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Student-Teacher: Nada Arif

Date: 24-10-2017

Course: EPC 2903

Grade Level: KG1

Subject: English
Strand: Letter E
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): write letters clearly (KLLK3) - generate beginning consonant sounds in
words and match sounds to a letter when reading and writing (KLP1)
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)
Prepare the materials
Circle time and closing: Screen computer data Make sure that the computer and data show works
show white board Check if I have all the resources I need for the lesson
Lesson time: Long stick flash cards Key vocabulary
Activities: Worksheets colorful small papers Egg eggplant envelop eagle elephant eraser
Glue - Colors Exercise - empty
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

-Start the circle time by remind them about the classroom rules.
Time: 10 min

-asking them about the 4 seasons (who can tell me how many seosons we have and their names?)

-ask about the days of the week (who can tell me how many days we have on the week and sing the week song
with me?)
-ask about the months of the year (e.g ahmed can you tell me how many months we have on the year?)
-I will teach them the theme of the week with a flash card then I will do a small game for them as a revise of the
last letters.Then, do some exercise with the whole class.
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

Stick the flash cards that include words starts with letter E in the white board and let them say it together with
loud voice by using long stick, also show them the letter E.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

The role of the students:They will have a sheet that include big letter of E, they will stick a small colorful papers
inside letter E.
The role of the teacher: I can help them by putting the glue on the paper, explain the activity for the students.
Independent Experience(small group activity 2)
Time: 15 min

The role of the students: They will have a sheet that include pictures of letter E and they should color the
pictures start with letter E.

The role of the teacher:I can help the students who need a help, explain the activity for the students.
Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

The role of the students:They will have a sheet that have a circles with many letters and they should color the
circle have letter E.
The role of the teacher: Explain the activity for the students.
Independent Experience(small group activity 4)

The role of the students:They will have a work sheet and they should practice to write letter E on the dots.
The role of the teacher: I can help them in writing, explain the activity for the students.
Independent Experience(small group activity 5)

The role of the students:They will have a paper that include letter E and they will put the clay on the letter.
The role of the teacher: Explain the activity for the students, fix it for them if its wrong.
Time: 5 min

What is the theme of the week?

What is the color of the week?

What is the new letter we learn it today?

Can you tell me the previos letters we learn them?
Who can give 2 words starts with letter E?
Do you like the activities today?

On the white board they will have a sheet that include many pictures start with E and another letters, I will pick one
student to circle the pictures starts with the letter E.

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