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A quick disclaimer: thank you to the women/mothers who have

pointed out their views on the topic. I would like to say that I
cannot and do not speak for all women, and that my personal
experience with motherhood is nonexistent. However, these are
my views (those of a 14-year-old) and my experience.

1) You can make your own choices, speak and be heard, vote,
work, control your body, defend yourself, defend your
family, because of the women who marched.

- People who are against feminism are against modern western

feminism, not the suffragette movement or feminism in
developing/Middle Eastern countries. Of course we are
thankful to the suffragettes who gave us the vote. Of course
we support Malala fighting so that girls can have an
education. Just because we appreciate these movements,
those that are truly for equal rights, doesnt mean we agree
with modern feminism. The movement has changed for the
worse, and that is what we disagree with; we already have
equal rights.

2) You are not equal. Even if you feel like you are.

- This gets a solid ten on the condescension scale. Who are you
to tell us we arent equal? Who are you to belittle our
experiences and declare them null and void?

3) You still make less than a man for doing the same work. You
make less as a CEO, as an athlete, as an actress, as a doctor.
You make less in government, in the tech industry, in

- Actually, the wage gap has

been disproved many, many times. It doesnt consider:
Not only are more women part-time, but full-time women
work, on average, shorter hours than full-time men. According
to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, even among full-time
workers (those usually working 35 hours or more per
week), men worked longer than women8.2 hours
compared with 7.8 hours. This adds up to at least 2 hours
a week.
Men are simply more likely to go into dangerous jobs (which,
logically, let them make more)
Men are more likely to enter higher-paying fields, such as
petroleum engineering, while women are more likely to become
preschool teachers. Guess which pays more?
Men are more likely to choose higher-paying jobs within the
same field. Take doctors as an example: women are more likely
to be pediatricians, while men are more likely to be

4) You still dont have full rights over your own body. Men are
still debating over your uterus. Over your prenatal care.
Over your choices.

- Its a major generalization to say that men are the ones

debating. There are women on both sides of abortion debate.
If a woman wants to become a politician and create/vote on
laws, she is welcome to. Second, women absolutely have full
rights to their body; there is debate over whether they should
have full rights over the body of their unborn child (which is
different from the uterus). I am borderline on abortion, but I
still have to point out that the woman and the fetus are two
different organisms.
5) You still have to pay taxes for your basic sanitary needs.

- And, in some states, there are taxes on food you buy at the
grocery store and clothes you buy. There are taxes on toilet
paper and soap. All of these are also necessary, but they are
taxed. Some necessary products are taxed, others are not. It
is not sexism.

6) You still have to carry mace when walking alone at night.

You still have to prove to the court why you were drunk on
the night you were raped. You still have to justify your
behavior when a man forces himself on you.

- It is a jurys task to determine whether the defendant is,

without a reasonable doubt, guilty. This involves verifying
that the rape was actually rape: it was non-consensual sexual
assault. Over 28% of rape accusations are false, a rate
higher than most other crimes. With any crime, the victim
needs to justify their behavior and make a case to show that
the defendant is guilty; with rapes high false accusation rate,
it is even more imperative that guilt is proven beyond a
reasonable doubt.

7) You still dont have paid (or even unpaid) maternity leave.
You still have to go back to work while your body is broken.
While you silently suffer from postpartum depression.

- First of all, why should mothers have paid maternity leave?

Why should employers have to lose money because the
mother chose to get pregnant? If a woman cannot afford to
leave work for a few months, she cannot possibly afford to
have a child, for the childs sake and her own. The same goes
for postpartum depression; it is entirely optional to have a
child. If you arent willing to deal with possible consequences,
dont have a child.
8) You still have to fight to breastfeed in public. You still have
to prove to other women its your right to do so. You still
offend others with your breasts.

- Partial nudity does tend to offend people. You can argue that
it shouldnt, but the fact is that nudity is inappropriate in
many situations. If you need to breastfeed your child, you can
do so in a bathroom, or you can pump beforehand. Yet again,
it was your choice to have a baby

9) You are still objectified. You are still catcalled. You are still
sexualized. You are still told youre too skinny or youre too
fat. Youre still told youre too old or too young. Youre
applauded when you age gracefully. Youre still told men
age better. Youre still told to dress like a lady. You are still
judged on your outfit instead of whats in your head. What
brand bag you have still matters more than your college

- Criticism can be rude and cruel, but it is not gender specific.

Objectification, from examples I have seen, seems to be men
admiring you; dont tell me youve never thought a guy was
hot when you saw him. Catcalling is not limited to gender; in
both my personal experience and others, it is not a gender-
based issue. There will always be a beauty standard that the
opposite sex finds more desirable; it is up to you whether you
wish to dedicate time to aiming for that standard or not. As
for being judged more based on looks than
intelligence/personality, I find this totally untrue. In my
experience, people (of both genders) tend to group together
based on intelligence and interests rather than looks.
10) You are still being abused by your husband, by your
boyfriend. Youre still being murdered by your partners.
Being beaten by your soulmate.

- Violence of all types is awful, and domestic abuse is a real

issue. However, this too is not a gender-specific issue. If
anything, male victims are discriminated against, because
they do not have the same resources afforded to female

11) Your daughters are still told they are beautiful before
they are told they are smart. Your daughters are still told to
behave even though boys will be boys. Your daughters are
still told boys pull hair or pinch them because they like them.

- Being 14, I remember my childhood more than most adults,

and none of this is at all true in my or my friends experience.
It is true that babies are called cute before they are called
smart, but this is because they have no way to prove their
intelligence. Throughout my childhood, I have never once
heard boys will be boys used to excuse misbehavior, and I
have never been told that I boy who bothers me likes me.
Perhaps in your day these excuses were common, but today,
neither of them are.

12) You are not equal. Your daughters are not equal. You
are still systemically oppressed.

- If you say soIts not like I would know whether or not I am

oppressed. Its up to you to speak for all women and their
experiences, apparently.
13) Unless of course you use it to call a man who isnt up to
your standard of manhood. You know the type of man that
allows his woman to do whatever she damn well pleases.

- Yet again, who actually says this, other than feminists making
up strawmen arguments?

14) You will believe youve always had the rights you have

- Nobody believes this. We are not ignorant of history. We have

learned about Susan B. Anthony and the suffragette
movement, and as I said above, we appreciate them. We just
dont need you fighting for something we already have.

15) Because women who actually care and support other

women dont care what you think about them.

- I already gave you a ten out of ten, so this warrants an eleven

out of ten on the condescension scale. Regardless of what you
may think, I care about and support other women. I believe
women deserve the equal rights that we have. I believe that
women are capable of achieving great things without feeling
like victims, which is why I dont support modern feminism. I
am fighting for you and your daughters so that you can move
past feeling like victims and realize that you are, in fact,
already equal.

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