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#€, SO the item should be washed as as possit = can be safely used on some fibres ‘brics, but itis advisable to test it on an spicuous area first before treating the le item, Faure 2.14 Detergents are chemicals Flame resistance Some fibres and fabrics catch fire and burn more easily that others. Fibres and fabrics have a lot of air trapped in their structure burn more easily. Some fibres and fabrics Noulder and melt rather than burn, but this be just as dangerous. There are special ey > Figure 2.15 Children’s nightwear must be flameproot MaTERIALS finishes that can be applied to fibres and fabrics to reduce their flammability Moth and mildew resistance Moths can be a problem for protein fibres Such as wool and silk because they lay their 99s in clothes that are stored. When the larvae hatch they use these natural fibres as ‘Source of food, making holes in the fabric. Mildew is a form of mould that flourishes where there is high humidity such as bathrooms and shower rooms as well as in humid countries. Fibres and fabrics with a high cellulose content such as cotton and linen are Particularly at risk, and wool and silk fibres can also be attacked. Synthetic fibres are immune. Thermoplasticity Only synthetic fibres and fabrics have this Performance characteristic. They can be heated up and set into a shape that they ‘maintain when they cool down. This makes ‘some finishes easy to apply, such as texturing and bulking of fibres and yams and also means fabrics can have pleats permanently set in, Figure 2.16 A pleated PE skirt needs to retain its Pleats when it has been washed

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