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Volume 6, Part 1

April 2011

Board Review Manual

Aplastic Anemia:
Review Questions
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hematology Board Review Manual

Statement of
Editorial Purpose Aplastic Anemia:
The Hospital Physician Hematology Board Review
Manual is a study guide for fellows and prac
Review Questions
ticing physicians preparing for board exami
nations in hematology. Each manual reviews
a topic essential to the current practice of
hematology. Series Editor:
Eric D. Jacobsen, MD
Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Attending
Physician, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA

Bruce M. White Gabrielle Meyers, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Center for Hematologic Malignancies,
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
Robert Litchkofski

executive vice president

Barbara T. White

executive director
of operations
Table of Contents
Jean M. Gaul
Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Answers and Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Summary Points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


This publication has been developed with References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
out involvement of or review by the Amer
ican Board of Internal Medicine.
Cover Illustration by Kathryn K. Johnson
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Hematology Board Review Manual

Aplastic Anemia:
Review Questions
Gabrielle Meyers, MD

INTRODUCTION anemia. Finally, a thorough history to assess for drug/

toxin exposure, viral infections (hepatitis in particular),
Pancytopenia is a potentially life-threatening problem and pregnancy in women of child bearing potential is
that places patients at risk for bleeding, cardiopul- necessary (Table 1). A number of diagnostic tests are
monary stress, and infectious complications. Prompt important to identify a potential cause for the aplastic
management, including appropriate blood product anemia, define its severity, and evaluate for associated
support with irradiated and filtered products and disorders (Table 2).
antimicrobial support, is vital in the early stages. It is important to remember that aplastic anemia is
Furthermore, it is important to recognize that these considered a curable disease. However, the supportive
treatments will not impact diagnostic testing results or care required for patients with severe and very severe
future management. aplastic anemia is intensive. Febrile, neutropenic patients
The main diagnostic evaluation for the cause of pan- require hospital admission for intravenous antibiotics and
cytopenia involves a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration, investigation for the source of fevers. In a nonfebrile but
with aspirate and adequate biopsy core obtained for neutropenic patient, prophylactic antimicrobials are op-
histological testing. Additional key tests on the bone mar- timal to reduce infectious complications. Blood product
row sample include flow cytometry to rule out leukemia support may be required 2 to 3 times a week, with close
and lymphoma and karyotyping and fluorescent in situ monitoring for evidence of platelet alloimmunization. In
hybridization (FISH) studies to evaluate for common ab- patients who fail to respond to random donor platelets,
normalities found in myelodysplasia and acute leukemia. a platelet refractory workup is necessary to define their
Because many patients with pancytopenia will have a low alloantibodies and identify specific products for trans-
bone marrow cellularity or low cell numbers on aspira- fusion. Blood product support from family members
tion, collecting an additional core biopsy to make sure should be avoided in aplastic anemia patients, as this may
adequate sample is present is very important. In patients increase the risk of rejection in the setting of bone mar-
with pancytopenia who have a marrow cellularity less row transplantation. Finally, one must continually record
than 25% of the expected cellularity for their age, and no the number of units of blood transfused and consider the
dysplastic features on marrow examination or karyotypic risk of secondary iron overload. With the current stan-
abnormalities, the diagnosis is aplastic anemia. dards of treatment, the 3- to 5-year survival for all patients
The diagnosis of aplastic anemia does not define the with aplastic anemia is approximately 80%.1,2 Therefore,
cause of the disease, as there is a broad differential of management of this disease is best done either at a major
infectious agents, toxins, and inherited disorders that can center experienced in treatment of aplastic anemia or
lead to the development of marrow aplasia. When faced with very good consultative support.
with a patient with aplastic anemia, there are several key
considerations in diagnosis and management. First, in
young patients with aplastic anemia, congenital disorders QUESTIONS
leading to aplastic anemia must be ruled out. The 2
most common include Fanconi anemia and dyskeratosis Choose the single best answer for each question.
congenita, with a number of other more rare inherited
causes of aplastic anemia to be considered. Second, ur- Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following case:
gent referral to a facility that performs bone marrow
transplantation is very important, as transplantation is a 1. A 20-year-old man presents for evaluation of re-
treatment consideration for most patients with aplastic current epistaxis. He reports nose bleeding that

 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual

Aplastic Anemia

occurs at least daily, lasting up to 45 minutes at Table 1. Etiology of Aplastic Anemia

times. This started 1 week ago and has been get- Acquired aplastic anemia
ting progressively worse. He works in a grocery Idiopathic
store, and has noticed the presence of large
bruises on his abdomen and thighs from carrying
milk crates. He reports being fatigued, but he was Chemicals
able to work up until 2 days ago, at which time he Benzene
started to note fevers up to 102F, associated with Insecticides
significant fatigue. He denies sinus congestion, Glue
throat pain, cough, shortness of breath, nausea,
emesis, melena, hematochezia, or hematuria. He
has had headaches and mild gum bleeding with
brushing his teeth. Cytotoxic agents
On physical examination, measurement of Antibiotics
vital signs shows a temperature of 100.8F, heart Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
rate of 115 bpm, respiratory rate of 22 breaths/ Anticonvulsive agents
min, and blood pressure of 134/75 mm Hg.
Gold salts
In general, this is a pale young man who is fa-
tigued but in no acute distress. On head/eyes/ Radiation
ears/nose/throat examination, pupils are equal, Viruses
round, and reactive to light; extraocular move- Epstein-Barr virus
ments are intact; oropharynx is slightly dry with Hepatitis viruses, including Hep A, Hep B, Hep C, Hep D,
petechiae on his buccal mucosa and posterior Hep E, Hep G and non- Hep A-E (virus unknown)
pharynx; and there is no sinus tenderness, no HIV
nuchal rigidity, and no neck lymphadenopathy.
Cardiac examination reveals regular rhythm,
Immune and rheumatologic diseases
tachycardia, and a 2/6 systolic murmur loudest
at the lower left sternal border. Lungs are clear Graft-versus-host disease
to auscultation bilaterally. Abdomen is soft and Rheumatoid arthritis
nontender with positive bowel sounds and no Systemic lupus erythematosus
hepatosplenomegaly. Extremities are warm with- Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
out edema. Skin examination reveals petechiae
present on the lower extremities bilaterally.
Inherited aplastic anemia
Laboratory studies show a white blood cell
Fanconi anemia
(WBC) count of 800 cells/L; hemoglobin, 5.2 g/
Dyskeratosis congenita
dL; hematocrit, 14.8%; platelet count, 5000 cells/
Schwachman-Diamond syndrome
L. Automated differential reports 2% segmented
neutrophils, 96% lymphocytes, and 2% monocytes. Adapted from AlKhouri N, Ericson SG. Aplastic anemia: review of etiol-
What is the most appropriate next step in the man- ogy and treatment. Hosp Physician 1999;35(5):47.
agement of this patient?
(A) Schedule a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow as
an outpatient
(B) Admit the patient to the hospital today for
intravenous antibiotics, blood and platelet 2. A slide from the patients bone marrow biopsy
transfusion today, and a bone marrow biopsy specimen is shown in the Figure. What is the diag-
(C) Arrange for a blood and platelet transfusion nosis?
today, with plans to see him back in clinic the (A) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
following day for further evaluation (B) Acute myelogenous leukemia
(D) Arrange for a blood and platelet transfusion (C) Aplastic anemia
today, start him on oral levofloxacin, draw (D) Myelodysplastic syndrome
blood cultures, and arrange for a bone mar-
row biopsy tomorrow as an outpatient Hematology Volume 6, Part 1 

Aplastic Anemia

Table 2. Diagnostic Workup for Aplastic Anemia

Test Rationale
Liver function tests To evaluate for evidence of hepatitis, as hepatitis-associated aplastic
anemia is a well-described entity in younger patients, often male
(associated with non-A, non-B, non-C viral hepatitis)
Viral hepatitis (including non-A, non-B, non-C) testing Numerous viral diseases have been associated with aplastic anemia;
Epstein-Barr virus testing presence of viral disease can impact treatment
Cytomegalovirus testing
HIV testing
Antinuclear antibody To rule out connective tissue disorders as the cause of aplastic ane-
Rheumatoid factor mia
Peripheral blood flow cytometry for PNH In approximately half of patients with aplastic anemia, a small PNH
clone is found; this is important for follow-up after treatment to
assess progression of the PNH
Pregnancy test To rule out pregnancy-associated aplastic anemia
Fanconi anemia testing (peripheral blood breakage analysis) To assess for inherited disorders associated with aplastic anemia, as
Telomere length testing patients with aplastic anemia and an inherited disorder require special
Dyskeratosis congenita mutation analysis consideration for treatment and family screening
PNH = paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.

3. What is the next best treatment option for this pa- (C) 60% 5-year survival
tient? (D) 80% 5-year survival
(A) A course of rabbit antithymocyte globulin
and cyclosporine Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following case:
(B) A course of horse antithymocyte globulin and
cyclosporine 6. A 62-year-old man with chronic lymphocytic leu-
(C) Supportive care alone kemia who completed 4 courses of fludarabine,
(D) Hold any therapy until all of his siblings have cyclophosphamide, and rituximab chemotherapy
been typed to consider an upfront bone mar- 2 years ago with excellent response is referred for
row transplant evaluation. Within the last 2 months, he has had a
progressive decline in his blood counts and presents
4. An 8-year-old boy with newly discovered pancytopenia now for further workup of his pancytopenia. His
is brought by his parents for evaluation. He has a his- examination is notable for scattered petechiae in
tory of recurrent infections and short stature. There is his mouth, but otherwise there is no adenopathy or
no family history of cancers or blood disorders. Given hepatosplenomegaly on exam and his cardiopulmo-
his young age and history, there is concern about an nary exam is normal.
inherited marrow failure state. What is the most com- Laboratory studies show a WBC of 1300 cells/L,
mon cause of inherited bone marrow failure? hematocrit of 25.8%, and platelet count of 12,000
(A) Diamond-Blackfan anemia cells/L. Results of renal and liver function tests are
(B) Dyskeratosis congenita normal. A bone marrow biopsy reveals a markedly
(C) Fanconi anemia hypocellular marrow with cellularity of 10% or less.
(D) Schwachman-Diamond syndrome Flow cytometry shows no evidence of chronic lympho-
cytic leukemia. Cytogenetic studies were unable to be
5. A newly diagnosed 19-year-old with severe aplastic performed due to lack of adequate material. What
anemia presents for evaluation for bone mar- treatment should be recommended for this patient?
row transplantation. If the patient has an HLA- (A) Azacitidine in standard doses
matched sibling, what is the long-term outcome (B) Azacitidine with dose reduction due to cytopenia
with bone marrow transplantation for his disease? (C) Antithymocyte globulin with cyclosporine
(A) 30% 5-year survival (D) Supportive care alone due to anticipation of
(B) 50% 5-year survival count recovery

 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual

Aplastic Anemia

7. The hematologist prescribes antithymocyte globu-

lin with cyclosporine and the patient has a good
partial response. Now 14 months after recovery,
his counts have declined again. What is the most
likely cause for his declining counts?
(A) Recurrent aplastic anemia
(B) Progressive myelodysplastic syndrome
(C) Secondary myelodysplastic syndrome
(D) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

8. A 30-year-old woman who has a history of aplastic

anemia presents for follow-up. She was diagnosed
when she was 22 years old, and was treated with
antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine with a
complete response. She underwent a slow cyclo-
sporine taper over 4 years, with her counts remain-
ing stable, and she has been off cyclosporine for Figure. Bone marrow biopsy slide of the patient described in
the last 3 years. questions 1-3.
In the last 6 months she has started to develop
new fatigue, associated with intermittent bouts of
abdominal pain and recurrent urinary tract infec- als to prevent infections, and has had no major
tions. Due to count abnormalities, she is referred complications to date and remains healthy. He has
by her primary care physician to a hematologist for secondary iron overload as well.
evaluation. Repeat bone marrow biopsy verifies continued
Her complete blood cell count shows a WBC panhypoplasia of the marrow, cytogenetics shows a
count of 4200 cells/L; hemoglobin of 8.4 g/dL; normal karyotype, and FISH for common abnor-
hematocrit of 26.4%; and platelet count of 155,000 malities in myelodysplastic syndrome reveals no
cells/L. Automated differential reports 60% seg- abnormalities. What therapy do you recommend
mented neutrophils, 38% lymphocytes, and 2% at this time?
monocytes. Additional laboratory studies show an (A) A course of horse antithymocyte globulin and
absolute reticulocyte count of 125,000 cells/L, continued cyclosporine therapy
lactate dehydrogenase elevated at 945 U/L, and (B) A course of rabbit antithymocyte globulin and
haptoglobin undetectable. Coombs testing is nega- continued cyclosporine therapy
tive. What is the next most appropriate testing in (C) A matched unrelated donor bone marrow
this patient? transplant
(A) Abdominal computed tomography scan to (D) Continued supportive care
evaluate for lymphoma
(B) Bone marrow biopsy 10. A previously healthy 62-year-old man with newly
(C) Peripheral blood flow cytometry for paroxys- discovered pancytopenia presents for evaluation.
mal nocturnal hemoglobinuria He has a 1-month history of fatigue and shortness
(D) Start prednisone for autoimmune hemolysis of breath with exertion, and in the last week he has
noted easy bruising and bleeding of the gums with
9. A 25-year-old man with refractory aplastic anemia brushing. He has had no fevers or infectious symp-
is referred for additional treatment recommenda- toms and is taking no medications. He has no fam-
tions. He was diagnosed with aplastic anemia 7 ily history of blood disorders, and has 5 siblings, all
months ago, and after a search of family members of whom are younger and in good health.
found no appropriate donors he was treated with On examination, the patient is a healthy ap-
horse antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine. pearing male who appears younger than his stated
Despite this therapy, he has remained platelet and age and is in no distress. He does have oral pe-
red cell transfusion dependent, with intermittent techiae and ecchymoses on his upper and lower
granulocyte-colony stimulating factor required as extremities, but no other abnormalities are noted
well for neutropenia. He is receiving antimicrobi- on exam. Hematology Volume 6, Part 1 

Aplastic Anemia

His complete blood count shows a WBC count (B) Perform throat cultures for bacterial infec-
of 1800 cells/L, hemoglobin of 7.2 g/dL, hemato- tions
crit of 21.8%, and platelet count of 8000 cells/L. (C) Perform throat cultures for fungal infection
Automated differential reports 8% segmented neu- (D) Perform polymerase chain reaction blood
trophils, 90% lymphocytes, and 2% monocytes. testing for Epstein-Barr virus
He is given platelet and red cell transfusion
support, and a bone marrow biopsy is performed,
revealing a markedly hypocellular marrow, with no ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS
findings of dysplasia or leukemia. What is the next
best treatment option for this patient? 1. (B) Admit the patient to the hospital today for
(A) A course of rabbit antithymocyte globulin and intravenous antibiotics and blood and platelet
cyclosporine. transfusion today, and a bone marrow biopsy. This
(B) A course of horse antithymocyte globulin and patient has 2 potentially life-threatening issues
cyclosporine that require urgent management. The first issue
(C) Supportive care alone that requires inpatient management is neutrope-
(D) Hold any therapy until all of his siblings have nic fevers. Neutropenic fevers require hospitaliza-
been typed to consider an upfront bone mar- tion and intravenous antibiotics to cover gram-
row transplant negative bacteria, in particular Pseudomonas ae-
ruginosa.3 The second issue that requires urgent
11. A young woman with severe aplastic anemia pres- treatment is his severe thrombocytopenia. Spon-
ents for urgent evaluation of fevers, throat pain taneous bleeding can occur with platelet counts
and neck adenopathy. She has been treated with less than 10,000 cells/L, and mucosal bleeding
2 courses of antithymocyte globulin and cyclospo- identifies patients at higher risk of severe bleeding.
rine (first horse antithymocyte globulin, then rabbit For these reasons, this patient requires a platelet
antithymocyte globulin), and she continues to have transfusion. While he is hospitalized, review of the
poor counts and requires frequent transfusion sup- peripheral smear, red cell transfusion, and bone
port. Her last treatment with rabbit antithymocyte marrow biopsy can be performed. The blood
globulin took place 2.5 months ago. Efforts to find products administered to this patient should be
a bone marrow donor for her have been unsuccess- irradiated, filtered, and cytomegalovirus-safe to
ful, and her cord blood options are currently being prevent transfusion-associated graft-versus-host dis-
considered. ease, given his leukopenia. When performing a
On presentation, she reports fevers up to 101F bone marrow biopsy to evaluate pancytopenia, it is
for the past 2 days, with painful lymphadenopathy important to order flow cytometry to rule out both
noted mainly in the cervical chain. She has had leukemia and lymphoma, and standard cytogenet-
no sick contacts and her indwelling catheter is not ics to evaluate for myelodysplastic syndrome, with
tender. She is afebrile in the clinic, with normal vital FISH studies to look for common mutations found
signs. On exam, she looks uncomfortable but is in in myelodysplastic syndrome, in particular abnor-
no distress. Her oropharynx is moist, with scattered malities in chromosomes 5, 7, and 8.
petechiae and left tonsillar erythema and exudate.
She has bilateral anterior and posterior cervical 2. (C) Aplastic anemia. The bone marrow sample
chain adenopathy, left greater than right. No other shown in Figure 1 is devoid of marrow elements,
sites of adenopathy are appreciated on exam, and shows no evidence of leukemia or other infiltrative
her heart and lung exam are normal, with no hepato- process, and shows no evidence of dysplasia. This
splenomegaly or discomfort on abdominal exam. patient meets the criteria for very severe aplas-
The patient is treated with a course of amoxi- tic anemia, with profound neutropenia (absolute
cillin-clavulanate empirically after blood cultures neutrophil count < 200/L), thrombocytopenia
are drawn. Despite being on this agent for 5 days, (platelet count <20,000/L), and marrow cel-
her fevers persist and her throat pain worsens. In lularity less than 25% of the normal cellularity
addition, her adenopathy appears worse on exam. for his age. Workup for causes of aplastic anemia,
What testing should be pursued at this time? including viral studies (HIV, Epstein-Barr virus,
(A) No additional testing is needed; continue her cytomegalovirus, and viral hepatitis), connective
current course of treatment tissue disorders, and a thorough review of drugs,

 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual

Aplastic Anemia

herbal products and chemical/toxin exposures is age of 60 years in good health have a rapid screen
necessary. Additional common findings in aplastic for potential donors in the family before starting
anemia include the presence of a small paroxys- any definitive therapy for the aplastic anemia.
mal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) clone, and Supportive care with transfusion support should
therefore flow cytometry for PNH on peripheral be utilized while the donor search is underway. In
blood is important in the initial workup. Patients those patients without a matched family member,
with a small clone require continued follow-up of treatment with immune suppression with horse an-
the clone throughout their life. tithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine is instituted
In younger patients, additional considerations and an unrelated donor search is initiated. Anti-
include evaluation for hereditary bone marrow thymocyte globulin and cyclosporine treatment
failure syndromes, in particular Fanconi anemia can take up to 3 months or more to take full effect,
and dyskeratosis congenita. Evaluation for Fan- but in those patients without a robust response to
coni anemia is performed by a peripheral blood this treatment the chance of reconstituting hema-
breakage study, which is done on lymphocytes and topoiesis without a bone marrow transplant is low.
can easily be performed despite leukopenia. Dys- Therefore, in patients who fail an initial round of
keratosis congenita is a disorder of telomere length antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine, the next
maintenance, with abnormal shortening of telo- best option for therapy is a matched unrelated
meres. In addition to aplastic anemia, patients with donor bone marrow transplant.7,11
dyskeratosis congenita have oral leukoplakia, pig-
mentation changes in the skin, and nail dystrophy. 4. (C) Fanconi anemia. Inherited marrow failures
If examination reveals any findings of dyskeratosis must be considered in any patient under the age
congenita, genetic testing for the common muta- of 30 years with aplastic anemia or any patient with
tions leading to this condition is recommended. developmental abnormalities or a family history
The majority of cases of aplastic anemia are of aplastic anemia or other cancers. It is very im-
idiopathic. However, in idiopathic aplastic ane- portant to identify an inherited cause for marrow
mia, the immune system is implicated in destruc- failure, because the treatment and outcomes in
tion of hematopoietic elements.4 Cytotoxic T lym- patients with these diseases is different compared
phocytes activated against hematopoietic tissue to standard therapy.12 The most common cause of
can be identified in some patients with aplastic inherited marrow failure is Fanconi anemia, an au-
anemia.5 Sensitive testing for T cell repertoire in tosomal recessive disorder that results from defects
patients with aplastic anemia can identify oligo- in the DNA damage repair pathway. Patients with
clonal T cells in some patients; with immune sup- Fanconi anemia have growth and development
pression therapy these T cell clones can disappear, anomalies, bone marrow failure and leukemia,
heralding response.6 and predisposition to cancers of the aerodigestive
tract. The second most common cause of inherited
3. (D) Hold any therapy until all of his siblings have marrow failure is dyskeratosis congenita, a disease
been typed to consider an upfront bone marrow characterized by bone marrow failure, oral leu-
transplant. In young patients, the recommended koplakia, pigmentation changes in the skin, and
first-line therapy for severe aplastic anemia is a nail dystrophy. There are multiple genetic muta-
matched sibling bone marrow transplantation.7 tions implicated in dyskeratosis congenita, but
In reviewing outcomes with matched sibling bone they all lead to defects in telomere maintenance.
marrow transplantation, using a conditioning Diamond-Blackfan anemia is typically character-
regimen of cyclophosphamide and horse anti- ized by pure red cell aplasia, but progression to
thymocyte globulin versus immune suppressive myelodysplastic syndrome or aplastic anemia can
treatment with horse antithymocyte globulin and occur. Shwachman-Diamond syndrome is a disease
cyclosporine, the outcomes were superior in the characterized by pancreatic exocrine dysfunction,
transplanted patients up to the age of 40 years.8,9 neutropenia, and metaphyseal dysostosis. Progres-
However, with improvement in transplantation sion to aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome,
outcomes, the age for considering transplantation and acute myelogenous leukemia is not uncom-
has risen into the 50s in most institutions,7 and in- mon.9 The genes implicated in Diamond-Blackfan
dividual consideration must be given to each case. anemia and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome have
Therefore, at our institution, all patients under the recently been identified and defined, and both Hematology Volume 6, Part 1 

Aplastic Anemia

diseases appear to stem from defective ribosomal tion, he should undergo investigation for sibling
RNA processing.13,14 and/or unrelated donors, as bone marrow trans-
plantation should be considered for management
5. (D) 80% 5-year survival. Matched sibling alloge- of his aplastic anemia if he fails immune suppres-
neic bone marrow transplants in young patients sion.
with aplastic anemia have an excellent outcome,
with survival approaching 90% or more with cur- 7. (A) Recurrent aplastic anemia. Relapse aplastic
rent supportive care.15 The standard conditioning anemia occurs in approximately 30% of patients
regimen for matched sibling transplantation for treated with antithymocyte globulin and cyclo-
aplastic anemia is a combination of cyclophospha- sporine and is defined as a drop in blood counts
mide and horse antithymocyte globulin. This regi- not otherwise explained by new abnormalities in
men has lower treatment-related toxicity, leading the marrow. Patients can relapse after they have
to both excellent survival and quality of life post- completed a cyclosporine taper or during their
transplant. In addition, fertility can be preserved cyclosporine taper. One variable that impacts the
in up to 50% of patients receiving a transplant risk of relapse is the taper schedule for the cyclo-
with this regimen.16 Aplastic anemia is the only in- sporine, with relapses occurring at a much higher
dication for urgent bone marrow transplantation rate in patients who undergo a rapid taper sched-
when a fully matched relative is identified. The ule22 compared to a very slow taper schedule. In
main factor influencing outcomes is graft-versus- counseling patients with aplastic anemia treated
host disease,17 and therefore the current research with antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine, it
focus is on the reduction of this disease in these is important they understand the long-term need
transplants. for cyclosporine and the possibility that they will
require life-long cyclosporine.22,23 Many relapses
6. (C) Antithymocyte globulin with cyclosporine. The can be treated effectively with reinstitution or
bone marrow and blood counts are consistent escalation of immunosuppression (often just
with aplastic anemia. The other main diagnostic cyclosporine alone), with excellent responses.
consideration in this case is a hypocellular myelo- However, bone marrow transplantation must be
dysplastic syndrome,18 and therefore a thorough considered in this patient population that fails
investigation for dysplasia and chromosomal ab- immunosuppressive therapy. Another important
normalities is important, in particular FISH stud- consideration in this case is secondary myelo-
ies for abnormalities in chromosomes 5, 7, and 8. dysplastic syndrome. Up to 20% of patients with
Given the lack of data on karyotype from his initial aplastic anemia treated with immunosuppres-
bone marrow specimen, a repeat bone marrow bi- sion will develop secondary clonal hematopoietic
opsy with FISH would be warranted. There is some diseases, including myelodysplastic syndrome,
literature describing the development of marrow acute leukemia, and PNH.24 Repeating the bone
aplasia after treatment with fludarabine and cy- marrow biopsy to rule out a secondary clonal
clophosphamide, and although the cause of this disorder is appropriate in this case.
is unclear, it may be linked to T cell suppression
and emergence of autoreactive lymphocytes.19,20 8. (C) Peripheral blood flow cytometry for paroxys-
This patient requires appropriate aggressive man- mal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. This patient has
agement of pancytopenia, with blood product the classic presentation for development of PNH
support with irradiated and leukoreduced blood as a complication of her previous aplastic anemia.
products and antimicrobial prophylaxis. Despite PNH is a disorder of the hematopoietic stem cell,
his history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and where a mutation in the X-linked gene PIG-A leads
treatment, the focus of the therapy is identical to defective production of glycosylphosphatidyl
to standard aplastic anemia treatment. Given his inositol (GPI) anchors, leading to defective ex-
age, first-line therapy would be a combination of pression of GPI anchored proteins on the surface
cyclosporine and horse antithymocyte globulin. of blood cells. The 2 key proteins that are miss-
In estimating his chance of response to this regi- ing on blood cells in PNH are CD55 and CD59,
men, one would predict an overall response with both of which are important to protect red cells
this therapy at around 50% to 60%, the same as from complement-mediated destruction. CD55
expected for idiopathic aplastic anemia.21 In addi- and CD59 deficiency renders these red cells highly

 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual

Aplastic Anemia

susceptible to complement-mediated destruction, 10. (B) A course of horse antithymocyte globulin and
and this is the cause of the chronic intravascular cyclosporine. The first-line choice of treatment
hemolysis that is the hallmark of PNH. for a 62-year-old patient with aplastic anemia is
At the diagnosis of aplastic anemia, up to 60% of a course of horse antithymocyte globulin and
patients will have an identifiable PNH clone in the cyclosporine. While this patient is quite healthy,
peripheral blood.25 These clones are typically small upfront bone marrow transplant might be con-
(<10% of cells) or very small (<2% of cells) and sidered in some institutions if he had a matched
not clinically relevant. Patients with aplastic anemia sibling; however, the standard approach would be
and a small PNH clone do not have the findings immune suppression first, followed by transplant
of hemolysis found in classic PNH. Over time, if he fails to respond to immune suppression after
however, these small PNH clones can expand and 3 months.
become clinically relevant, with expansion of the Around the world the first choice of antithy-
PNH clone to become 50% or more of the blood mocyte globulin product has been variable, with
cells. Frank hemolytic PNH is a well-described late some countries using rabbit antithymocyte globulin
complication of aplastic anemia treated with im- rather than horse antithymocyte globulin as first-
mune suppression.26 line therapy. There are also variable types of rabbit
In the presented case, the first testing to per- antithymocyte globulin available across the globe.
form is peripheral blood flow cytometry for PNH, An abstract presented by the National Institutes of
which should include study of both the red cell Health group at the American Society of Hematol-
and white cells. In this patient, one would expect a ogy 2010 meeting described a randomized trial for
PNH clone size of over 50% given her history and patients with aplastic anemia that compared first-
the extent of hemolysis. For patients who present line treatment with horse antithymocyte globulin
with significant hemolysis from PNH, treatment di- and rabbit antithymocyte globulin.27 This study
rected toward PNH is warranted. The complement found a stark contrast in response rates and out-
blocker eculizumab is the only drug designed to comes between the 2 groups. The horse antithy-
treat the hemolysis from PNH, and treatment with mocyte globulin arm had a far superior response
this highly effective agent should be considered in rate at 62% compared to the rabbit antithymocyte
this patient. globulin arm at 35% (P = 0.0017), with an addition-
al increase in deaths in the rabbit antithymocyte
9. (C) A matched unrelated donor bone marrow trans- globulin arm compared to the horse antithymocyte
plant. With improvements in many aspects of bone globulin arm, leading to differences in overall sur-
marrow transplantation in aplastic anemia, the cur- vival between the 2 groups. Given this data, horse
rent recommendations for those patients who have antithymocyte globulin should be considered the
failed an initial course of immune suppression is antithymocyte globulin product of choice in the
a matched unrelated donor transplant. The im- initial treatment of aplastic anemia.
provements in donor identification with the current
standard approach of high-resolution typing have 11. (D) Perform polymerase chain reaction blood testing
minimized the risks of both engraftment failure and for Epstein-Barr virus. This question highlights the
graft-versus-host disease. Additional improvements importance of infectious complications with aplastic
in bone marrow transplantation include the use of anemia and the treatment of this disease. This patient
reduced-intensity regimens with lower doses of total has Epstein-Barr virus reactivation, which if left un-
body irradiation and improvements in supportive managed will progress to frank Epstein-Barr virus-asso-
care. With the current approach to matched unre- ciated lymphoma/lymphoproliferative disorder. The
lated donor bone marrow transplants for aplastic management approach at this time includes testing
anemia, the long-term outcomes are well over 50%, for Epstein-Barr virus by polymerase chain reaction
with some groups showing 70% or higher 2- and 5- (PCR) to assess viral load, and consideration of lymph
year survival rates.11 These outcomes are far ahead of node biopsy. Treatment with rituximab is the treatment
the response rates in patients who receive a second of choice, with weekly dosing to bring the viral load to
course of immune suppression (up to 30% response an undetectable level and treat the adenopathy. If the
to a second course of immune suppression). In adenopathy persists or worsens despite dropping viral
addition, for those patients who fail to respond to loads, then a biopsy is urgently required. Epstein-Barr
therapy, the long-term survival is poor. virus reactivation has been described after immune Hematology Volume 6, Part 1 

Aplastic Anemia

suppression treatment for aplastic anemia.28 This is

seen most commonly in patients who have received BOARD REVIEW QUESTIONS
alemtuzumab, rabbit antithymocyte globulin or 2 or Test your knowledge of this topic. Go to
more courses of any type of antithymocyte globulin.28 and select Hematology
This patient received back-to-back treatments with from the drop-down menu of specialties.
antithymocyte globulin, which placed her at risk of
developing Epstein-Barr virus reactivation. In addition
to Epstein-Barr virus reactivation, patients who have
received immune suppression therapy are at risk of REFERENCES
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