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Inspiratune Presents


You have a unique gift to offer this world. Be true to
yourself, be kind to yourself, read and learn
everything that interests you and keep away from
people who bring you down. When you treat yourself
kindly and respect the uniqueness of those around
you, you will be giving this world an amazing

~Steve Maraboli~



I am a masterpiece
Worth more than what I can comprehend
I am a masterpiece
Gorgeous, talented and fabulous
I will shine on the display
As I shape and paint
Who I am
Fearfully and wonderfully made
Crafted by the hands of God
I am a masterpiece
Comfortable in my own skin
I am a masterpiece
Ready to show the world my make-up
I will shine on the display
As I shape and paint
Who I am
Fearfully and wonderfully made
Crafted by the hands of God


As I was seated in silence

My soul was crying within me
I am a prisoner in my own house
Release me and let me realize
The relief of freedom
As I am liberated from self-oppression
Depression turns into expression
Frustration into translation
Ailing into healing

Now that I am free

I claim my platform
To proclaim and form
The visible from the invisible
With my inner power
My voice is invincible
To shape and paint
The colour of my choice
I am authentic

The person I am today

Is the person I am to say
Gorgeous, talented and fabulous
The person I am now
Is the person I am wow
If you are shy you wont shine
If you shake you wont shape
If you are faint you wont paint
I am bold and courageous


The authentic self as described by Dr. Phil is the you that can be found at your
absolute core. It is the part of you that is not defined by your job, or your
profession, or your role. It encompasses all your unique gifts, skills, abilities,
interests, talents, insights, and wisdom. It includes all your strengths and values
that are uniquely yours and need to be expressed, against what you have been
programmed to believe that you are supposed to be and do. It is the you that is
revealed unself-consciously, in those times in your life when you felt happiest and
most fulfilled. (p. 30)
The basic assumption built into the ideal of authenticity is that, lying within each
individual, there is a deep, true selfthe Real Mein distinction from all that
is not really me. This real, inner self contains the constellation of feelings, needs,
desires, capacities, aptitudes, dispositions, and creative abilities that make the
person a unique individual.
The concept of authenticity comprises of two components. First, the mission of
becoming authentic requires us to be in touch with our inner real self, a task that
is primarily achieved through introspection and self-reflection. Only if we can
honestly assess ourselves and attain genuine self-knowledge, can we begin to
comprehend our capacity for authentic existence.

Second, this concept requires us to express that unique set of inner traits through
our actionsto be our real selves towards our relationships, careers, and
practical activities. The assumption is that it is only by expressing our genuine
selves that we can achieve self- realization and self-fulfillment as authentic
human beings.
The modern picture of the ideal person is a picture of an independent, self-
directed individual whose actions clearly manifest what he or she really is. It is an
image of a focused, effective agent interacting with others and participating in
public affairs with a degree of clarity, courage and integrity normally lacking in
inauthentic individuals.
Tally Yourself

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Do you often find yourself;
Belittling yourself?
Condemning yourself?
Doubting yourself?
We all do but only those who commit to changing their negative self-talk to
positive self-talk experience a mindset paradigm shift. They have a good self-
image as well as high self-confidence which are necessary ingredients for
success. Affirmations had been proven to be a powerful tool for transforming
mindset and behavior. We always start somewhere, so try the ones below and
see your self-confidence soar;
I am
Approved by God
Best version of myself
Created in the image of God
Destined for greatness
Fearfully and Wonderfully made
I choose to
Appreciate myself
Believe in myself
Celebrate myself
Develop myself
Enjoy myself
Follow my heart

Tally yourself on the amount of change these affirmations brought to your self-
esteem after saying them on the scale beneath
Tally Yourself

1 2 3 4 5



Day 1
Accept everything about yourself- I mean everything, you are you and
that is the beginning and the end-no apologies, no regrets.
-Clark Moustakas
o The gift of life is the most precious one, I wholly accept it
o I love myself unconditionally because that is the beginning of self-
o I acknowledge both my weaknesses and strengths and I embrace both
o I appreciate my strengths and tolerate my weaknesses because they all
make me who I am
o I accept everything about myself because I am perfectly imperfect
o I am convinced that God loves me as I am because I am the work of His
o I am satisfied with myself because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
o I should first accept myself before I could expect to be accepted by others
o If I could unconditionally accept and love myself, I wont fear being judged,
criticized or rejected
o I will never feel good enough if I compare myself to others

Tally Yourself

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Day 2
Just be yourself. Let the people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky,
weird, beautiful and magical person that you are.
~Mandy Hale~
o The coolest thing to do in life is being yourself; if I could master it,
everyone would want a piece of me
o I claim and protect the right to be myself, I wont allow anyone to deprive
me of it
o The most attractive creations in life are unique, I am one of them
o Being myself comes naturally and inevitably, I cannot fight it even if I could
o I always make a statement everytime I boldly become myself
o I will follow my heartnot the crowd
o If the sun could decide to be the moon, there wont be lifeI decide to be
myself and shine
o Being myself is my competitive advantage, I will be myself so that I can
stand out from the crowd
o Being myself already qualifies me to be a winner because there is no-one
who can do it better than me
o What other people think about me doesnt matter, what matters is what I
think about myself because I am what I think

Tally Yourself

1 2 3 4 5


Day 3
Be kind todayto yourself, remember to be a good friend to yourself,
accept that you are doing your best, love your perfect imperfections,
be mindful of what you need, and give it to yourself, and surround
yourself with people who honour, love and cherish you for who you
~Jan Lawton~
o I am a masterpieceworth more than what I can comprehend
o I honour myself because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
o I value and honour myself because I am the apple of Gods eye
o When I was created I was wrapped in the blanket of warmth and comfortI
was created to be loved and provisions were made for it
o The gift of life can only be sustained by loveI love myself unconditionally
o I shower myself with love because I have it in abundance
o If laughter is like medicine to the soul, I treat myself with some
o I value my life so much not to waste it with worry
o My body is the temple of the Holy SpiritI value it!
o When I breath in I receive love and when I breath out I spread it out

Tally Yourself

1 2 3 4 5


Day 4
That wonderful and terribly frightening journey of self-discovery. That
process of growth, of being an independent person, of learning who
you are and what you want from life, is the real secret of life, happiness
and beauty.
~Diane von Furstenberg~
o God deposited a lot of potential when He created me, my duty is to
discover it and share it with the world
o Life is a journeyI will discover more about myself as it continues
o If I give myself room to explore life I will discover myself along the process
o I wont discover my true potential until I follow my dreams
o I wont settle for less because there is more to discover about myself
o There is nothing to explore until I get out of my comfort zone
o I wont discover my light until I go through darknesshope is my light in
o I appreciate challenges because there is more I can learn from them
o Treasures are not easily attainedI have to be prepared to go through risk
and obstacles to discover them
o Until I discover GodI wont discover myself

Tally Yourself

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Day 5
Nobody has the power to imprison your mind, dictate your emotions,
or enslave your soulunless you let them
~Anthon St Maarten~
o As long as I still hold my breath I have the platform to express myself, I will
use it
o No one is qualified to judge or condemn my view, I will fearlessly express
o My emotions and feelings are part of me, if I suppress them I torture myself
o My wishes wont be known until I express them
o My voice is invincible to shape and paint the colour of my choice
o I will express myself because I value my opinion
o I wont impress anyone until I express myself
o My style is an expression of my uniqueness
o If not expressed, love wont do any good
o The remedy for depression is expression

Tally Yourself

1 2 3 4 5


Day 6
The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you
forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you
cannot move forward.
-Steve Maraboli-
o Forgiveness is the extension of love, I forgive myself because I love myself
o Forgiveness only starts when I realise that the present is the only reality I
have, not the past
o If I dont forgive myself, I will be controlled and haunted by the shadow of
my past for the rest of my life
o God has granted everyone the gift of forgiveness, I claim it and use it for my
o To me self-forgiveness is saying to myself, I am perfect in my
o I am an imperfect being that is bound to make mistakes, it is only fair that I
forgive myself
o The guilty conscience steals joy and peace, I clear it by forgiving myself
o I forgive myself so that I can have peace of mind
o A messy conscience is like a dirty plateclean it and be served with fresh
o If I forgive myself, it will be easier for me to forgive others

Tally Yourself

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Day 7
Some people dont understand how blessed they are. Be thankful for
what you have rather than focusing on what you dont have.

o Count all your blessings, be grateful and you will be happy

o You cannot enjoy your blessings until you are grateful of them
o What is it that you like most about yourselfbe grateful of it and you will
like everything about yourself
o The right attitude for love is gratitude
o Appreciate more, complain less and you will enjoy life
o Grateful people are in the right state of mind to receive more blessings
o Everything you go through in life is a lessonappreciate it
o Pause for a moment, feel your breath and then your heartbeat, it is grace at
workbe grateful
o If you want to be envied by manybe grateful
o In everything through prayer and thanksgiving, make your requests known
to God

Tally Yourself

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Day 7
Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look
like and celebrating it for everything that it is.
-Mandy Hale-
o Happiness is always within reach, I grasp it and run with it
o Count all your blessings, be grateful and you will be happy
o A new dawn gives me the opportunity to be happyI will dive in and feel
the tide
o Nobody can steal my happiness unless I allow them
o Happiness is a state of mindyou wont be happy until you make up your
mind to be
o A positive attitude will always bring happiness
o Happiness is when you are content with who you are, where you are and
what you have
o The switch to happiness is a smilelaughter is the right signal
o Happiness is like a signal, if you search for it you will find it
o Happiness is found in lovelove everything about yourself and others and
you will be happy.
o I love myself enough not to sabotage my own happiness

Tally Yourself

1 2 3 4 5


Overall Tally

e.g 3/5=60%
Accept Yourself..%
Be Yourself.%
Cherish Yourself.%
Discover Yourself..%
Express Yourself.%
Forgive Yourself.%



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