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REPRESENTATIVE TONY TINDERHOLT — DISTRICT 94 - TARRANT COUNTY — October 18, 2017 Representative Cook, With the formation of the House Select Committee on Economic Competitiveness, we have an opportunity to study Texas” success in allowing businesses to grow without interference. I hope we share the concern that the Legislature can often impose harm on business by forcing a central planning perspective on the creation of economic wealth. It's important to remember government doesn’t create jobs, but business owners do. Though I will not have a vote, I am making you aware that I will attend the first meeting this committee holds and subsequent meetings, schedule permitting. Historically, it has been customary in the House to allow all members to ask questions of those testifying and discuss the topics of the committee. Chairman Cook, this letter is to ensure that as you plan the interim hearings ample seating is made available for all members who wish to attend and join the discussion. If my staff can be of assistance in facilitating this, please let us know. Many Texans are concerned that a handful of politically correct and socially liberal corporations are attempting to speak on behalf of all businesses in Texas. We want to ensure that Texas maintains its core values that make us who we are, while providing many opportunities for businesses to grow and move to this great state, ‘Companies are fleeing California and other liberal states who have not been receptive to their desire for less interference. At the same time, those states are instituting liberal policies ignoring the existence of gender and the privacy of women and children. I intend to voice these concerns of Texans during the committee process. We hope the select committee will provide Texans an opportunity to see how many ways government can ‘eet out of the way of business. I look forward to voicing the views of the many people in my district who ‘want less government interference in the private sector. Your Colleague, Foam Rtabemy ‘Tony Tinderholt State Representative, HD-94 £1,422 + PO. BOX 2910 + AUSTIN. TEXAS 78768-2910 «PHONE (512) 463-0624 * FAX (S12) 463-8: 4381 W. GREEN OAKS BLVD., STE, 107 ~ ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76016 » PHONE (817) 478-5000 TONY.TINDERHOLT@HOUSE.TEXAS.GOV * WWW.HOUSE STATE.TKUS

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