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Spanning sculpture, video, text and sound, Angela Bullochs work is concerned with systems and

ordering principles, be they astronomical, aesthetic, mathematical, or cultural. In other words, her work
often addresses structures and patterns that organize our surroundings and our perception of the world
in which we live. The unreliability of human perception, easily tricked by visual illusions, also is of
particular interest to the artist.

Alcanzando la escultura, el video, el texto y el sonido, el trabajo de Angela Bulloch se ocupa de los
sistemas y principios ordenadores, ya sean astronmicos, estticos, matemticos o culturales. En otras
palabras, su trabajo a menudo se refiere a estructuras y patrones que organizan nuestro entorno y
nuestra percepcin del mundo en el que vivimos. La falta de fiabilidad de la percepcin humana,
fcilmente engaada por las ilusiones visuales, tambin es de particular inters para el artista.The
recent series of wall drawings bring together her interest in systems, patterns and rules, and the artists
preoccupation with the history of shapes with her recent engagement with digitally distorted basic
geometric shapespolyhedra which she has also explored in her series of sculptures known as stacks.

The recent series of wall drawings bring together her interest in systems, patterns and rules, and the
artists preoccupation with the history of shapes with her recent engagement with digitally distorted
basic geometric shapespolyhedra which she has also explored in her series of sculptures known as

La reciente serie de dibujos de pared rene su inters por los sistemas, los patrones y las reglas, y la
preocupacin del artista por la historia de las formas con su reciente compromiso con formas
geomtricas geomtricas distorsionadas digitalmente, poliedros que tambin ha explorado en su serie
de esculturas conocidas como Pilas

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