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Experimental Design Lab Name _________________________________________

Assessment of MYP Criteria B and C

Title: Must describe the experiment

Problem: The Research Question should not just be a repeat of the general
problem provided by the teacher. Rather, the Research Question should
indicate what specific aspect of the general problem you will be investigating.

Background: Provide scientific background about the problem you are trying to
solve. Specifically, this is the theory one should know to understand the
experiment. Be sure to cite the sources that were used in the research portion of
the introduction.

Hypothesis : A prediction of what you think will happen in the experiment. This
prediction is written as a testable statement or question directly related to the
Research Question about what you think is going to happen when you measure
one variable and you change another. This statement must be quantified and
include a prediction. It must specifically predict what will be observed in the
data if the independent variable causes an effect.

Explain your hypothesis using scientific language:

Experimental Design Lab Name _________________________________________
Assessment of MYP Criteria B and C
Independent Variable: The independent variable is the variable that the
experimenter controls or manipulates. It is the variable that causes the response
or reaction in the experiment.

Explain how this will be measured:

Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is the variable that is influenced

by the independent variable. It is what is being measured or the data that is
being collected.

Explain how this will be measured:

Controlled Variables: Controlled variables are the items in the procedure that
must be kept constant from trial to trial to make sure that the data collected is
only affected by the independent variable. Identify at least 3 most significant
variables that if not held constant could alter the dependent variable.
Experimental Design Lab Name _________________________________________
Assessment of MYP Criteria B and C
Materials: Make a bulleted Procedure: Keep in mind to clearly mention what
list of important materials specific data will be recorded and how often the
need for the lab. measurements will be replicated (generally at
least 3-5 trials must be taken). Write the procedure
so that you, or someone else with some science
background, could perform the experiment.

Data: All numerical data, tables, and graphs should be clearly identified and
labeled. You should record all observed data not just calculated results.
Correct units and significant figures must be used for all data.
Experimental Design Lab Name _________________________________________
Assessment of MYP Criteria B and C
Calculations: It is necessary to show how you manipulated the data i.e. what
sort of calculations did you do.

Results (Make some statements about what you found, discuss the reliability of
your data.)
Experimental Design Lab Name _________________________________________
Assessment of MYP Criteria B and C
Conclusions: This is the section where you draw conclusions about the
experiment as it relates to your aim and hypothesis.
Conclusion based on your Aim or Hypothesis.
States the quantitative or qualitative relationship
Correctly interprets the graph of the data
Includes relevant calculated values to support conclusion
Includes some elaboration based on the science being learned

Error Analysis and Suggestions to Improve the Experiment Design.

Error Analysis:
Discussion of errors and limitations to the experiment
Must comment on the quality of the results, do they make sense?
Identifies anomalous results where appropriate
Prioritizes errors and suggests where they came from.
Suggestions for improvements
Identifies weaknesses in the experiment and suggests realistic suggestions
for improvement
Improvements should help to improve the errors previously identified.

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