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A1 Wordlist Unit 1

Here is a list of useful or new words from Unit 1 of Voyage A1 Coursebook. You can insert your own translation.
Words marked with a key ( ) all appear in the Oxford 3000.
adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun v = verb
adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition

address n/dres/ What is your home address?

alphabet n/lfbet/ The English alphabet has twenty-six letters.
am v/m/ I am here on holiday.
and conj/nd/ Nice to meet you. And you.
are v/(r)/ Are you here to study?
be v/bi/ I want to be a doctor.
business n/bzns/ Im here on business.
city n/sti/ What city are you from?
country n/kntri/ What country are you from?
day n/de/ Have a nice day.
fine adj /fan/ Im fine, thanks.
first name n/fst nem/ My first name is Anna.
from prep/frm/ Im from Bhutan.
good morning phr/d mn/ Good morning. How are you?
goodbye exclamation/dba/ See you later. Goodbye.
great adj /ret/ New York is a great city!
hello exclamation/hl/ Hello, Im Alisa.
here adv/h(r)/ Are you here on business?
hi exclamation/ha/ Hi, Im Paul.
holiday n/hlde/ Im here on holiday.
hotel n/htel/ We are in a hotel in Granada.
how adv/ha/ How do you spell that?
I pron/a/ Im from Brazil.
in prep/n/ Were from Chennai in India.
introduce v/ntrdjus/ Henry, let me introduce you to Lena.
is v/z/ My address is 909 Cameron Road, Austin, Texas.
last name n/lst nem/ Whats your last name?
letter n/let(r)/ There are five letters in my first name.
map n/mp/ This is a map of the world.
meeting n/mit/ What times the meeting?
name n/nem/ Whats your name?
no /n/ Are you American? No, Im not. Im Canadian.
number n/nmb(r)/ I think number 1 is China.
on prep/n/ Are you on holiday?
right adj/rat/ Thats right.
phone number n/fn nmb(r)/ My mobile phone number is 0918-143-4267.
spell v/spel/ How do you spell your name?
study v/stdi/ Im here to study.
thanks exclamation/ks/ Have a nice day. Thanks.
that det /t/ How do you spell that?
too adv/tu/ Nice to meet you, Gary. You too.

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A1 Wordlist Unit 1

what /wt/ Whats your first name?

where /we(r)/ Where are you from?
yes /jes/ Are you from the UK? Yes, I am.
you pron/ju/ Hello. Are you Angela?
your det /j(r)/ Whats your email address?
Numbers 110
one /wn/
two /tu/
three /ri/
four /f(r)/
five /fav/
six /sks/
seven /sevn/
eight /et/
nine /nan/
ten /ten/
Australia n/strel/
Brazil n/brzl/
China n/tan/
Indonesia n/ndni/
Japan n/dpn/
Russia n/r/
Spain n/spen/
Turkey n/tki/
the UK n/ ju ke/
the USA n/ ju es e/

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