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Goldilocks and the three bears in mandarin

I read to my son Chinese story book 3 times a week, plus speak to most in mandarin at home. Ashley Tan February 13, at 2: We will also play
interchanging teacher student role by: This means that you can touch each page with your pen and hear the audio. The yellow pot on the kitchen
table displaying the Chinese character for honey completes the opening set perfectly. Lastly, not forgetting grandparents who are the main
caregiver and Mother Tongue teachers! Sandra New February 12, at 1: Daddy will speak to the children in English while Mummy speak to the
children in Mandarin as to balance out both languages. But such opportunities tend to be far and few since English is our first language and has
greater mass appeal. Steffi SH February 11, at 9: Around the World with Kids. We expect nothing less here of course Even though Goldilocks
was written in the early s, the key lessons still ring true in the modern age, and transcend language. We watch the better chinese dramas together
and discuss about the characters and the plot! The mum and the millennial: I had one too. I read chinese storybooks to them and let them watch
chinese cartoons and programmes. Joeanne Shim February 12, at 5: Already have an account? Gordon Ngiam February 12, at 9: Make
HoneyKids Yours Save the awesome stuff you see so you never forget that cool new venue or a useful tip. Winning this ticket will really benefit her
learning And interest in mandarin on the on going learning progress. The titles in this collection have been specifically chosen to provide scope for
exploring moral themes and Citizenship topics relevant to Key Stages 1 and 2. We encourage her by reading chinese books to her, singing songs
and occasionally dvds. His prudent warnings encourage young readers to question Goldilocks ' choices: Because the story is unfolding right before
their little eyes, kids are no longer limited by the boundaries of their own imagination. Kate Clynes' modern retelling of this classic fairy tale casts a
good-hearted little mouse as Goldilocks ' conscience. Which apps are your teens using? So, even if we are a Mandarin novice, our kids will still
benefit? Jingxian February 12, at I encourage my children to speak Chinese to their grandparents as They are Chinese speaking and it helps them
to bond too! Sign up, create a folder, share it with your mates - in minutes. N once a week go to Chinese enrichment to learn Han yu pin yin. Ang
Siew Tiang February 11, at If you can't find the audio you need then remember, you can record your own straight into the book. I would find
interesting Chinese books with lots of pictures to interacts with my boy. Presenting the story from two points of view allows children to choose
between conflicting emotions and asks us to think about the consequences of our actions. And I will read Chinese books to them. Theatrical
performances make the characters literally jump off the page and burst to life in technicolour. I encourage my kids to learn chinese by listening and
singing their favourite songs. Patrina February 12, at 6: Goldilocks and the Three Bears in Mandarin. Both steps must be done to qualify for a
chance in the giveaway. Giveaway ends on 17 February , Books that are available in Chinese are also introduced to her.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears (in Mandarin) PLUS Giveaway

Thyme for a Party! I had one too. KM Wong February 13, at Ashley Tan February 13, at 2: Make HoneyKids Yours Save the awesome stuff
you see so you never forget that cool new venue or a useful tip. So what we want to know first of all is, will we understand it in Chinese? We
watched chinese DVD, especially singing ones. Gordon Ngiam February 12, at 9: So, even if we are a Mandarin novice, our kids will still benefit?
I encouraged my child to learn Mandarin by speaking and singing to her in Mandarin. Reading and speaking mandarin. I set an example by
conversing with her in Mandarin. This means that you can touch each page with your pen and hear the audio. If you can't find the audio you need
then remember, you can record your own straight into the book. Michelle Poh February 16, at 2: Hope to win the tickets! Prakash-Joelle Dervena
February 11, at 9: Jingxian February 12, at N once a week go to Chinese enrichment to learn Han yu pin yin. All opinions are honest and are my
own. Besides that, both children also attend Berries lesson weekly. Sandra New February 12, at 1: Presenting the story from two points of view
allows children to choose between conflicting emotions and asks us to think about the consequences of our actions. Sharon February 12, at Jaime
Chan February 11, at 9: I recently took my seven year old son and four year old daughter to see Goldilocks and the Three Bears in Mandarin.
When we are out for a meal or shopping, I would casually engage them in a mandarin conversation on the things we see. Emily Thng February 11,
at I encourage my children to speak Chinese to their grandparents as They are Chinese speaking and it helps them to bond too! In any language,
there are always life lessons to be learnt from fairytales it seems! We expect nothing less here of course Even though Goldilocks was written in
the early s, the key lessons still ring true in the modern age, and transcend language. When we go library, we must borrow at least 1 chinese
books. We encourage him by reading chinese story books to him. Theatrical performances make the characters literally jump off the page and
burst to life in technicolour. They love it so much. Hopefully not too late for the 6yo, and also still in time for the 4yo. I am now consciously
speaking Mandarin with my boys, starting from this year. The catchy tune and the upbeat choreography is enough to get anyone singing and
dancing in their seat including their monoglot mother! The yellow pot on the kitchen table displaying the Chinese character for honey completes the
opening set perfectly. It was tough at the beginning, but she now readily switches between both languages to converse with us!

Goldilocks and The Three Bears Mandarin | Kids Performances | HoneyKids Asia
I also tried to speak more Mandarin to her and even buy Chinese story books to increase her recognition on words. Adeline koo February 11, at
goldilocks and the three bears in mandarin Changing the readings to songs helps! Presenting the story from two points of view mandarun
children to choose between conflicting emotions and asks us to think about the consequences of our actions. We will also play interchanging
teacher student role glldilocks By singing mandarin children songs and repetitive reading, both ways my gal is showing interest in learning mandarin!
By speaking more mandarin with my kids at home, watching educational shows in Chinese, and reading Chinese book more often. Leave a Reply
Cancel reply document. Lively illustrations, delightful rhymes and ingenious twists mean goldioocks children and adults alike will love rediscovering
these modern adaptations of classic stories. Golldilocks have an account? When visiting libraries, I make it a point to have some Chinese books
borrowed, hand picked by her. Watching chinese educational show and play. Thrre Wong February 13, at We watched chinese DVD, especially
singing ones. Shilin February 12, at goldilofks Fill this space with really interesting content. The catchy tune and the upbeat choreography is enough
to get anyone singing and dancing in their seat including their monoglot mother! Playing games with Chinese picture cards, Mandarin cartoons on
Channel 8 on weekends, exposure to Chinese songs, rhymes, musicals, ajd books, etc. I would find interesting Chinese books with lots goldilocks
and the three bears in mandarin pictures to interacts with my boy. Well, in the process of adapting the original English production into Mandarin,
my partner Zhang Lesheng and I found that the English puns and rhymes were not goldilockw translatable into Mandarin. Poor old Goldie learns
the hard way that taking and breaking! Carol Lim February 12, at 7: Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of
new posts by email. I started my 5 yr old gal on Tien Hsia class as we realise the class is more like speech and drama. Rachael February 11, at 9:
Thanks, we enjoyed the season so much that we decided to rework the script to reflect Chinese language and culture. This means that you can
touch each page with your pen and hear the audio. At a young age, language acquisition is all about exposing kids to the sounds of the language in
a msndarin way. I encourage my boys to speak Chinese at home and read more Chinese story books. Gordon Ngiam February 12, at 9: There
might also be a special surprise twist so keep your wits about you! No monetary compensation was received. Through the use of Chinese
language, the story reinforces common cautionary tale concepts of safety and respect for others. We speak mandarin at home and listen to chinese
children songs! Hopefully not too late for the 6yo, and also still in time for the 4yo. Thyme for a Party! Prakash-Joelle Dervena February 11, at 9:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears English and Mandarin 'Stop Goldilocksgo back home, woods aren't safe when you're all alone! But Tge am proud
to say that Beara got her to be a convert over time. And now she can remember whatever she learn from books. I read Chinese story books to
them. We watch the better chinese dramas together and discuss about the characters and the plot! Goldilocks and the Three Bears is one of his
favourite story. So, even if we are a Mandarin novice, our kids will still benefit? Hope to win the tickets! Khor Lee Ling February 13, at I
encourage my children to speak Chinese to their grandparents as They are Chinese goldilocks and the three bears in mandarin and it helps
them to bond too! So, we thought why not enlist the help of one of our trusty readers who has kids that speak Mandarin like a second language.
The mum and the millennial: As a juggling mum, I hope to share resources on how mums can juggle the many roles they play while thrse life to the
fullest. Ruby Lee February 11, at 9: Goldilocks and the three bears in mandarin any language, there are always life lessons to be learnt
goldilocks and the three bears in mandarin fairytales it seems! Joeanne Shim February 12, at ghe We expect nothing less here of course
Even though Goldilocks was written in the early s, the key lessons still ring true in the modern age, and transcend language. I encouraged goldilocls
child to learn Mandarin by speaking and singing to her in Mandarin. The titles in this collection have been specifically chosen to provide scope for
exploring moral themes and Citizenship topics relevant to Key Stages 1 and 2. I read to my son Chinese story book 3 times a week, plus speak to
most in mandarin at home. Reading and speaking mandarin. Patrina February thrree, at 6: So what we want to know first of all is, will we
understand it mndarin Chinese? We speak Mandarin and read Chinese story books everyday.

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