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by :

Muhammad Januar Rasyid (1201140211)

Aprilia Ratna Aristamia H (1201144043)
Arini Nourma Evian (1201144161)


1. Preface
1.1 Problem Formulation
Lecturer performance is one aspect that affects the lecture at a university. Therefore
we are FRI-010 would like to know the level of student satisfaction on the
performance of lecturers by observing "The Level of Satisfaction for the
Information Systems (SI-38) Students in Telkom University about the Lecturer
method of Calculus 2". We want to know of how lecturers teach students, are the
lectures came on time and so on. From this observation, we can know the problem
formulation how the level of satisfaction for the Information Systems 38 students
in Telkom University about the lecturer method of calculus 2.
1.2 Goal
The goal for this observation about this case are:
1. To know the Level of Satisfaction for the Information System 2014s students
of Telkom University about the lecturer method of Calculus 2
2. To know the total of Information Systems 2014s students of Telkom University
3. To know what class will be selected to be sample.
1.3 Boundary
This observation only for the Information System 2014s students of Telkom
University who take Calculus 2

2. Literature Review
2.1 Population
Population is the generalization region consisting of the objects / subjects that have
certain qualities and characteristics defined by the researchers to learn and then take
the conclusions (Sugiyono, 2011:80).
In cluster sampling, population is divided into units or groups, called strata (usually
they are units or areas in which the population has been divided in), which should
be as representative as 8 possible for the population, i.e., they should represent the
heterogeneity of the population writers are studying and they should be
homogeneous among them.

2.2 Sample
Sample is a part of the population to be studied and considered able to describe the
population (Soehartono, 2004: 57). Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of
units from the population.
According to Gay and Diehl (1996) in Kuncoro (2003) in general the number of a
sample of an acceptable minimum for a given study depends on the type of study
that is done. A descriptive study, sample for 10% of the population is considered to
the number that called the minimal number. For the smaller populatins, at least 20%
may be required.

2.3 Cluster Random Sampling

Clustering is a grouping of records, observations, or noticed and form a class of
objects that have similarities. Cluster is a collection of records that have similarities
with the other one and have dissimilarities with records in another cluster. Clustering
is different from classification, there is no the target variable in clustering.

3. Collecting Data
3.1 To collect the data, writers create form and then spread it to Information System
students of Telkom University. There are the details of the process of collecting
1. Location B201 Telkom Because writers take the sample in
University B201 Telkom University
2 Time 13.30 WIB Because at that time the writers take
the sample
3 The number 26 Students Because the number of sample
of sample determined of 10% of the
population of the Information
4 The object Information System Because the scope of this
of research 2014 students who observation focused on Information
take Calculus 2 Students 38 who take Calculus 2

3.2 The Number of Data Student

From the data, writers got the number of Data Student. There are:
Class The number of Students
SI-38-01 40 students
SI-38-02 43 students
SI-38-03 40 students
Class The number of Students
SI-38-04 37 students
SI-38-05 37 students
SI-38-06 40 students
Total 255 students
Average 36 Students

3.3 Sampling and Analysis

Based on the Gay and Diehl theory that the sample should be 10% from the
population, because the population is 255, so the sample is 26. To do analyze writers
do the calculation using Microsoft Excel. By using Microsoft Excel the data can
calculate easily and the data is accurate.

3.3.1 Population
Determine population is the first step to do sampling, population is equal to
the total of members. In this case, the population is the total of Information
Systems 2014s Students who take Calculus 2, there are 255 students
3.3.2 Sample
Sample is the part of population which is represent the characteristics of
population. In this case, the sample that writers use is 10% from the
population. The population is 255 students, so the sample is 26 students.

3.3.3 The Logical Cluster

In this case, the logical cluster is Information Systems 2014s students in
Telkom University.

3.3.4 The estimated Average

The estimated average as same as with the number of sample. So, in this case,
the writers knew that estimated average of Information System 2014s of
Telkom University are 26.

3.3.5 The number of Cluster

Writers got the number of cluster by dividing the sample with the average
number of students. So, the number of cluster in this case is 2
3.3.6 Cluster Random
In this case, writers knew that the total cluster that writers need is 1. Then
writers randomly choose 1 class from 7 classes by random. The writers use
excel formula (randbetween) to select the class.

3.3.7 Analysis
Based Gay and Diehl (1992) teoritical, the number of sample is 10% from all
the population. So, the analysis is by taking the sample using Cluster
Sampling method, the writers got the number of cluster is one class and then
by using random method showed that SI-38-03 are selected to be sample in
this case.

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Management Mathematics for European Schools:
diakses 11 September 2016

Saputra, H. G. (n.d.). Analisis Koreksi Metodologi. Retrieved from OPAC-Universitas Indonesia Library:
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