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1.1 Background of the Paper

Terms of philosophy is translation of philosophy ( english ) comes from the geek philo (
love of ) and Sophia ( wisdom ) .So in etymologist philosophy means love or movement good (
love of wisdom ) .Love it means desire a large or berkobar-kobar or sungguh-sungguh .Wisdom
that is the real truth or truth that .Philosophy means craving or desire that sungguh-sungguh the
truth true.

Philosophy according to Hasbullah Bakrie (1971: 11) is a kind of knowledge investigates

everything with deep of justice, the universe, and men so that it can produce knowledge of how
not as far as could be achieved human reason and how a man should after reaching that

Philosophy the science is part of epistemology (philosophy knowledge) specific assess

the nature of the science or scientific knowledge. The science is a branch of certain have
characteristic. Although in science methodologically do not differentiate of social knowledge,
but because technical problems is typical, and philosophy this science often divided into
philosophy knowledge of social knowledge. The subdivisions of these restrictions was more of a
review, namely knowledge nature or knowledge social, and not characterizes branch of
philosophy is autonomous. The science is different from in philosophy science, but there is no
difference between knowledge the natural and social, where they have the same characteristic

1.2 Focus of the Discussion

1. What do you know about:

A. Philosophy of sciences (quote the theory, at least 5 theorists).

B. Philosophy of mankind, Epistemology, Axiology, and Ontology or Ontology of

C. Who is mankind? Based on the scientific theory, and what the relationship is between
philosophy of sciences and religion

2. What is the relationship between mankind, cosmos and god according to mankind of

3. Describe the object, method, the function of philosophy, the characteristic of philoshopycal

Thinking and the use of philosophy!

4. What is the problem in philosophy of science?

5. What is the role, the characteristic and the function of philosphopy in scientific knowledge!

6. What do you know about the principles of scientific according to philosophy of science?

7. How to get scientific knowledge according to epistemology of science?

8. What is the function scientific knowledge according to axiology of science/

9. How to solve the sciencetific problem by using axiology of science?

10. How to solve the mystic problem by using axiology of mystic?


Philosophy is a philosophy science, it wants to answer some questions about the nature of
science like:

objects what review science ?( ontological )

How that allows knowledge of science? (Epistemologies)
For what knowledge of the science is used? ( axiology )

A .The science of philosophy according to the experts:

1. C .A Van Peursen in the arrangement of science ( translation , gramedia , 1989: 1-3 ) ,
philosophy science is musing on whether flung it , about the structure and function science
.Philosophy has two tendency science , the tendency metaphysical and methodology tendency
.Metaphysical tendency studies basic of science , while tendency investigate the second
methodology .

2. According to peter Angeles (1981: 250), philosophy science is

Analysis on various concept, believe, and methods science, following analysis,

expansion and assembly to acquire knowledge more ajeg and careful.
Analysis and justification of the reasoning in science following sign structure.
Analysis of connection between various sciences.
Result of scientific analysis knowledge for pertaining to perception and understanding
the people of reality, the logic and mathematics with reality, theoretical entity, sources
and the validity of knowledge, and the nature of humanity

3. Arthur Danto (1967: 296) said philosophy of science include enough broad on one pole,
namely the problems the concept of being thus closely pertains to the science itself, so that can
be instantly solving viewed as an donations to the science than to philosophy, and on the other
pole so common problems with a related by filasafati so that solving will be as many as
constituting a donations to metaphysics or epistemology as to the philosophy of real science

4. Israel scheffler ( 1969: 3 ) argue that the science looking for philosophy of general knowledge
about science or about the world as indicated by the science .Includes about lingkupannya
analyse relations between social factors and scientific ideas .Trying to delineating the origination
and structure of the universe according to whose theories and inventions best in cosmology , as
well as investigate the common method, logical form, conclusion, and the basic concept of the

5. Conny semiawan ( 1998: 45 ) said that the philosophy is basically the science talking about
science ( science of sciences ) that position on the other.

6 .A .Cornelius Benjamin ( in the Liang Gie , 19: 58 to philosophy the science as follows . That
philosophic discipline which is the systematic study of the nature of science, especially of its
methods, its concepts and presuppositions, and its place in thegeneral scheme of intellectual
disciplines. philosophy the science , merurut Benjamin , is a branch of philosophy who
systematically review the nature of the science , especially in regard to method , concepts , and
praanggapan-praanggapannya , and it is within the framework of common of the branches of
intellectual knowledge .

B. Philosophy of mankind, Epistemology, Ontology, and Axiology science.

Philosophy of mankind

Philosophy man is an integral part of system philosophy, specific highlight the nature or
essence man. Material objects philosophy people and knowledge about humans (for example
psychology and anthropology) is a symptom of people. Basically the aims to investigate,
interpreting, and understanding of indication or mans expression.

This section is described the objects of knowledge science, ways to earn science
knowledge and how to measure true or nor knowledge science.

The objects of knowledge since (the study objects science) are all objects that are empirical.
Jujun S. Suriasumantri (philosophy of: an introductory popular, 1994: 105) said that the object of
the study since only objects be in scope of human experience. Meant experience here is the

According to science researching what he should be allowed to just , she is free;

according to philosophy will depend critically on the matter of philosophy which; not necessarily

According to principia cybernetic web ( / sports center /
axiology html). , aksiologi (axiology) is:

1 ) a branch of philosophy dealing with values, i.e., ethics, aesthetics, religion. Based on the
greek for ' worth.'

2) The study of the nature of types of and criteria of values and judgments of value,
especially in ethics (John Warfield)

3) The general theory of value; the study of objects of interest. (lotze)

Opinion of another about axiology raised by Pizarro as the following. axiology involves
the values , ethics , and belief systems of a philosophy / paradigm .Within the critical race theory
, axiology is the leading paradigm' s influence on research studies .Ontology and epistemology
are secondary to the axiology .Critical race theory' s axiology is composed of two elements:
equity and democracy ( www.edb.utexas .Nedu / faculty / scheurich / proj7 / axiology.html . /

Of some opinion it can be taken the essence of understanding axiology as follows:

Axiology is a branch of philosophy dealing macam macam and criteria value and
decision or consideration in assessing , especially in ethics or nilai-nilai moral .
Axiology is an influential paradigm important in scientific research.
Ontologiterdiri of two syllables derived from the greek, namely ontos means something
from, and logos means science or teaching. So ontology can be defined as the science or theories
about the nature of existing form.The nature study ontology is the actual state of something, not a
temporary state always berubah-ubah.

According to Ali Mudhofir (1996) there are three view, who masing-masing raises the
flow of different. Three terms that view is as follows:

1 .Kebedaan seen in terms of number of (quantity)

Existence seen in terms of number of how much the fact that is the most in it, this view

Bear some the flow of philosophy as follows.

A. monoisme

the flow of stating that there is only one fundamental the reality of soul, matter, the lord

other subtansi.

B. dualism (self two)

The set up two subtansu that masing-masing stand alone. Tokoh-tokoh including kealiran

This is palto ( 428-348 bc ) what distinguishes two worlds, namely the world the senses

(The world bayang-bayang ) and the world ( the idea that is open to the man

C. pluraisme in many

The there is no one substance or two substance but many substance (490-430 SM).

Philosophers including pluralism is empedocles (490-430 SM) said the nature of the fact

That is divided four: water, fire, water and soil .Anaxagoras (500-428 SM) said unsur-

unsur that countless , about the nature of objects and everything is controlled by an
Exertion namely nouns.leibniz (1646-1716) said that reality consists of monade-monade

not berluas , always moving , not divided and cannot be broken.

2 .The scene in terms of the nature of (quality)

A. spiritulisme

B. materialism

3 .The truths is seen in terms of the process, events or change

A. mechanism

B. teleology (self purpose)

C. vitalism

C. Who was the man? Based Theory of Science, Philosophy and Religion?
Humanism is understood philosophy who taught that human beings are capable of set
him and nature (misinterpretation, 2004).


Simply it can be said that man consists of two aspects ensesial, namely the body and

Soul. View and functions of two aspects interconnected it can be question what matters

The body or soul? There were several streams that are as follows.

1. Aliran Materialisme
the flow of materialism thought that what is important is the human body.Of soul in the
body merupaka problems that less important because soul only riding alone in the
body.One tokohnya is ludwing feuerbach (1804- 1872), who argues that behind people do
not is creature other mysterious called soul, as there is no god behind the universe.
Next he argues that something is called real when can be perceived by panca the senses.
Is creature physical dynamic. The soul is symptoms a side as the impression subjective
arising because the probadi involve our own existence

2. The flow of spiritualism

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