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The Original MayCo Zapper Is Here!

Call it what you like, Holistic or Alternative Medicine, it REALLY WORKS!

This is the original MayCo Energizing Bio-Zapper that everyone compares their zapper too. It Energizes

Definition of Chi?
Chi is Life Force Energy.
In traditional Chinese Culture it is called Chi.
In Korean culture it is called Gi.
In Japanese culture it is called Ki.
Indian culture it is called Prana.

The definition of Life Force Energy

Is to understand that in all life forms under the right environment, the flowing surge of electrical energy
flows, circulating throughout our bodies creating electrical currents, enough to keep our mind (brain)sending
messages throughout our body, telling organs, such as the heart to keep beating.
Chi itself is life. Once a human runs out of Chi the brain stops sending messages to the heart and
therefore we are pronounced dead (dead from natural causes).

Imagine losing Chi Energy as you get older.

This all depend on a lot of things in our lives from day to day and year to year routines, such as eating habits,
to exercising, to our genetics, to making healthy choices or bad choices, how much or how little sleep we get?

But one of mans biggest challenges are the surroundings that we inhabit from day to day! Bacteria comes in
many shapes, sizes and colors and there are trillions of them everywhere. Transmitting, is done through
touching other humans or objects that several people touched.
The most common way to transmit harmful bacteria is from your hands and then touching your mouth, your
eyes, your nose, all of ways that allow bad bacteria to get inside of us.

How About Virus Transmission?

Now viruses are somewhat similarly transmitted, but can be caught through a sneeze or cough or exchanging
saliva, sharing handkerchiefs or cups, even borrowing a cell phone.
There are AIR-BORN and BLOOD BORN Pathogens, that we face everyday without knowing anything is
invading us?

Germs, Germs & More Germs Everywhere!

As we get older, even not long after birth, the bacteria, viruses and elements from the place we live in, can
take there toll on us, without us realizing it?
Its not enough that we humans have to deal with trillions of harmful invaders, such as bad bacteria, viruses
& parasites! We also have to deal with pollutants from air pollution, to water pollution, to pesticides,
insecticides, herbicides.
Our food is not always safe to eat and yet we eat it, unsuspecting of any dangers? Water we drink tastes
alright but may have harmful, tasteless, toxins in it that we never new where there?
Cows, Chickens, Pigs, Goats, Sheep, Fish also have high levels of dangerous toxins in them and can be
passed on to us as we consume those animals for human food.
Our body is an amazing energy source, constantly working hard to repair itself and yet trillions of invading
bacteria, can take over our body without us knowing it?
People Love their Pets, RIGHT?
Many of us have pets and love them, cherishing them from petting to hugging to letting them sit on our laps,
licking our hands and faces and their unsuspecting hairs cling to furniture, clothing and even our hand.

Some of us work around animals on farms, in pet-stores, or in the butcher shops, slaughter houses and meat
markets, yet we often time never see or think of the harmful dangerous that might be lurking near by us, as
we can become infected unsuspectingly, not knowing until its to late that theres something terribly wrong
happening to us?
Without ever knowing it, we can become infected with ring-worms, pin-worms, tape-worms, tiny
microscopic eggs that can enter our bodies, again through hand, fingers to mouth or the simple kissing of
your dog or cat?
Ticks can inject you with their nasty limes decease or mosquitos can inject us with DENGUE or ZIKA.
Pets or wild animals can bight us and transmit rabies all of these are life threatening and can happen to us,

Do We Have Your Attention Yet?

We havent even begun to tell you the worst of things yet!
Wouldnt it be nice if there was a simple way that you could protect yourself and your children from
becoming sick and then spending time and money with medical treatments at hospitals and pharmacies?
Wouldnt it be nice if you could do it yourself at the comforts of your own home? What If You Could
Pro-long Your Life, You Know, Live Longer Healthier?

MayCo Zapper Offers Exactly What We All Need!

Introducing A Healthy Alternative Choice.

This is the REAL DEAL The Original!

Everyone elses, is a poor version of the MayCo Zapper!

My Invention:
I am the inventor ofMayco Energizing Bio-Zapper

Created by, Monsignor. Howard E. May, A well known Doctor, Inventor & Missionary who loved God
dearly and shared his Born Again Testimony to many throughout America and the Philippines. He is well
known in many Countries for his invention, whom so many knows as the Mayco Energizing Bio-Zapper.

STOP Diseases, REGAIN your Health too, by EASY home treatment

You can help yourself live longer and be in GREAT health!

A Missionary, age 88, invented his very first Bio Energizing Zapper in 1997, killed his Colon Cancer,
tells how YOU can kill BODY parasites, STOP Diseases, REGAIN your Health too,

by EASY home treatment

DISCLAIMER : Despite the fact it works well, I am prohibited by law from giving any medical advice or
making any claims that this invention will cure any disease you may have. Only a licensed doctor or health
practitioner can offer medical advice. If you dont agree with the health restrictions placed on you by your
Government, you still have legal rights to experiment on yourself and try Alternative devices, if you choose to
do so; Its up to you, so just try it! Get it Now and see for yourself if it will stop your pain, kill parasites, and
help your body to heal itself from many diseases! Genetic Scientists say you should die of old age at 120 years
old; not from a disease caused by a Parasite at ages 32, 47, or even 65 or 90 years! You may be well and
happy past 100!

Notes of Howard E. May found here:

Monsignor Howard E. May 1998 Full Gospel Mens Fellowship





CANCERS ARE CURABLE (So are all diseases!)


ENERGY, NOT MEDICINE is what this is about. This is NOT a medical machine; we do not claim it will
heal you, but it can put extra energy into your body so your immune systems white-blood cells will have
enough energy to heal you!

Your body is made of electrical energy, not just from chemicals! Everybody has thousands of electrical
circuits running from the brain to carry the energy of life! The Body Electric is a good descriptive book by
Dr. Robert Becker MD which details how your own body can heals itself, by boosting your energy health

ENERGY AS MEDICINE has been known for thousands of years; this is a brief survey beginning in
Egypt where rare-earth magnets and electric eels were used. In the early-Eighteenth Century when chemical
batteries were invented for energy, followed by hand-cranked energy generators. In 1899 Nicola Tesla
invented the Tesla Coil, and radiated energy by higher-voltage. Magnetic energy treatments followed, and
were used, during the next twenty five years, by coils which radiated resonant-energy from energy coils
(Electro-Magnetism) Some still do it today, but many doctors reject energy treatment because prescribing
drugs is more profitable!

In the 1920s, Scientist Farnsworth (who invented the Super-heterodyne Radio Concept) and others, were
followed in the 1930s by Dr. Royal Rife, who invented the concept of using a great variety of frequencies
modulated by low audio energy waves to kill bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells by broadcasting RF radiating
voltage by high frequency resonant Mortality energy frequencies selected and tuned to kill Bacteria,
Viruses, and Cancer cells by reversing their negative energy.

Medical Doctors at the ALBERT EINSTEIN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, in New York City,
DISCOVERED A CURE FOR H.I.V.! A PATENT was issued to them in 1993 by the UNITED STATES
PATENT OFFICE! Then without explanation, it was hushed up, but the reason, can easily be imagined; The
PATENT (U.S. #5,188,738). (It is available on the Internet.) They used 70 micro-ampere of AC electric
energy at 12 volts to treat the patients blood, and cured over 100 cases of H.I.V. in less than three weeks!
-but soon, after one Press Release it was covered up!

In 1994 one year later, Dr. Hulda Clark came out with her invention of a simple
electronic Zapper and published the schematic diagram in her book, The Cure For All Diseases. I
built one, tested it, and found that strangely the circuit she published also generated only 70 Micro-amperes
of 9 volt energy, and was at a much too high and ineffective frequency.
That same year, I discovered the PAPIMI Device It is patented worldwide, and is the most expensive energy
machine made. You can check it on the Papimi website. It weighs over 80 lbs and costs $57,000 USD and
has been rated as the best anywhere, world-wide..

It operates by combing the high-voltage Magnetic Radiation energy theory of Teslas energy coil, and
combines all the selected frequencies of Dr. Raymond Rife. The result is a fine machine costing a fortune,
but is an energy life-saver. It works so well it is used in many of Europes hospitals. I have one for sale, only
slightly used, at about half price; make offer

Since 1994 there have been a number of so-called Rife Generators sold from $895 to a high of $32,000, but
NONE are truly Rife. Most fall in the $2,000 to $5,000 range, but these devices are
mere copies one-of-another, or of Dr. Clarks zapper. The Rife technology is lost; so most are frauds it is
not possible to purchase a true copy because there are no factories in the world still making the vacuum
tubes he used! It was an analog device; All Rife Copies now are digital devices, and do not produce
harmonics, as is claimed; all talk about harmonic-frequencies is bunk.


A RECENT BREAKTHROUGHS BY GENETIC SCIENTISTS shows the true underlying cause for all
cancers is loss of cellular energy, (Each healthy body cell voltage is between .075 % to .090% of one
millivolt.Healthy Cells have Positive energy voltage (the Chi Energy of Life) .75.90 % of one millivolt of
energy; when your cells energy falls below .50 % (1/2) of one millivolt, you may catch whatever
contagious disease germ you get exposed to, but if the cell energy falls below .15% of a millivolt, the cell
becomes malignant.

When enough cells stick together and form a lump, doctors then call it cancer. Cancer is not truly a disease;
it is your own bodys cells that have lost their energy; everybody replaces cancer cells every day. If your
white blood cells lose their energy, and cannot clean your blood, a cancer will grow.

CHI Energy can be measured! The immune system itself can be measured, and can illustrate that
people DO NOT DIE from OLD AGE, but from weak immunity! Death is when the cellular immune
energy falls so low your heart stops.With every Bio-Zapper we send a FREE Instruction Pamphlet telling
you how you can measure yourself, and thus you can Scientifically detect exactly how much Life Energy
you have! and of course know how to dramatically improve your energy! See Examples 1-4 with image

This CHI Energy creates an AURA which can be photographed! (Kirlian Photos) It was also seen
as a halo around the heads of some early Church Saints! Kirlian Photographs can show the electrical energy
fields of any living object, seeds, leaves, animals, people, and your own magnetic energy. (These are
displayed on the Internet; just use your computer; enter the words Kirlian Photographs

the immune system is so weak, it cannot defend against Parasites, bacteria and viruses which bring on
diseases, or you get cancer.

(your own electrical system Energy (called Chi) is what keeps you healthy and alive! Energy is like
fuel for your car; without it you cant go.


Office of Congressman DEL DE GUZMAN

Our Body Is A Chemical & Electrical Machine

We use strong electrical current to restart a stopped
heart, we use much smaller electrical current to stimulate muscles in rehabilitation procedures. It only makes
sense to zap parasites, bacteria and viruses using calibrated electric current as well.

Same Reliable Manufacturer Same Dependable Quality Same Affordable Prices Truthful Testimonies
Here to Kill the same Bad Bacteria Viruses Parasites!

Wakes Up Your White Blood Cells & Energizes Your Chi

Quickly Restores Your Health!

SAFE for all MEMBERS of your family young & old.

MayCo Zapper user

Dr. Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, A trustee, Philippine College for the Advancement in Medicine Acting Director
General, Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC)

MayCo Zapper user

Judy Sim, The Bio-Energizing Zapper Kills Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses By Square Wave low voltage
Audio Pulses which produce Electronic spikes as positive polarity pulses.

Solutions That Work

It is now widely known that your body is, in effect, not only a living Chemical machine, which has
responded to Herbs and Medicines as far back as in ancient Egypt. Modern medicines (chemicals called
Drugs) various other medicines, antibiotics, and of Hormones are now used in treatment of diseases, but
the body is also an Electrically operated machine, which uses the brain and nerves as conductors,
(somewhat like a computer) to regulate all the bodys functions and organs by electrical currents. Many
physicians have shown interest working with energy fields, and using these to heal illness by positive
polarity pulses.
Please be sure to go to each and every page and read all of the information. It is a step by step journey to
learn and understand why this may help you.

How It Works
Health Healing The Body With Positive Polarity Pulses It Produces Natural Energy
We do not claim the Bio-Energizing Zapper by itself will cure any illness but, by the unique use of
positive polarity pulses (audio-sound) electronics. we Zap and destroy the parasite; after that, your bodys
immune systems can heal itself!

The Bio-Energizing Zapper is the First Effective low-cost device for Budget-Conscious patients who believe
in natural healing through drug-free remedies, and it is recommended by health Professionals and many
Doctors for purchase and home use.

The Bio-Energizing Zapper Kills Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses By Square Wave low voltage Audio Pulses
which produce Electronic spikes as positive polarity pulses.
It is now widely known that your body is, in effect, not only a living Chemical machine, which has
responded to Herbs and Medicines as far back as in ancient Egypt.
Modern medicines (chemicals called Drugs) various other medicines, antibiotics, and of Hormones are
now used in treatment of diseases, but the body is also an

Electrically operated machine, which uses the brain and nerves as conductors, (somewhat like a computer)
to regulate all the bodys functions and organs by electrical currents.
Many physicians have shown interest working with energy fields, and using these to heal illness by positive
polarity pulses.

Healing Crisis Remedy

It is important to understand that during cleansing, the blood is actually dirtier than when one began. This
can result in feeling worse before one can feel better. Some detox symptoms may occur, such as: nausea,
dizziness, headaches, fatigue, runny nose, etc. Some call these flu-like symptoms a healing crisis.

Its a good sign! It shows that the cleaning process is effective; toxins are being expelled from the body and
eliminated through wastes, mucus, etc by the energy of positive polarity pulses.

The most important thing to do when one exhibits these symptoms is to hydrate the body with water and
green juices. This will allow the toxins to exit the body and help to decrease some of the discomfort of side
effects. Dont give up! Cleansing will put one years ahead in the healing process according to many doctors.

Mayco Bio Zapper

About The MayCo Zapper
Our Mayco Bio-Zapper M5 & M7 is a regular true zapper offers these features:
This type of zapping is frequency INDEPENDENT, i.e. using 100% positive offset, square wave, the
zapper is capable of killing a wide range of parasites, bacteria, viruses without tuning in on every single
frequency needed.
To regular zap, you can use two programs:

Program 1.
Standard Program: 7 minute zapping / 20 minute pause / 7 minute zapping / 20 minute pause / 7 minute

Program 2.
Duration Program: Runs 1 hour non-stop is more intensive


Updated 01/2016
Quotes from the maker: Msngr. Howard E. May
The title may be misleadingits not about medicine; its all about energy.. By charging your body with
energy, boosting what is called the Energy of Life, or Chi Energy, you can prevent and heal diseases by
energizing your immune system. Health is all about energy!

Energy is life!
The Bio-Energizing Zapper Kills Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses By Square Wave low voltage Audio Pulses
which produce Electronic spikes as positive polarity pulses.

We Are Not Doctors

In the USA, because of the past history of deceitful, questionable, and false claims having been made for
many quack Health Products, which have been offered to the unsuspecting public by various con-men and
fast buck artists, the Department of Health, the FDA, along with other Government Agencies, were forced
to introduce regulations to protect the public from such devices and scams.

This is the Official explanation of why it is difficult to introduce any new device, regardless of how
effective it is. -The demand for long double-blind clinical trials, often results in rating anything natural or
alternative as quackery and to be rejected, unless it can be patented and thereby become very profitable.

However, this invention was discovered and invented in the Philippines, where the Government has, by an
Act of Congress (passed in 1986) made the Official Government Policy and approved the practice of
Natural, Herbal, and Alternative Health Methods. So here, in effect, is a Green Light, to offer this
invention for use, and anyone may freely use it.
By its timing and place, it is a Health Breakthrough, and opportunity inspired by God! It is not so much
an Alternative Device, for I work with Doctors, to offer it as supplemental to treat certain stubborn
illnesses caused by germs, (bacteria and viruses.) which have mutated and developed resistance to chemical

Anything herein cannot be legally construed as being medical advice. For Medical Advice, you must consult
a legally qualified Medical Doctor or Licensed Practitioner. Therefore what I will say must be considered to
be only my opinions, which
however, I believer to be well documented by science. I also believe that our God of Heaven, inspired me to
invent this new device. Now after nine years of testing by Doctors, Church Pastors, and Health Practitioners,
it has helped cure many diseases which are difficult for medicine to treat, and it does so without side-effects.
DISCLAIMER: The contents of this website is provided for informational purposes only. More

M5/M7 User Instructions

Getting Started

Updated 01/2016
If you have purchased our M5/M7 MayCo Energizing Bio-Zapper, We would like to Congratulate you, as
you have purchased one the most well thought of inventions that has be constructed to last through countless
hours of beneficial use in assisting your body, through Energizing by Square Wave low voltage Audio
Pulses which produce Electronic spikes as positive polarity pulses.

White Blood Cells

Not only are you zapping Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses! You waking up you bodies (WBC) White Blood
Cells which normally go dormant. WBC are your bodies powerful weapons against warfare and once they
are activated, they too will assist the zapper by killing, eating, destroying intruders that can kill us.
Science has discovered that Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses are also infected with their own creatures and
then those creatures are infected with their own and on and on sounding something like a Horror Story.

So killing one intruder or millions of the microscopic intruders while zapping is helpful!
But once you kill the first guy his creatures come out and live and then his creatures come out to live and so
forth. So, is this a never ending battle?


You can kill millions of the parasites, bacteria & viruses and this will give you a much better quality of life
and ad many more years to your life.
But the final chapter to life is, the microscopic killers will eventually take over the human body.

Not everyone is willing to follow these instructions, but to go out on an all out attack, your really gonna
benefit from doing so.

Hey! even if you dont have time to follow these instructions, we want you to know that some zapping is
always better than none at all.

In fact many users zap daily 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, or all day is even beneficial and not going to
harm you.

The MayCo Energizing Bio-Zapper is more than powerful enough to kill Parasites, Bacteria and Virus, plus
it wakes up your WBC for an all out attack against the invaders. However it is not strong enough to kill a
Cockroach. It wont harm children and it wont harm elderly people nor will it harm you for everyday use.

Step #1 Location
Good Locations: Your need to either lay on a bed with pillows, or lay on the couch, some place soft that is
not touching metal or wet areas?
You can sit in a wooden chair, plastic chair, or cushion chair also.
Best for some people who use wheelchairs to not bio-zap while sitting in the wheelchair.
Also do not bio-zap with your feet on wet cement or with your feet in water of any kind.
Step #2 Remove Jewelry
Remove Jewelry: Now you need to remove all metal from your body, things like rings, earrings, necklaces,
bracelets, body piercing jewelry including watches and do not hold cell phones while zapping yourself as all
of these items will draw power to them and you may feel a burning sensation or watches and cell phones
could be drained of their power source?

Step #3 Patch
Zapping location:
1. Determine what area needs to be bio-zapped and energized?
2. There are many points of contact that you can choose to zap in (+) and zap out (-).
3. Most commonly is holding the hand holds which circulates through your right hand up your arm through
your upper trunk and then down your left arm and out the left hand.
4. Hand holds can be placed under the legs in the folds behind each knee.
5. Or you can use the felt patches in many key locations that allow energy in and out.

Laying down using the hand-holds under your legs

If you become tired of holding the hand-holds and want to do some intense zapping, then placing the
hand-holds directly behind the fold of your knees is very effective also.
This is also great for zapping your lower extremities area such as testicles, colon, prostate, vaginal yeast
infections, or any other below the belt problems you may be facing?

Step #4 Water Needed

Water moisture helps: Try to use some strips the same size as the hand holds, material made out of wash
clothes is good and wet it, but ring it out then wrap those around each hand hold. If using the felt pads you
only need to spray a little water on those as they do not need to be soaking wet.

Step #5 Zapper Settings

Best Settings, you need to select a setting on the MayCo Energizing Bio-Zapper
1] First setting which has the strongest spike which will give the deepest penetration.
This is good for those who have Asthma, Urinary tract bacteria, intestinal worms and others.
2.] Second setting is to remove the cells of skin cancer.
3] Third setting is for bacteria of all kinds or (T,B., Prostate Inflammation, Malaria, Stomach Ulcers, and
other illnesses.
4] Fourth setting is for smaller viruses like common colds, flues, allergies and other diseases caused by
Not Necessary, But A Routine to Get Into

Best zapping routine to get into is the 7/20/5 session

Zap for exactly 7 minutes
Relax turn off zapper for 20 minutes,
Repeat these steps 5 times.
It will come out to 2 hours & 15 minutes total
Dont Have A Lot of Time?
You can do the 7/20/3 session
It is the same as the other session but only repeat these steps 3 times. It will come out to 1 hour and 21
minutes total


Research discovered that a first 7 minute zapping kills millions of bad bacteria in your blood and soft tissue.
During that 7 minutes the dead bacteria have infectious invaders coming out of them also and they are now
out and alive in your body but they also have host bacteria living inside of them too.

Every time you do a 7 minute session, you are killing millions of harmful bacteria and then their even
smaller hosts in them are now coming out to live in you.

BUT! with repeat sessions 3 to 5 times you are killing the dead unseen invaders and then their invaders and
then again their invaders which scientist have only seen this process go back 3 to 5 layers deep of invaders.

Where Do The Dead Bacteria Go?

Your White Blood Cells will have plenty to eat from all of this and your body will be expelling more body
odor under the arms, between the legs, in your feces, through urine, your eye ducts and coughing phlegm.
This is normal and not harmful.

Certain kind of foods we consume can cause yeast infections, acne, dandruff, sores under our tongues or on
our gums. Depending on your over all health and amount of food you eat good or bad the waste that your
body expels can go from foul odor to extremely stinky, nasty foul odor?

Many types of food can cause gas to to come out from your rear end or trough a burp? All of these are ways
that your good bacteria helps you to expel food, toxins and bad bacteria, viruses even parasites.
Questions about using the MayCo Energizing Bio-Zapper.

Update 01/2016

Q: What is a bio-zapper?
A: By charging your body with energy, boosting what is called the Energy of Life, or Chi Energy, you can
prevent and heal diseases by energizing your immune system. Health is all about energy! -Energy is life!

Q: What does a bio-zapper do?

A: The Bio-Energizing Zapper Kills Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses By Square Wave low voltage Audio
Pulses which produce Electronic spikes as positive polarity pulses.

Q: How does a Mayco bio-zapper work?

A: We do not claim the Bio-Energizing Zapper by itself will cure any illness but, by the unique use of
positive polarity pulses (audio-sound) electronics. Mayco bio-zapper will Zap and destroy the parasite;
after that, your bodys immune systems can heal itself!

Q: Who needs a bio-zapper?

A: Everyone needs energizing bio-zapping as a means of defense from viruses of all kinds. Bacteria &
Parasites are a normal part of the human body, with 3 to 5 pounds of the invaders living in the average adult,
due to foods we eat, air we breathe, things we come in contact with and create an entry avenue through the
mouth, eyes, nose, skin and blood.

Q: Who should not use our Energizing Bio-Zapper?

A: WARNING NOTICE! Anyone who has a PACE-MAKER needs to avoid use of the energizing

Q: Is the Energizing Bio-Zapper safe to use if I am pregnant?

A: Yes! This is very safe and very helpful to mother and child in all trimester periods of child birth.

Q: How much bacteria do people carry around?

A: Enough to fill a big soup can. Thats three to five pounds of bacteria, says Lita Proctor, the program
coordinator of the National Institutes of Healths Human Microbiome Project, which studies the
communities of bacteria living on and in us. The bacteria cells in our body outnumber human cells 10 to 1,
she says, but because they are much smaller than human cells, they account for only about 1 to 2 percent of
our body massthough they do make up about half of our bodys waste.

The host of bacteria we carry around werent well-cataloged until recently. In July 2011, at North Carolina
State University, the Belly Button Biodiversity study found about 1,400 different strains of bacteria living in
the navels of 95 participants. Of these, 662 strains were previously unrecognized.

Q: Are bio-zappers safe?

A: The MayCo Energizing Bio-Zapper is safe enough that young children can be treated with it through
adult supervision. There isnt enough zapping energy pulsating through it, to even kill a Cockroach.

Q: Why should I be selective of buying a bio-zapper?

A: Pay attention to price verses what you are getting? Many zappers now days come with plenty of fancy
extra gadgets that drives the price up! We call then bells and whistles, which do absolutely nothing to help
you. Some zapper devices come with very little of anything which makes them cheap also? Cheap as in low
quality inner parts as well as battery operated only, making them vulnerable to giving you an effective
zapping that 110 or 220 volts offers at a steady pace.
Q: Why should I buy the Mayco bio-zapper?
A: Compare MayCo Energizing Bio-Zapper to others [SEE OUR SPECIFICATIONS]

Q: What is the difference between Mayco bio-zapper M5 & M7?

A: M7 Comes with the following items:

We use the highest Quality Parts

Durable on / off dial nob.
Professional voltage meter.
Professional square wave post meter.
Universal adjustable voltage plug.
Two hand holds R/L made of high resistant metal from corrosion.
Two felt pads R/L for face and other body areas.
Audible dial spike meter.
Durable four (4) spike settings, dial nob.
Device light to inform you if you are on or off?
Positive and negative posts designed to twist or takes male fitting plug ins.
Long Life NICKEL METAL Hydride Rechargeable Battery with built-in recharging circuit and warning
Comes shipped in attractive zippered fabric bag with complete Accessories.

See the comparison chart on our Specification Page..

M5 Comes with the following items:

We use the highest Quality Parts

Durable on / off dial nob.
Professional square wave post meter.
Universal adjustable voltage plug.
Two hand holds R/L made of high resistant metal from corrosion.
Two felt pads R/L for face and other body areas.
Durable four (4) spike settings, dial nob.
Device light to inform you if you are on or off?
Positive and negative posts designed to twist or takes male fitting plug ins.
Long Life NICKEL METAL Hydride Rechargeable Battery Built in re-charger and warning light.
Comes shipped in attractive zippered fabric bag with complete Accessories.

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