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Classroom Phrases - Teachers

ADDRESSING the CLASS: Hello!/Good morning! - Ladies and gentlemen, - People, -

ANREDE (Schler/Studenten): Guten Tag!/Guten Morgen! - Meine Damen und
Herren, - Leute, - Meine Lieben,

Note: NEVER use German Klasse as a term for addressing the entire class! A native-
speaker would never use the word in that way. The degree of classroom formality or
informality depends on the level (college, elementary, etc.) and the teacher.

Open your books to page... Abran su libro en la pagina

Schlagt Seite Nummer... auf.

Turn to page... vamos a la pagina...

Blttert auf Seite Nummer... um.

Read the text on page... Lean el texto en la pagina

Lest den Text auf Seite Nummer...

Please form pairs/pair off. Formen parejas

Bildet bitte Paare.

Please form groups of three/four. Por favor formen grupos de

Bildet bitte Dreier- / Vierergruppen.

That's wrong, I'm afraid. Lamentablemente es incorrecto.

Das ist leider falsch.

That's right/correct. Es correcto

Richtig. Stimmt.

Good! Excellent!
Prima! Wunderbar!

Could you pass out the worksheets? Podra repartir las hojas.
Verteilst du bitte die Arbeitsbltter?

Do this exercise for homework. Hagan esta tarea para la casa.

Macht diese bung als Hausaufgabe.

Be quiet. Sit down, please.

Seid ruhig. Setz dich/Setzt euch bitte.

Student Phrases

Below you'll find an English-German collection of phrases and expressions for the German-
language classroom. This phrasebook is intended as an aid for using the target language
(die Zielsprache - Deutsch) in a classroom setting, and it's divided into two categories:
one for students (below), the other for teachers (in Part 2).

Glossary: A-L | M-Z | Schools | Universities

Phrasebook 1 | Phrasebook - Teachers | Quiz

Classroom Phrases - Students

FORMS of ADDRESS: Mrs./Ms. Schmidt, Mr. Schmidt

ANREDEFORMEN: Frau Schmidt, Herr Schmidt

Note: Always address your teacher, professor or other school personnel as Sie! Your fellow
students should be addressed as du (one) or ihr (more than one).

Hi there! Hi everyone!
Hallo allerseits! Hallo alle zusammen!

Sorry I'm late.

Tut mir Leid, dass ich zu spt komme.

What does ___ mean?

Was bedeutet/heit ___?

What's the German for ___?

Was heit ___ auf Deutsch?

I don't understand.
Ich verstehe nicht.

More slowly, please.

Lamgsamer bitte.

Pardon? What was that? (I didn't understand)

Wie bitte? (Avoid Was?, the German equivalent of "Huh?")

Could you please repeat that? (to teacher)

Bitte wiederholen Sie das!

Could you please repeat that? (to student)

Noch einmal bitte!

May I go to the restroom?

Darf ich auf die Toilette?/aufs Klo?

Could I go out/leave for a minute?

Darf ich kurz mal hinausgehen?

How do you spell that?

Wie schreibt man das?

Note: See our German Alphabet page for the sounds of the German ABC's.

I've already done that.

Ich hab' das schon gemacht.

Do we have homework?
Haben wir Hausaufgaben?
Which page/exercise?
Welche Seite/bung?

I don't know.
Ich wei nicht.

I have no idea.
Ich habe keine Ahnung.

yes - no - OK
ja - nein - Schon gut.

What's the difference between ___ and ___?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen ___ und ___?

In der Schule - At School

School and Education Vocabulary

An annotated English-German Glossary

with a self-scoring quiz

Glossary A-L | M-Z | Quiz

Types of Schools | Phrasebook 1 | Phrasebook 2

A, B, C, D, F (see grades/marks below)

ABCs, alphabet das ABC

absence (school) das Fehlen

unexcused absence unentschuldigtes Fehlen

absent abwesend
absent from class/school in der Stunde/Schule fehlen
to be absent, missing fehlen
She's absent today. Sie fehlt heute.
Why were you absent? Warum hast du gefehlt?

Kultur: The German Abitur (das) is a high school diploma or secondary leaving certificate
(A-level), received after passing a written and oral examination during the 12th or 13th year
of school (depending on the state). Die Matura is the Austrian equivalent. Also see
"graduation" below.
academic akademisch, wissenschaftlich
academic advisor der Studienberater/die Studienberaterin
academic year das Studienjahr, das Schuljahr

academically gifted/talented intellektuell begabt

academy die Akademie (-n), die Privatschule

administration (office) die Verwaltung

after school nach der Schule

before school vor der Schule

algebra die Algebra

See "subjects" for more school subjects.

alphabet das ABC, das Alphabet

alphabetically, in alphabetical order alphabetisch, nach dem Alphabet

answer (v.) antworten, beantworten

answer (n.) die Antwort (-en)

Er hat die Frage beantwortet.

He answered the question.

apple der Apfel (pfel)

art (subject) die Kunst, der Kunstunterricht

See "subjects" for more school subjects.

ask fragen
ask a question eine Frage stellen

assignment die Aufgabe (-n)

athletic field der Sportplatz (-pltze)

athletics der Sport (sing.)

Kultur: Athletics in German schools is generally limited to P.E. and intramural sports. It is
rare to have school teams that compete against each other. Competitive sports tend to be
done in clubs rather than in school, which is more academic.

attend (school) (die Schule) besuchen

compulsory attendance die Schulpflicht
he has a poor attendance record er fehlt oft (in der Schule)

B.A./B.S. (see "Bachelor of.." below)

bachelor's degree der Bakkalaureus, der Bachelor
Bachelor of Arts der Bakkalaureus der philosophischen Fakultt
Bachelor of Science der Bakkalaureus der wissenschaftlichen Fakultt

Kultur: It is difficult to compare the different academic degrees in Germany with those in
the Anglo-American system. An American "bachelor's degree" is closer to the German
Magisterabschluss, even though Magister translates as "master." In a recent effort to
become more international, some German universities now offer a B.A. degree in some
fields, usually for six semesters of study. Also see the entries for degree, M.A. and doctorate.

ballpoint pen der Kuli (-s), der Kugelschreiber (-)

band (music) die Blaskapelle (-n), die Band (-s)

binder (loose-leaf) das Ringbuch (-bcher)

biology (subject) die Bio, die Biologie

biology teacher der/die Biologielehrer/in

blackboard, chalkboard die Tafel (-)

boarding school das Internat (-e)

Also see: German Schools

book das Buch (Bcher)

textbook das Schulbuch/Lehrbuch

break, recess die Pause (-n)

after the break nach der Pause
short/long break kleine/groe Pause
das Pausebrot sandwich eaten during the break

bus, coach der Bus (-se)

school bus der Schulbus

Date and Time Glossary

Days of the week, months, and the clock.

German flashcards for practicing your vocabulary.

cafeteria die Mensa (Mensen) (univ.), der Speisesaal

Kultur: Most German students go home for lunch around 12:30 or 1:00, so few schools
have a cafeteria. In eastern Germany, it is more common to have a school lunch. At the
university, the Mensa offers low-cost meals for students and faculty.

calculator der Rechner

pocket calculator der Taschenrechner
school calculator der Schulrechner
scientific calculator wissenschaftlicher Rechner

calculus der Kalkl, die Integralrechnung

chair der Stuhl (Sthle)

chair (person), department head (m.) der Abteilungsleiter (-), der Fachleiter
chair (person), department head (f.) die Abteilungsleiterin (-), die Fachleiterin

chalk die Kreide, der Kreidestift

a piece of chalk eine Kreide

cheerleader der/die Cheerleader (-)

Kultur: Since interscholastic sports competition is rare in Germany, there is no need for
cheerleaders. Although some American-football teams in Europe have volunteer
cheerleaders, most Germans only know about cheerleading from Hollywood movies and TV.

chemistry (class) die Chemie, der Chemieunterricht

See "subjects" for more school subjects.

class (grade level) die Klasse (-n)

German class Deutschunterricht, Deutschstunde
the class of 2003 der Jahrgang 2003
in the 10th grade/class in der 10. Klasse (zehnten)

Kultur: A German Klasse is a group of students that stay together for several years of
school. Somewhat like a "home room" class, the students elect a Klassensprecher/in to
represent the class. Classes have names like 9a or 10b referring to each class group within
a grade level. A teacher who teaches two or more courses within a class group is the
Klassenlehrer, sort of like a "home room teacher." Note: A class of instruction is
Unterricht or Unterrichtsstunde, not Klasse, but it is held in a Klassenzimmer.

class register, roll book das Klassenbuch

classmate der Klassenkamerad (-en)

classroom das Klassenzimmer (-)

Classroom Expressions

clock die Uhr (-en)

coach, trainer der Trainer
coach (v.) trainieren

college die Fachhochschule (FH) (-n), das College (Engl. pron.)

College of Education pdagogische Hochschule

Kultur: The Anglo-American term "college" is usually Hochschule or Universitt in

German. University departments or schools ("College of Arts and Science") are called
Fachbereiche or Fakultten in German. For more, see: German Schools.

computer der Computer (-), der Rechner (-)

computer science die Informatik

correct (adj.) richtig

correct (v.) korrigieren
to correct tests Klassenarbeiten korrigieren

course der Kurs (-e), der Unterricht

honors course der Leistungskurs (-e)

degree (univ.) der (akademische) Grad

Kultur: One should not directly compare the different academic degrees in Germany with
those in the Anglo-American system. Besides the degree differences, the university systems
in the U.S., Britain and Germany are very different in other ways. Also see the entries for
B.A., M.A. and doctorate.

department die Abteilung (-en), der Fachbereich (univ.)

department chair/head (m.) der Abteilungsleiter (-), der Fachleiter
department chair/head (f.) die Abteilungsleiterin (-nen), die Fachleiterin

desk der Schreibtisch (-e) (teacher, office)

desk die Schulbank (student)

dictionary das Wrterbuch (-bcher)

didactic didaktisch, lehrhaft

doctoral dissertation die Doktorarbeit

doctorate, Ph.D, die Doktorwrde, die Doktorarbeit

person with a doctor's degree der Doktorand
She's still doing her doctorate. Sie sitzt immer noch an ihrer Doktorarbeit.

Kultur: Someone with a Ph.D. or Doktorwrde is entitled to be addressed as Herr Doktor

or Frau Doktor. In the old days, a woman married to a Doktor was also called Frau Doktor.
Also see the
School Phrasebook

After you've studied this glossary,

take the School and Education Quiz!

education die Bildung, das Bildungswesen, die Erziehung

College of Education pdagogische Hochschule

education(al) system das Bildungssystem, das Bildungswesen

educational Bildungs- (in compounds), pdagogisch, lehrreich

educational (school-related) schulisch

educator der Pdagoge/die Pdagogin, der Erzieher

elective (subject) das Wahlfach (-fcher)

Italian is an elective subject. Italianisch ist ein Wahlfach.
Math is a required subject. Mathe ist ein Pflichtfach.

elementary school, grade school die Grundschule, die Volksschule (Austria)

elementary teacher, grade school teacher der/die Grundschullehrer(in)

e-mail die E-Mail (-s)

to e-mail, send an e-mail eine Mail absenden/schicken

eraser (rubber) der Radiergummi (-s)

eraser (for chalk) der Schwamm (Schwmme)

exam das Examen (-), die Klassenarbeit (-en)

final exam das Schlussexamen (-)
finals die Abschlussprfung (-en) (univ.)

faculty der Lehrkrper, das Lehrerkollegium

felt-tip pen, marker der Filzstift (-e)

file (paper) die Akte (-n)

file (computer) die Datei (-en), das File (-s)
file folder der Aktenordner (-) (paper)
file folder die Mappe (-n) (loose-leaf)
file folder der Ordner (computer/paper)
final exam das Schlussexamen (-)
finals die Abschlussprfung (-en) (univ.)

folder der Ordner (-), der Hefter (-), die Mappe (-n)

foreign language die Fremdsprache (-n)

Kultur: In German schools, the most popular Fremdsprachen are Englisch and
Franzsisch (French). Latin, Russian, Italian and Spanish are also offered in some schools.
At the Gymnasium, students usually take two foreign languages, the "major" one for 8
years and a "minor" for 5 years, which means they become quite proficient. The typical U.S.
practice of taking two years of a foreign language is a joke, and less than 1/3 of American
students even do that. - For languages and nationalities in German, see Lektion 6 of German
for Beginners.

French (class) (das) Franzsisch, der Franzsischunterricht

See "subjects" for more school subjects.

freshman (9th grader) amer. Schler oder Schlerin in der neunten Klasse

Friday der Freitag

on Friday(s) am Freitag, freitags
For days of the week, see Lektion 12 of German for Beginners.

funding, funds (for educ., etc.) die Mittel/Gelder (pl.)

basic funding die Grundmittel (pl.)
public funds ffentliche Mittel/Gelder (pl.)
private funding (for univ. research) die Drittmittel (pl.)

German flashcards for practicing your vocabulary.

Confusing Words and Expressions

In German - and in several categories.

geography die Erdkunde, die Geografie

geometry die Geometrie

German (class) (das) Deutsch, der Deutschunterricht

See "subjects" for more school subjects.

globe der Globus, der Erdball

grade, mark die Note (-n), die Zensur (-en)

She has bad marks/grades. Sie hat schlechte Noten/Zensuren.
She has good marks/grades. Sie hat gute Noten/Zensuren.
He got an A. Er hat eine Eins bekommen.
He got an F. Er hat eine Fnf/Sechs bekommen.

German grading system: A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, F=5, F-=6

grade (level, class) die Klasse

in the 9th grade in der 9. (neunten) Klasse

grade school, elementary school die Grundschule

More: German Schools

graduate (v.) das Abitur ablegen (high school), absolvieren, promovieren (Ph.D.), die
Abschlussprfung bestehen (high school)
graduate (n.) der Akademiker/die Akademikerin
high school graduate der Schulabgnger/die Schulabgngerin, der Abiturient/die
graduate student ein Student oder eine Studentin mit abgeschlossenem Studium

Kultur: The German university system does not have the same divisions between
graduate and post-graduate study found in the U.S. There is no German word for "graduate
student." It has to be explained as ein Student oder eine Studentin mit abgeschlossenem

gym, gymnasium die Turnhalle

gym (class) der Sport, der Sportunterricht

gym/P.E. teacher (m.) der Sportlehrer (-)

gym/P.E. teacher (f.) die Sportlehrerin (-nen)

hall(way) der Gang, der Flur

health, hygiene (subj.) die Gesundheitspflege

higher education die Hochschulbildung, das Hochschulwesen

high school die Sekundarschule (-n)

academic high school (in German Europe) das Gymnasium

Kultur: There are many kinds of German secondary schools, each with its own curriculum
and purpose. A Gymnasium has an academic curriculum leading to das Abitur (die
Matura in Austria, Switz.) and college. A Berufschule offers a combination of trade skill
training and academics. Other school types include: Realschule, Gesamtschule and
Hauptschule. (For more, see German Schools.)

high school diploma das Abitur, die Matura

history die Geschichte

homework die Hausaufgaben (pl.)

honors course der Leistungskurs (-e)

honors/dean's list eine Liste der besten SchlerInnen/StundentInnen
with honors cum laude

ink die Tinte (-n)

institute das Institut (-e), die Hochschule (-n)

Also see: German Schools

instruct, teach unterrichten

instruction der Unterricht

math class/instruction der Matheunterricht

instructor der Lehrer

kindergarten der Kindergarten (-grten)

language lab das Sprachlabor (-s)

learn lernen

letter (of alphabet) der Buchstabe (-n)

locker das Schliessfach (-fcher)

Kultur: European schools, including Germany and Austria, don't have book lockers for
students like those found in American secondary schools.

loose-leaf binder das Ringbuch (-bcher)

loose-leaf folder die Mappe (-n)


In der Schule - At School 2
School and Education Vocabulary

An annotated English-German Glossary

with a self-scoring quiz

Glossary A-L | M-Z | Quiz

Types of Schools | Phrasebook 1 | Phrasebook 2

M.A./M.S. (see "Master of.." below)

map die Karte (-n), die Landkarte

geographic map geographische Karte
political map politische Karte
world map die Weltkarte

mark, grade die Note

good/bad marks, grades gute/schlechte Noten

marker, felt-tip pen der Filzstift (-e)

master's degree der Magister

Master of Arts der Magister der philosophischen Fakultt
Master of Science der Magister der wissenschaftlichen Fakultt

Kultur: One can't directly compare the different academic degrees in Germany with those
in the Anglo-American system. A German Magister is not really the same thing as an
American "master's degree." Also see the entries for B.A., degree and doctorate.

math die Mathe, die Mathematik

music die Musik

music teacher (m.) der Musiklehrer (-)
music teacher (f.) die Musiklehrerin (-nen)

notebook das Heft (-e)

notepad der Notizblock (-s)

notes die Notizen (pl.)
take notes Notizen machen

office das Bro (-s)

paper das Papier (-e)

Please turn in your papers. Die Arbeiten bitte.

Kultur: The German plural Papiere usually refers to official documents or papers. It can't
be used for "papers" except in an official way. A "paper" (theme, composition) is an Aufsatz.
A "piece/sheet of paper" is ein Blatt Papier or ein Zettel.

pen die Feder (-n), der Fller (-), der Kuli (ballpoint)

pencil der Bleistift (-e)

pencil case das Etui (-s)

pencil sharpener der Spitzer, der Bleistiftspitzer (-)

poster das Poster (-s)

podium das Podest

principal, headmaster der (Schul)Direktor/die Direktorin

principal's office die Verwaltung, das Verwaltungsbro

professor (f.) die Professorin (-nen), die Hochschullehrerin (-nen)

professor (m.) der Professor (-en), der Hochschullehrer (-)

question die Frage (-n)

ask a question fragen, eine Frage stellen
answer a question eine Frage beantworten, auf eine Frage antworten

quiz das Quiz (-), die Kurzarbeit (-en)

take a quiz ein Quiz/eine Kurzarbeit schreiben
quiz (v.) abfragen (orally)
The teacher quizzed us (orally) on the vocabulary. Der Lehrer hat uns die Vokabeln
kurz abgefragt.

read lesen

recess, break die Pause (-en)

religion, religious instruction die Religion, der Religionsunterricht

report card das Zeugnis (-se)

roll book, class register das Klassenbuch

room das Zimmer (-)

in the room im Zimmer
into the room ins Zimmer

ruler (measure) das Lineal

Also see the

School Phrasebook
and Types of Schools

After you've studied this glossary,

take the School and Education Quiz!

schedule (school) der Stundenplan (-plne)

in/on the schedule im Stundenplan

Kultur: German secondary schools follow a college-style schedule with some classes
meeting only twice a week, while others are held three or four times a week. Some German
schools have classes on Saturday or every other Saturday.

scholar der/die Gelehrte (-n); der Student

scholarship (learning) die Gelehrsamkeit

scholarship (money) das Stipendium (-dien)
He won a scholarship to Yale. Er bekam ein Stipendium fr Yale.

scholastic schulisch, Schul- (in compounds)

school die Schule
at school in der Schule, an/auf der Uni
to school in die Schule, zur Uni
school (univ. dept.) der Fachbereich
school of medicine die medizinische Fakultt

school bag die Schultasche (-n)

school bus der Schulbus (-se)
school cone die Schultte (-n) - See below.
school subject das Fach (Fcher) - See "subjects" below.
school supplies die Schulsachen (pl.)
school yard der Hof, der Schulhof
school year das Schuljahr

Die Schultte - It is the custom in Germany to give a colorful, cone-shaped Schultte

("school cone") filled with candy and small gifts to children on their very first day of school.
The tradition began in the the early 19th century in Dresden and Leipzig.

science die Wissenschaft (-en)

senior (high school) der Abiturient (-en), die Abiturientin (-nen)

senior ball (high school) der Abiball
senior class (high school) die Abiturklasse

Kultur: The German Abitur (das) is a high school diploma or secondary leaving certificate
(A-level), received after passing a written and oral examination during the 12th or 13th year
of school (depending on the state). It entitles a student to university attendance, although
not necessarily in the field of his/her choice. Die Matura is the Austrian equivalent. Also see

sex education die Sexualerziehung, die Aufklrung

snack sandwich das Pausebrot (-e) - sandwiches bought or brought by students for the
"long" school break (groe Pause)

social studies die Sozialkunde

student, pupil der Student, der Schler

Kultur: German makes a distinction between a student in college (Student/in) and a

student or pupil in school (Schler/in).

student teacher (m.) der Studienreferendar (-e)

student teacher (f.) die Studienreferendarin (-nen)

Kultur: A Studienreferendar has passed the first Staatsexamen and must teach at
least two years and pass a second exam before becoming a Studienassessor, and only
later a (tenured) Studienrat.

study (v.) lernen, studieren

Note: The German verb studieren is limited to a formal course of study at a university.
To study for a test is lernen. To conduct a study is forschen. - See Confusing Word Pairs
for more examples.
subject (school) das Fach (Fcher)
Which subjects do you have? Welche Fcher hast du?
Italian is an elective subject. Italianisch ist ein Wahlfach.
Math is a required subject. Mathe ist ein Pflichtfach.

Fcher: Some typical German subjects are: Bio (biology), Chemie, Deutsch (like English
in the U.S. or Britain), Erdkunde (geography), Geschichte (history), Kunst (art), Mathe,
Physik, Religion (a required subject!), Sport (physical education). These subjects are not
commonly offered in German schools: driver's education, home economics,
typing/computers, shop, auto mechanics and other "non-academic" subjects.

substitute (teacher), substitution die Vertretung (collective noun)

die Vertretungsstunde (-n) = a class taken over temporarily by another teacher

Vertretung: When a teacher is absent in the German school system, either another
teacher at the school fills in for a day or two, or the class is canceled (fllt aus). A substitute
would be hired only for a long-term absence.

table der Tisch (-e)

teach, instruct lehren, unterrichten

Ms./Mrs. Meier teaches English. Frau Meier unterrichtet Englisch.

teacher der Lehrer (-), die Lehrerin (-nen)

Kultur: Especially in southern Germany and Austria, a tenured secondary teacher may be
called Professor. A new German teacher must first become a probationary
Studienreferendar, teach at least two years and pass a second exam before becoming a
Studienassessor. Only later can he/she become a tenured Studienrat/Studienrtin.

teaching das Lehren, das Unterrichten, der Lehrberuf

test die Klassenarbeit (-en), die Klausur (-en), die Prfung (-en)
take a test eine Arbeit/Klausur schreiben
She gave a vocabulary test. Sie lie eine Vokabelarbeit schreiben.

test (v.) prfen, eine Klassenarbeit/Klausur schreiben lassen

He tested us on the chapter. Er hat uns ber das Kapitel geprft.

theme (written) der Aufsatz

trash can, wastepaper basket der Abfallkorb, der Papierkorb

tutor (n.) der Privatlehrer (-), der Hauslehrer (-)

tutor (v.) privat unterrichten
to give extra tutoring (after school) Nachhilfe geben

tutoring, tutelage der Privatunterricht, die Nachhilfe


uniform (n.) die Uniform (-en)

school uniform die Schuluniform

university die Uni (-s), die Universitt (-en)

waste(paper) basket der Abfallkorb, der Papierkorb

write schreiben

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