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p. 66
bow [bau] Tavis dakvra, daxra (misalmebis, Tanxmobis niSnad)

p.68 Standard Bank overcomes culture shock

impact n. v.1. Zlieri zegavlena; 2. dartyma, biZgi, ryeva, Sejaxeba;
are likely to be savaraudoa/ mosalosnelia, rom iyos;
patterns of behavior - behavior pattern qcevis forma; qcevis Cvevebi/xasiaTi;
counterpart kolega; analogi; oreule, dublikati, asli;
personal space distancia (saubrisas, urTierTobis dros);
2. piradi cxovreba; 3. sakuTari kera;
to underestimate- to make too low an estimate or to think insufficiently highly of
arasaTanadod Sefaseba, ar dafaseba;
make-up Semadgenloba, struqtura, agebuleba;
working practices SromiTi Cvevebi/ unarebi;
diverse gansxvavebuli, mravalferovani; n.- diversity gansxvavebuloba,
mravalferovneba , mravalnairoba;
to provide meaningful understanding of sth. yovelmxriv gaagebino; saSualeba
misce Caswvdes raRacis mTavar arss/ mniSvnelobas;
etiquette [etiket]
manifestation sign, demonstration, appearance; to manifest-v- to disclose, to reveal;
to design -1. to intend, as for a specific purpose; to plan;
2. to form or conceive in the mind; invent;
to tailor - to adapt so as to make suitable for something specific; morgeba;

p. 70
to move to a first-name basis gadaxvide saxeliT mimarTvaze;
honorific -indicating the speaker's respect for the addressee or his acknowledgment of inferior
slurp-to eat or drink (something) noisily;
belch =to burp; to expel wind from the stomach noisily through the mouth; eructate [irkteit]

references daxasiaTeba
marital status ojaxuri mdgomareoba
resume =1. CV 2.summary
covering letter one sent with a document or with goods; Tanmxlebi werili
to assess Sefaseba
dedicated a person who enjoys a particular activity very much and spends a lot of time
doing it
charismatic (person) attracts, influences and inspires people by their personal qualities
meticulous people do things very carefully and with great attention to details
probationary period gamosacdeli vada.

p. 76. Article A

to have a say sityva geTqmodes;

to share smbs burden tvirTis/ problemebis gaziareba;
sleek gluvi, priala;
to pursue career miyve, misdio karieras;
to discover ones worth- aRmoaCino/ mixvde Seni mniSvneloba/fasi;
to fulfill ones potential- gamoiyeno Seni potenciali/ SesaZleblobebi;
to account for Seadgendes;
vocational training profesiuli swavleba, prof-teqnikuri ganaTleba;
to make up Seadgendes;

p.137 Article B
unappealing aramimzidveli;
stark harsh, severe, violent; mkacri, sastiki, 2. completely, absolute; sruli
to woo- to persuade, to encourage, to attract, to entice, flatter;


recruitment getting new members; dasaqmeba

remuneration anazRaureba
deployment ganTavseba
hardware eleqtro mowyobilobebis elementebi
maintenance SenarCuneba; Senaxva; mat-teq. momsaxureoba (remonti)
devastating gamanadgurebeli
to survive gadarCena
survivors gadarCenilebi
to betray Ralati
to be responsible for something pasuxismgebeli raRacis winaSe
to be responsible to somebody pasuxismgebeli viRacis winaSe

p. 77
GDP = Gross Domestic product = the total annual value of a countrys goods and services;
erToblivi saSinao produqcia (Semosavali am produqciidan)
Dumping = the activity of selling products in an export market cheaper than in the home market,
or cheaper than they cost to make, usually in order to increase market share; dempingi
Protectionism = the idea that a government should try to help an industry in its country by taxing
foreign goods that compete with it, limiting the number that can be imported, etc.
Quota = an official limit on the number or amount of something that is allowed in a particular
period; kvota
Tariffs (usually plural) = a tax on goods coming into a country or going out of it
Laisser-faire = the idea that governments should do as little to the economy as possible and allow
private business to develop without the state controlling or influencing them; (frang)
Caurevloba ekonomikaSi saxelmwifos Caurevlobis politika; Tavisufali
Deregulation = if a government deregulates a particular business activity, it allows companies to
operate more freely so as to increase competition; saxelmwifos ekonomikaSi Carevis
moculobis Semcireba
Free port = a port where import duty(baJi) does not have to be paid on imports that are to be
send to another country to be sold, or used to manufacture goods that will be sold abroad.
Liberalize to make a system, laws, or moral attitudes less strict, liberalizacia, SezRudvebis
Subsidize = if a government or organization subsidizes a company, activity, etc. it pays part of the
cost; subsidireba
Subsidy = money granted, esp. by a government or society to an industry or other cause needing
help, or to keep prices down; subsidi; dotacia; fuladi asigneba
Infant industry an industry in its early stages of development in a particular country. Some
people think that infant industries should be helped with government money and protected from
international competition by import taxes, etc
Restriction official rule that limits what you can do or that limits the amount and size of
Regulation rules made by a government or other authority in order to control the way something
is done or the way people behave

p. 84
to press be urgent;

Article 1
slowdown Seneleba, tempis dagdeba, vardna, damuxruWeba;
to argue for sth.- raRacis sasargeblod argumentebis moyvana;
Chamber of Commerce savaWro palata;
commitment - an obligation, promise, etc. that restricts one's freedom of action; valdebuleba;
sustained xangrZlivi, ganuwyveteli, mdgradi, mudmivi, stabiluri;

p. 86
to dispatch - to send off promptly, as to a destination or to perform a task;

to breach darRveva, (to breach a contract)
overdue dagvianeba, vadis gasvla
concession daTmoba (to offer concession)
rail freight satvirTo matarebeli
prosperity ayvaveba
exaggerate gadaWarbeba, gazviadeba
meager mcire, arasakmarisi
letter of credit - akreditivi

p. 93
Ethics moral principles that control or influence our behavior
Business ethics theories about conduct and values of the moral responsibilities a business has
to the community it exists, to its employees and to its customers
A code of good practice a written document laying down ethical ways of working for the
personnel of a company
A mission statement a document in which a company sets its general approach to doing
business and / or its objectives. Not all companies have mission statements and
they can vary from a single sentence ( Microsofts is A computer on every desk
and in every home) to several pages

p. 94

Trustworthy dependable; that or who may be relied on; sando

Law-abiding obeying the law; kanonmorCili
A slush fund an amount of money collected for illegal purposes, especially by politician
A sweetener a bribe (illegal or unfair payment made to someone to persuade them to do
something qrTami = kickback=backhander = baksheesh = greasing of palm = carrot
Compensation an amount of money paid to someone because they have been hurt or harmed
in some way
cartel - group of separate companies that agree to increase profit by fixing priced and not
competing with each other.
money laundering fulis gaTeTreba

Insider trading when someone uses knowledge of a particular company, situation etc that is
not available to other people in order to buy or sell shares. Insider trading is
illegal. konfidencialuri informaciis gamoyeneba aqciebis
SesaZenad an gasayidad
Subsistence wage wage that gives a person a state of having enough money or food to stay alive;
Glass ceiling imaginary barriers that prevent women from getting promotion
Industrial espionage-the activity of secretly finding out a companys plans, details of its products
Disclosure the act of giving information about someone by an organization or person who
would normally have to keep that information secret, for example when a bank gives
information about a customers accounts to the police; saidumlo informaciis
gacema 2. gaxsniloba
A whistleblower someone working for an organization who tells the authorities that people in
the organization are doing something illegal, dishonest or wrong; damsmeni,
A conman someone who tries to get money from people by tricking them. TaRliTi
A commission an amount of money paid to someone according to the value of goods, services
investments, etc they have sold; sakomisio
Fraud - criminal deception; TaRliToba, gamoZalva
Integrity - complete honesty; sruli patiosneba

p. 97
to dispose gadayra, gadagdeba, Tavidan moSoreba; 2. gayidva
counterfeit [kauntfit] gayalbebuli produqti
industrial espionage [espin:]-samrewvelo SpionaJi

p. 98 The ethics of resume writing

to stretch the truth gadaWarbeba, gadameteba;

to dress-up morTva, mokazmva, gamopranWva;
to elicit -1) to give rise to; evoke; 2) to bring to light;
to tempt cduneba;
to carry the weight 1. to do one's fair or proper share of a task;
2. wonis qona; gavlenis/ zegavlenis qona;
to inflate gaberva; raodenobis gazrda;
to distort damaxinjeba, deformireba;
in question - under discussion, mocemuli, razec midis saubari;
2. sadavo, saeWvo;
accomplishment n- achievement, progress, skill or talent; fulfillment;
to sell oneself short arasaTanadod Seafaso sakuTari Tavi.
tax evasion gadasaxadebidan Tavis arideba
to phone in sick dareko da Seatyobino, rom avad xar
to accept bribe qrTamis aReba
abuse Seuracyofa 2. borotad gamoyeneba
refund fulis ukan dabruneba
cancellation SekveTis gauqmeba
overhead cost incurred in running the business; zednadebi xarjebi

p. 104
cautious discreet , prudent , wary , careful; frTxili, windaxeduli;
diffident timid, shy, distrustful, modest, reserved; morcxvi, sakuTar TavSi
daurwmunebeli; moridebuli;
assertive TviTdajerebuli, agresiuli, mimwoli;
ruthless = cruel; without pity; showing no mercy; sastiki
distant - TavSekavebuli, civi, uemocio;
conservative = konsevatori, reaqcioneri, retrograde;
approachable - accessible;
laid-back - relaxed in style, character, or behaviour; easy-going and unhurried; wynari, mSvidi;

p. 105
to come in for daimsaxuro (risxva, kritika, sasjeli)

magnetic mimzidveli
glib tongue enawyliani
flattery pirferoba
to acclaim dideba, pativi
despise zizRi
trait damaxasiaTebeli niSan-Tviseba, Strixi

p. 106 Father of the feel-good factory

gruffly uxeSad, pirquSad, moRuSulad;

to exude - to make apparent by mood or behavior; gamoyofa, gamosciveba,
air 1.a distinctive quality; 2) a person's distinctive appearance, manner, or bearing;
garegnoba, saxis gamometyveleba; qedmaRluri, arabunebrivi manerebi;
to step back daTmoba, ganze/gvardze gasvla;
to hand over xelisuflebis, kontrolis, uflebamosilebis sxvaze gadacema;
to go places - to become successful;
to credit (smb. with )- attribute to; 1. umadlodes vinmes ramisTvis, miaweros rame;, believe; rwmena, dajereba;
predecessor [pridises]- winamorbedi;
single-handedly damoukideblad, sxvisi daxmarebis/Carevis gareSe;
to interpret - to clarify or explain the meaning; axsna, interpretireba;
literally sityva-sityviT, gadametebis gareSe;
to harbor to keep feelings and thoughts (esp. negative ones) in your mind for a long time
grim sastiki, daundobeli;
to articulate [a:tikjleit]- gamoTqva, warmoTqva

coveted brand brand that many people would like to have


inclusive (people) who like to involve everyone in the activity

statesman an important and experienced politician, especially one who is widely known
and respected
assertive someone who is assertive states their needs and opinions clearly, that people
take notice
compulsory - savaldebulo
to underwrite - dafinanseba

p.116 McDonalds stirs up battle with Starbucks

to stir up - to cause, arouse , exhort, foment, instigate, provoke, rouse, incite; gaRviveba,
wamowyeba, provocireba, gaCaReba, gamowveva;
to preside (over )- to exercise authority or control;
to lose out -to be defeated or unsuccessful;
to replicate gameoreba, kopireba, imitireba, modelireba, tiraJireba;
in response to pasuxad;
earmarked (for) -to set aside or mark out for a specific purpose; fulis gadadeba
garkveuli miznisTvis;
to take on -to compete against, oppose, or fight;
to roll out - to launch (a new film, product, etc.) in a series of stages over an area, each stage
involving an increased number of outlets;
roll-out n- a presentation to the public of a new aircraft, product, etc.; a launch;

barista- (from the Italian for "bartender") a person, usually a coffee-house employee, who
prepares and serves both hot drinks (such as espresso), and cold alcoholic and non-alcoholic
beverages, not a coffee-maker specifically.

timescale - the span of time within which certain events occur or are scheduled to occur
considered in relation to any broader period of time;
trials gamocda, gasinjva, sinjebi, eqsperimenti;
to be under way mimdinareobdes;
push promotion, advertisement; saqonlis daJinebuli reklamireba,
popularizacia, e.w. raskrutka 2. mcdeloba;
to compete head-to head- pirispir konkurencia;
to recruit to employ;
to demystify naTelis mofena;
venti - (chiefly US) A cup of coffee larger than grande, usually 20 ounces;[aun(t)s]
side-swipe - 1) a glancing blow or hit along or from the side; Cxvleta;
2) an unexpected criticism of someone or something while discussing another subject
Market challenger = an organization or product that may take the place of the organization or
product that has the highest sales in its market or industry
Market nicher = a product or service sold in a niche market (= a market for a product or service,
perhaps an expensive or unusual one, that does not have many buyers) or the company that sells it
Fierce = violent, strong; sastiki, Zlieri
Unfair arasamarTliani
Tough = stubborn, unyielding; jiuti, Seupovari (rodesac arc erTi mxare ar Tmobs)
Cut-throat competition = murderous, likely to ruin the weaker competitors; sasikvdilo,
gamanadgurebeli konkurencia
Keen competition = strong, deep competition
Tough competition = stubborn, unyielding; jiuti, Seupovari (rodesac arc erTi mxare ar
Fierce competition = violent, strong; Zlieri, sastiki
Volatile cvalebadi
To commission davalebis micema
Two-pronged strategy that has two parts or stages
Surplus siWarbe
Dumping the activity of selling products in an export market cheaper than in the home market,
or cheaper than they cost to make, usually in order to increase market share; dempingi
Livelihood is the job or other source of income which gives you the money to buy that you need

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