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In this chapter, the researcher tells about the introduction of the research. It

contains the background of the study, problems of the study, objective of the

study and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Perception is process receiving information related with their environment by

means of the sense. According to Daryanto (2013:77) teacher has to know their

students perception to check whether the students are able to understand or no

and it is important for teacher to know the students perception because it can

minimize the misunderstanding between the goal of student and teacher. Dealing

with the expert statement before teach, teacher should tell the student first what

they are going to do in that day in order to make student understand about the

material including the media that will be used by the teacher.

Media that will be used by the teacher to support the teaching and learning

process should has power to catch the student attention, in this case usually

teacher use an interesting media. There are many teaching media that can be used;
according to Kurniasih and Sani (2015) there are kind of teaching media such us

role play, mind mapping, jigsaw, word square, make and match video and other

media that exist in this era.

Here, one of that existing media in this era is interactive video. It is

proofed by the researcher when internship in junior high school, the teacher in that

school always used video to teach English in the class. According to Greg and

Kersey (2012/2013, cited in Miss Saci Sihem journal) video is an educational

technology that has become available since the late 1970s.It is a relatively new

option for the language teachers when compared with textbooks, the blackboard

and audio tapes. Video is a valuable learning tool widely available in educational


In this modern technology there are so many kind of videos, one of them

is interactive video. Interactive video means media delivery system that provides

video recording material using computer control to the audience who is not only

listen and watch the video and sound but also giving active response and then

those responses will decide the speed and sequence of the presentation. Interactive

learning video media has audio visual (animation) element and it is called

interactive because this media programme and involve the user response actively

as Seels and Glasgow (2007, cited in Arsyad page; 36, 2015 cited in Ranabumi )

have demonstrated. So, Interactive video is media that not only for listen and

watch but also can attract the students to give their active response.

The students active response here means, the student will not only see the

material, but also they can sing, read and imitate the video. For example student
can repeat after the video then it can make the student more enjoyable to speak,

because they know the right way to speak from the video. In other hand if there is

a picture in the video it can make the student know kind of shapes ,the real image

about something, and if there is a body movement or body language student also

can imitate it.

So, based on the explanation above this research will describe about the

students perception in the use of interactive video to teach speaking at 8G class

smp negeri 10 Malang. Smp Negeri 10 Malang is located at Jalan Buring Selatan

number 47 Malang. This school has thirty classes, from class seventh until class

ninth. This school has been chosen by the researcher because this school is place

when the researcher did internship programme. So, it can make the researcher

easier to conduct the research because the researcher already knows the situation

and condition around the school.

In this research the researcher just conducts one class, which is 8G class.

The researcher use 8G because this is class which is the researcher conduct when

did teaching practice programme and also the home teacher is using interactive

video to teach English that can make the students response in speaking better

rather than the teacher explain and read the text book. It is proofed when the

researcher did internship programme, she used interactive video to teach, then one

day when the researcher played a video which is needs students response in

singing and answer the video, the students directly imitate and answer the video

also with their body movement.

So, the researcher interest to know how is the students perception about

the use of interactive video to teach English especially in their speaking skill, the

researcher want to show the exist phenomenon that happen in 8g class.

1.2 Problem of the Study

According to the background of the study, the researcher makes a research

question as follow

1.2.1 How is the students perception about the use of Interactive video to teach


1.2.2 How is students interest toward the use of interactive video to teach


1.3 Objective of the Study

To describe about students perception toward the use of Interactive video

to teach speaking at 8G class of Smp Negeri 10 Malang and to know the students

interest toward the use of interactive video.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is elaborated as follows:

1.4.2 For the teacher

This research result can be used as reference for the teacher about what

kind of teaching media that can be use for teaching and learning process. It is
expected that teacher can use this interactive video to teach speaking if the student

interest with this teaching media.

1.4.3 For the future researcher

The result can be used for the future researchers as a reference who focus

on describing students perception in the use of other media to teach speaking,

writing, listening or reading.

1.5 Key term (Definition of Key Term)

The researcher defines the term which are used in this study as follows:

1.5.2 Students perception

According to Daryanto 2013:77 students perception is students

opinion toward the information that they get from the teacher and it is

important to know the student perception in order to minimize the


1.5.3 Interactive video

Interactive video is media that not only for listen and watch but

also can attract the students to give their active response based on Seels

and Glasgow (2007,cited in Arsyad page; 36, 2015 cited in Ranabumi )

have demonstrated.
1.5.4 Teaching speaking

According to Nunan (2003, cited in Febriyanti Emma, p; 3)

teaching speaking is use the language quickly and confidently with few

unnatural pauses, which is called as fluency.



In this chapter, the researcher presents some theoretical frame work and

some previous study that related with this study. They are perception, students

perception, interactive video and teaching speaking.

2.1 Theoretical Frame Work

2.1.1 Perception and Students Perception

This subchapter present the theories about perception and provides

theories about students perception.

According to Daryanto (2013: 77) perception is proses yang menyangkut

masuknya pesan atau informasi ke dalam otak manusia. Melalui persepsi, manusia

terus menerus mengadakan hubungan dengan lingkungannya. Hubungan ini

dilakukan lewat inderanya, yaitu indera penglihatan, pendengaran, peraba, perasa

dan pencium. So, perception here means process receiving information related

with their environment by means of the sense.

Based on Daryanto (2013:77) , he stated in his book that:

Bagi seorang guru,mengetahui dan menerapkan prinsip-

prinsip yang bersangkut paut dengan persepsi itu sangat penting
a. Makin baik suatu objek , orang peristiwa atau hubungan
deketahui maka makin baik pula objek,orang ,peristiwa, atau
hubungan tersebut dapat diingat.
b. Dalam pengajaran,menghindari salah pengertian merupakan
hal yang harus dapat dilakukan oleh seorang guru, sebab salah
pengertian akan menjadikan siswa belajar sesuatu yang keliru
atau tidak relevan.
So, as a teacher, we have to know the students perception to minimize

misunderstanding between the aim of the teacher and students.

2.2.2 Interactive Video

This subchapter present the theories about interactive video and provides

theories about the video as the medium in teaching.

This undergraduate thesis use interactive video as the medium to teach

speaking. So, we has to know the meaning of interactive video itself. Interactive

video according to Seels and Glasgow (2007 Arsyad, p; 36 cited in Ranabumi

2015) is media delivery system that provides video recording material using

computer control to the audience who is not only listen and watch the video and

sound but also giving active response and then those responses will decide the

speed and sequence of the presentation. This media programme and involve the

user response actively.

According to Daryanto (2013;86,87) he stated that:

video merupakan suatu medium yang sangat efektif untuk

membantu proses pembelajaran,baik untuk pembelajaran
massal ,individual,maupun kelompok. Video juga
merupakan bahan ajar non cetak yang kaya informasi dan
tuntas karena dapat sampai kehadapan siswa secara
langsung. Disamping itu video menambah suatu dimensi
baru terhadap pembelajaran, hal ini karena karakteristik
teknologi video yang dapat menyajikan gambar bergerak
pada siswa, disamping suara yang menyertainya.Sehingga,
siswa merasa seperti berada disuatu tempat yang sama
dengan program yang ditayangkan video.
So, use interactive video can make the students interest more in the

material, because they can feel like they are in the real situation and they can act

like in the video. It can make the student active more in the class.

2.2.3 Teaching Speaking

This subchapter present the theories about the important of speaking and

provides theories about factor that influencing student speaking skill.

Speaking is important, because we have to speak in order to communicate

with each other. As Richard (1990; 67 cited in Brown 2001) noted, the goals and

the techniques for teaching conversation are extremely diverse, depending on the

student, teacher and overall context of the class. So, the teacher should have the

consideration in order to make student enjoyable in conversation and speak in

front of their friend.

In addition , Nunan (1991 cited in Rifqoh) states that mastering the art of

speaking is the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign

language and success is measured in term of the ability to carry out a conversation

in the language.

According to the statement above there are some influential factors to

develop students speaking skill. There are students interest, motivation, and

environment. Dealing with the title in this undergraduate thesis the researcher just
talk about the students interest because students perception related with

students interest. The students interest to study and practice the speaking skill is

an important factor. By having strong interest, the learners will try to give great

attention to improve their speaking (Alexander, 1976 cited in Rifqoh).

So here, students interest become one of the factor in teaching speaking,

in other hand the teacher should apply the suitable thing to teach speaking. One of

them is teach with interesting media.

2.2 Previous Study

2.2.1 The first previous study was conducted by Ranabumi (2015). This

study use descriptive qualitative as the research design. Actually this study is

conduct in Indonesia language department programme, but this study has been

chosen by the researcher because this study also used the students perception as

the object. So, the researcher use the procedure how to conduct the research from

this study

. 2.2.2 The second previous study was conducted by Miss Saci Sihem

(2012/2013). This study is did not talk about students perception but this study

told about using video to develop speaking skill, and the aim of this study is video

can enhance the students speaking skill. This study used case study as the

research design. So, this study has been chosen by the researcher because can find

the references which is talk about video.



This chapter will discuss about the research method. The research methods

in this thesis are including Research Design, Data Sources, Data Collection, and

Data Analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This undergraduate thesis use qualitative approach to describe the

students perception about the use of interactive video to teach speaking and the

reason behind the students perception. According to Jacob et al (2002;22)

qualitative research is focuses on understanding social phenomena from the

perspective of the human participants in the study. So, based on the expert said the

researcher the researcher do qualitative approach because the researcher want to

explain more the unique phenomenon that happen in the 8G Smp Negeri 10


In other hand the researcher also use quantitative approach because

according to Ary et al (2002; 22) quantitative research is research that use

objective measurement and statistical analysis of numeric data to understand and

explain phenomena. So, based on the expert said the researcher use this

quantitative approach to know how the students interest toward the use of
interactive video, is that true or not that student interest based on the questionnaire

that the researcher made.

3.2 Data Sources

The data take place in Smp Negeri 10 Malang which is located in Jalan

Buring Selatan number 10 Malang. The class is 8G that consist of 17 girls and 13

boys. Why choose this class? , because this class is the place when the researcher

did internship programme. So, it will be easy for the researcher to do an

observation because the researcher already knows the situation and condition of

this class.

3.3 Data Collection

In this research, the data will collect through observation, field note, and

interview for the teacher and questionnaire for the students.

3.3.1 Observation

The researcher will observe teachers performance on 8G class, it will be

three times, the researcher will make documentation about how the teacher use the

medium, how the teacher explain and ask the students for speak in class and also

the researcher will do documentation about how the students response.

3.3.2 Field note

The researcher will write down in the note the entire thing that happen in

the class during the teaching and learning process because it will be useful for the

researcher for the data analysis and result of this thesis.

3.3.3 Interview

Interview will be held for the teacher, the question about why the teacher

use that medium to teach English in 8G especially to teach speaking

3.3.4 Questionnaire

Questionnaire will be held for the student, the questionnaire about the

students perception and interest toward the use of interactive video. The answer

of the questionnaire about yes, no, agree, disagree and other and there are some

question to know about the student reason behind the answer.

3.4 Data Analysis

For the data analysis the researcher will collect he answer, code the answer

based on the choices, then split based on the choices, after that grouping which

has the same answer with coding again. Then display the data related to the

research question and then describe and explain the data based on the students

reason answer the questionnaire that made by the research. According to Creswell

(2012) analysing and interpreting the data involves drawing conclusion about it,

representing in tables, figures, pictures to summarize it, and explaining the

conclusion in word to provide answer to the research question. In the other hand

these data analyses also use quantitative approach which is will make conclusion
in numeric data to conclude how many students interest toward the use of

interactive media. Like Ary et al (2006) have demonstrated that in analysis

quantitative approach use statistical of numeric data.


Ary, Jacobs & Razavieh. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education Sixth

Edition. USA: Wadsworth

Ary, Jacobs & Razavieh. 2006. Introduction to Research in Education Eight

Edition. USA: Wadsworth

Brown,Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approavh to

Language Pedagogy Second Edition. San Fransisco: Addison

Wesley Longman.Inc.

Creswell,John. 2012. Educational Research fourth Edition. Boston: Textech

Daryanto, Drs. 2013. Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: CV Yrama Widya

Daryanto, Drs. 2013.Media Pembelajaran Peranannya Sangat Penting Dalam

Mencapai Tujuan Pembelajaran.Yogyakarta:Gava Media.

Kurniasih & Berlin. 2015. Ragam Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Untuk

Peningkatan Profesionalitas Guru. Kata Pena

Ranabumi. 2015. Pengaruh media video pembelajaran interaktif terhadap

kemampuan menyusun teks eksplanasi pada siswa kelas VII SMP 5


Universitas Brawijaya

Rifqoh.A. 2015. Using Drama Technique To Enhance English Speaking Skill of

The Eight Graders At SmpN 23 Malang. Undergraduate Thesis:

Universitas Brawijaya

Sihem,Saci. 2012/2013. Using Video Techniques to Develop Students Speaking

Skill. English Department of Mohamed Khidr University of Biskra

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