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Chapter 7

Senor Eusebio Corominas – editor of the newspaper La Publicidad

Don Miguel Morayta – owner of La Publicidad

Paz Pardo de Tavera – was a pretty girl, who was engaged to Juan Luna

Heidelberg – a historic city in Germany famous for its old university and romantic surroundings

 Rizal worked at the University Eye Hospital under the direction of Dr. Otto Becker

Wilhemsfeld – a mountainous village near Heidelberg

Dr. Karl Ullmer – a kind Protestant pastor in Wilhelmsfeld

Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt – director of the Ateneo of Leitmerits, Austria

Dr. Adolph B. Meyer – director of the Anthropological and Ethnological Museum

Dr. Jagor Dr. Rudolf Virchow

Dr. Rudolf Virchow – son of Dr. Hans Virchow

Rizal lived in this famous capital of unified Germany for five reasons:
1. To gain further knowledge of ophthalmology
2. To further his studies of sciences and languages
3. To observe the economic had political conditions of the German nation
4. To associate with famous German scientists and scholars
5. To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere

 The German woman, said Rizal to his sister, is serious, diligent, educated, and friendly
 Another interesting German custom observed by Rizal is self-introduction to strangers in
social gathering
Chapter 8:

March 1887 – the date when Rizal’s first novel, Noli Me Tangere, came off the press

Dr. Maximo Viola – the savior of the Noli

- Was a scion of a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan

Toward the end of 1884 – the date when Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid

April-June 1886 – the date when Rizal wrote the final chapters of the Noli

Wilhemsfeld – the place where Rizal wrote the final chapters of his Noli

February 1886 – the date when Rizal made the final revision on the manuscript of the Noli

Berlin – the date where Rizal made the final revision on the manuscript of the Noli

February 21, 1887 – the date when Noli was finally finished and ready for printing

Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft – printing shop that Rizal found

March 21, 1887 – the date when Noli Me Tangere came off the press

 Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the Philippines – “To my Fatherland”

 Noli Me Tangere contains 63 chapters and an epilogue

Chapter 9:

Dresden – one of the best cities in Germany

 Professor Blumentritt, the genial host, helped rizal and Violet get a room at Hotel Krebs,
after which he brought them to his home and introduced them to his wife and family

Leitmeritz – the place where Rizal and Viola stayed

Rosa– wifeof Professor Blumentritt

Children of Blumentritt:
1. Dolores
2. Conrad
3. Fritz

Dr. Willkomm – professor of natural history in the University of Prague

Vienna – Queen of the Danube

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