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IT2251- Software engineering and Quality Assurance




Subject Code : IT2251

Subject Name :Software engineering and Quality Assurance Year/Semester : II/IV

1. What is software engineering?
2. What is Software?
3. What are the characteristics of the software?
4. What are the various categories of software?
5. What are the challenges in software?
6. Define software process.
7.What are the fundamental activities of a software process?
8. What are the umbrella activities of a software process?
9. What are the merits of incremental model?
10. List the task regions in the Spiral model.
11. What are the drawbacks of spiral model?
12. What is System Engineering?
13. List the process maturity levels in SEIs CMM.
14. What is an effector process?
15. Define the computer based system.
16. What does Verification represent?
17. What does Validation represent?
18. What are the steps followed in testing?
19. What is the use of CMM?
20. Name the Evolutionary process Models.
21. What is meant by Software engineering paradigm?
22. What are the various elements for computer based system?
23. Define dynamic verification?
24. Define static verification?


1. Explain the linear software life cycle model with suitable illustration. Bring out the demerits
of this model. (16)
2. Distinguish between verification and validation process. What is meant by generic view of
software engineering? Brief it. (16)
3. Explain the process model, which is useful when staffing, is unavailable for Complete
implementation. (16)
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IT2251- Software engineering and Quality Assurance
4. What is prototyping? Mention its types. Also explain this model with advantages and
disadvantages. (16)
5. Explain brief about Computer based system? . (16)
6. Define Software process model? Explain any one of it with a neat diagram. (16)
7. Explain the hierarchy of Business process Engineering. . (16)
8. Explain Software Life cycle process. . (16)
9. Explain Evolutionary process model. . (16)
10. Explain the different layers of Software Engineering? (16)
11. Describe the process model which defines a network of activities? (16)
12. Why the first systems throw away system? Explain the concept with advantages and
disadvantages. . (16)
13. Draw a system engineering hierarchy diagram and explain the concept? (16)
14. Explain the process model that combines the elements of waterfall and iterative
fashion. (16)
15. Explain iterative waterfall and spiral model for software life cycle and discuss various activities
in each phase. . (16)
16. List several software process paradigms. Explain how both waterfall model and prototyping
model can be accommodated in the spiral process model. . (16)
17. Explain in detail Boehm's spiral model for software life cycle and discuss various activities in
each phase. . (16)
18. a) which is more important-the product or process? Justify your answer. (4)
b) Identify the umbrella activities in software engineering process. (4).
c) With suitable illustration explain SPIRAL model evolutionary software development (8).


1. What is requirement engineering?

2. What are the various types of traceability in software engineering?
3. Define software prototyping.
4. What are the benefits of prototyping?
5. What are the prototyping approaches in software process?
6. What are the advantages of evolutionary prototyping?
7. What are the various Rapid prototyping techniques?
8. What is the use of User Interface prototyping?
9. What are the characteristics of SRS?
10. What is data modeling?
11. What is a data object?
12. What are attributes?
13. What is cardinality in data modeling?
14. What does modality in data modeling indicates?
15. What is ERD?
16. What is DFD?
17. What does Level 0 DFD represent?
18. What is a state transition diagram?
19. Define Data Dictionary.
20. What are the elements of Analysis model?
21. What are functional requirements?
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IT2251- Software engineering and Quality Assurance
22. What are non functional requirements?
23. What is the outcome of feasibility study?

24. What is meant by structural analysis?

25.What are the Difficulties in Elicitation?


1. Explain Brief about the functional and Non Functional Requirements. (16)
2. Explain the Software Document (16)
3. How do prepare the Software documents in the following Application.
a) To Maintain the Account of the customer for bank management
system. (8)
b) Reserve the railway ticket for online booking system. (8)
4. Explain the Requirement engineering process. (16)
5. Write the feasibility studies for foreign trading system. (16)
6. Explain software prototyping in detail? (16)
7. Give in detail about the mechanics of structure analysis and data dictionary? (16)
8. Discuss Data modeling? (16)
9. Discuss in detail about models in software requirements. (16)
10. Discuss about a) elicitation b) validation c) management? (16)
11. Give in detail about rapid prototyping techniques? (16)
12. A)Explain about functional models. (8)
B)Explain about behavioral models. (8)

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IT2251- Software engineering and Quality Assurance

1. What are the elements of design model?

2. Define design process.
3. List the principles of a software design.
4. What is the benefit of modular design?
5. What is a cohesive module?
6. What are the different types of Cohesion?
7. What is coupling?
8. What are the various types of coupling?
9. What are the common activities in design process?
10. What are the benefits of horizontal partitioning?
11. What is vertical partitioning?
12. What are the advantages of vertical partitioning?
13. What are the various elements of data design?
14. List the guidelines for data design.
15. Name the commonly used architectural styles.
16. What is Transform mapping?
17. What is a Real time system?
18. What are the objectives of Analysis modeling?
19. What is an Architectural design?
20. What is data design?
21. What is interface design?
22. What is component level design?
23. What is software design?
24. What is user interface design?
25. What is system design?
26. What are data acquisition systems?
27. What are the Different Types of Cohesion?
28. What are the Different Types of Coupling?
29. Define JAD.
PART-B(16 Marks)

1. Which is a measure of interconnection among modules in a program structure? Explain. (16)

2. What is the difference between Level-0 and Level-1 DFD? draw a Level-0 and Level-1 DFD
for safe Home Security System. (16)
3. How the interrupts are handled in real time systems? Explain. (16)
4. How to identify the objects in the software configuration? Explain in detail. (16)
5. What are the different types of architectural styles exist for software and explain any one
software architecture in detail. (16)
6. Describe activities of SCM in detail. (16)
7. Explain the user interfaces design activities. (16)
8. Explain data, architectural and procedural design for a software explain. One software
architecture in detail. (16)
9. Describe the design procedure for a data acquisition system. one software architecture in
detail. (16)
10. Discuss briefly Effective Modular Design. (16)

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IT2251- Software engineering and Quality Assurance
11. Explain Real Time Systems. (16)
12. What is Software Architecture? Explain it. (16)
13. Draw a translating diagram for analysis model into a software design specification. (16)
14. Given complete template for documentation design specification. (16)
15. How the interrupts are handled in real time systems? Explain. (16)
16 Write a note on real time software design. (16)



1. Define software testing?

2. What are the objectives of testing?
3. What are the testing principles the software engineer must apply while performing the
software testing?
4. What are the two levels of testing?
5. What are the various testing activities?
6. Write short note on black box testing.
7. What is equivalence partitioning?
8. What is a boundary value analysis?
9. What are the reasons behind to perform white box testing?
10. What is cyclomatic complexity?
11. How to compute the cyclomatic complexity?
12. Distinguish between verification and validation.
13. What are the various testing strategies for conventional software?
14. Write about drivers and stubs.
15. What are the approaches of integration testing?
16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of big-bang?
17. What are the benefits of smoke testing?
18. What are the conditions exists after performing validation testing?
19. Distinguish between alpha and beta testing
20. What are the various types of system testing?
21. Define debugging.
22. What are the common approaches in debugging?
23. What is meant by structural testing?
24. What is meant by regression testing?
25. What is meant by unit testing?


1. How to derive test cases for the given project? Explain with detail. (16)
2. How the RST (Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitivity) condition is verified in black box
testing? Explain with example. (16)
3. Why unit testing is so important? Explain the concept of unit testing in detail. (16)
4. Write a note on regression testing. (16)
5. Explain the testing procedure for boundary conditions. (16)
6. Describe verification and validation criteria for software. (16)
7. Describe unit testing and integration testing. How test plans are generated. (16)

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IT2251- Software engineering and Quality Assurance
8. Suggest software testing sequence for 100% bug free software explains. (16)
9. Why is testing important? Narrate the path testing procedure in detail with a
sample code. (16)
10. Distinguish between black box and white box testing. (16)
11. Explain the different integration testing approaches. (16)
12. Explain in detail Black box testing in detail . (16)
13. How Boundary test conditions are achieved? (16)
14 . Explain in detail Structural testing? (16)
15. Explain in detail Software Testing Strategies. (16)
16. Explain the test coverage criteria based on Data flow mechanisms. (16)
17. What are all the formulas for cyclomatic complexity? Calculate cyclomatic
Complexity for greatest of three numbers. (16)
18. Explain about system testing. (16)
19. Explain different types of software measures. (16)

1.What is RMM plan?
2. What are the qualities team leaders should posses?
3. What is an agile team?
4. What are the categories of activities connected with measurement process?
5. What are the different measurable characteristics of an OO design?
6. What are the measures of software quality?
7. What is metrics evaluation?
8. What is software quality assurance?
9. What is SQA group?
10. What are the activities associated with SQA group?
11. What are the different SCM features?
12. What are reactive risk strategies?
13. What are the characteristics of software risks?
14. What is software availability?
15. What are the management responsibilities regarding ISO 9001 requirements?
16. Define SPICE.
17. What is MALCOLM BALDRGE award?
18. What are the ISO 9000 series of quality management standards?
19. Define CMM.
20. What are the capability levels defined in SEI?
21. What are the four ps focused on effective software project management?
22. Define software configuration management.
23. What is quality planning?
24. What is quality improvement?
25. What is quality management?
26. What are the benefits of QFD?
27. What are the different dimensions of quality?
28.Define quality.
29. What is quality cost?
30. What are the 7 QC tools?

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IT2251- Software engineering and Quality Assurance
1. Explain Quality Function Deployment in detail. (16)
2. Describe in detail the standardization procedure of benchmarking. (16)
3. Explain how software quality assurance is ensured in a software firm. (16)
4. Explain the seven basic quality control tools in detail. (16)
5. Explain software project management in detail. (16)
6. Explain how software quality assurance is ensured in a software firm (16)
7. What are the different software testing tactics? Explain. (16)
8. Write detail notes on risk management. (16)
9. Write detail notes on ISO9000 series of quality management standards. (16)
10. Account on CMM in detail. (16)
11. Give a detail note on SPICE in detail. (16)
12. Write detailed notes on Malcolm Baldrige award. (16)
13. Explain how software process assessment helps software organizations to improve
themselves. (16)
14. Explain the testing phase of software development in detail. (16)
15. Give detailed description about software process assessment. (16)
16. Explain software inspections in detail. (16)
18. Write detailed notes on the techniques for error cause analysis and defect prevention. (16)
19. Account on clean-room software engineering. (16)
20. Write notes on TSP and PSP. (16)

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