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ECAI 2013 - International Conference 5th Edition

Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence

27 June -29 June, 2013, Piteti, ROMNIA

A study on some techniques for denoising

and blind deconvolution of color images

Mircea Weingart
PhD student
University Politehnica , Faculty of Electronics,
Telecommunications and Information Technology
Bucharest ,Romania
Orest Vascan
PhD student
University Politehnica , Faculty of Electronics,
Telecommunications and Information Technology
Bucharest ,Romania

Abstract Images color or grayscale - are subject to

various types of noise : additive - such as Gaussian and salt- II. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED
and-pepper noise , multiplicative - such as speckle noise TECHNIQUES USE FOR DENOISING AND DEBLURRING THE
..This paper analyses some image blind deblurring and COLOR IMAGES
denoising techniques that may be used to efficiently restore
color images. A. Block representation of the proposed solution
Keywords-color images; denoising of images; blind deblurring
Color images here we use the RGB (Red ,Green and
Blue) color space model - that are subject to noise and blur
can be subject to a vectorial pixel processing where a color
pixel is considered as a vector with three components or
by processing each of the three color planes separately .
Consider the clean image f , and h is a linear shift- MEDIAN/ WEIGHTED
invariant operator , the relation between f and g that is the TVREG
blurred image may be written as a convolution in the FILTER DEBLURRING
spatial domain (here in plane).
g(x,y) = h(x,y)*f(x,y) + n(x,y) (1) Fig.1 The components representing the proposed
h is a blurring filter called also Point Spread Function solution for each R,G,B color channel
(PSF). If the PSF is not known we have a blind
deconvolution problem , and the original clean image B. Description of the proposed solution
must be restored and recover the PSF. 1. The blurred and noisy image (salt-and-pepper
Noise may be additive (Gaussian or salt-and-pepper noise noise) is used to perform feature processing by
for example), multiplicative (speckle noise as in radar extracting principal components of the image ,
systems) , periodic due to periodic source of noise using the Karhunen-Loeve transform.
(such as the 50 Hz electric power supply).
In this article is considered the salt and pepper noise also 2. After the selection of principal components an
called impulsive noise , that is a random noise that image segmentation is performed , name by a
consists of sharp and sudden changes in the image signal . Mumford-Shah functional minimization see [7] ,
The blur may be produced by an optical system such as in its discrete form , based on a graph-
combinatorial approach , as presented in [1] and
camera out of focus , may be due to a motion blur or from
image signal quantization .
3. The median filter removes the salt-and-pepper
noise and is a medfilt2 based filter (Matlab)
2 Mircea Weingart , Orest Vascan

4. The deconvolution removes the blur (is a weighted Median filtering : It is used the implicit 3x3 mask and
deconvblind Matlab approach) the median value of the ordered set of values under the
5. Each color channel : R , G , B has the same mask .
components as presented Fig. 1 TRVREG filtering : is a minimization of a functional
using the total variation regularization technique based on
Short description of the Karhunen-Loeve transform the split-Bergman method as shown in [12] where the
(feature components selection) solution is function representing the the denoised image
X represents n vectors and each vector has K Deblurring(Deconvolution): Is acting on the image with
components . blur .
X= [ x1, x2 ,......., xn ]T (2) This image has a blur resulted from a Gaussian low-pass
filter .It is used Matlab weighted deconvblind as in
T : X Y = T(X- mX ) is a transformation that [4].The solution is similar to the grayscale image
makes the covariance matrix of Y diagonal. reconstruction from [6].
mX = E{X} = (m1,m2,mn)T is the mean vector of X III. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS
, mi is the mean of vector xi .
A. Images used in the experiments
= E{(X- mX ) ( X mX )T } (3) We used Lena and Barbara color images represented with
is the covariance matrix of X. the RGB color model. To each image was added 2% salt-
For the rows of T orthogonal eigenvectors (are the and-pepper noise and was blurred with a gaussian low-
pass filer having filter size (h-size)=15 and =5(as
principal components) of X
ordered corresponding to standard deviation).All Matlab processing was done with
Matlab 2011Rb on a laptop with Pentium 4 mobile at
the decaying eigenvalues ,the Y
is a diagonal 2GHz and 1 GB RAM. The images were in .jpg
covariance matrix of Y that has as the diagonal elements 512x512x3 bits (Lena) and .bmp formats(Barbara) also

512x512x3 bits.Programs were written with support from
the eigenvalues of X
,and implies the decorrelation examples in [9] and [10].
of pixels in the coordinate basis system formed by the
principal components with the preservation of variance . B. Numerical results
References are in [11] . LENA IMAGE
The Mumford-Shah functional RED GREEN BLUE
If R is a domain composed of regions Ri (i=1,.,n) NOISY 20.14 19.73 20.82
connected components of R -. AND
R = R1 R2 .......Rn , with Ri R and is K-L and 20.24 19.82 20.93
the boundary that separates the regions. M-S
f approximates piecewise smooth the real (good) image g 512
The Mumford-Shah functional is principal

( f g ) dxdy + ||grad ( f ) || dxdy + () components
2 2

and the solution (f, ) minimizes the functional. The PSNR FOR THE BLURRED AND
boundary has a minimum length. and are COLOR NOISY IMAGE
parameters. The first term of the functional is the data 20.2064
fidelity term and shows the closeness of f to g principal PSNR FOR THE COLOR
The second term is smoothing the edges and does components DE-BLURRED AND DE-NOISED
edge preservation.The third term is the boundary with a IMAGE
length that is minimal. The image g is smooth in each Ri 512 25.7923
, and discontinuous or varies rapidly across the
500 18.9970
boundary between the regions Ri . The discrete form of
TABLE 1 LENA image PSNR for color channels for
this functional on a graph is :
the Karhunen-Loeve(K-L) transform followed
E1(f, g, r) = rT (f p)2 + (1 r)T (g p)2 (4)
by Mumford-Shah (M-S)segmentation ;
for the first term with r a chain vector with values 0
K-L :Karhunen-Loeve transform;
or 1, p is the pixel intensity , f is the smooth foreground
M-S:Mumford-Shah segmentation
function and g is the smooth background function .The
pixels are nodes , and an edge in the graph spans two
nodes(or vertices).The second term discrete analogue is :
The PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) for each color
E2(f, g, r) =1/2*rT |A|T (Af)2+(1 r)T |A|T (Ag)2 (5)
plane was computed with the formula :
A is the incidence matrix for every node and edge with
PSNR = 20 * log10 (255/rms) (7)
values 0 , -1 , +1.
rms is the root mean square difference between the
The third discrete term is :
E3(f, g, r) = 1T |Ar| (6)
A study on some techniques for denoising and blind deconvolution of color images 3

two images, one image is the color plane from the original
clean image and the other image is from the
PSNR Deconvolution
corresponding color plane of the reconstructed image
(denoised and deblurred).
The PSNR for the color images was computed using the
formula Noisy 19.7017
psnr-color=10*log10(255^2/mse); where mse is the
average mean square error of the R,G,B color channels .
The individual color channels results were presented only image
for the Mumford-Shah segmentation phase to show the
impact resulted from it as PSNR is higher after the
Mumford-Shah (M-S) transform when all information is M-S 19.7683
considered namely all 512 principal components (the
selected image features). MEDIAN FILTER 23.0581 24.1259
K-L represents the Karhunen-Loeve transform for feature TVREG FILTER 23.0644 24.1641
selection for each color plane and has the role of further
processing of the color planes . TABLE 4. Comparative PSNR results for
Using Karhunen-Loeve transform we selected 512 (the two denoising methods applied to BARBARA
maximum number of features) and 500 components from
each image: Lena and Barbara. color image
BARBARA IMAGE TABLE 4 shows the effect of Mumford-Shah
PSNR PSNR PSNR segmentation , followed by one of the two denoising
RED GREEN BLUE methods : median filter and total variation regularization
NOISY 19.71 19.73 19.51 based filter and in the last phase by a deconvolution for
AND image deblurring
BLURRED PSNR Deconvolution
K-L and 19.77 19.83 19.62
M-S Noisy 20.1313
512 Blurred
components image
M-S 20.2274
19.6505 FILTER
principal PSNR FOR THE COLOR TVREG 24.4453 24.8245
512 24.1286 TABLE 5. Comparative PSNR results for
500 19.6249 two denoising methods applied to LENA

TABLE 2 BARBARA image : PSNR for color channels color image

for the Karhunen-Loeve(K-L) transform followed by
Mumford-Shah (M-S) segmentation
TABLE 5 shows the effect of Mumford-Shah
segmentation , followed by one of the two denoising
From the numeric data it results that when some image methods : median filter and total variation regularization
information is missing (for example the 500 selected based filter and in the last phase by a deconvolution for
features case) the PSNR drops below the value for the image deblurring
blurred and noisy images. Applying the above mentioned
steps for denoising and deblurring but without the
Mumford-Shah (M-S) segmentation may get a better
PSNR , but the reconstructed image has some artifacts
that are not present when Mumford-Shah is used for image
segmentation .
4 Mircea Weingart , Orest Vascan

The multi-stage approach from this article a model
proposed also in [3] and [5] - for color image processing
may produce a better reconstructed image from a noisy
and blurred one .
The image segmentation proposed here Mumford-Shah
algorithm based- allows denoising and deblurring of the
distorted image that may lead to an improvement of the
PSNR (in the conditions mentioned in EXPERIMENTS
AND RESULTS) by preserving the edges from the image
and with a smaller amount of artifacts .
TVREG denoising method gives a slightly better result
for denoising compared with the median filtering as
presented in TABLES 4 and 5 .

Fig.2 LENA image left right , top-down :

reconstituted ,segmented ,
blurred and noisy , original
A study on some techniques for denoising and blind deconvolution of color images 5

Fig.3 BARBARA image left right , top-down

reconstituted ,segmented ,
blurred and noisy , original
6 Mircea Weingart , Orest Vascan


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