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We, the members of the Muslim Students Association of the University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City, inspired by Islam and our rich cultural heritage, aware of the plight of the
Muslim Ummah, further cognizant of the vital roles we play in our community, do hereby ordain
and promulgate this Constitution.

Name and Nature

Section 1. The name of the organization shall be the University of the Philippines Muslim
Students Association. It may also be referred to as UP MSA to stand for the name

Section 2. The Association shall be socio-cultural, non-stock, non-partisan and non-political in


Section 3. The Association shall be based at Room 211, Vinzons Hall, University of the
Philippines, Diliman Quezon City.

Section 4. For the official logo, see Annex A.

Objectives and Principles

Section 1. To arouse a proper and meaningful Islamic consciousness among the Muslims and
the non-Muslims in the university;

Section 2. To preserve and promote the cultural heritage of the Muslim Filipino;

Section 3. To serve as a venue for unity, camaraderie, friendship, academic independence and
synergic cooperation for the noble endeavors among the Muslims in the university;

Section 4. To provide a venue for articulation of different ideas, issues and problems which
confront the Muslim Ummah;

Section 5. To promote socio-political consciousness and concern for the Muslim Ummah
among the Muslim students in the university; and

Section 6. To coordinate with external entities for the promotion and achievement of the
organizations objectives

Section 1. Membership to the organization shall be open to all officially enrolled Muslim
students of UP, Diliman, subscribing to the ideals set forth in the preamble and in the objectives
and principles of the article hereof.

Section 2. Membership shall be classified into the following:

1. Regular one who has successfully completed the application or reaffirmation process
and who works fully for the realization of the goals and objectives of the Association.

2. Honorary one who is invited by any member (upon approval of the Executive
Committee and the General Assembly) and whose participation and support are vital to
the interest and welfare of the Association.

Section 3. All members shall enjoy the following rights and privileges:

1. Access to the Associations facilities and services;

2. Access to all files and official records, except those deemed confidential by the
Executive Committee;

3. Participation in any of the organizations activities;

4. Privilege to vote and to hold office;

5. Recommendation of an officer for impeachment or a member for expulsion from the

Association under the reasons mentioned in Article 8 Section 2; and

6. Withdrawal or Resignation from the Association with a written statement to the Internals
or Membership Committee subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. All members shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Be aware of the provisions and the stated objectives in the Constitution, as well as the
provisions in the By Laws, House Rules and other rules and reticulations of the

2. Preserve and protect the good name of the organization and be loyal to its objectives;

3. Renew his/her membership within the designated renewal period;

4. Be an active participant of a committee;

5. Attend regular meetings of the organization;

6. Participate in the organizations activities and projects;

7. Pay all fees and obligations to the treasurer; and

8. Be aware of the major issues concerning the organization.

General Assembly

Section 1. The General Assembly shall be the official decision-making body of the
Association. It shall be composed of all the members of the Association.

Section 2. A decision will be considered valid provided that fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of
the General Assembly approves it.

Section 3. In cases when there is a tie, the President shall give the final vote.

Section 4. For the General Assemblys decision to be valid, fifty percent (50%) of the members
should be present.

Executive Committee

Section 1. The Executive Committee has the function of formulating policies and shall be
responsible for the welfare of the Association and its members. The Executive Committee shall
be composed of the following:





Section 2. In order to be eligible to hold an office, all Executive Committee members must:

1. Satisfy membership requirements;

2. Have been an active member for at least one semester (except for the President); and

3. Have been an active member for at least one year prior to holding office (for the

Section 3. The terms of office of all Executive Committee members shall run for a period of
one year, commencing on the start of the summer term and terminating on the last day of the
second semester.

Section 4. Special Committees shall be formed by the Executive Committee as the need

Section 5. The Executive Committee shall be accountable to the General Assembly.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee

Section 1. The President

1. Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association;

2. Shall initiate and spearhead the implementation of the policies, programs and projects
approved by the General Assembly;

3. Shall sign or countersign duly approved legal payments, contracts, and correspondents,
documents and all transactions of the Association;

4. Shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the General

5. Shall direct and guide the organization towards its objectives;

6. Shall be responsible for maintaining firm ties with other organizations for the Association;

7. Shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as the General
Assembly may assign or direct.
Section 2. The Vice-President for Internal Affairs

1. Shall develop unity, harmony and camaraderie among the members;

2. Shall assist the President in the implementation and operation of the General
Assemblies, acquaintance parties, and other such activities exclusive to the members of
the organization;

3. Shall assume the duties, responsibilities and power of the President in his/her absence;

4. Shall oversee the performance of all the members of the Executive Committee,
excluding the President; and

5. Shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as the President or the
General Assembly may direct.

Section 3. The Vice-President for External Affairs

1. Shall assist the President in the implementation and monitoring of the organizations
activities that are, by nature, not exclusive to the members of the Association;

2. Shall enrich the members social awareness through exposure trips;

3. Shall be responsible for the coordination and linkage with the organization's established
alumni for their support in the Associations activities;

4. Shall be the organizations liaison officer to other organizations inside and outside the
University; and

5. Shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as the President or the
General Assembly may direct.

Section 4. The Secretary

1. Shall help disseminate information at least one week before general meetings;

2. Shall maintain an accurate roster of members and keep and be responsible for the use
of the Associations seal;

3. Shall issue necessary information or notices to the members as may be required by the
4. Shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as the President or the
General Assembly may direct.

Section 5. The Treasurer

1. Shall have a custody of and be responsible for all funds, properties, bonds and securities
of the Association and keep accurate and complete record of all receipts, disbursements
and other business transactions for the organization;

2. Shall make disbursement and expenditures only when supported by vouchers duly
approved by the President and shall issue official receipts for any income or collection;

3. Shall submit a financial statement for the Association per semester especially on the last
Executive Committee meeting.

4. Shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as the President or the
General Assembly may direct.

Standing Committees

Section 1. The organization shall maintain four (4) Standing Committees Internals, Externals,
Finance and Secretariat Committees.

Section 2. The functions and nature of the Standing Committees are the following:

A. Internal Affairs Committee

1. Shall be headed by the Vice-President for Internal Affairs;

2. Shall be responsible for the organizations membership activities;

3. Shall endeavor to introduce innovations in managing the organization;

4. Shall head the maintenance of the organizations Tambayan;

5. Shall maintain the organizations e-group; and

6. Shall perform such other duties as the President or the General Assembly may direct.
B. External Affairs Committee

1. Shall be headed by the Vice-President for External Affairs;

2. Shall be responsible for the publication of the Shahid, the official newsletter of the

3. Shall release a UPMSA members directory and schedule every semester and the
calendar of activities of the organization for the school year;

4. Shall maintain and update the organizations website;

5. Shall spearhead the making of a scrapbook per year;

6. Shall be responsible for posting of flyers and teasers inside the campus for any of the
organizations activities; and

7. Shall perform such other duties as the President or the General Assembly may direct.

C. Finance Committee

1. Shall be headed by the Treasurer;

2. Shall help the Treasurer ensure transparency and proper disbursement ad expenditure
of funds;

3. Shall organize fund-raising activities for the organization;

4. Shall help the treasurer perform his/her duties; and

5. Shall perform such other duties as the President or the General Assembly may direct.

D. Secretariat Committee

1. Shall be headed by the Secretary;

2. Shall be responsible for the Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (ACLE);

3. Shall take charge in the secretarial functions (i.e. documentation, etc) in all of the
organizations activities;
4. Shall be responsible for the official records and documents of the organization;

5. Shall regularly update the Bulletin Board; and

6. Shall perform such other duties as the President or the General Assembly may direct.

Special Committees

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall establish Special Committees as the need arises.

Section 2. These Special Committees shall be ad hoc in nature and shall be abolished upon
completion of their special functions.

Section 3. The members of these ad hoc Committees shall be taken from the members of any
of the Standing Committees to be chosen by the Executive Committee or the appointed heads
of the Special Committees. A member can also volunteer to be a part of a Special Committee.

Section 4. Upon the abolishment of the Special Committees, the members shall return to their
respective Standing Committees including the appointed heads.

Fees and Donations

Section 1. A membership fee of Fifty Pesos (Php 50) shall be solicited from new members.

Section 2. Members shall pay Reaffirmation fees the amount of which is to be decided upon by
the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Association shall accept any form of donation from the members or from any
other donors.

Section 4. Fees may be increased upon the approval of the Executive Committee.


Section 1. Any member of the Executive Committee and their appointees has the right to
resign from their positions.
Section 2. Officers who would like to resign shall submit a written, formal and signed
resignation letter to the Executive Committee at least two (2) weeks before resignation. This
letter shall be immediately discussed and approved by the General Assembly.

Section 3. The General Assembly will immediately hold an election for the replacement of the
officer who resigned.

Impeachment, Expulsion and Suspension

Section 1. Any officer (or member) shall be impeached (or suspended/expelled) from the office
(or organization) by the General Assembly under the causes provided in this article.

Section 2. At least one (1) member shall file a complaint for suspension, impeachment or
expulsion to the Executive Committee. This complaint shall be presented by the Executive
Committee to the General Assembly.

Section 3. Culpable causes for impeachment, expulsion and suspension shall be:

1. Violation of the Constitution and By-Laws;

2. Misappropriation of the Associations funds;

3. Grave misconduct; and

4. Putting the organizations name in bad light.

Section 4. The period of suspension shall be decided by the members in a general assembly.

Section 5. A suspended member shall not enjoy the rights of a regular member during the
period of suspension.

Section 6. An expelled member shall be prohibited to apply again to the organization without
the approval of the General Assembly.


Section 1. Revision of the Constitution shall take place at least one year after the Constitution
was implemented.
Section 2. A core group shall be formed to facilitate the revision of the Constitution. The
members of the core group shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. A revised Constitution shall be approved by the General Assembly before


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