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selama masih bisa masuk bootloader mode masih ada harapan. dengan format

doc pake mtty 1.42

langkah2nya (ribet lo bozz, nurut saya) sekali lagi, ane pake Win XP

1. copot sdcard dan sim card, masuk bootloader mode.

2. matikan allow USB connections di activesync (ga usah dicentang), masuk

task manager matikan/stop proses wcescomm, wcesmgr dan rapimgr.exe (kalo

mau agak ribet, uninstall aja activesyncnya dan restart)

3. hubungkan PDA dengan PC (inget2 portnya, ntar kudu pake port ini terus

buat ngeflash), kalo muncul peringatan "unsigned device driver is being

attempted to be installed" pilih continue anyway.

4 buka mtty. pada tab "port" pilih pilihan USB (liat gambar), klik ok, ketik "task

32" (tanpa tanda kutip, ga boleh copy paste, kudu diketik),tekan enter, ntar

muncul tulisan2 diakhiri >USB, ketik "task 28" (tanpa tanda kutip) teken enter,

tunggu bentar sampe muncul >USB, ketik "task 28 55aa" (tanpa tanda kutip)

teken enter, tunggu sampe muncul >USB. tutup mtty.


Spoiler for gambar

5. cabut kabel usb terus tancapkan lagi kabelnya di port yang sama. baru install

RoMnya lagi.

Still got Bad Blocks after mmty formatting

20th August 2010, 09:43 AM | #360 Member

Cmd>set 14 0

Write Nand Success


Cmd>task 28 55aa

Storage format start

Write Nand Success

dwBlockToWrite = 13

Storage start block: 646

Storage Total block: 1357

Total Bad Block in CE: 0

NeedToEraseBlockStart: 659

NeedToEraseBlockEnd: 2003

Storage format success

Cmd>task 28

Storage format start

Write Nand Success

dwBlockToWrite = 13

Storage start block: 646

Storage Total block: 1357

Total Bad Block in CE: 0

NeedToEraseBlockStart: 659

NeedToEraseBlockEnd: 2003

Storage format success

Cmd>info 8
Block 0x0(0) is Reversed block

Block 0x1(1) is Reversed block

Block 0x2(2) is Reversed block

Block 0x3(3) is Reversed block

Block 0x4(4) is Reversed block

Block 0x5(5) is Reversed block

Block 0x6(6) is Reversed block

Block 0x7(7) is Reversed block

Block 0x8(8) is Reversed block

Block 0x9(9) is Reversed block

Block 0xA(10) is Reversed block

Block 0xB(11) is Reversed block

Block 0xC(12) is Reversed block

Block 0x346(838) is BAD block !!!

Block 0x792(1938) is BAD block !!!

Partition[0], type=0x20, start=0x2, total=0xFE

Partition[1], type=0x23, start=0x100, total=0x1300

Partition[2], type=0x25, start=0x1400, total=0x27200

Partition[3], type=0x4, start=0x28600, total=0x54D00

CE Total Length(with sector info) = 0x5203000

CE CheckSum Length(without sector info) = 0x50C0000

This is the correct procedure to get you out of trouble

1. Stop ActiveSync, by Task Manager (press Ctrl + Alt + Delete)

kill two processes rapimgr.exe and wcescomm.exe

2. put your device into the cradle

3. Run mtty and Choose WCEUSBSH001 in 'PORT' (if it doesn't show then you didn't stop all
active sync processes above!)

4. type "set 16 0" without the quotes to tell bootloader to boot the OS after reset. (for some
devices it can also be "set 14 0")

5. type "task 8" to get your device formatted

6. type "task 0" to ask your device reboot

7. take the device out of the cradle, and manually reset it if it does not do that already.

Incase of an emergency it could be very helpfull I think!

Thank you all for providing the input in this thread so I could make this small user manual!

Happy flashing!


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