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ABSTRACT log itself. Since both the abnormal resistivity and the
Both the abnormal resistivity exhibited by shaly potential" are consequences of the adsorption of ions
reservoir materials and their potential are due to on shale, it should be possible to utilize the potential
adsorption of ions. Interrelationships between the two curve to give better interpretation of resistivity data
have been derived and verified by laboratory results. obtained in logging shaly materials. The work described
These relations which have resulted from this work in following sections was directed toward this end.
may be used in a qualitative manner to estimate whether
or not a particular shaly reservoir contains hydrocarbons, THEORY
and also to estimate the porosity of shaly sands. RELATION OF RESISTIVITY OF SHALY RESERVOIR ROCK
In discussing the effect which the presence of shale
In spite of the progress which has been made in or clay exerts on the resistivity of a reservoir rock,
the last decade toward a better understanding and it is convenient to make use of the resistivity factor ....
utilization of the electric log, there remain a number This quantity has been defined as the ratio of the
of problems in the interpretation of the log. One of resistivity of the rock when it is completely saturated
these which is often troublesome is that of divining the with an electrolyte to the resistivity of the electrolyte
nature of the fluids in sandstones or carbonate rocks itself.
which contain appreciable amounts of shale. When the rock, such as a clean sand or carbonate,
It was shown by Patnode and Wyllie' in 1949 that is free of shale the resistivity factor is virtually inde-
shaly rocks exhibit an abnormally low resistivity when pendent of the ionic concentration of the electrolyte
saturated with solutions of low ionic concentrations. used to saturate the sample, so that
This phenomenon has been demonstrated to be due = =
F RolR." constant for a clean rock ( 1)
to the adsorptive properties of shale or clay in the where F is the resistivity factor,
rock.' Ro is the resistivity of the rock saturated with elec-
In estimating the fluid content of shaly sands or trolyte, and
carbonates from the electric log, it is desirable and R., is the resistivity of the electrolyte.
sometimes necessary to correct for the abnormally low When the rock contains argillaceous material, the
resistivity. A similar correction is likewise often neces- resistivity factor as defined above is no longer inde-
sary if attempts are made to estimate the porosity pendent of the concentration of the electrolyte used to
of a stratum from resistivity measurements. The cor- saturate the rock, but decreases as the ionic concentra-
rection may be made from data obtained on core tion of the electrolyte decreases.
samples and from information on salinity of inter- In explanation of this behavior, it is instructive to con-
stitial water. Cores, however, are not always avail- sider a sample of shaly porous rock placed in contact
able. Moreover, even if cores are at hand, their examina- with a large volume of a dilute electrolyte. The sample
tion is time-consuming. It would be most desirable, is considered to become saturated with the electrolyte,
therefore, to make corrections of this nature from the and to attain equilibrium with it. As a result of adsorp-
tion by the shale surfaces within the rock, there is a
'Refereneee !riven at end of paper.
greater concentration of ions in the solution adjacent
Manuscript received in the Petroleum Branch office Sept. 2, 1963. to the shale particles in the interstices of the sample
Paper presented at the Petroleum Branch Fall Meetinlr in Dallas
Oct. 19-21, 1958. than there is in the external solution with which the
SPE 310-G
rock is in contact. For brevity, the solution within the The conductivity of the equilibrium solution, ex-
pores of the rock may be termed the "interstitial solu- pressed in terms of concentration of univalent ions
tion" and that external to the rock and in equilibrium and ionic mobilities, is given by
with it the "equilibrium solution." 1
As ordinarily determined, the resistivity factor is the R.., = en(po, + po2) (8)
ratio of the resistivity of the saturated rock to the where n is the ionic concentration in the equilibrium
resistivity of the equilibrium solution. It is this factor solution, respectively, and e is the ionic charge.
which decreases for a shaly sample as the electrolyte
concentration decreases. On the other hand, it may be Substituting Equations (7) and (8) into Equation
( 5 ), there results
assumed that the ratio of sample resistivity to resistivity
of interstitial solution does not vary with concentration n (Fo -F) A 'po,
of the electrolyte if the internal dimensions do not F e(po, + po,)
change, or that Writing Equation (9) for two solutions of different
Fo = ~=
constant for any particular rock (2)
IOnic concentrations, n, and n" with the assumption that
the ratio ~-- does not vary with concentration,
where RWi is the resistivity of the interstitial solution, po, + po2
Fo is the resistivity factor. (FO;2F2)(Fo~F.)=:: ::. (10)
The distinction between use of the resistivity of the
interstitial solution, on the one hand, and that of the This relation alone does not permit computation of
the extent of abnormality, since 0" cannot be measured
equilibrium solution, on the other, in determining the
resistivity factor makes it necessary to redefine the directly. The quantity 0", however, can be related
resistivity factor, F o , as the ratio of sample resistivity to the potential, as shown in the following section.
to resistivity of interstitial solution, and to introduce RELATION OF MOUNCE POTENTIAL
the apparent resistivity factor, F, as the ratio of resistiv- TO ADSORPTlVE PROPERTIES
ity of sample to that of the equilibrium solution.
It has been shown in a recent publication' that the
Even for very shaly sands or carbonates F approaches Mounce potential, observed when a sample of shaly
Fo as the equilibrium solution becomes more concen- material is interposed between solutions of different
trated, indicating that the concentrations of interstitial ionic concentrations, is the sum of three potentials-
and equilibrium solutions differ little at high electrolyte two so-called phase boundary potentials, and a diffusion
concentration. potential. The latter component is usually of minor
By eliminating the resistivity of the sample, K" importance in shaly materials. The Mounce potential
between Equations (1) and (2), the following equation is the principal component of the potential recorded
is obtained: by the electric log.'
F=FoRw, (3) In the work on the Mounce potential to which ref-
R" erence is made above, the phase boundary potential is
The conductivity of the solution in the pores of related to a quantity termed no, which reflects the amount
an argillaceous rock may be considered as the sum of of adsorption of negative ions by the shale. The quan-
1 tity no is expressed as a charge density per unit volume,
the conductivity of the equilibrium solution, fC' and an and is related to 0", the surface charge density of Equa-
tion (10), by a constant of proportionality for any
.. 1 particular sample.
excess doub Ie-layer cond UChVlty, T' or
In some of the previous work on the potential it has
111 been necessary to assume, to avoid complexities in
- = R"
- + Z- (4) mathematics, that no is constant for a given rock sample,
Combining Equation (4) with (3), there results even though it has been realized that no is a function
of concentration of the electrolyte. For the present
Fo-F _ R ... purpose no and its counterpart 0" are considered to be
-F--Z' (5)
functions of concentration.
The charge on clay surfaces within the rock imparted An analytical solution for the phase boundary
by adsorbed negative ions or other phenomena results potential and the diffusion potential, allowing for
in an increased concentration of positive contra-ions a variation of no with concentration, requires a know-
in the interstitial solution. This increase may be approxi- ledge of proper boundary conditions, which are deter-
mated for univalent ions by mined by the geometry of the rock, and of a functional
iln = AO" , (6) relation between no and concentration. These difficulties,
where iln is the increase in positive ion concentration, as well as that introduced by the nonlinearity of the
0" is the charge density on the clay surface, and
differential equation that results, present obstacles to a
rigorous analytical approach.
A is a constant.
To circumvent these difficulties, another approach
The added conductivity that results from these posi- may be made. The Mounce potential, il~, can be
tive ions, neglecting any changes in negative ion con- described by
centration in the interstitial solution, is given by
il~=g(~, n" 0"" 0"2) (11)
--= A' 0" po, (7) The potential existing between a charged rock surface
Z and the eqUilibrium solution is also completely deter-
where po, is the mobility of the positive ion, and mined by the surface charge and solution concentration,
A' is a constant. so that

VOL. 201, 1954 1'17

(12) centrations in the core, the bar denoting an average
where 4>." 4>., are, respectively, surface potentials at taken to satisfy Equation (3a), and 1', and 1', are the
concentrations n, and n" and ionic mobilities in the core, similarly averaged.
The concentration of positive ions, n" and negative
4>d = 0.2 In n"
the normal diffusion potential for NaCI. ions, n" may be related to the equilibrium concentra-
tion, n, by Boltzmann's distribution equations
As a trial solution, the Mounce potential is considered
to be a linear function of the surface and diffusion n) = ne-4>b
potentials, giving n, = ;;;i"b (17)
Ll4> = 4>s1 - 4>" + 4>. (13) where 4>b is the potential in the core referred to the
An equation for the surface potential of a flat charged equilibrium solution in units of kT / .
plate is available from Verwey and Overbeek.' For Substituting Equation (17) in (3a) gives
the conditions described in the reference, the potential
is given by -;;, e-:;;i:" + }l,~ (18)
(14) If it be assumed, for convenience in computations,

where 4>. is the surface potential in units of kT referred that eq;,; is negligible and that the ratio_I'_,_ does
to the equilibrium solution, not vary with concentration, then
k is Boltzmann's constant, _0_

= constant -e-4>b (19)
D is the dielectric constant, When F is taken at two different ionic concentrations,
n is the concentration of ions in the equilibrium Po may be eliminated to give
solution, F, e-<I>bl
T is the temperature in oK, T= e-4>b2
<T is the surface charge/cm.', and
It is again necessary to assume a form of the solution
is the charge on an electron.
to an equation in order to relate the resistivity factor
Substituting Equation (14) into (13), with the ap- to the Mounce potential. A convenient choice is that
proximation that
In ~- = In e-4>bl -In e~ = Ll<l> (21)
e - cp'/ > >e <1>./, F,
there results where Ll4> is the Mounce potential.
Because of the methods employed to obtain Equations
Ll4> = 2 In ~ U2
+ 0.8 In ~
(15) ( 16) and (21) the usefulness of the equations can only
be determined by application to experimental data. The
The approximation is necessary only to bring Equa- above equations have been used to correlate experi-
tion (14) into a form having an explicit solution for mental data, and the results are presented in the follow-
<T, ing section.

Eq uation (13) is an assumed form of solution to EXPERIMENTAL

Equation (12). It cannot be verified experimentally by PROCEDURE
potential determinations alone, but elimination between
In order to test experimenLaIly the relations ~iven
Equations (15) and (10) of terms containing the sur-
by Equations (16) and (21), determinations were made
face charge does provide an expression for the Mounce
of the apparent resistivity factors and Mounce poten-
potential and the resistivity factor containing measur-
tials given by shaly sands from several different strata
able quantities.
and localities. No shaly carbonates were examined.
RELATION BETWEEN POTENTIAL Small cylindrical plugs, I-in. in diameter and averag-
ing about I-in. in length, were cut from well cores. The
axis of each cylinder was parallel to the bedding plane.
Simultaneous solution of Equations (15) and (10) The samples were extracted with organic solvents, air-
yields dried, and saturated with 5N sodium chloride solution.
In[(Fo-F,) F ) . ] = - M -0.6In~ (16) Each sample was then placed in a Hassler type core
F, (Fo-F) 2 n) holder, and 5N sodium chloride solution was passed
with F" F" Ll4>, n" and n, having values that may be through the core until the resistivity, as determined by
determined experimentally. a four electrode alternating-current measuring system,
was constant. Successively more dilute salt solutions
Other solutions containing similar terms might also were passed through the core, and resistivity measure-
be chosen. The only criteria for selection are that the
ments were made until equilibrium was attained at each
equations contain useful quantities and be subject to
concentration, as shown by constancy of resistivity.
experimental verification. One other such equation can
be obtained as follows: Mounce potential measurements were made on each
Equation (3) may be written in the form sample after all resistivity determinations had been com-
pleted. For this purpose, solutions of the desired con-
Fop /L, n) + 1', n, centrations were placed in contact with the ends of
---p- -- -p-,- -
n(l') + 1',) (3a)
the sample, and readings were taken after the potential
where n) and n, are the positive and negative ion con- became constant.


Sample ~I ~ample R-l Sample S-2 Sample W-2B Sample KD-l Sample P-l Sample P-A Sample 8
Formation: Formation: Formation: Formation: Formation: Formation: Formation: Formation:
Frio McElroy Frio Wilcox Frio Frio Sprahe-rry Stevens
Concentra- Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source:
tion of Kleberg Co., Live Oak Co.,- Kleberg Co., McMullen Co., Brooks Co., Kennedy Co., Upton Co., Elk Hills
E$~i,t~~~~m Texas
Depth: 6,000 ft
Depth: 4,560 ft
Depth: 6,000 ft
Depth: 6,860 ft Depth: 6,165 ft
Depth: 8,100 ft
Depth: 7,000 ft
Depth: 7,500 ft
eq./liter Porosity: 23 % Porosity: 26.8% Porosity: 18.3% Porosity: 18.2% Porosity: 15.5% Porosity, 20.0% Porosity: 13.6% Porosity: 17.6%
n F F F F F F F F
50 15.3 9.7 20.0 21.1 30.4 21.8 44.7 26.0
1.0 15.7 40.7 19.7
0.97 13.5 8.7 16.1 20.0 26.0
0.31 7.8 .... 21.8
0.138 YI 10.2
0.1 7.65 36.4 10.0
0.087 5.9 14.5
0.06 13.5
0.025 6.3 3.1 46
0.01 .... 8.0 4.8 2.26 28.2 4.10
0.006 3.6 -... -.-.
0.005 1.3 6.6 3.2 1.45 24.5 3.15

RESULTS that the values of Fo, computed from Equation (23),

Sample description and SOLlrce, data on porosity, may be compared with the resistivity factors determined
and apparent resistivity tactors at various electrolyte from Equation (16) and (22), they are also tabulated
concentrations are given 10 Table 1. Table 2 presents in Table 3. The average values of Fo computed by
data on Mounce potentials of the same samples. use of Equation (23) are in good agreement with
Since the concentrations of solutions used in deter- those obtained by use of Equation (22).
mining the apparent resistivity factors and the Mounce It is possible to make an additional indirect check
potentials generally differed somewhat, it was neces- on Equations (22) and (23) by using the values of
sary to interpolate in order to obtain data for testing Fo computed from them to calculate the porosity by
Equations (16) and (21). use of the relation'
Table 3 shows interpolated values of apparent re- Fo =
0.62~-'15 . (24)
sistivity factor and of potential for each sample at differ- where ~ is the porosity, expressed as a fraction.
ent pairs of values for electrolyte concentrations. The porosities so computed can then be compared
Tabulated in this table are the values of Fo computed with the measured porosities. A comparison is shown
by use of Equation (16). As criteria of the manner in Table 4 of the measured porosities with those cal-
in which the ;!quation agrees with the experimental culated from Equation (24) using average values of
data, the computed values of Fo should be (1) reason- Fo obtained by employing, respectively, Equations (22)
ably constant as computed from different pairs of and (23).
electrolyte concentrations, and (2) equal to or slightly APPLICATION TO
greater than the values of resistivity factor determined
by use of 5N solution. Although Fo computed from ELECTRIC LOG INTERPRETATION
Equation (16), gives a reasonably good check of the
equation, the calculated values are not entirely inde- Of the various problems which arise in the interpre-
pendent of electrolyte concentration. However, slight tation of electric logs of shaly rocks, perhaps the most
modification of the coefficient of the concentration term important is that of estimating whether or not a par-
in Equation (16) from 0.6 to 0.5 results in a more ticular stratum contains oil or gas. Another problem
satisfactory fit of the data. It is interesting to note that ror-----------------~~~--~======,_----_,
this is equivalent to omitting the diffusion potential.
So modified, the equation becomes
/leI> + In ~. = ro~------------------~
_ 21n (Fo - F, )( F, ) (22)
F, Fo-F, n,
Values of F. computed by the above equation are
also shown in Table 3. The consistency of these data ~~---------------.~~---------------------;

indicates that Equation (22) is preferable for estima-

tion of the resistivity factor.
A comparison of Equation (21) with experimental 40 ~----------__A;;I_

data is shown in Fig. 1. In this figure the Mounce

potential is plotted against the logarithm of F,/F,. As a Sampl. w-28
shown in this figure, the experimental data are in excel- a Sampl. R-l
f::l Sampl. 5-1
lent agreement with Equation (21). .6 SCllnpl. 5-2
Both Equations (22) and (21) relate Mounce poten- Sampl. KD-l

tial to the resistivity of the sample. It may be noted

that these equations can be combined by eliminating
20 1------'7 :*" ~:::: :=~ ~---i
Sampl. 8
the Mounce potential to yield a very simple relation.
When this is done and the solution resistivities are l0l--~~--------------~--------------------_;
substituted for the solution conce!1 t rations, the follow-
ing equation results
F.-F, = (Ro2 ).... (23) 10 100
Fo-F, Rot
The above equation was tested by solving for Fo FIG. 1 -- THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOUNCE
at various values of electrolyte concentrations. In order POTENTIAL AND THE RESISTIVITY FACTOR RATIO.

VOL. 201, 1954 179

which is often encountered is that of estimating the When the solution resistivities are substituted for con-
porosity. centrations, and the logarithm and temperature are
The approach to the first problem, that of deciding changed to conform with common electric log usage,
whether a shaly zone may contain hydrocarbons, con- the equation becomes
sists of first estimating the resistivity of the stratum
filled only with formation water and of then comparing E = 0.11 (460 + T) log,. ~:. (27)
this resistivity with the resistivity indicated by the elec-
where T is temperature in F.,
tric log. If the latter is significantly higher, it is logical
to assume the presence of oil or gas. R x is, in this case, resistivity of the invaded zone, and
To estimate the resistivity which the shaly zone would R. is, in this case, resistivity of the bed completely
have if completely saturated with formation water, saturated with formation water.
Equation (21) may be applied. For this purpose, the The assumption that the log potential is equivalent
term .leI> must be expressed in terms of the potential to the Mounce potential tacitly implies that there is a
read from the electric log, referred either to a shale negligible effect due to any streaming potential, that
base line or to the value for a clean sand or carbonate the salt in the drilling mud filtrate and formation
in the immediate vicinity of the bed of interest. water is sodium chloride, and that geometrical correc-
If a clean sand is used as a reference for the potential, tions of the type discussed by Doll' are not significant.
it is necessary to know (1) the resistivity of the mud In practice, Rx. must be determined from an electrode
filtrate, (2) the resistivity of the formation water, (3) configuration which has close spacing, such as that of
the resistivity of the invaded zone, and (4) the differ- a "microlog" tool.
ence in potential read opposite the clean sand and the In estimating the porosity of a shaly bed, the most
bed of interest. If the shale base line is used as a ref- direct method utilizes Equations (23) and (24). The
erence, it is not necessary to know the resistivity of latter equation requires the use of the true resistivity
the formation water or of the mud filtrate. factor, which is obtained from the former equation.
Laboratory results have indicated" that the Mounce In applying Equation (23), F, is designated as the
potential of shales may be considered virtually inde- apparent resistivity factor of the invaded zone, which
pendent of the character of the shale at relatively low has resistivity Rxoo These quantities are determined from
electrolyte concentrations. It is possible that the maxi- log resistivity measurements made with close electrode
mum electrolyte concentration under which this condi- spacing and from a knowledge of the mud filtrate
tion prevails depends upon the particular shale; tenta- resistivity at formation temperature. F, is designated as
tively, it may be assumed that the upper limit is possibly the apparent resistivity factor of the uninvaded zone,
in the range of 25,000-100,000 ppm sodium chloride. and R. is the resistivity of this zone when it is com-
Assuming that the Mounce potential under these con- pletely saturated with formation water. If the zone is
ditions is not dependent upon the type of shale known to contain no hydrocarbons, R. may be estimated
kT n, from log measurements. In the case in which there is
E'h'" = -- In (25) no positive knowledge of the fluid content, R. may be
where E'h.,. is the Mounce potential across the shale estimated by use of Equation (27), as described in
in mv. foregoing paragraphs. To compute F" it is necessary
If the above equation is combined with Equation (21) to know the resistivity of formation water and to
so that the resulting equation contains the difference in utilize Ro.
potential between the shale base line and the shaly Although it is apparent that the relations discussed
bed under consideration, then in this report may be useful in the interpretation of the
electric log, it must be emphasized that they are
kT. n, F, 6 subject to limitations. First, as in the case of any rela-
E=-ln-- (2)
n, F, tions proposed as aids to log interpretations, they must
where E is the difference in potential in millivolts be- be proved by actual usage under a wide variety of con-
tween the shale and the shaly bed on the potential ditions. Second, the data they require are subject to
curve. errors in measurement. In consequence, it is necessary


Concentration Concentration
Test Reference
Solution Solution
eq./liter eq./liter
SampleS1 Sample RI Sample 5-2 Sample W2B Sample KDI Sample PI Sample PA Sampie 8
n , n, E. my. E,mv. E, my. E,mv. E,mv. E, my. E, my. E,mv.
0.001 1.5 60
0.002 1.5 51 72 52 83
8.005 1.5 38 60 60 34 68 60 15 54
0.01 15 30 45 51 24 56 11 40
0.02 1.5 34 42
0.05 1.5 17 22 27 10 27
0.1 1.5 .... 14 18 18 20 4 16
0.2 1.5 4 10 10 10
0.5 1.5 3 .. -
1.0 1.5 0.5 3 1 2
0.001 0.128 74
0.002 0.128 64
0.005 0.128 48
om 0.128 36
0,02 0.128 25
0.05 0.128 11
0.2 0.128 -5
0.005 0.1 45
0.02 0.1 25
1.75 0.1 -16
5.0 0.1 -19


Apparent Resistivity Computed Resis.tivity Factors
Solution Concentrations Mounce
f Fador. f
Sample eq./iller '---' "otential F F F
No. n, n, (with n, ) (with nJ E, 1IrV. Eq. (16) Eq. (22) Eq. (23)
5-1 0.005 1.5 3.3 13.9 36.5 14.7 IS.3 15.7
5-1 0.01 1.5 4..4 13.9 29.0 14.8 15.S IS.9
51 0.0.01 1.5 7.2 13.9 17.0 IS.l IS.9 16.4
5-1 0.1 1.5 9.1 13.9 11.0 15.4 16.1 16.6
5-1 0.3 1.5 11.3 13.9 5.0 IS.8 16.6 17.0
5-1 5.0 15.3 Average (Fo) IS.2 IS.9 16.3
R-l O.02S 1.5 3.0 9.2 28.0 10.3 11.1 I1.S
R-l 0.0.01 1.5 4.0 9.2 21.0 10.3 11.0 11.4
R-I 0.06 1.5 4.8 '.2 16.5 10.2 10.9 11.3
R-l 0.1 1.5 5.8 9.2 11.5 10.3 10.8 11.2
R-I 0.2 1.5 7.6 9.2 5.0 9.9 10.2 10.6
R-I 5.0 9.7 Average (Fo) 10.2 10.8 11.2
5-2 O.OOS 0.1 1.3 9.1 .45.0 16.3 23.4 22.8
5-2 0.02 0.1 4.0 9.1 21.0 16.0 19.8 21.6
5-2 0.005 I.S 1.3 17.4 60.0 19.9 22..4 23.2
5-2 0.06 1.5 7.3 17.4 24.0 20.0 21.6 23.2
5-2 0.1 1.5 9.1 17.4 17.S 20.4 21.9 23.1
5-2 S.O 20_0 Average (Fo) 18.S 21.8 22.8
W-28 O.OOS 1.5 6.6 20.4 34.0 21.1 21.8 22..4
W-2B 0.01 1.5 8.1 20.4 24.0 21.5 22.2 22.7
W-2B 0.02 1.5 10.0 20.4 17.0 21.7 22.4 23.0
W-2B 0.1 1.5 15.1 20.4 6.5 22.0 22.7 23.2
W-2B 0.2 I.S 16.9 20.4 2.S 22.1 22.8 23.2
W-2B 5.0 21.1 Average (Fo) 21.7 22.4 22.9
KD-I O.OOS 0.128 3.2 16.3 47.S 21.4 24.9 28.6
KD-I 0.06 0_128 12.0 16.3 9.0 27.6 31.6 37.0
KD-l 0.005 I.S 3.2 27.6 68.0 29.6 31.4 34.1
KD-I 0.06 I.S 12.0 27.6 24.0 31.4 33.9 36.4
KD-I 0.1 1.5 lS.0 27.6 17.5 32.0 34.0 36.2
KD-l 5.0 30..4 Average (Fo) 28.2 31.2 34.4
P-I O.OOS I.S I..cs 17.5 60.0 20.0 22.2 22.8
P-I 0.01 I.S 2.26 17.S .0 20.S 23.4 23.0
P-I 0.10 1.5 7.65 17.S 20.0 21.8 24.2 25.0
P-l 5.0 21.8 Average (Fo) 20.8 23.3 23.6
P-A 0.005 I.S 24.5 .43.0 15.0 .43.8 44.5 45.0
P-A 0.01 1.5 28.2 43.0 11.0 44.0 .7 45.0
P-A 0.10 I.S 36.4 .43.0 4.0 .2 .45.6 45.7
Average (Fo) .0 44.9 .45.2
"-A8 O.OOS
I.S 3.15
21.5 54.0 23.0 24.6 25.8
8 0.01 I.S .c.l0 21.5 40.0 23.6 26.0 26.4
0.10 I.S 10.0 21.5 16.0 26.6 29.4 29.2
8 Average (f.) 27.1
8 5.0 2'.0 24.4 26.6

to apply these relations with caution, and it is desirable ence of Conductive Solids in Reservoir Rock as a
not to condemn any stratum as being non-productive Factor in Electric Log Interpretation," Trans.
solely on the basis of results obtained by their use. AIME (1950), 189, 47.
2. Winsauer, W.O., and McCardell, W. M.: "Ionic
Double-Layer Conductivity in Reservoir Rock,"
1. The adsorptive characteristics of shaly reservoir Trans. AIME (1953), 198, 129.
materials can be used to relate the Mounce potential 3. McCardell, W. M., Winsauer, W.O., and Williams,
and abnormal conductivity of these materials. The rela- M.: "Origin of the Electric Potential Observed in
tions so derived have been verified by laboratory results. Wells," Trans. AIME (1953), 198, 41.
2. The relations resulting from this work may be 4. Sundberg, K.: "Effect of Impregnating Waters on
used qualitatively to estimate whether or not a par- Electrical Conductivity of Soils and Rocks," Trans.
ticular shaly stratum contains oil or gas. AIME, Geophysical Prospecting (1932), 367.
3. These relations may be also used in the estimation 5. Archie, G. E.: "The Electrical Resistivity Log as
of porosity of shaly sands. an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir Character-
istics," Trans. AIME (1942), 146, 54.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 6. Mounce, W. D., and Rust, W. M.: "Natural Poten-
The authors wish to express their appreciation to tials in Well Logging," Trans. AIME (1944), 155,
G. G. Priest for obtaining the experimental data on 47.
some of the samples used in this report. 7. Verwey, E. J. W., and Overbeek, J. T. G.: Theory
of the Stability of Lyophobic Colloids, Elsevier,
REFERENCES New York (1948).
8. Winsauer, W.O., Shearin, H. M., Masson, P. H.,
1. Patnode, H. W., and Wyllie, M. R. J.: "The Pres-
and Williams, M.: "Resistivity of Brine-Saturated
Sands in Relation to Pore Geometry," Bull. AAPG
(1952), 36, 253.
Measured Computed Porosity, Per Cent
Sample Porosity 9. Wyllie, M. R. J.: "Clay Techonology in Well Log
No. Per Cent Equation (22) Equation (23)
Interpretation," presented at National Conference
5-1 23.0 22.2 21.8 on Clays and Clay Technology, Berkeley, Calif.,
R-l 26.8 26.S 26.0 July, 1952.
5-2 18.3 19.2 18.8
W-2B 19.2 18.8 18.7 10. Doll, H. G.: "The S. P. Log: Theoretical Analysis
KD-l 15.5 16.2 IS.4 and Principles of Interpretation," Trans. AIME
P-l 20.0 19.0 18.8
13.6 13.9 13.8
8 17.6 17.8 17.5
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