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Level : 7 Mrs.

Zahra Gammar

A Birthday Party

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the right words. The pictures will help you.

(1) Today is Saturday March,26th. The soltanes 1
are very busy. There are many (1)... in the
garden and in the (2). They are Imens
friends and cousins. Everyone is (3). The
house is decorated with blue, green and brown
balloons. There are many white, yellow and red
flowers, too.
(2) Its 4 :00 p.m now. Everyone is around the
dining table. There is a big (4). in the middle 2
with ten pink candles on it. Peter stops the music and
(5). the candles. Everyone sings Happy
birthday to you, Imene. Then she (6).out the
candles and Aly takes some photos. Imene is very
happy because shes got a lot of (7).

2. Colour the following objects as they are described in the text. Then write their names

. .. ..

3.Answer the following questions

a/ Are Imenes friends the only guests?

b/ How old is Imene?
4/ What do the underlined words refer to?
it (paragraph 2) refers to

everyone (paragraph 1) refers to.

5/ Turn the following nouns into the plural

A foot

A child ..

A woman ..

A man .

A goose .
Now, write the invitation card for Imenes birthday party using

information from the text.

Age /date/time/Place/









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