2.9.

Figure 2. 4. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

(Source: Mirzaei et al., 2017)

Table 2. 9. Specifications of Condenser

Characteristic Specification
Model WC-3HP
Heat Exchange Duty (kW) 8.3
Pipe Diameter (inch) 1"

(Source: Mirzaei et al., 2017)


2.2.3 Water Treatment

For carrageenan production plant, the water has to meet several criteria to
ensure that the water quality does not affect the quality of carrageenan. Water for
this plant is supplied from PT. KIMA, but, as the specifications has not met the
criteria for carrageenan production, this plant also to install a water treatment.
The main purpose of water treatment in this plant is to re-guaranteed the
purification of water and to soften the water by decreasing the harshness of the
water. The process can be done by filtering the water and minimizing the content
of impurities of the water from PT. KIMA. For this plant, the water treatment will
consist of sand filter, carbon filter, and softener. These equipments will ensure the
purification and soften the water so that the water is suitable for production.
On the other hand, for water used in steam generation, it has to be
demineralized water. Demineralized water is used to prevent corrosion which can
happen in the boiler equipment. This can be done by boiling and condensing
softened water which is already processed in earlier water treatment. By passing
the water through boiler and condenser, the water which will be recovered and
used over and over again will become demineralized water.
2.3 Electricity Requirement
Electric utility means commercial entity that owns and operates equipment
and facilities for generating, supplying, transmitting, or distributing of electric
energy. Electric utility supplied by energy facility which is an electric power to
generating plant with a nominal electric generating capacity of 25 megawatts or
more, including but not limited to thermal power and combustion turbine power
plant. Most electricity is generated at large power stations connected to the
national transmission network. However, electricity can also be generated in
smaller scale power stations which are connected to the regional distribution
network, for example in a plant.
In this plant, the electric ultility used by PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara
(PLN) Persero service, a national energy supplier of Indonesia, as main electric
supply. There are two options on having electricity from PLN, prepaid or postpaid
plans. Prepaid plan on electricity is deposit first or pay in advance to be able to
use electricity, while postpaid plan is pays for electricity after using it. The benefit

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in using prepaid plans is the consumers will have control as to when consumers
would want to use electricity and will never have to pay late on bills. The
disadvantage in using this system is that when a possibility like consumers having
to forget to load their accounts, there will not be any electricity to use. For
postpaid plan, the benefit is guarantees consumers to always have electricity
supplies, but this system requires an expensive amount of deposit.
In general, the electricity requirement in this plant can be divided as
process and utility unit and other requirement. The other requirement is the
electricity needed in manufacture and office area. Since the equipment sizing has
yet to be done, the manufacture and office area could not be determined. This the
electricity requirements for lightings and other requirements could not be
determined yet.
The process utility electricity requirement is calculated based on the total
requirement per batch. Power requirement is calculated from equipment quantity,
time usage, and power. The electricity process and utility unit calculation can be
seen from Table 2.10.

Table 2. 10. Electricity Calculation

Usage Power Power Required

No Equipment Quantity
Time (h) (kWe) (kWeh)
1 Washing Conveyor 1 24 5.5 132.00
2 Alkaline Extraction Tank 1 24 5.5 132.00
3 Coarse filter 1 24 1.5 36.00
4 P&F Filter 1 1 24 5.5 132.00
5 P&F Filter 2 1 24 5.5 132.00
6 Tray Dryer 1 24 1.8 43.20
7 Miller 1 24 1.5 36.00
8 Packaging Machine 1 24 7.5 180.00
Water Pump for Storage
9 1 24 11 264.00
Water Tank
10 Washing Water Pump 1 24 0.37 8.88
Water for Extraction
11 1 24 11 264.00
Slurry Pump to Alcohol
12 1 24 37 888.00
Precipitation tank
Slurry Pump to Cloth
13 1 24 37 888.00

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Table 2. 10. Electricity Calculation (continued)

Usage Time Power Power Required

No Equipment Quantity
(h) (kWe) (kWeh)
Slurry Pump to P&F
14 1 24 37 888.00
Filter 1
Slurry Pump to P&F
15 1 24 37 888.00
Filter 2
16 Make up IPA Pump 1 24 0.37 8.88
KOH and Water
17 1 24 1.44 34.56
Make up IPA and
18 Recovered IPA 1 24 1.44 34.56
Alcohol Recovery
19 1 24 1.44 34.56
20 Vacum Pump 1 24 8.6 206.40
Pump to Alcohol
21 1 24 37 888.00
Recovery Mixer
22 Vertical Pump 1 24 8.42 202.08
23 Steam Compressor 1 24 160 3840.00
Water Treatment
24 6 24 11 1584.00
TOTAL 29 576.00 434.38 11745.12

It is assumed that there are 330 operational days per year. So we can
calculate total process and utility unit requirement per year:
Process & utility unit requirements = 11,745.12 330 = 3,875,889.6 kWh
2.4 Fuel Requirement, Selection and Description
Steam utility is essential agent for many process and driving force in the
carrageenan plant. Steam is generated with boiler that will be circulated and
distributed to any units that require steam. Units that needs steam as operating
agent are tray dryer, extraction tank, and heater. In this plant two types of boiler
are used to supply the required steam according to the pressure required. The
boiler used is steam boiler.
The boiler uses closed circulation system and only need small amount of
replenishment water. The usage of fuel in carrageenan plant is utilized in steam
generation process in boiler unit. Steam generation is derived from the
combustion of fuel.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 2. 5. Bituminous Coal

(Source: Energy Education)
The boiler is fueled by bituminuous type coal. Bituminous coal or black
coal is a relatively soft coal containing a tarlike substance called bitumen or
asphalt. It is of higher quality than lignite coal. When burned, the coal produces a
high, white flame. Bituminous coal is so-called because it contains a tar-like
substance called bitumen. Bituminous coal ranks second in heat and carbon
content compared with other types of coal, according to ASTM D388 (Veenstra,
Bituminous coal is aboundant in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the world's
largest producers and exporters of coal. Indonesias production of bituminous coal
was at level of 97,538 thousand short tons in 2014. According to information
presented by Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesian
coal reserves are estimated to last around 83 years if the current rate of production
is to be continued (Wendy, 2017).
2.4.1 Fuel Requirement Before and After Heat Exchanger Network
The estimation of the fuel mass ultilized in the boiler with the calculation
of the requirement of fuel while the plant is using HEN and not using HEN is
shown below.
BTO = boiler thermal output = energy needed in steam generation process.
Basis operation = 1 hour production
Boiler efficiency = 75% based on rule of thumb

Universitas Indonesia

Fuel used is bituminuous type coal with Net Heating Value (NHV) = 15000
Ntu/lb = 34890 kJ/kg from
Capacity of steam required and generated by boiler before HEN = 98,810.84
Capacity of steam required and generated by boiler 7,720.08 kg/h
Cp water at 298 K = 4.180 kJ/kg.K
Cp water at 373 K = 4.219 kJ/kg.K
Cp water at 425 K = 4.330 kJ/kg.K
Water latent heat (L) = 2257 kJ/kg

With the calculation:

a. Fuel Requirement Before HEN
1. BTO (energy to generate steam)
BTO = m . Cp . T1 + m . L + m . Cp . T2 (2.1)
BTO = 98,810.84 . (((373). (4.219) (298). (4.18)) + (2,257)
+ ((425). (4.330) (373). (4.219)))
BTO = 281,769,985 kJ
2. Mass of fuel
fuel mass = (2.2)
Efficiency (NHV)

fuel mass = = 10,767.94 kg
0,75 (34,890)
b. Fuel Requirement After HEN
1. BTO (energy to generate steam)
BTO = 7,720.08 . (((373). (4.219) (298). (4.18)) + (2,257)
+ ((425). (4.330) (373). (4.219)))
BTO = 22,014,646 kJ
2. Mass of fuel
fuel mass = = 841.3 kg
0,75 (34,890)
From the calculation above, it can be seen that the mass fuel requirement
to generate steam needed in 1 hour production of carrageenan is 841.3 kg of

Universitas Indonesia

bituminuous type coal while the plant is using the integrated HEN, otherwise the
plant will require 10,767.94 kg of bituminuous type coal.
From the previous statement it clearly can be concluded that the difference
of the total fuel requirements is quite significant, thanks to the optimum heat
recovery after the application of heat exchanger network which makes the
requirement of steam is much less where the saving of coal used to provide steam
reaches the number of 92.2%.

Universitas Indonesia

Based on the entire report that has been made, some conclusions could be
taken as below:
1. Heat Exchanger Network is applied on alcohol recovery section. The
energy efficiency calculations for hot utility is decreased to 9.45% and the
requirements for cold utility is decreased to 55.13%.
2. The number of heaters and coolers used in the plant after heat integration
is 3 and 1 respectively. The number of heaters and coolers used before
heat integration for alcohol recovery section is 3 heaters and 2 coolers with
higher duties.
3. Based on the calculations made after HEN, steam requirements for the
plant per hour is 5,938.52 kg. Steam is generated using coal fired boiler.
Heating in heater and reboiler uses shell and tube heat exchanger and in
extraction uses jacketed reactor.
4. Based on the calculations made after HEN, water requirements for the
plant per hour is 6,594,992.44 kg for steam generation and heat exchange,
and 85,073.1 kg for process. Water supplied by PT. KIMA is chosen,
where the water will pass through a water treatment consisting of sand
filter, carbon filter, and softener. Shell and tube heat exchanger is used for
condenser and cooler.
5. The requirement of electricity for process and utility is 201,039.3
kWh/year, supplied by PLN.
6. The fuel requirements to generate steam per hour in production of
carrageenan is 841.3 kg of bituminuous type coal while the plant is using
the integrated HEN, otherwise the plant will require 10,767.94 kg of
bituminuous type coal.


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Universitas Indonesia

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