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Aleksandar Dogandžić and Arye Nehorai

EECS Department
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60607
email: adogandz, nehorai

ABSTRACT linear combination of basis functions, which includes var-

ious wireless channel models as special cases, see [1], [14].
We propose finite-length multi-input multi-output adaptive
However, unlike [13], where the measurements are real and
equalization methods for “smart” antenna arrays using the
basis functions are known, here we consider the measure-
statistical theory of canonical correlations. We show that
ment model with complex data and parametric basis func-
the proposed methods are related to maximum likelihood
tions. The proposed parametric basis function model is use-
reduced-rank channel and noise estimation algorithms in
ful in blind equalization and symbol detection, i.e. when
unknown spatially correlated noise, and to several recently
training data is not available, see Section 5.
proposed adaptive equalization schemes.
Denote by  an
data vector received by an array
of antennas at time  and assume that we have collected
 temporal data vectors. Then, we consider the following
Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channel equalization has
recently attracted much attention due to recent popularity measurement model:

"# $&%'%'%(  
of antenna arrays applied at the receiver [1] and transmitter
[2]. Adaptive and non-adaptive decision-feedback (DFE)  ! (2.1)
MIMO equalizers have been recently proposed in [3] and
[4], respectively (see also references therein). In this pa- where  is an )
+* channel response matrix of rank ,.-
per, we present methods for finite-length MIMO adaptive /1032  4*5 , 6 is a *
7 vector of basis functions,
spatial and temporal equalization based on canonical cor- and ! is zero-mean Gaussian, temporally white and spa-
relation analysis [5], [6]. These methods are multivariate tially correlated noise with unknown positive definite co-
extensions of the adaptive equalization algorithms in [7], variance 8 . The basis functions 9" are chosen to de-
[8], [9], classical finite-length adaptive equalization in [10], scribe the signal of interest, and  is a vector of unknown
and blind adaptive beamforming methods which use finite basis-function parameters, which may be the unknown sym-
alphabet [11] and constant modulus [12] properties of the bols or phases of the received signal in constant-modulus
received signal. We show a relationship between the pro- scenario (see Section 5.1.1).
To present the ML estimates of  and 8 , it is useful to
posed methods and reduced-rank multivariate linear regres-
sion problem solved in [13]. GHII :;# <  =?>&>'>@H
define  G QQ BA , C" D< 6 $?>'>&>E H9G IEQ "FA ,
First, in Section 2, we briefly review the maximum like- J LK  M>N:O:1P ,
H G QUP I ; R@ SK >TC"CEP , 
lihood (ML) channel and noise estimation in [13]. Then, @ SK V>=:WCMEP , and
we describe the proposed adaptive equalization algorithm
X G I Q W G G G Y(Z\
 H I Y!I Z[E\ H IQ H QQ 
in Section 3, and discuss its application when training data
is available (see Section 4) or not available (i.e. blind sce- (2.2)
nario, see Section 5).
H G IY(I Z\ isthe
which G Y!Z[E\ cross-correlation between the vectors
 and H QQ 6 or the estimated coherence ma-
We review the ML estimation in [13] for a reduced-rank ] Z\ between  and " , see [5, Section VII]. Also,
channel. As is [13], we model the received signal as a ] denotes] Y(aZHermitian
[E\ ^ ] Z[square
\  Y!Z ; thisroot of a Hermitian ma-

This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Re-
trix , and
H G IEQ notation

H G QQ will be used
throughout the paper. Note that and are functions
of  . To simplify the notation, we omit these dependen-
search under Grants F49620-97-1-0481 and F49620-99-1-0067, the Na-
tional Science Foundation under Grant MIP-9615590, and the Office of
Naval Research under Grant N00014-98-1-0542. cies throughout this paper. Consider now the singular value
decomposition (SVD) of :
X G IUQ _ G `G a G P  –  ƒ – ” M – /˜uS™›šœ  œ L K(ž ”"">d”MEP&K  ž –
 : Ž —  ž ž
_ G P _ G  _ G _ G P  bdce a G P a G  a G a G P b'fT
g `G (2.3b)
`G < `G  hiNAjk mln* 
 (2.3c) —
< *5iNApom mqn*
`G Gy Gy Gy C"
 rs t 0puNvxw @ =d {zT'%&%'%!  r|T (2.3d)
where “ P ” denotes Gy a conjugate transpose and h}  =1}
jz$r}~%&%'%}  /1032  4*5r}€i . Again, for notational
simplicity we omit the dependence of the above quantities Fig. 1. Proposed MIMO adaptive equalization scheme.
on  .
We now present the ML estimate of the reduced-rank • •
 . First, we adopt the following notation: Here, > denotes the determinant. The normalizing con-
G_ G 
,N and a _ G ,N are the
channel matrix
straint prevents trivial solution (in which Ž and
a G matrices containing the first ,
zero), and imposes the estimated beamformed signals Ž :
columns of and , respectively. For the model in (2.1)
with known  , the ML estimates of  and 8 are
to be uncorrelated.
It can be shown that, under Ž
H9G II Ž P “b , all the eigen-
G H G IZ I[E\ _ G  ,S `G  ,N a G ,N P H G QY!Q Z[E\  values of ”’>”EP=K
 are simultaneously minimized for
"‚ (2.4a) …
G H9G IIƒ HOG IZI[E\ _ G  ,N ` G \ ,N _ G ,N P O H G @IZI [\  G G¡ G¡ G¡
8"‚ (2.4b) Ž.‚ < G Z  "G \ M?>'>&> MBA P
G _ P H I Y!I Z[E\ …
If  is unknown, its ML estimate   ,S  (3.3a)
see [13], [14]. is ob- ¢ G¤ Z G¤ \ G¤
tained by maximizing the concentrated likelihood £ < G "G  G "?>'>&G > G "FA P G
` Y!Z[E\
„ ‡  Ž. H9IEQ HWQY!Q Z  ,N…  a ,N P H QQ  (3.3b)
"M†… ƒ Gy \ 
_G a G ,S are the matrices containing the first ,
ˆŠ‰ Z  ‹@ where ,N and G_ aG
see [14, eq. (4.1)] and [13, eq. (35)]. ToG find the ML esti- columnsG of
Ž¥  Œ
    ¢ " maximize
and , respectively (see [15]). Therefore,
mates of  and 8 , replace  in (2.4) by  . ¢
„ G and
„ (3.1), yielding
In the following, we propose an alternative criterion,  Ž.d  MO V , which isG the concentrated G ¢ like-
which is maximized for the same estimate of  as the con- in (2.5). Note that Ž."> M  " ,
lihood function G
centrated likelihood function (2.5). This criterion is moti- where G " is theG ML estimate G of the G
channel in (2.4a).
vated by the MIMO equalization scheme in Figure 1.
Also, §¦U¨G ©< ª ¦ œ Z "¬ G  ª ¦ œ \ M¬ G '%&%'%( ª ¦ œ "¬ GFA«o;
ŽŒ¢"B and ¦"MD< ¦ œ Z " ¦ œ \ d'… %&%'%( ¦ œ BApo
  9" can be viewed as estimated canonical … co-
We analyze the adaptive MIMO equalization scheme de-
picted in Figure 1. We wish to find an ,Œ
 beamform- Gy
ordinates of the data and basis functions, respectively, whereas
ing matrix Ž and an ,h
* basis-function filtering matrix ‹@ are the estimated canonical correlations, see [5]. This
 that minimize the error between the beamformed data allows for an elegant interpretation of the proposed equal-
and filtered basis functions ‘’M“ŽO
ƒ 6" in ization scheme in the context of canonical correlation analy-
the mean-square sense. Define the error matrix as ”M sis, see e.g. [6, ch. G ¡ 12]. The first estimated G
G Z MEP and ¬ ¦ œ Z Gy "M ¤ G Z M P 
canonical coordi-
< ‘’ $?>&>'>E‘’  BA . In the following, we show that this nates ª ¦ œ Z M
problem is related to canonical correlation analysis. have the largest estimated correlation @ L among allG possi-
ª œ
We propose to estimate Ž , , and  by maximizing ble G ¡ linear combinations
¬ G œ of  and¤ G " . Further, ¦ \ 
the inverse of estimated geometric mean-squared error of  \ "Pd and ¦ \ " Gy  \ "P= have the
‘’ : largest estimated correlation jz$ among all possible linear
„  and " that are uncorrelated with
Ž.  M •  LK  V>'” >'”M • ªG ¦ œ Z M and ¬ G ¦ œ Z " , and so on.
combinations of
P ƒ ƒ
For a single sensor with #< ª  ª  =d'%'%&%( ª 
subject to the normalizing constraint ­ =BApo , rank ,OD , and basis functions chosen to model
H G II Ž P “b %
Ž  ƒ
the multipath effect by uniformly discretizing the time-delay
(3.2) spread (i.e. 6M;< ®¯E®¯ =d'%'%&%(E®¯ *x˜ LFA o ), the
G G¡ X ¹!º X ¿ÁÀ º
¢ in (3.3) become rowG ¡ vectors, i.e. Ž.M° EP i.e. ² ¦ M ² " , see [15]. If  is the unknown
and "± ¤ "P , where " can be interpreted as a sequence to be detected, maximum likelihood sequence es-
feedforward filter, G which shapes the channel to the desired timation (MLSE) can be used to minimize the above cost
impulse response ¤ " ; this is a classical adaptive equal- functions with respect to  , along the lines of [16].
ization scheme in [10]. For rank-1 channels (i.e. ,ÂD ) and basis functions cho-
For unknown  , the maximization of (2.5) can be per- sen to model the multipath effect by uniformly discretizing ƒ =d'%&%'%(
the time-delay spread (i.e.  ² #< ® ² dE® ² 
formed by iteration, as described in Section 5. ƒ
® ²  *° =FA«o and similarly for " ), the above equal-
4. MIMO EQUALIZATION AND SYMBOL ization and detection algorithms become very similar those
DETECTION USING TRAINING DATA in [7], [8], [9] (where the differences arise because the nor-
If training data is available, we can separate the equalization malizing constraints in [7], [8], [9] differ from (3.2)).

Ž and  [see (3.3)] and then detect the unknown sequence

and detection tasks as follows: use training data to estimate
by applying metric combining (MC) [16, sec. IV.A] to the Two iterative procedures for blind MIMO equalization and
equalized data and basis functions. We show that this proce- symbol detection followfrom the results of Sections2 and3.
dure is equivalent to estimating 8 and  from the training The first iteration is based onG the ML resultsG in Section
2: first fix  and compute à " and 8n 8" using
data [using (2.4)] and detecting the unknown sequence us-
(2.4), then fix  and 8 and minimize the interference re-
ing interference rejection combining (IRC) [16, eq. (8)] (see
jection combining cost function Ä ½ ‰ Z < Å
ƒ BAP>
also [17]).
Y Z ƒ
8 >T<  9MBA with respect to  . Iterate between
Let :³²¨D<  ²  =?>&>'>@ ²  ²xFA be the data set containing
the known (or training) sequence, described by known basis
functions C ² )<  ² @ L?>'>&> G ²  ² BA . G Further,
 the above two steps as long as there is a significant increase
H Y(I@ZI [E\ H G ² IQ H G Y(QZQ [E\ 
by analogy in (2.5).
_ G `G a G P
(2.2) and G
(2.3), define ²  G ² ² An alternative iterative ¢ on (3.1): first
G method is based
² H G ² I² Q , where H ² II :x²³:x² P K  ² , H ² QUQ “C²?C² P K  ² , fix  and compute  ­
Ž  .
  and  " using (3.3),
P then fix Ž and and maximize (3.1) with respect to  ; it-
X G IQ ² Gy :x²?C² K Gy ² . Define also the Gy singular values of
/10Š2  E*¯EW}µi
² ` G : r} ² @ LW} Gy ² {zTW Gy ´
} '
% &
% "
% } Gy ²  erate as long as there is a significant increase in (3.1). In the
and ² ,S9¶t 0puNvxw ² @ L ² jz$d'%'%&%( ² ,S| . Then, from
following section, we consider the full-rank channel with
 ,O* co-channel signals, which allows for further simplifi-
(3.3),G the estimates
_ G H G ofY(IZŽ I [\ and ¢ based`G on thea G training H G Y(data
²,N ²,NP ² QQ ,
cations of this iteration.
are Ž ²“ ²,SEP ² and ²“
G the G channelZ[E\ G and 5.1. Full-rank Channel with ,O* Co-channel Signals
`G noiseG estimates G Y(Z\ followG from (2.4) G
 G Z² [E\  G H ² I`G I _ ² ,NG ² ,N a G ² Z,N\ P H ² QQ and 8 ²  H ² G II9ƒ
and as

H II _ ²,N \ ,N _ ²V,SEP H II  ƒ Consider now an important special case of a full-rank chan-
¢ ² G ² ƒ ¢ ² . Note that @ LK ²x'< Ž9²³:x² nel with ,#Æ* narrowband co-channel signals ® Z " ,
ƒ `Galso
\ ® \ "&%'%'%(U®  impinging on the array. Then, the ba-
² C ² A³>¯< Ž ² : ² ² C ² A P b G ² ,N .
Now, apply the beamformer … Ž ² to the data : contain- sis function vector … becomes  M;< ® Z "U® \ d
ing ¢ the unknown sequence and and the basis-function filter %'%&%!E® "FA«o . Since in (3.1) reduces to a square (and
… non-singular) matrix, we can recover the
G ² to the G hypothesized basis functions "G  , yielding
CM by computing Ƕ  Y!Z ŽW: , once  signals
 G ² ¦ £< ª ² ¦ œ GZ  ª ² ¦ œ \ G&%'%&%! ª ² ¦ œ FA«o·G  Ž9²› and
¬ œ ¬ œ ¬ œ `G Ž `G
and are es-

¢ ² ¦ Œ¸< ² ¦ Z " ² ¦ \ "'… %&%'%! ² ¦ "FA«o­ a G ,N± a G

timated. Note that (2.3c)
 _ G ,N `G ,N a G P ¢ o ", ˜
to £
, d
i «
A and
²?" . To find the unknown sequence  ,… we use the `G a G H G QY!Q Z[E\ G , implying that
H G II ƒ
,N P ,  "· , and 8n
metric combining G of the estimated canonical coordinates HG IQ H G QY(Q Z H G IP Q . Also, (2.5) reduces to „ M • HG QQ • K • HG QQƒ
 ² ¦ and  ² ¦" , i.e. minimize the following cost func- H G IP Q H G IY(I Z HG IQ •  • H9G II • K • H9G I@IŃ HG IQ H G QY(Q Z H G IP Q • , which can be
viewed as estimated geometric signal-to-noise ratio, see [18].
X¹!º » ƒ Gy \ Y(Z€»¾ ½ ž ªG ² ¦ œ ˆ ƒ ¬ G ² ¦ œ ˆ \
² ¦"M ˆŠ‰ … <¼ ²  ‹@FA    " žž  Define
Z ‰ Z žž ž G G
Ç6" Ž È"ÉdÊS: (5.1)
see [15]. Interestingly, the above cost function is equal to G ¢ Y(Z G D<  G "P 8 G Y!Z  G
the following IRC cost function: whereG Ž GÈ"ÉdÊ Y(TZ  G  Ž. GH IY(I Z G (
Y Z G 
 H  G @
I (
>  G "P 8 " D< MG P "FA "P
X6¿ÁÀ º »¾ ½ ƒ G G (Y Z ƒ G H 
Q Z[EQ \ a G `G Y(Z _ G H 
I (
Y I 
[ \
² "$ ‰ <   ² 6BA P 8 ² <   ² 9"FAF  ,N ,NP G
is the (estimated) weighted
Z least squares (WLS) beamformer. Thus, Ç6" can be viewed
as G an WLSG estimate of G the basis function matrix CG  . Since 6. REFERENCES
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