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Talk in pairs and

ask each other
Application Talk about food (monitoring)
about eating

Grades and categories

Meets Needs Revision is
expectations improvement needed
Talking about food Say five things Say at least Say at least Say three
that there are three different three different different
in the fridge. healthy things healthy things unhealthy
to eat to drink things to eat
Students name or drink
1. Salma Soriano

2. Liliana Mercado

3. Anaid Gutierrez

4. Morelia Lopez

5. Karyme Tovar

6. Melissa Marmolejo

7. Melisa Trujillo

8. Mariana Trujillo

The main aim of this activity was to make a review about food and drink from a
previous class. This group is formed by 8 girls from 14-16 years old, all of them have
studied English for about 1 year and they are in A2 level.

While doing this activity I pretended to assess the use of the language in order to
face a situation when talking about food, they carried this activity really well;
actually they performed this in less time than estimated. They worked in pairs and
which such good answers. However there were some answers which I consider
improvement is needed, besides this these answers were suitable and
communication was not interrupted and they may be improved little by little.
When using a rubric like this is easier to assess students because it helps us to
visualize what we want to assess, as well as it lets ss to take into account what to
perform and to focus more when learning, this in case ss take an active part of
their own evaluation process.

By: Edel Albarran

Group A2

4:00 5:30 PM

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