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CODE: 1052404559






SEPTEMBER 02- 2017

-According to the author Elmes, D (2013). How important it is for members
of any society to understand the actual power of their words and actions
when they interact?
Since we were born we interact. We grow and develop interacting. Our life is an
interaction. In recent years, the degree of importance of social interaction
between people and organizations, as well as those that occur within each of
these, as a fundamental process to meet the objectives of any interaction.
Knowledge can not be understood without the interaction of people and their
environment. Whether this is more or less aggressive with individuals, interaction
exists and is not understood the concept of society or the individual or collective
action of people, without such interaction. Therefore, learning is a direct
consequence of interaction between people.
-Explain widely the relationship between language and culture.
"It is not possible to understand or appreciate one without knowing the other"
There is no doubt that language constitutes a cultural fact in itself. Proof of this is
that in each of the languages of the world not only suffice to know how to express
grammatically or linguistically a certain sentence, but we must take into account
when expressing other aspects, such as the status of people involved in The
process of communication, the purpose of that conversation itself, that is, the
result we want to obtain from the communicative process, the different social
conventions, the role of each of the participants in the communicative process,
and so on.
Language founds the community on which all human culture is built, that is,
language becomes a precondition for culture. Therefore, wherever we find
cultural works we will find as a precondition the language, that is, the community
of speakers who organize their linguistic signs (signifiers and meanings) in
relation to an organization of the experience of the real that the speakers of those
languages, linked to the needs, interests, scope and culture of their community
and their history.
-Write why it is important as educators to teach a language linked to culture,
why does the author say we need not only to hear a language but also smell
It is very important because teaching does not only imply teaching grammatical
structures and vocabulary, but also a whole series of cultural components that
are different according to the context in which the teaching-learning process is
carried out. Quantity of aspects when thinking about the activities or tasks to
prepare for the class. Language and culture, together, constitute the core of
teaching a language to non-native speakers. It is not only an emphasis on culture,
but also on interculturalism, since the knowledge of other cultures and the
coexistence of diverse cultures makes it possible to teach and also to learn a
foreign language in a more complete way.
For this, the main purpose is to reflect on the relationships between the linguistic
and the cultural component, what place it should have in my class, the materials,
what strategies I must implement to give it the place it deserves, what role I play
teacher ... In short, a new reflection of what until now has been understood by
"culture and civilization" in the language class. In this way we perceive the
language as it produces psychological and cognitive effects in our way of feel and
conceptualize reality, which make us see the world in different ways and also
organize it.

-Create a mind map with the way culture and teaching language are related.

Elmes, D. (2013). The Relationship between Language and Culture. National

Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya International Exchange and Language
Education Center. (pp. 11- 18). Recuperado de http://www2.lib.nifs-

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