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Year 9
Excelsior Challenge
The Excelsior Challenge - Background
An Independent Project

a project with a topic that students choose

a project in which students define their goals
and work towards accomplishing that goal
a project where students create a product
and define and evaluate their criteria for
a project where students build essential 21st
century skills independent inquirers, self-
managers, creative thinkers and reflective
learners ( PLTS Framework, UK)
a project where students reflect upon their
learning journey

The project offers students a great deal of

flexibility and many opportunities for expression
according to their individual needs
Nature of Student Group
52 students across Year 9
Elective subject first time in
Range of student diversity
Data Map + DARTS
To complete an Independent Project on a topic of their choosing


1. Pitch
2. Proposal
3. Learning Folio
4. Product and
Success Criteria
5. Final Report
Project Submission
and Success Criteria
Factors Influencing Task Design
Teaching and Learning experiences that will have
Syllabus Rationale taken place by assessment prior knowledge,
skills and strategies
Global Aims
Use of diagnostic/formative checking our
General Objectives assumptions

Relevance of task
Achievement Standards
Language suited to the reading capabilities of
(How is task aligned with the students for whom instrument is intended
formal curriculum?)
Time needed to complete task

Process of generating assessment criteria
and standards
Achievement Standard
By the end of the Excelsior Challenge students will have engaged
in the design and completion of a personal project. They will
frame an inquiry question and plan and record the development
of a project through formulating goals, researching and using
evidence appropriately. When researching, students investigate
their line of inquiry and critically analyse information, using a
range of sources, determining their relevance and reliability.
Students demonstrate self-management through the creation of
appropriate timelines and action plans incorporating knowledge
of project management skills. They determine success criteria
for their project and evaluate key indicators for success using
evidence to support and justify decisions. Students create and
connect design ideas and make adjustments to plans when
necessary. They select and use appropriate technologies skillfully
to structure information appropriate in written, oral and visual
form. Students collect evidence of their learning and
demonstrate understanding of their growth as a learner
interpreting and referencing feedback in support.
Snapshot: Personal Project and Success Criteria
Approach to Assessment Design and
Team approach through collaborative planning including Head
of Learning IB and Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator
Cross-Curricular links students would be required to draw on
prior knowledge from other subject areas opportunities for
teachers from other learning areas to mentor
Opportunity for students to develop essential skills and general
Exemplar Student A
Exemplar - Student A

This students work shows that the

student has incorporated substantial
and detailed evidence of self-
management skills.

The student explicitly details her

criteria for success and uses these to
evaluate in depth her ideas and
designed solutions. The student
uses highly appropriate evidence to
support her judgements.
Student A
Exemplar Student B
This students work shows
that the student has
incorporated relevant and
detailed evidence of self-
management skills.

The student details her

criteria for success and
uses these to evaluate her
ideas and designed
solutions. The student uses
appropriate evidence to
support her judgements.
Exemplar - Student C
Student C
This students work
shows that the
student has
incorporated some
evidence of self-
management skills.

The student presents

evaluation of the
quality her project
using some evidence
to support her
Student C
Assessment Task Evaluation Main Learnings
Assessment and instruction should be integrated in classroom practice to improve learning
assessment comes to the fore when planning (not an end point)
Tasks are rigorous and carry forward the intent of the intent of the curriculum
An effective assessment task assesses what it is intended to measure
Effective assessment tasks are transparent so the learner knows
the purpose of the task, what is expected and how the task
will be assessed (being explicit)
Provides challenge for the full range of learners being assessed
Are fair to all students including those with additional needs
Are appropriate to where learners are in their learning

(Klenowsi and Wyatt-Smith (2014) Assessment for Education)

Assessment Task Evaluation Main Learnings
Alignment of Assessment, Curriculum and Pedagogy
Foster conversations about expected features of
quality in assessment
Knowledge and capabilities that students need in
order to be successful
(Klenowsi and Wyatt-Smith (2014) Assessment for Education)
Assessment Task Evaluation Main Learnings
Final Proposal Task
Assessment Design incorporates ways for
students to set goals and assess their own
(Project Submission and Success Criteria

Uses work that is relevant, interesting and

connects with students aspirations think and
act like professionals

Opportunities for students to participate in self-

assessment and peer-assessment for

Range of opportunities for students to

demonstrate their learning

(Connecting assessment, engagement and

school-community partnerships)
Feedback Assessment for Learning
Feedback Peer and Self
Building in opportunities for students to learn how to
recognise and talk about features of quality in their
own and others work (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002)
Shared and joint enterprise
Learning Folio - Next Steps

Assessment as learning students monitoring own progress and setting learning goals
Guidance to help students identify strengths and weaknesses in their work
Helping students to identify next steps in their learning
Next steps teaching
A clear idea of what they are learning
the big picture
A clear idea of where they are
currently at in their learning
A sense of progression for the next Product

steps Learning

Evaluation activity

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