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November highlights
>> Leonids Meteor Shower: Through This stellar open cluster stands
mid to late November, the spectacu- out with its 7 brightest stars
lar Leonids meteor shower will and is clearly visible to the
scatter our sky with shooting stars. naked eye. The stars in this
These meteors come from the tale cluster were all born from the
of the comet Tempel-Tuttle, a same nebula about 100 million
periodic comet which last swept years ago. The appearance of
through Earths orbit in 1998. The Makalii in the sky is often seen
peak of the shower will occur on as a marker for the wet season
November 17, when observers and the Makahiki celebration.
should see at least 10-15 meteors
each hour. November moon phases
>> Mercury at Greatest Eastern
Elongation: On November 23,
Mercury will be in a position known
as Greatest-Eastern elongation FULL LAST NEW FIRST
which marks its furthest position 11/3 11/10 11/18 11/26
from the Sun in our sky. This will be
the best night to view Mercury,
however he will be faint and will be
setting at 7 p.m.
>> Makalii (Pleiades): Rising in the
East will be the distinctive star
cluster of Makalii, or the Pleiades. Astronomy Center of Hawaii

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