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Precaution step that we must alert is we have to handle the rebound hammer with care because
it is really costly and a little bit heavy. The advantages of this rebound hammer test are it is simply
to use. No need experience to conduct the test. Next, it is established uniformly of properties, the
equipment is inexpensive and it is readily available Meanwhile the disadvantages of this rebound
hammer test are it is only evaluating only the local point and layer of masonry to which it is applied.
Next, no direct relationship to strength or deformation properties, unreliable for the detection of
flaws. The disadvantages of rebound hammer are cleaning maintenance of probe and spring

At Ayer Hitam we took 9 data of 90 inclination angle and get the mean R is 54.1. From that
we find the value of compressive strength from calibration curve on the standard steel anvil the
compressive strength was read and we got 44.8 N/mm . At ayer Hitam we couldnt make the 0
inclination rebound test because there was only on the road pavement. we couldnt get to higher
ground to take data because it wasnt save.

At Pulau Mawar we also took 9 data for each inclination 0 and 90 . and for the average R
we got 32 for 0 inclination and 42.8 for 90 . Thus, the compressive strength from calibration
curve are 29.2 N/mm for the 0 and 52N/mm for the 90 inclination angle. The 0 test was
doing on the rock and the 90 was the test on the rock slope. Obviously, the compressive
strength on the slope was higher than the rock.

The rebound value can be measured discretionary, whereas the number of crushed
specimens is limited. The combination of both methods is the best and most reliable procedure to
determine the compressive strength of concrete structures the method does not damage the
structure like the classical method, where cores must be taken for the evaluation of the compressive
strength. The compressive strength from Ayer Hitam slope was lower than the compressive
strength from Pulau Mawar rock slope. Both are igneous rock. This is because they have different
mineral content. They also from different spot such as, Ayer Hitam is at the highground while rock
at Pulau Mawar were at the beach. They were exposed to different type of weathering. the rock
undergoes different process thus make them have different mineral content and different
compressive strength.

6.1 State name of rocks particularly at Ayer Hitam and Pulau Mawar.


The name of rocks particularly at Ayer Hitam that we observe are sandstone, siltstone and
shale while in Pulau Mawar is alluvium.

Figure 6.1.1: Rock at Ayer Hitam and Pulau Mawar

6.2 State the parent material of rock present at Ayer Hitam and Pulau Mawar.


- The parent material of rock present at Ayer Hitam are sand sediment for sandstone, silt
sediment for siltstone, and clay sediment for shale while in Pulau Mawar are fine particles
of silt and clay and larger particles of sand and gravel.
6.3 State geological structure that available at Ayer Hitam and Pulau Mawar.


- The geological structures that available at Ayer Hitam are strike and dip, fault, and joint
while in Pulau Mawar are strike and dip, fault, joint, and fold.

Figure 6.3.1: Fault at air hitam

6.4 State rock testing to measure joint compressive strength of rock from surface.


- The rock testing to measure joint compressive strength of rock from surface are point-load
index test, and Rebound hammer test.

Figure 6.4.1: Rebound hammer test

6.5 Explain types of rock slope stabilization which may be applied at Ayer Hitam and
Pulau Mawar.


- Recommended types of rock slope stabilization which may be applied at Ayer Hitam and
Pulau Mawar are rock face support method, rock reinforcement methods, and detailed
drainage work on the rock face method.

- First, for the rock face support method, a concrete or masonry wall may be necessary to
sustain the load of a major rockslide, and is most efficiently used in conjunction with rock
anchors. Less rigid, and possibly more economic buttressing systems include crib walling,
soil or rock fill berms and structures built from stone-filled gabion baskets.

- Second, for the rock reinforcement method, the simplest of these method is the use of steel
dowel bars as shear keys, typically to knit together medium to thinly bedded material
dipping parallel to the slope. Holes would be drilled normal to the bedding and the bars
grouted in with any potential shear surface at mid depth. Dowels are unstressed and weak
in bending and therefore would only be used where the discontinuities are narrow. A dowel
bar would be 15 to 30 mm diameter and 1 to 2 m long.

- Lastly, for the detailed drainage work on the rock surface method, small scale instability
is in general mainly promoted by the wedge action of frost, ice and cleft water in near-
surface discontinuities. The effect of free water on the stability of a bolted block has
already been indicated. To establish stable conditions, it is therefore essential and
economical to use some form of slope drainage. Firstly, measures must be taken to prevent
the infiltration of surface water in the vicinity of the slope. The most commonly used form
of drainage is a ditch at the head of the slope. The ditch may re-channel an existing
permanent flow or may simply collect upslope runoff. The construction of an impermeable
lining reduces maintenance and minimizes infiltration.


Thus as a conclusion of the two days geological site visit to Ayer Hitam and Pulau Mawar, we
realized that the engineering geology has wide scope in civil engineering field and is very much
important in both theoretical and practical point of view.
Now, we have knowledge to identify and cause measure about such field. We are now, able
to identify different type of rocks weather sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous and different
types of mass movement activities, its cause and nature, slope stability measurement for stability
analysis. The gain knowledge of rock mass rating and determining the quality, strength and class
of the rock at the site.
This geological site visit is more fruitful and from that we achieved knowledge and process
of documentation of different geological activities, geological units, and technique of rock mass
rating, and etc. It is better to say that Engineering geological site visit for a civil engineer is one of
the most essential aspect for his skill, practical knowledge about the field and in overall career
development.In short this visit gave us lots of ideas regarding engineering works and geology. We
also gained knowledge to analyze the engineering significance of various landforms. So the visit
was fruitful.


1. The time for the trip is quite short. Therefore, we hope the next site visits of geology
will have a longer time.

2. Visiting 2 different places give us more advantages. It helps us identifying different type
of rock in different places which are on slope and seashore.

3. Early briefings help us to know what that we need to do at the site. Taking data of the dip
and strike of the rock become easier.

4. The cooperation between group member and classmate make the site visit successfully.
There are not a lot of problems before and during the site visit.


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