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Prekladate/ Translator:

JUDr. Jlia Shah Fiorovanti , LLB (Hons) (Lon)

Karpatsk 18, 811 05 Bratislava

Zadvate/ Customer:
Translata PS, spol. s r.o.

Vec/ Subject:
Preklad referencie / Translation of a reference

Poet strn / N um ber of pages: 4

Z toho poet strn prloh / Out of which the number of pages of annexes is: 2

Poet odovzdanch rovnopisov / Number of copies issued: 2

Miesto a dtum / Place and date:

Bratislava, 23.5.2013

z anglickho do slovenskho jazyka

From English into Slovak language

.241 / 2013
No. 241 / 2013
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Name and Address National Transport Authority
of the Customer Dun Sceine
Harcout Lane
Dublin 2

(Note: The project was originally contracted by the Railway

Procurement Agency in lreland (RPA) . However the government
subsequently established a National Transport Authority and
resoonsibilitv far the ITS now rests the NTA.)
Name and Address IBM lreland
of the Supplier IBM House
Shelbourne Road
Dublin 4
The lntegrated Ticketing System (ITS) originated as part of lrelans
Transport 21 lnitiative. The lnitiative was launched to tackle many of the
Subject of the
challenges faced in the transport infrastructure for the greater Dublin area
Contract and brief with a focus on improving accessibility, ensuring sustainability, expanding
description with capacity and enhancing quality of service.
information about
the range of The Railway Procurement Agency (RPA) selected IBM to create and
implement the back office solution for an lntegrated Ticketing System (ITS)
benefits across all public transport in the greater Dublin area. The purpose of the
system is to enable commuters to use a single pre-paid smart card (known
as leapcard) for travel on all modes of public transport including buses,
trains, trams and coaches . The ITS system eliminates the need to carry
cash to pay for tickets, ensures fast, secure and convenient transactions,
and the smart card is simply "topped up" as needed.

At its simplest level the scope of the project was to deliver an lntegrated
Ticketing solution across multiple operators and multiple forms of transport.
The solution was designed to have the capacity to handle 2 million
transactions per day with the integrated back-office system providing central
reconciliation and settlement services to all participants. Some of the more
fundamental services provided by the solution include Card , Product and
Financial Management; Claims and Refund Management; and Card refund ,
replace and autoloading. In addition to the core solution functionality a suite
of web services were delivered, providing third parties with the capability to
communicate with the back-office and provide self service functionality to

IBM engaged with MSI Singapore to leverage their application development

and world leading expertise in integrated travel and transport solutions. IBM
GBS lreland led the overall project and also provided infrastructure design
and implementation services. The solution ownership has transitioned trom
the RPA to the National Transport Authority (NTA) and the IBM involvement
has now moved into a support phase providing level 3 support to NTA and
their managed service providers, HP.

The solution is based on a IBM hardware and software which includes IBM
P Series and X Series servers deployed with a virtualized high-availability
configuration and includes WebSphere Application Server, 082, Database
Encrvotion Exoert, Tivoli Storaae Manaaer and a number of the Rational

-- ----- --
- ....
_ _.._,_

REFERENCE ----- -.

Tools including Rational Clear Quest, Rational Clear Case, Rational

Performance Tester and Rational Functional Tester. lncluded in the solution
are a number of hardware security modules required to manage secure
transmission of transactions using encrypted keys.

Contracted Price in Confidential

(201 O - 2012)
Project delivery Delivery: 2008 - 201 O in 2 phases
period Support: 2010 - 2015
Customer's Hereby we confirm that IBM lreland successfully implemented and
declaration executed the project far Railway Procurement Agency / National
confirming the Transport Authority.
information presented
and success of services
delivered in accordance
with the contract
Declan Sheehan
Contact Person
Chief Technology Officer / Senior Programme Manager
(name and surname,
position, phone
National Transport Authority
number, e-mail) Dun Sceine
Harcourt Lane
Dublin 2

Tel:+ 353 (0)1 879 8300

Declan Sheehan

______2 Z/ C) !3 - - - - - - Date
-_ - - -- ......
REFERENCIA --- - - ----
-- _..._,_

Meno a adresa Nrodn dopravn rad

zkaznka Dun Sceine
Harcourt Lane

(Pommka: Zmluva na projekt bola pvodne uzatvoren so elezninou

obstarvacou agentrou v rsku (Railway Procurement Agency, RPA), avak vlda
nsledne zriadila Nrodn dopravn rad (National Transport Authority, NT A) a
zodpovednos za dopravu teraz nesie NTA .)

Meno a adresa IBM lreland

d o dvatea
IBM House
Shelboume Road
Dublin 4

Integrovan systm lstkov (ITS) vznikol ako sas rskej iniciatvy Transport 21.
Iniciatva bola spusten za elom rieenia mnohch vziev, ktorm dopravn
zmluvy a strun infratruktra v oblasti Vekho Dublinu elila, so zameranm na zlepenie
opis spolu dostupnosti, zabezpeenie udratenosti, rozrenie kapacity a zlepenie kvality
s informciami sluieb.
o kle
eleznin obstarvacia agentra (RP A) vybrala IBM, aby vytvorili a
benefitov implementovali rieenie back-office 1 pre Integrovan systm lstkov (ITS) pre cel
verejn dopravu v oblasti Vekho Dublinu. elom systmu je umoni cestujcim
pouva jednu predplaten inteligentn kartu (mrnu ako "leapcard") pre cestovanie
vetkmi druhmi verenej dopravy, vrtane autobusov, vlakov, elektriiek a diakovch
autobusov. Systm TTS eliminuje potrebu nosi pri sebe hotovos na hradu lstkov,
zaisuje rchle, bezpen a pohodln transakcie a inteligentn karta sa jednoducho
"nabije" poda potreby.

Obsahom projektu na jeho najjednoduchej rovni bolo doda rieenie pre integrovan
vydvanie lstkov mnohopoetnmi opertormi a v mnohopoetnch formch
dopravy. Rieenie bolo navrhnut tak, aby malo kapacitu vybavi 2 miliny transakci
denne integrovanm back-office systmom poskytujcim sluby strednho urovnania
a ztovania vetkm astnkom. Medzi podstatnejie sluby poskytnut v rmci
rieenia patr karta, manament produktu a financi, manament reklamci a
refundci a refundcia, vmena a automatick nahratie karty. Popri zkladnom rieen
funknosti bol dodan rad webovch sluieb umoujcich tretm stranm
komunikova s back-office a poskytova samoobslun funknos zkaznkom .

IBM sa spojil s MSI Singapore, aby do integrovanch cestovnch a dopravnch

rieen investovali ich vvoj aplikci a pikov svetov odbornos. lBM GBS
Ireland celkov projekt viedli a taktie zabezpeili dizajn infratruktry a
implementan sluby. Vlastnctvo rieenia sa prenieslo z RPA na Nrodn dopravn
rad (NTA) a as IBM sa teraz presunula do podpornej fzy poskytovania podpory
na 3. rovni pre NTA a nimi riadench poskytovateov sluieb, HP.

Rieenie je zaloen na fBM hardvri a softvri , ktor obsahuje lBM servery P sri
a X sri zaveden s virtualizovanou vysoko dostupnou konfigurciou a zaha
WebSphere Application Server, DB2, Database Encryption Expert, Tivoli Storage

a=nmka prekladate a : Oddelenie administratvnej podpory bez priameho kontaktu so zkaznkom

- - ---
-- _..._
- - ---
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Manager a niekoko Rational Tools, vrtane Rational Clear Quest, Rational

Clear Case, Rational Performance Tester a Rational Functional Tester.
V rieen je obsiahnutch niekoko modulov hardvrovej bezpenosti
potrebnch na riadenie bezpenho prenosu transakci za pouitia
ifrovacch kov.
Zmluvn cena v EUR
bez DPH Dvern
(2010 - 2012)
Obdobie dodania Dodanie: 2008 - 201 O v 2 fzach
projektu Podpora: 201 O - 2015

Prehlsenie zkaznka Tmto potvrdzujeme, e IBM Ireland spene implementovali a realizovali

potvrdzujce projekt pre eleznin dopravn agentru / Nrodn dopravn rad .
predloen informcie
a spech sluieb
dodanch v slade so

Kontaktn osoba Declan Sheehan

(meno a priezvisko, Vedci technolgi / senior programov manar
funkcia, telefnne Nrodn dopravn rad
slo, e-mail) Dun Sceine
Harcourt Lane
Dublin 2

E-mail : Declan.Sheehan(
Tel.: +353 (O) 1 879 8300

Declan Sheehan


Preklad som vypracovala ako prekladateka zapsan v zozname znalcov, tlmonkov a
prekladateov, ktor vedie Ministerstvo spravodlivosti Slovenskej republiky v odbore
slovensk jazyk a anglick jazyk, evidenn slo prekladatea 970797. Prekladatesk
kon je zapsan pod poradovm slom ni. 1!?." prekladateskho dennka .
J: /. ?-:<?r!>....... Za prekladatesk kon a vzniknut nklady tujem poda vytovania
'klad e pn1 ozene'ho d okl
na za, v cJ..'t1 /{)J:]1!>
, adu ............ .

JJ. R.o!!J.
..; 1ave, dvna ..............
VBraus s.

. .. . ..... . ....

I have carried out this translation in my capacity as a translator registered in the Register
of Experts, Interpreters and Translators administered by the Ministry of Justice of tl1e
lovak Republic in tl1e field of the Slovak and English language, translator's evidential
number 970797. The act of translation is recorded under tl1e serial number .2.H J.M>B. of
the translation journal no. ../-(.>. .. I am hereby charging for the act of translation and
tl1e associated costs as per invoicing on the basis of the attached bili no. .. - t.1 (<X:.0.13...

In Bratislava, on .. 1, -: :-?.-. .?0. ..

Zmluva o spoluprci Cooperation Agreement
uzavret v zmysle ust. 269 ods. 2 zkona . under 269 sect. 2 ofthe Act No . 513/1991 Coli.
513/ 1991 Zb. Obchodn zkonnk Slovak Commercial Code
a and
v zmysle ust. 28 ods. 2 zkona . 25/2006 Z.z. 28 sect. 2) ofthe Act No. 25/2006 Coli. on Public
o verejnom obstarvan a o zmene a doplnen Procurement and on the Amendment ofCertain
niektorch zkonov v platnom znen Acts, as amended,
(alej len Zmluva" )
(hereinafter only as "Agreement")
uzavret medzi: concluded between:
IBM lreland Limited IBM lreland Limited
so sdlom: IBM House, Shelbourne Road, with registered seat at: IBM House, Shelbourne
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Identifikan slo : 16226
Identification No .: 16226

( alej len "IBM IE" ) (hereinafter referred to as "IBM IE")

a and

MONOGRAM Technologies, spol. s r.o. MONOGRAM Technologies, spol. s r.o.

so sdlom: Ilkoviova 6276, 842 16 Bratislava, with registered seat at: Ilkoviova 6276, 842 16
Slovensk republika Bratislava, Slovak Republic
zapsan v Obchodnom registri Okresnho sdu incorporated in: the Commercial Register ofthe
Bratislava I, Odd.: Sro, vloka . 37402/B District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, Insert NQ
IO: 35 952 962 37402/8
Identification number (IO): 35 952 962

(alej len "MONOGRAM") (hereinafter referred to as "MONOGRAM")

Tto Zmluva potvrdzuje spolon zmer This Agreement confirms common intention of
MONOGRAM a IBM IE spolupracova v rmci MONOGRAM and IBM IE to cooperate on below
mzs1e uvedenho verejnho obstarvania za specified public tender upon following conditions:
nasledovnch podmienok:

MONOGRAM je uchdzaom vo verejnej sai na MONOGRAM is part1c1pating in a public tender

predmet zkazky: ,,Vskumn infratruktra pre "Research infrastructure in the field of electrical
oblas elektrotechniky, elektrotechnickch engineering, electrical materials and information
materilov a informano-komunikanch -communication technologies" (hereinafter
technolgi" (alej len "Obstar_yanie"), referred to as the "Tender" and/or the "Project")
vyhlsenej verejnm obstarvateom: Zilinsk announced by the contracting authority : ilina
univerzita v iline (alej len "Obstarva tel"') University in ilina (hereinafter referred to as the
oznmenm uverejnenm vo Vestnku verejnho "Customer"), published in the Journal of Public
obstarvania . 129/2013 da 03/07/2013 pod zn. Procurement No. 129/2013 on 03/07/2013 under
11572-MST. V svislosti s predmetnm No. 11572-MST. In connection with this Tender
Obstarvanm bola IBM Slovensko, spol. s r.o. IBM Slovensko, spol. s r.o. ("IBM SK") was asked
("IBM SK") poiadan zo strany MONOGRAM o by MONOGRAM to provide MONOGRAM with a
poskytnutie referencie pecifikovanej alej v tejto reference hereinafter specified in this Agreement in
Zml uve za elom preukzania technickej a order to demonstrate the technical and professional
odbornej spsobilosti IBM SK, ktor bude competence of IBM SK, which company will
kyto va urit Sluby v mene MONOGRAM v provide certain Services on behalf of MONOGRAM
redmetnom Obstarvan, ktor referencia bola in this Tender, which reference was provided by
kytnut spolonosou IBM IE, lenom skupiny IBM SK' s gro up company IBM IE.
o ~1:orej patr IBM SK.

Tto Zmluva sa uzatvra s odkazom na ustanovenie This Agreement is concluded with reference to 28
28 ods . 2) zkona . 25/2006 Z.z. o verejnom art. 2) of the Act No. 25/2006 Coli. on Public
obstarvan a o zmene a doplnen niektorch Procurement, as amended (hereinafter referred to as
zkonov, v znen neskorch predpisov (alej len "Act"), to demonstrate fulfilment of conditions for
"zkon"), na ely preukzania splnenia podmienok participation in the Tender, relating to the technical
asti v predmetnom Obstarvan, tkajcich sa and professional competence of MONOGRAM
technickej a odbornej spsobilosti MONOGRAM, specified in the Customer's Tender documentation,
pecifikovanch v sanch podkladoch by utilizing technical and professional capacity of
Obstarvatea, a to aj za vyuitia technickch a another person.
odbornch kapact inej osoby.

IBM IE shlas s poskytnutm niie uvedenej IBM IE agrees to provide the below specified
referencie (referennho listu) na preukzanie reference (reference letter) to demonstrate the
technickej a odbornej spsobilosti IBM SK, ktor technical and professional capability of IBM SK,
poskytne urit Sluby spolonosti MONOGRAM which company is providing certain Services to
na dodanie predmetu Obstarvania a s jej MONOGRAM to deliver the Project, and its
predloenm v rmci ponuky MONOGRAM. submission along with MONOGRAM 's proposal.
Podpsanm tejto Zmluvy sa IBM IE zavzuje By signing this Agreement IBM IE undertakes to
asistova IBM SK poskytn MONOGRAM-u na assist IBM SK to provide MONOGRAM upon
poiadanie IBM SK svoje odborn a technick request by IBM SK its professional and technical
kapacity, ktormi MONOGRAM preukazuje capacities used for demonstrating technical and
technick alebo odborn spsobilos v Obstarvan, professional competence of MONOGRAM in the
za elom plnenia predmetu Obstarvania v ase Tender, for the purpose of Project implementation at
jeho realizcie. the time of its execution.

IBM IE sa podpsanm tejto Zmluvy zavzuje: By signing ofthis Agreement IBM IE undertakes :

poskytn nasledovn referenciu poadovan - to provide the below reference requested by the
Obstarvateom : Customer:

Referenciu National Transport Authority" Reference National Transport Authority"

pripojen k tejto Zmluve ako j ej Prloha . 1. attached to this Agreement as its Annex No. l .

IBM IE vyhlasuje, e kapacitami , ktormi IBM IE declares that capacities, by which

MONOGRAM preukazuje technick alebo odborn MONOGRAM demonstrates technical or
spsobilos spolonosti IBM SK v Obstarvan, professional competence of IBM SK in the Tender,
bud k dispozcii pre IBM SK na el ich will be available to IBM SK to provide to
poskytnutia MONOGRAM-u na jeho iados poas MONOGRAM upon its request for the whole period
realizcie tej asti predmetu Obstarvania, na ktor of implementation of that part of the Project, to
boli poskytnut spolonosou IBM IE na which they were provided by IBM IE for
preukzanie technickej alebo odbornej spsobilosti demonstrating technical or professional competence
IBM SK . oflBM SK.

S vnimkou prpadov vslovne uvedench v tejto Except as expressly set forth herein, neither party
Zmluve, iadna zo strn nebude ma voi druhej shall have any obligation other than obligations
strane iadne zvzky a povinnosti, pokia tieto specified in this Agreement unless and until such
vslovne nebud dohodnut v osobitnej zmluve obligations are set forth in a separate agreement
uzavretej medzi stranami. Pokia sa strany tejto signed by both parties. Unless expressly provided in
Zmluvy psomne nedohodn inak, kad zo strn this Agreement or in another signed writing, each
zna svoje vlastn nklady vzniknut v svislosti s party shall bear its own expenses and costs incurred
touto Zmluvou. in connection with the activities relating to this

Strany ber na vedomie, e IBM IE poskytuje The parties acknowledge and agree that IBM IE
referenciu uveden v Prlohe . 1 tejto Zmluvy na provides reference attached to this Agreement in
ely kvalifikcie MONOGRAM v Obstarvan na Annex No. 1 for the purpose of qualification in the
predmetn zkazku a MONOGRAM shlas, e Tender by MONOGRAM and MONOGRAM
odkodn IBM IE za vetky kody, zvzky, straty a agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless IBM
nklady (vrtane sdnych poplatkov, primeranch IE from and against any and all damages, liabilities,
nkladov na prvne zastpenie, nkladov losses and expenses (including courts costs,
svisiacich so zapojenm alch odbornkov), ktor reasonable legal fees and cost of engaging other
vznikn v dsledku nrokov uplatnench zo strany professionals) arising out of any claim made by the
Obstarvatea, alebo inej osoby v svislosti Customer, or other individual or entity, which claim
s predmetnm Obstarvanm. arises in relation to the Tender.

Tto Zmluva neoprvuje MONOGRAM kona v This Agreement does not authorize MONOGRAM
mene IBM IE alebo zavzova IBM IE. Kad zo to act on behalf of IBM IE or contractually bind
zmluvnch strn kon a zodpoved vo svojom mene IBM IE. Each Party acts and is responsible on its
a samostatne a touto Zmluvou nevznik iaden behalf and independently, and this Agreement does
ruitesk vzah, ani solidrne zvzky. not establish a guarantor relationship, and/or joint
and several liabilities.

Tto Zmluva nadobda platnos a innos dom This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of
jej podpsania oboma zmluvnmi stranami a je signature by both parties and shall remain in effect
platn do dtumu, ktor nastane najskr: (1) do until the first of the following shall occur: (1) the
dtumu zruenia Obstarvania Obstarvateom, (2) date of withdrawal of the Tender by Customer, (2)
do dtumu vberu inho uchdzaa - dodvatea the date of selection of other bidder - supplier by
Obstarvateom. Customer.

Tto Zmluva sa riadi prvnym poriadkom This Agreement will be governed by the laws of
Slovenskej republiky. Slovak Republic.

Tto Zmluva predstavuje pln a konen This Agreement contains the entire understanding of
dojednanie zmluvnch strn o predmete Zmluvy a the parties with respect to the matters contained
nahrdza akkovek a vetky predchdzajce herein and supersedes and replaces any and all prior
komunikcie a dojednania, i u stne, psomn, communications and understandings, whether oral,
elektronick alebo implicitn, medzi stranami written, electronic or implied, if any, between the
ohadom predmetu tejto Zmluvy. parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

This Agreement cannot be modified except m

Tto Zmluvu mono meni iba na zklade psomne
writing executed by authorized representatives of
uzavretch, postupne slovanch dodatkov,
both parties.
podpsanch oprvnenmi zstupcami oboch strn.

IBM lreland Limited:

IBM Ireland Limited:

Meno: [please insert]

- - .
Name: Richard Lunon
Function: Director
Funkcia: [please insert]
Dtum: [please insert] Jt{ 1of 13

MONOGRAM Technologies, spol. s r.o.:

YlONOGRAM Technologies, spol. s r.o.:

Meno: /A/6 f71lrlR l. I//U(0f Name: IN&. r?t'(H.fl 1/ILC,,- (
Function: .:o,vt,,
Funkcia: kOtvf'}Q,-
Dtum: ... f:. .?..r.Jf2.. Date: .......1..1...:/:.:. .?..'?./3,

MONOGRAM rechno!ogies, spol. s r.o.
MONooRN,t Technotogies Spej, s r.o.
llkov1ova 6276, 842 16 Brat1sla>1a, Slovakia llk,wituw; 6276, 84z 16 Bratisla,,a, Slovakia
IO: 35 952 962, i DPH: SK2022061305 l/!0135 952 962, /~ DPH: S1<2022061305

1 1

Company Printout


Company Summary lbm lreland Limited was set up on Fri the 7th ofSep 1956. Their current
status is Normal. The company's current directors Paul Farrell, Richard
Lundon, Anne Fitzsimons and Peter O'Neill have been the director of 30
other lrish companies between them; 14 ofwhich are now closed. lbm
lreland Limited has 1 shareholder.
Previous N ame(s) I.B.M. IRELAND LIMITED
Registered Office IBM HOUSE
Type Single Member Private Company Limited By Shares

Date Incorporated 07/09/1956

LastAnnual Return 30/09/2012 Designation NORMAL
Next Annual Return 30/09/2013 Date ot Designation
LastAccounts To Date 31/12/2011 Bond Expiry Date
LastAccounts To Date 31/12/2011 Bond Expiry Date
LatestAudtor PricewaterhouseCoopers

Share Cap. Currency Authorised Capital

EURO 3,810,000

Mortgages and Charges

Register of Particulars of Charges lncluding Mortgages Pursuant to Sections 103, 105 and 99 (1 O) of the Companies Act 1963 in
Respect of the Above Named Company. Computerised information for charges may be truncated on this print-out, please refer to the
company file or images for complete particulars on Charges.
Date Registered 29/03/1973 Date Created 22/03/1973
Amount Secured 80,000 Currency otAmount Due IRISH POUND
Charge Document 94506/1 - C1 Mort/ Charge Created By lrish Company
Details OtAmount
Particulars ot Property The premises formerly known as lisalea situate at the junction ofmount merrion
ave. And rock road,blackrock together with a plot or piece of ground at the rere
of nos 4 & 6 mount merrion ave.Blackrock all of which premises are situate at
Person Entitled Details Charge Party Charge Party Relation
The Bank OfNova Scotia Person Entitled

Charge Status
Satistaction Status Date Registered Satisfaction Type
- --
Registered 28/08/1975

Directors and Secretary - as per C.R.O. at 16/10/2013 .......

This instrtzeoafNotes
lic of
\ By me Brian ouncan Notary Pub .
hill Heig hts, Port mar noc k. Dubhn
9 Carrick
Commissioned for Ufe for the Cou

Fiona Joyce Secretary

Richard Lundon Director

Peter O'Neill

Paul Farrell

A nne Fitzsimons Director

Directorship/Secretarial changes in the last 2 years.

Title Name Date Of Birth Appointed Resigned
Director Anne Sheehan

Status Sub Submission ACs To Date
Number Date I Date Received/
Effective Registered
REGI 6460293 I 1 New company with memo&arts attached 07/09/1956
REGI 6460290 I 1 D14capital duty statement 07/09/1956
REGI 6460289 I 1 Amended memo and arts 07/09/1956
REGI 5758150 I 1 Cin-copy of certificate of incorporation 07/09/1956
REGI 6460287 I 1 82b-notice of situation of registered office. 11/10/1956
REGI 6460291 / 1 85 return of allotments 12/10/1956
REGI 6460288 I 1 82a-particulars of directors/secretary 12/10/1956
REGI 6460292 I 1 D14capital duty statement 17/12/1957 17/12/1957
REGI 5637547 I 1 81 annual return - no accounts 23/03/1959
REGI 5637548 I 1 81 annual return - no accounts 14/01/1960
REGI 5637549 I 1 81 annual return - no accounts 05/01/1961
REGI 5637550 I 1 81 annual return - no accounts 05/02/1962
REGI 5637551 I 1 81 annual return - no accounts 26/01/1963
qEGI 5637556 I 1 84 notice of increase in nominal capital 05/11/1964
EGI 5637555 I 1 84 notice of increase in nominal capital 05/11/1964
EGI 5637554 I 1 G1gspecial resolution re share 05/11/1964
EGI 5637558 I 1 85 return of allotments 08/12/1964
::GI 5637557 I 1 810 change in director or secretary 08/12/1964
GI 5637553 I 1 82 change of reg. Office 09/01/1964
REGI 5637552 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 09/01/1964
REGI 5637560 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 19/02/1965
REGI 5637559 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 19/02/1965
REGI 5637561 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 16/06/1966
REGI 5637564 / 1 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 04/07/1967
REGI 5637563 / 1 B1 O change in director or secretary 05/07/1967
REGI 5637562 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 15/03/1967
REGI 5637566 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 21/09/1967
REGI 5637565 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 25/08/1967
REGI 5637567 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 09/08/1968
REGI 5637568 / 1 B2 change of reg . Office 21/10/1969
REGI 5637571 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 04/03/1970
REGI 5637573 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 08/07/1970
REGI 5637569 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 13/02/1970
REGI 5637572 / 1 B1 O change in director or secretary 18/05/1970
REGI 5637570 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 26/02/1970
REGI 5637574 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 17/08/1971
REGI 5637575 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 13/01/1972
REGI 5637576 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 14/07/1972
REGI 5637580 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 15/10/1973
REGI 5637579 / 1 B17amended memorandum and articles. 15/10/1973
REGI 5637578 / 1 B4 notice of increase in nominal capital 15/10/1973
REGI 5637577 / 1 G1gspecial resolution re share 15/10/1973
REGI 94506 / 1 C1 chg by a co inc. In the state 29/03/1973
REGI 5637581 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 03/05/1974
REGI 5637586 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 19/09/1974
REGI 5637585 / 1 B6 particulars of a contract relating to shares 19/09/1974
REGI 5637584 / 1 B5 return of allotments 19/09/1974
REGI 5637583 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 19/09/1974
REGI 5637582 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 26/07/1974
REGI 5637588 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 17/11/1975
REGI 5637587 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 17/11/1975
REGI 94507 / 1 C6- full sat. Of a charge 28/08/1975
REGI 5637590 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 13/08/1976
REGI 5637589 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 23/08/1976
REGI 5637591 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 26/11/1976
REGI 5637592 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 15/03/1977
REGI 5637596 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 19/09/1977
REGI 5637595 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 24/05/1977
REGI 5637597 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 25/10/1977
REGI 5637594 / 1 B17amended memorandum and articles. 26/04/1977
REGI 5637593 / 1 G1 pspecial resolution - general 26/04/1977
REGI 5637598 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 02/08/1978
REGI 5637599 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 07/09/1978
REGI 5637602 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 30/08/1979
REGI 5637601 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 30/08/1979
REGI 5637600 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 30/08/1979
REGI 5637603 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 14/10/1980
REGI 5637604 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 20/11/1980
REGI 5637609 / 1 B6 particulars of a contract relating to shares 01/09/1981
REGI 5637608 / 1 B5 return of allotments 01/09/1981
REGI 5637607 / 1 B17amended memorandum and articles. 01/09/1981
REGI 5637606 / 1 B4 notice of increase in nominal capital 01/09/1981
REGI 5637605 / 1 G1 pspecial resolution - general 01/09/1981
REGI 5637610 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 02/12/1981
REGI 5637612 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 05/10/1982
REGI 5637613 / 1 B 10 change in director or secretary 14/12/1982
REGI 5637611 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 25/03/1982
REGI 5637614 / 1 B1 O change in director or secretary 18/07/1983
REGI 5637617 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 18/11/1983
REG ! 5637616 / 1 B10 change in director or secretary 18/11/1983
REG ! 5637615 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 24/08/1983
REG ! 5637619 / 1 B1 O change in director or secretary 17/10/1984
REG I 5637618 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 17/10/1984
REGI 94508 / 1 B 1 annual return - no accounts 14/08/1984 17/10/1984
REG I 94512 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 11/09/1986
REG I 94511 /1 810 change in director or secretary 11/09/1986
REG I 94510 / 1 B1 O change in director or secretary 11/09/1986
REG I 94509 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 26/08/1985 11/09/1986
REG I 94513 / 1 B1 annual return - no accounts 12/08/1986 20/11/1986
REGI 94514/1 B1 annual return - no accounts 11/08/1987 09/11/1987
REG! 94515 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 29/09/1987
REG ! 94516 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 30/11/1987
REG ! 94518 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 16/12/1988
REG ! 94517 / 1 B1O change in director or secretary 16/12/1988
REG ! 94521 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 27/06/1990
REG I 94520 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 27/06/1990
REG I 94519 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 08/08/1989 07/11/1991
REG! 94524 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 07/08/1990 07/11/1991
REG ! 94526 / 1 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 26/11/1991 16/12/1991
REGI 94526 / 2 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 26/11/1991 16/12/1991
REG! 94522 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 03/05/1990 17/07/1991
REG! 94523 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 20/02/1990 17/07/1991
REG! 94525 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 09/08/1988 18/07/1991
REG! 94529 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 10/09/1992 06/10/1992
REG! 94528 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 13/08/1991 11/05/1992
REG! 94527 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 14/05/1991 11/05/1992
REG! 94530 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 03/11/1992 15/01/1993
REG! 94532 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 10/08/1993 26/10/1993
REG! 94533 / 1 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 26/11/1991 01/03/1994
REG! 94533 / 2 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 26/11/1991 01/03/1994
REGI 94536 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 21/07/1994 01/11/1994
REGI 94534 / 1 G1 - sr alteration to memorandum o 26/04/1994 04/07/1994
REG! 94534 / 2 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 26/04/1994 04/07/1994
REGI 94531 / 1 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 16/04/1993 07/03/1994
REG! 94531 / 2 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 16/04/1993 07/03/1994
REG! 94535 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 22/02/1994 27/10/1994
REGI 94538 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 25/07/1995 12/10/1995
REG! 94537 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 02/03/1995 26/04/1995
REG! 94539 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 12/06/1995 27/10/1995
REG! 94541 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 07/06/1996 09/08/1996
REG! 94540 / 1 M1 notice of change to single member company 27/11/1995 12/02/1996
REG! 94547 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 11/04/1997 09/08/1997
REG! 94546 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 15/05/1997 09/08/1997
REGI 94548 / 1 Annual return with accounts annexed 31/07/1997 13/08/1997
REG! 94542 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 30/09/1996 14/02/1997
REG! 94544 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 17/02/1997 14/07/1997
REG! 94545 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 25/04/1997 14/07/1997
REGI 94543 / 1 81 O change in direct or or secretary 29/08/1996 15/03/1997
REGI 94549 / 1 81 O change in direct or or secretary 17/02/1997 26/08/1997
REGI 94550 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 25/04/1997 26/08/1997
REGI 2072614 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 01/07/1998 06/08/1998
REGI 2026455 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 15/02/1998 06/04/1998
REGI 2088715 / 1 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 25/08/1998 09/09/1998
REGI 2088715 / 2 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 25/08/1998 09/09/1998
REGI 2017397 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 16/01/1998 13/05/1998
REGI 2146776 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/1997 14/12/1998
REG! 2146776 / 1 81c annual return - general 28/09/1998 14/12/1998
REGI 2318505 / 1 Amended memo and arts 20/04/1999 10/06/1999
REGI 2318503 / 1 G 1p sr general resolution 20/04/1999 10/06/1999

REGI 2471207 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/1998 09/02/2000
REGI 2471207 / 1 81c annual return - general 09/12/1999 09/02/2000
REGI 2461076 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 13/01/2000 25/01/2000
REGI 2647053 / 1 82 change of reg. Office 17/07/2000 25/08/2000
REGI 2536061 / 1 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 15/03/2000 28/03/2000
REGI 2536061 / 2 G1- sr alteration to memorandum o 15/03/2000 28/03/2000
REGI 2859384 / 1 87 notice of consolidation,division,conversion 20/03/2000 08/06/2001
REGI 2859381 / 1 G2e- ordinary resolution general 20/03/2000 08/06/2001
REGI 2860764 / 1 84 notice of increase in nominal capital 20/03/2000 11/06/2001
REGI 3022684 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2000 16/12/2001
REGI 3022684 / 1 81c annual return - general 30/10/2001 16/12/2001
REGI 2932070 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 31/12/1999 19/09/2001
REGI 2932071 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 22/06/2001 19/09/2001
REGI 2801191 /2 B1cannual return-general 31/12/1999 23/03/2001
REGI 2801191 / 1 81c annual return - general 04/01/2001 23/03/2001
REGI 3282906 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 24/09/2002 25/10/2002
REGI 3097176 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 16/08/2001 26/03/2002
REGI 3097178 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 27/09/2001 26/03/2002
REGI 3288395 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2001 29/10/2002
REGI 3288395 / 1 B 1c annual return - general 30/09/2002 29/10/2002
REGI 3656329 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2002 28/10/2003
REGI 3656389 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 01/08/2003 28/10/2003
REGI 3656329 / 1 B 1c annual return - general 30/09/2003 28/10/2003
REGI 4041855 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2003 28/10/2004
REGI 4041855 / 1 B 1c annual return - general 30/09/2004 28/10/2004
REGI 6460286 / 1 Unknown submission type 20/12/2005 20/12/2005
REGI 4444180 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2004 28/10/2005
REGI 4444180 / 1 81c annual return - general 30/09/2005 28/10/2005
REGI 4901601 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2005 31/10/2006
REGI 4901601 / 1 81c annual return - general 30/09/2006 31/10/2006
REGI 5405632 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2006 30/10/2007
REGI 5405632 / 1 81c annual return - general 30/09/2007 30/10/2007
REGI 5828720 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 09/04/2008 22/04/2008
REGI 6018005 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 18/07/2008 25/07/2008
REGI 6184619 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2007 28/10/2008
REGI 6184619 / 1 81c annual return - general 30/09/2008 28/10/2008
REGI 6798228 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2008 28/10/2009
REGI 6798228 / 1 B 1c annual return - general 30/09/2009 28/10/2009
REGI 7321119/2 B1cannualreturn-general 31/12/2009 05/11/2010
REGI 7321119/1 B1cannualreturn-general 30/09/2010 05/11/2010
REGI 7093954 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 25/05/201 O 14/06/201 O
REGI 7093956 / 1 81 O change in director or secretary 26/05/201 O 14/06/201 O
REGI 7101216/1 B10changeindirectororsecretary 26/04/2010 18/06/2010
REGI 7741548/281cannualreturn-general 30/11/2010 09/11/2011
Audited By: PricewaterhouseCoopers, One Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
REGI 7741548/1 B1cannualreturn-general 30/08/2011 09/11/2011
REGI 7700984 / 1 810 change in director or secretary 16/08/2011 25/08/2011
REGI 8107320 / 1 83 location of reg. Of members/deb. Holders 16/05/2012 21/05/2012
REGI 8359233 / 2 81c annual return - general 31/12/2011 26/10/2012
Audited By: PricewaterhouseCoopers, One Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
REGI 8359233 / 1 81c annual return - general 30/09/2012 26/10/2012
REGI 8542672 / 1 82 change of reg. Office 01/03/2013 04/03/2013
REGI 8805637 / 1 B 1O change in director or secretary 23/08/2013 05/09/2013
REGI 8735137/1 G1qreg.Ofchangeofname 27/06/2013 19/07/2013
REGI 8735137/2G1qreg.Ofchangeofname 27/06/2013 19/07/2013
REGI 8735137/4G1qreg.Ofchangeofname 27/06/2013 19/07/2013

Liquidators & Receivers

Liquidators Appointed: None Registered

Receivers Appointed: None Registered

,.....,.________ __________________________________________

Preklad z anglickho jazyka

16.10.2013 Odtlaok okrhlej peiatky:

Garancia relneho asu
09:49 16. oktber 2013
Vpis z obchodnho registra Overen daje


Zhrnutie dajov o spolonosti Spolonos Ibm Ireland Limited bola zaloen v piatok, 7. septembra 1956.
Oznaenie sasnho stavu: AKTVNA. Sasn riaditelia spolonosti Paul
Farrell, Richard Lundon, Anne Fitzsimons a Peter O'Neil s riaditemi v 30
alch pridruench rskych spolonostiach, z ktorch 14 je v sasnosti
zatvorench. Ibm Ireland Limited m 1 akcionra.
Predchdzajce meno() I.B.M. IRELAND LIMITED
Prvna forma spolonos s ruenm obmedzenm s jednm spolonkom
(obmedzenie upsanmi akciami)

De zpisu 07.09.1956
Posledn vron sprva 30.09.2012 Stav AKTVNA
Dtum podania nasledovnej Dtum oznaenia stavu
vronej sprvy 30.09.2013 Dlhopisy platn do
Posledn vytovanie ku du 31.12.2011 Dlhopisy platn do
Posledn vytovanie ku du 31.12.2011
Posledn audtor PricewaterhouseCoopers

Mena zkladnho imania Zkladn imanie

EURO 3 810 OOO

Zlon prva a hypotky

Register zlonch prv vrtane hypotk poda 103, 105 a 99 (10) Zkona o obchodnch spolonostiach z roku 1963 tkajcich sa vyie
uvedenej spolonosti . Potaov daje o zlonch prvach mu by v tomto vpise skrten, pln daje s uveden v spise spolonosti.
De zpisu 29.03.1973 De zriadenia 22.03.1973
Zabezpeen hodnota 80 OOO Mena splatnej sumy RSKA LIBRA
Listina 94506/1 - Cl Hypotka/Zlon prvo zriaden rskou spolonosou
daje o zabezpeenej
daje o majetku Priestory predtm znme ako lisalea, ktor sa nachdzaj na kriovatke mount
merrion ave. a rock road, blackrock spolu s pozemkom na . 4 a 6 mount merrion ave.
Blackrock, vetky priestory sa nachdzaj v Rathdown, co. Dublin.
Oprvnen osoba astnk Vzah astnka
daje The Bank OfNova Scotia Oprvnen osoba

daje o splateni SPLATEN V PLNEJ VKE

Splcanie Stav splcania De zpisu Druh splatenia
Registrovan 28.08.1975 v plnej vke

Riaditelia a tajomnk- poda zznamov radu pre registrciu spolonost ku du 16.10.2013

Ja, Brian Duncan, verejn notr, so sdlom 9 Carrickhill Heights,

Portmarnock, Dublin, s doivotnm poverenm pre okres a mesto
Dublin, som overil tto listinu da 16. oktbra 2013
Podpis: Neitaten podpis
Fiona Joyce tajomnik

Richard Lundon riaditel'

Peter O'Neill riaditel'

Paul Farrell riaditel'

Anne Fitzsimons

Zmeny riaditel'ov a tajomnikov za posledne dva roky

Posledne odstupenia
Funkcia Meno Datum narodenia Vymenovanie Odstupenie
Riaditel' Anne Sheehan

A/Cs do datumu/ Datum prevzatia/
Stav Reg. cislo Podanie Datum ucinnosti zapisu
REGI 6460293 I 1 Nova spolocnost' s pripojenou spolocenskou zmluvou a stanovami 07.09.1956
REGI 6460290 / 1 D14 vyhlasenie o kapitalovej povinnosti 07.09.1956
REG! 6460289 / 1 Zmena spolocenskej zmluvy a stanov 07.09.1956
REGI 5758150 / 1 K6pia osvedcenia zapisu do obchodneho registra 07.09.1956
REGI 6460287 / I 82b - oznamenie o adrese sidla 11.10.1956
REG! 6460291 / 1 85 vratenie prideleni 12.10.1956
REGI 6460288 / 1 82a - udaje o riaditel'och/tajomnfkoch 12.10.1956
REGI 6460292 I I D14 vyhlasenie o kapitalovej povinnosti 17.12.1957 17.12.1957
REGI 5637547 I 1 8 I vyrocna sprava - bez uctovnych vykazov 23.03.1959
REGI 5637548 / 1 8 I vyrocna sprava - bez uctovnych vykazov 14.01.1960
REGI 5637549 I 1 8 I vyrocna sprava - bez uctovnych vykazov 05.01.1961
REGI 5637550 I I 8 I vyrocna sprava - bez uctovnych vykazov 05.02.1962
REG! 5637551 I I 8 I vyrocna sprava - bez uctovnych vykazov 26.01.1963
REG! 5637556 I 1 84 oznamenie o zvyseni zakladneho imania 05.11.1964
REGI 5637555 I I 84 oznamenie O zvyseni zakladneho imania 05.11.1964
REGI 5637554 I 1 Gig osobitne uznesenie o akciach spolocnosti 05.11.1964
REGI 5637558 I I 85 vratenie prideleni 08.12.1964
REGI 5637557 I 1 8 I O zmena riaditel'a alebo tajomnika 08.12.1964
REGI 5637553 I 1 82 zmena sidla 09.01.1964
REGI 563 7552 / 1 81 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 09.01.1964
REGI 5637560 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 19.02.1965
REGI 5637559 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 19.02.1965
REGI 5637561 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 16.06.1966
REGI 5637564 / 1 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 04.07.1967
REGI 5637563 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 05.07.1967
REGI 5637562 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 15.03.1967
REGI 5637566 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 21.09.1967
REGI 5637565 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 25 .08.1967
REGI 5637567 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 09.08.1968
REGI 5637568 / 1 82 zmena sdla 21.10.1969
REGI 5637571 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 04.03.1970
REGI 5637573 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 08.07.1970
REGI 5637569 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 13.02.1970
REGI 5637572 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 18.05.1970
REGI 5637570 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 26.02.1970
REGI 5637574 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 17.08.1971
REGI 5637575 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 13.01.1972
REGI 5637576 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 14.07.1972
REGI 5637580 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 15.10.1973
REGI 5637579 / 1 817 dodatok k spoloenskej zmluve a stanovm 15.10.1973
REGI 5637578 / 1 84 oznmenie o zven zkladnho imania 15.10.1973
REGI 5637577 / 1 G 1g osobitn uznesenie o akcich spolonosti 15.10.1973
REGI 94506 / 1 Cl zmena spolonosou zaloenou v tte 29.03 .1973
REGI 5637581 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 03 .05 .1974
REGI 5637586 / 1 81 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 19.09.1974
REGI 5637585 / 1 86 daje o zmluve tkajcej sa akci 19.09.1974
REGI 5637584 / 1 85 vrtenie pridelen 19.09.1974
REGI 5637583 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 19.09.1974
REGI 5637582 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 26.07.1974
REGI 5637588 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 17.11.1975
REGI 5637587 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 17.11.1975
REGI 94507 / 1 C6- pln splatenie zvzkov spojench so zlonm prvom 28.08.1975
REGI 5637590 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 13.08.1976
REGI 5637589 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 23.08 .1976
REGI 5637591 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 26.11.1976
REGI 5637592 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 15.03.1977
REGI 5637596 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 19.09.1977
REGI 5637595 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 24.05.1977
REGI 5637597 / 1 8 l vron sprva - bez tovnch vkazov 25.10.1977
REGI 5637594 / 1 817 dodatok k spoloenskej zmluve a stanovm 26.04.1977
REGI 5637593 / 1 G l p osobitn uznesenie valnho zhromadenia 26.04.1977
REGI 5637598 / 1 81 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 02.08.1978
REGI 5637599 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 07.09.1978
REGI 5637602 / 1 81 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 30.08.1979
REGI 5637601 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 30.08.1979
REGI 5637600 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 30.08.1979
REGI 5637603 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 14.10.1980
REGI 5637604 / 1 81 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 20.11.1980
REGI 5637609 / 1 86 daje o zmluve tkajcej sa akci 01.09.1981
REGI 5637608 / 1 85 vrtenie pridelen 01.09.1981
REGI 5637607 / 1 817 dodatok k spoloenskej zmluve a stanovm 01.09.1981
REGI 5637606 / 1 84 oznmenie o zven zkladnho imania 01.09.1981
REGI 5637605 / 1 G l p osobitn uznesenie valnho zhromadenia 01.09.1981
REGI 5637610 / 1 81 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 02. 12.1981
REGI 5637612 / 1 81 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkawv 05 .10.1982
REGI 5637613 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 14.12.1982
REGI 5637611 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 25.03.1982
REGI 5637614 / 1 8 l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 18.07.1983
REGI 5637617 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 18.11.1983
REG! 5637616 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 18. 11.1983
REG! 5637615 /1 B 1 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkazov 24.08.1983
REG! 5637619 / l B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 17.10.1984
REG! 5637618 / l B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 17.10.1984
REGI 94508 / 1 B 1 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkazov 14.08.1984 17. 10.1984
REG! 94512 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 11.09.1986
REG! 94511 /1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 11.09.1986
REG! 94510 / l B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 11.09.1986
REG! 94509 / 1 B 1 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkazov 26.08.1985 11.09.1986
REG! 94513 / l B 1 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkazov 12.08.1986 20.11.1986
REG! 94514 / 1 B 1 vron sprva - bez tovnch vkazov 11.08.1987 09. 11.1987
REG! 94515/1 810 zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 29.09.1987
REG! 94516 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 30.11.1987
REG! 94518 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 16.12.1988
REG! 94517 / l B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 16.12.1988
REG! 94521 / l B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 27.06.1990
REG! 94520 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 27.06.1990
REG! 94519 / 1 Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 08.08.1989 07. 11.1991
REG! 94524 / 1 Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 07.08.1990 07.11.1991
REG! 94526 / 1 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 26.11.1991 16. 12.1991
REG! 94526 / 2 Gl - sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 26.11.1991 16.12.1991
REG! 94522 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 03.05.1990 17.07.1991
REG! 94523 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 20.02.1990 17.07.1991
REG! 94525 / l Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 09.08.1988 18.07.1991
REG! 94529 / l Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 10.09.1992 06.10.1992
REG! 94528 / 1 Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 13.08.1991 11.05.1992
REG! 94527 / 1 B l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 14.05.1991 11.05.1992
REG! 94530 / 1 B l O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 03.11.1992 15.01.1993
REG! 94532 / 1 Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 10.08.1993 26.10.1993
REG! 94533 / 1 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 26. 11.1991 01.03.1994
REG! 94533 / 2 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 26.11.1991 01.03 .1994
REG! 94536 / 1 Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 21.07.1994 01.11.1994
REG! 94534 / 1 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 26.04.1994 04.07.1994
REG! 94534 / 2 Gl - sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 26.04.1994 04.07.1994
REG! 94531 / 1 Gl - sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 16.04.1993 07.03.1994
REG! 94531 / 2 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 16.04.1993 07.03 .1994
REG! 94535 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 22.02.1994 27.10.1994
REG! 94538 / 1 Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 25 .07.1995 12. 10.1995
REG! 94537 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 02.03 .1995 26.04.1995
REG! 94539 / l B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 12.06.1995 27.10.1995
REG! 94541 / 1 Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 07.06.1996 09.08.1996
REG! 94540 / 1 M 1 oznmenie o zmene na spolonos s jednm spolonkom 27.11.1995 12.02.1996
REG! 94547 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 11.04.1997 09.08.1997
REG! 94546 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 15.05.1997 09.08.1997
REG! 94548 / 1 Vron sprva s pripojenmi tovnmi vkazmi 31.07.1997 13.08 .1997
REG! 94542 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 30.09.1996 14.02.1997
REG! 94544 / l B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 17.02.1997 14.07.1997
REG! 94545 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 25 .04.1997 14.07.1997
REG! 94543 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 29.08 .1996 15.03.1997
REG! 94549 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 17.02.1997 26.08 .1997
REG! 94550 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 25.04.1997 26.08.1997
REG! 2072614 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 01.07.1998 06.08.1998
REG! 2026455 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 15.02.1998 06.04.1998
REG! 2088715 / 1 Gl - sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 25 .08.1998 09.09.1998
REG! 2088715 / 2 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 25 .08.1998 09.09.1998
REG! 2017397 / 1 B 1O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 16.01.1998 13 .05 .1998
REG! 2146776 / 2 B 1c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.1997 14.12.1998
REG! 2146776 / 1 B 1c vron sprva - veobecn 28.09.1998 14.12.1998
REG! 2318505 / 1 Dodatok k spoloenskej zmluve a stanovm 20.04.1999 10.06.1999
REG! 2318503 / 1 G 1p sr uznesenie valnho zhromadenia 20.04.1999 10.06.1999

REGI 2471207 / 2 8 1c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.1998 09.02.2000

REGI 2471207 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 09.12.1999 09.02.2000
REGI 2461076 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 13.01.2000 25 .01.2000
REGI 2647053 /1 82 zmena sdla 17.07.2000 25 .08.2000
REGI 2536061 / 1 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 15.03.2000 28.03.2000
REGI 2536061 / 2 Gl- sr zmena spoloenskej zmluvy 15.03 .2000 28.03 .2000
REGI 2859384 / 1 87 oznmenie o konsolidci, rozdelen, konverzii 20.03 .2000 08 .06.2001
REGI 2859381 / 1 G2e- riadne uznesenie valnho zhroma.denia 20.03 .2000 08.06.2001
REGI 2860764 / 1 84 oznmenie o zven zkladnho imania 20.03.2000 11.06.2001
REGI 3022684 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2000 16.12.2001
REGI 3022684 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.10.2001 16.12.2001
REGI 2932070 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 31.12.1999 19.09.2001
REGI 2932071 / 1 810 zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 22.06.2001 19.09.2001
REGI 2801191 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.1999 23.03.2001
REGI 2801191 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 04.01.2001 23 .03 .2001
REGI 3282906 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 24.09.2002 25.10.2002
REGI 3097176/1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 16.08.2001 26.03.2002
REGI 3097178 /1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 27.09.2001 26.03.2002
REGI 3288395 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2001 29.10.2002
REGI 3288395 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2002 29.10.2002
REGI 3656329 / 2 8 1c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2002 28 .10.2003
REGI 3656389 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 01.08.2003 28.10.2003
REGI 3656329 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2003 28 . 10.2003
REGI 4041 85 5 / 1 8 1c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2003 28. 10.2004
REGI 4041 855 / 2 8 1c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2004 28.10.2004
REGI 6460286 / 1 Neznmy typ podania 20.12.2005 20. 12.2005
REGI 44441 80 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2004 28.10.2005
REGI 44441 80 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2005 28.10.2005
REGI 4901601 / 2 8 1c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2005 31.10.2006
REGI 4901601 / 1 8 1c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2006 30.10.2007
REGI 5405632 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2006 30.10.2007
REGI 5405632 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2007 30. 10.2007
REGI 5828720 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 09.04.2008 22.04.2008
REGI 6018005 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 18.07.2008 25 .07.2008
REGI 6184619/ 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2007 28.10.2008
REGI 6184619 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2008 28 .10.2008
REGI 6798228 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2008 28.10.2009
REGI 6798228 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2009 28. 10.2009
REGI 7321119 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2009 05 .11.2010
REGI 7321119 / 1 8 1c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2010 05 .11.2010
REGI 7093954 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 25.05.2010 14.06.2010
REGI 7093956 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 26.05 .2010 14.06.2010
REGI 7101216 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 26.04.2010 18.06.2010
REGI 7741548 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.11.2010 09.11.2011
Audit vykonal: PricewaterhouseCoopers, One Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
REGI 7741548 / 1 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 30.08.2011 09.11.2011
REGI 7700984 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 16.08.2011 25 .08 .2011
REGI 8107320 / 1 83 umiestnenie zoznamu spolonkov/majiteov dlhopisov 16.05.2012 21.05.2012
REGI 8359233 / 2 81 c vron sprva - veobecn 31.12.2011 29.10.2012
Audit vykonal: PricewaterhouseCoopers, One Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
REGI 8359233 / 1 8 1c vron sprva - veobecn 30.09.2012 26.10.2012
REGI 8542672 / 1 B2 zmena sdla 01.03.2013 04.03 .2013
REGI 8805637 / 1 81 O zmena riaditea alebo tajomnka 23.08.2013 05 .09.2013
REGI 8735137 / 1 G 1q zpis zmeny mena 27.06.2013 19.07.2013
REGI 8735137 / 2 G 1q zpis zmeny mena 27.06.2013 19.07.2013
REGI 8735137 / 4 Glq zpis zmeny mena 27.06.2013 19.07.2013

Likvidtori a nten sprvcovia

Vymenovan likvidtori: iaden zznam

Vymenovan nten sprvcovia: iaden zznam

Strana 5 z 5
Preklad som vypracovala ako prekladateka zapsan v zozname znalcov, tlmonkov a prekladateov,
ktor vedie Ministerstvo spravodlivosti Slovenskej republiky v odbore slovensk jazyk - anglick
jazyk, evidenn slo prekladatea: 970679.
Prekladatesk kon je zapsan pod poradovm slom: 5f/2oiJ
prekladateskho dennka .: l(U,3,
Za prekladatesk kon a vzniknut nklady tujem poda vytovania na zklade priloenho

I, the undersigned, Jela Palkoviov, a certified translator from/into the English language, registered
with the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, registration number: 970679, do hereby certify
that this is a correct and faithful translation of the text of the document hereunto annexed. This
translation has been entered into the book of translations under number: 3,:;/7,(;1]

Zadvate/Client: Translata, spol. s r.o., Einsteinova 24, 851 01 Bratislava

At Bratislava, on 1. O k.3.

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