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LENGUA Ill SHORT STORIES » rarmmoncsailiaas | soughs Avner’ ae witha ouble aan chat he colby "My poor Aylmer" murmured she “Poof? Ney, richest! Happiest! Most favored!” exclaimed he. ‘My peedess Bude, is sucessult You ae perfect "MG poor Aylmer she repeated, with 4 more than human scoerg Yl ne ale have dope nay Dent ‘spent that, with 3 high and pure afeling, You have rejected the EGrthareatt could off Ayfiner=deares Ayimer ame dying? ‘Alas, wae too true! The fal Hand had grappled with the yer) of ie, and was the bond by which an angel spite kepe [scifin union witha mortal fame. Ardhe lage crsnon tat ofthe bith.mark that sole roken of hursan impetection faded from her chee, the paring breath of the now perfec woman passed Ino the sunosphere, and her soul, lingering 2 momene agar her Rusband, cook is heavenward fight. Then a hoarse, chuckling laugh was heard again! Thus cver docs the gross Fatality of Bante excl in is invariable triumph over the immoral essence, which, inthis dim sphere of hal-developmene, demands the complete” ress of a higher state. Yes, had Aylmer reached 2 profounder ‘wisdom, he need not thus have thing away the happiness, which ‘would have worenis mortal ie of the sell-same texture withthe Celestial. The momentary circumstance wat oo strong forhimy he {ailedo look beyond the shadowy scope of Time, and ving once forall in Brenity, to find the perfec Fate in the presents 1843 ‘The Artist of the Beautiful An elderly man, with his presey daughter on his arm, was pasting along the street, and emerged from the gloom of the cloudy Evening ingo the light tha fll across the pavement from the ‘window of a small shop. le wae projecting window, and on the Inside were suspended variety of watches ~ pinchbeck, silver, snd one or two of gold—all with heir faces turned from thesree, {sf churishlydistnclined osnform the wayfares what o lock Was, Seated within theshop,sdelong tothe windows, with hispale face bene earnestly over some deliate pecs of mechaninmy on | | | | {THE ARTIST OF THE BEAUTIFUL “6 ish fs tn the ene re of «sade, het youre man "Riihae can Owen Warland be about?” munered old. Peter rnc uefa eed witha el eines neh er end man chet apusente easom toate Se eee em abe thes tx mone gee hcp by hecho wise Sire sey a wre wlathte sgh tercnd teu ote toseek Bete fetal oon el ya nw tough 9 ny id Esines fo be certain, that what he's now so busy with is n0 part sere mera’ wat pe Ake fae, witout showing machines ia saeruesfen Ova intent tsew anda tne kepes Toe Beeb sgeny eoage! "fl ilk oe Scr ofingemi co ven ayshing eters usec sone cetacean en pete ec restos by res Wee tera pee weaseee onc atmigy Abeer eel bac ge recreates cPuomccl ater wnein ny sho Beisati ls toon coh ee a detne whee enon ce ar td bene hs macnath oad ee Shop bgped ans isco Se ee ered Amie rena old Bae eee ereerepenapeenaatd TILIA asic hey ar Do me "ef oven Ta he aopice le ploded on witht ker Satta nt ee bys BF a to Ls ects phe op adoro cts So, Wiis cent eat mw nga along olin tnd Saty sot andtow Ota aee esas ee Pent Saadeh bea oe Riga Gath seu ctor apsn sel at ev aces etna of Sogn a ey ve acnpeh SOE Mente cones oftn top anti nent at soe nals necscmentat) Sena'ae seared beelimmering amide the vaguenessoz uncacosed space, Moving Seer ic Sern tank wes Spe Selo Shy ite ved nt tetsu Spe Shigiabd Salo okt Rett acagded ath tee Sie fesesouldhye nated is come een mst ‘ther Alon: he drow a whitethor bar oficon fromthe coal iid “ NATRARIEL HAWTHORNE on the anvils plied his am of might, and was soon enveloped in ‘he myriads of sparks which the stokes of his hammer scattered Inge surrounding gloom. "Now, that is a pleasant sigh said the old watchmaker.‘ know hat ts 9 work in gold, but give me the worker ia ton, serait aod done, Hespends his labor upon scealty. What Say you, daugheer Annie?” "Py dow speak vo lod, father,’ whispered Annie, ‘Robert, Danfoni wil Rear you. "And whats he sould hear me2" sid Peter Hovenden; ‘say again, 1s 4 good and a wholesome thing to depend upon aia Strength and resi, and wo carn one’s bread wih the bare and Seaway arm ofa Backsmich A watchmaker get hs Brain pled Lyhiswheelswithina hed, rloserhisheath or the ices ofhis eyesight, as wat my cates and Binds himself, t middle ape of & Iteleater past abor at his own ade and itor nodhing ee, yet 00 poor to live at his ease. So, 1 say once again give me main Strength for my money. And then, how itakesthenonsenre out of S'mant Did you ever heat of a blacksmith being such fool a8 ‘Swen Warland, yonder “Rll sald, uoce Hovenden” shouted Robert Danforth, from the forge inal, deep, merry voice, tha made the roof re-echo. And what says Miss Anne that doctrine! She, suppose, wi chit ia getecet busines to enker up aiadys wate, an to forge + homeshoe o¢ make a gridisont™ ‘nie drew hr father onvard, without giving hm tine for sly But we muse return to Owen Warland's shop, and spend more aeditation upon his hisory and character than eihee Peet Hlovenden, or probably hie daughter Annie, or Owen's old Schoolieliow, Robert Danforth, would fave thoughe due t0 20 Slight subject. From the ime tae his ete fingers could grasp 8 rue, nen had been earl or a eae mga, Iehich sometimes prodaced prety sles in wood. prnapally Figures of lowers and birds, and sometites secre fo sim athe hidden mysteries of mechanism, Butt was always for purposes of trace, and never with any mockery ofthe sca He did Bom ice th efowed of schoolboy aians, conseuctte windmills on the tangle of « barn, or watermilt scrose the neighboring brooks ‘Those tho discovered such pecuarty inthe bey, as 0 chink ft ‘worth chit whileto observe Rn closely, smc uw reason to | | | | | [THE ARTIST OF THR BEAUTIFUL “8 seppose that he was attempting 1 imitate the beauifal move unsot Natur, ss exemplitedin he fight of birds ox te atv ~Bfite animals iescered infact anew development of the lve ‘fdheBeautiful such ag mighe ave made him a por painters or siGeuiptor, and which wat. at completely feaned from all ‘elean ouiory a could have Beni i of te Se Sis. He looked with singular diate athe suff and regular processes of erdinary machinery. Beng once carried to soe Rtamenging, in the expectation hat his fesse comprehension ‘tmeshanical principles would be gratifed he cared pale and fro ts anmhng monstoun and toatl End been ted to him This horcor was partly owing tothe size and Eisible energy of the Ion Laborer for the character of Owens mind was microscopic, and tended naturally tothe minute, io Eccordance’ wih his diminutive frame, and the marveloas Srallness and delicate power of his agers. Not thac his sense of Fesucy war thereby diminished xo & snge of prettiness, The calls as no clan rie ey be ay pein “developed it = space to0 minwee for any” but microseo Investigation, ar win the ample verge thats measured by oe rcofthe rainbow But, a all events, this characeristie minute ‘ese in his objects and’ aecomplinments made the world cven ‘more incapable, than Te mighe otherwise have been, of appre {ng Owen Watland’s gents. The boys tagver saw Bowing baker tobe done ~st perhaps thre wae not~than to bind hie spprentice to'3 watchmaker hope thet his strange ingen ight ths be regulated, and pot to Ualitarian purposes. eter Hovenden's opinion of his apprentice hat siceady been expresecd. He could ake nothing of the lad. Owen's apprehen Son ofthe professional mysteries it trae, was mnconccvably Shick But he altogether forgor or Sespised the grand object of 2 ‘Watchmaker’ busines, and cared no more forthe measurement ‘oftime than fithad been merged into eternity. So long, however, 4s he remained under his old masters care, Owet's lack of Sturdiness made ie possible, by sence injunctions and sharp ‘versight, co restrain bis eceativeecentriiy within bounds Bat Wwhen his apprenticeship war served ous and he had taken the Heth hich ee frend angen compaled in to velinguis ie ecognize how units person was Soren arling fo ead ott bind Father Time slong is day sourse. One of his most rational projects was, so conn & “ NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE uical operation with the machinery of hi watches, 20 thas all ‘ic harsh dssonances of ife might be rendered tuneful, and each | ee erin ue ie of Scrat nites dot Bice nape ip te ts cre pide doneal Croat at a aarti the Sh eri ete re ee ‘puman ake upon himulftaranges dance or antl procesion Sy rallatcen hile trades ae ice ea cortices eration mall hee Sgt eg of Be en ep pene ee a Se weal Sores eee ier gee Bere tein, ee cn ea See ies Sarena eenrcoenes sore be geen Ger Wei. oe Sere eats aed eater ae ae ened ee od oe rola Smet a Se ee ar had gcd se i ey i ce deg ec ong ofa chee ent Ment ae ae Sa ate nar pect tees er es eins ene es ee 1 a Ea ee wo aan on San cine Sw cas ee Sr ee al Gee ees se peer al ling, Oh reine he eer ted el cea Se eee aces arate oe eel i ae sg ore al eng Sis es ge cea ee Rotate les Sreesanth stoke Br ad rac i tll hs ee Fen Sol a es age a Ear ces “Why, fos sald Robert Danfory his strong voice fling the shop ph ch sound faba conde mel eel to Enything h the way of my own acs; though Ishoutd have made fitta poof figure te youts, with toch ft a thie’ = sd he, [ughibg she lid hls vase hand beide the deheatc one ot Owen, ‘But what then? I put more main nrengts into one blow of my Sledgehammer, han all hat you have expended since you were + {prance Ts not thatthe eth? “Very ptobably. answered the lov and slender voice of Owen ‘secengt fs an cahly monsters I sake no pretensions to My force, whatever there may be of & akogether spiral” "wel, Bue, Owen, what sre you sbout asked hs oid school- {alow, sll in uch ¢heary vollme oftone that iemade te att shonk pei atthe genion sted aaj ced as {he absorbing dear of his imagination Folks do say, shat you Ere tpingto decover the Perpetual Motion. “the Perpetusl Motion? fomsene! replied Owen Wacland, with a movement of digest for he mas Gul of lite petulances. Te Emnnever be discovered Iris drcam that may delae men whost Bruins ee myc with matt be ste. endef uch lscovery Wet posible, would no be worth my while to ake in only tq have the sere tuned # such parposey at are now clteced by pecam and waterpower 1am pot ambitious to be fronored with she pateniy of new kindof cowonemachine: "That would be droll enough! cred the bisksmith Breaking cour into atch an uproar of laughter char Owen macy and the fal-glases on his workcboard, quivered in unison. ‘Nox no, want No child of yours willhavelron joints and sinews, Well | ‘won'thinder you any more. Good night, Owen, and sucess ad ifyou need any assistance to eras downright blow of haramet ‘pon aavil will answer the purpose, Pm yout man?” “And with another suphy te man oan strength efche shop ‘How strange fn whispered leaping bis head ‘wpon his hand, tht all my mesingy 2) purposes, my passion forthe Beau, my conscoushess of Powter t fren ie~ a nce, more eeres! power of which this Exrhly gidne can have no conception aly all look so vain sd Ia, whe dre me finds wete I ro meet hin often, His hard brute force sthens afd confuses the spiral ment within me. Bul too, will be sebng in my ow way-T ino yet to bia” et my paths crossed by Robert Danforth He woul ‘Owen Warland to himself, sheen lt rer of minate machen, Lene ThA mys cag a cenit Bat OE! 6 operat a ccm tet Ian nae however bef yr fis chair, and clasped his hands, with a look of horror on tack ng chait, ll features a8 impressive a those oft siant would have HOO done!” exclaimed he. ‘The vapor! the ‘Fieaven’ Jhar brute force! it has bewildered me, and obscured ini ofc se ced acl hae iave desde tollofmontie He took fos which he sett five made the very woke rom te fre Tes all over fer am euined! Se Sti ete tea my ange doops is amp dickered in hd he TEE he art of the Beau in darkness. di eM ep nnihe inant, and rc es es be appear lov 105 208 Gh aaered ang anninfated by cont force of saraeter that seems hardly compacble with fs elleacy he mms ‘is faith in himself, while the incredulous worl Aer ee ee ts nd ay apo Seis Reotottianfhopatl game cae Soe ii mtd wi ee inevitable ot HEAP Sande tha the townspeople had reel ota orem Whe saretun ay ‘to the light of day, a cold, dull, nameless Tes an eed EE hs opton of beer Hoveden Seeetiar ftps nla wo a sk ie regulated, like clockwork, with leaden weights, hati rhode 6 forthe beer” Owen ow inked, sh aon gh gel day ive mae eet tae he Tieiaepncaeane say beh sg Sore, So ned eset ee cemenuence of the good report thus acquired, Owen Warlanc Sere iste cma cle cote me je succeeded so admirably in this matter of merits on Change the mre whispered hispraiss, as she gave the ‘otoa In the sck chamber; te lver bleed hi st ene boat of pointed inerviews andthe town in general thanked Owen for ‘Bipencualisy of dinnersime In word the heavy weight upon ts fens hog reyting ode mor mel wins on ‘pre bt whercscrer tern accent of ie chute lock were | HA aesSrcmanctnagh mie yrchartrc this present state, tha, when employed to engrave ames or {tuk on silver spoons he now wrote the segues Irs in ne aimee possible eye omiting » varety of fanciful fouhes Racha heretofore dacnguahed his work in his Find. ‘one day, dorng che era ofthis hippy transormason, old Peter | itovenden came to nat hs former apprentice, [FS en tide am dad cobet ach good assume of you tom all quarters and eopcialy from the owseslock yond, | Poet sreais i oor conmenaton evry how ofthe ten Tour. Ony gerd slogether of your nonsensical ass bout Sc | Seiudtul” Shichi nar aoboay che nor youself to Soon cou [ever undestand only eee yourelfof that and your veces ia | Metasate ss daylghe Why, eye gain this way Sshouldeven vee olesyou doch precur atch olin hey Step dager Anne, Rove noting deo valuable he “should haraly dae touch is replied Owen ina depressed tones for he war egos Gow bys old masters presence, Siete, sid the ate, ny you wil be cape ok? The ol watchmaker, with the keclom nately comequent en his former author, went on ingpeeing the work which ‘Swen ad in hand a¢ the moment, copeher with other mars hat wetin progres The are meal could sears his head There was sothing so antipoal vo hs natre assis nas Cold, nimaginavesagaciy, by contact with which every ng ‘was converted into a ream, exo the densest mater OF Ge Biel world Owen groaned a pints and prayed fervent to 3 delivered for hi “Bur what ise” Cie Peer Movenden sbeoply, taking up a day bells, beneath which appeared mechani somata, {sdlicte and tinue ete poettol satel santo What iewelse! Ones, Owent ere witcherat a thee Blech And wheels and paddes! Ser! wit one pinch of my finger thamb, Tam going deliver you fom al tre pes” se NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE ‘or Heavens sake,’ screamed Owen Warland, springing up wih wonderfl energy, as you would not deve me mad = do not ouch ft The sightert pressure of your Reger would rain me for “Kha, youne mant And is f so?" said the old watchmaker, Jooking a ims with just enough of peecration to torture Oven’ {ul withthe bizerness of wordy ctscsm. Well ake your own ‘Sovrae. But 1_wasn you agai, that in ths small plece of {nechanm lives your Evil spire Shall exorcise hi? "You are my Evi Spire: answered Owen, much excited ~ "you, and the hard, coatae world! ‘The leeden thoughts snd’ tht ‘espondeney that you ing upon se are my clogs Else, Lahoud long ago have achieved te ok that was Ceated for! ices Hovenden shook his head withthe mbxtre of contempt and indignation which mankind, of whom he was party 2 ‘epreseonstive, deem themselves ented to feel sowsrds” all “Smpletons who seek other prizes than the dusty ones along the Kighway. He then took his eave with an uplifted finger, and = {eee upon his face that haunted the ara’ dreams for many & Bight aerwards. tthe tine ofhis old masters vit, Owen was [probably on the pone of taking up the rlingished tasks bu, by ‘hs sntter ever he was thrown back into the state whence had been slowly emerging But he ima sendenoy of is soul had only been accumulating fresh vigor, dosing fe apparent sluggichnere Ar the summer sdvanced, ‘he slmost totally telnguished his business, and permitted Father Time, s0 far as the old gentleman was repre: Exnted by the clocks ahd watches ander hs conerel, Yo stay at ‘ano chrough human ile, making fsite confusion among the {tain of bewildered hours, He waste the sunshine, as peoplesaid, {i wandering through the woods and feldn and slong tre banks feces ics he loud amen she Shueries or watching the mosons of wateinsecs, There was something aly mpterous in de ence wth wich he contemplated tkese living playchings, as they sported on the ‘irerae or examined the srdcrte of ah imperial inset whom be tad impetoned: The chase of buss was an ape emblem of the ideal pursuit in which he had spent so many golden house. But, would the Beautf idee ever be yickded co his and, ike the Ther that symbolized i? Seca doubtless, were these days 4nd congenial wo the arsts soul. They were fll of bright {THE ARTIST OF TuE BEAUTIFUL fa concepiohs, which gleamed through his inllecaal world ae che ices goamed through the outward sampheres wad wee ‘eal o hip for the instant, without the tlt and perplexity, and any dinppoinement of neempung to ake them esl te SSontl ef Alas, hat che ates whether in pocty or whatever athe mafia may no content mel wit he mend eno pent de Bena, but must chse the ting mystery bejoed ‘Beverse this edereil domain, anf cush isa begin scsig {Pechstpateralgeasp! Owen Waland fet the iypaac co gee ctrl ality to his eas” a ersibly as any ofthe pocs ot antes, who have arrayed the world in a dimmer and faster eau, perfectly copied fom the nchnessof ther visions ‘The hight wat row his time forche sew peocee of tecreing she one fea to whch all is ntlesrual adi teered ole ‘Niways af he approach of don, te stole into the owns focked fel whehin ble shop, and tought with parent elcny of {ouch, many hours Somedmes he was saree by he ap of ‘he watcifuan, who, when all the world should be asleep. had ‘caught the gleam of lamp-light through the crevices of Owen Warland’ shutters. Daylight, to she morbid sensibility of his tind, seclned to have an intusivenest that ingeroted with his rms. On cloudy and inclement lays, theefore he sat with his Fest upos his hands, muffing, as were, hs semaine brain in mist of tnllefinte musing; for ie was tele to escape fom the ‘arp dsdncrnee sith which he was compelled so shape out fs thoughts, during his nightly tol rom ohe of these it of torpor e was aroused by the entrance ‘of Annie Hlovenden, who came inte the shop with te reedont of eastombr, and also with something of the familiarity of = Ghildish fled. She had worn a hole daeaagh her silver thmbler Snd wanthé Owen 0 repat ‘Buel dpn' know whether you will condescend ro such a task, agile Moghing, now tat you aso ken up with oon bof pucting sire nto machinery.” ‘Aire did you get that ides, Annie?” said Owen, starting in suprise. We ooutot ny oe ead anne head from something thac Theald you say, long ago, whea you Were but a boy, and leech But, come! will you mend this poor thimble of mine? "Anythig for your sake, Ancie seid. Owen Warland — ‘anything! even ware ico worke at Robert Dandorth’s forges NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE ‘and that wasld be a prety sight? retorted Annie, glancing at ble sightness atthe arust’ssinall and slendet TERA Tere athe thimble” ane Wy Me seange idea of yours’ said Owen, ‘about the realiasion of mater! spleglig Ghought stole into his mind, that this young gil Aad the he heehee iy ene tha ale eed pore SB ahelp and stength would it be to him, i hs beside An Te ould ain the Sympathy of the ony being whom lonely ca terns whose pursuit ate insulated ftom the = love reat oflfe~ who arectherin advance of mankind, common sit perc ofen comes a sensation of moral cold that SE the mi shiver a5 ft had reached the frozen slides mates cre pole. What the prophet, the pott, the reformer, the round ov qt ma with human yearnings but separated Crimea tulucade by a peceliar lot, might feel, poor Owen iran tied he, growing pale as death at she thought, ‘how aati aa jou the secre of my pss! You, methinks, stay would Tf Tghly, You, L know would heat it with 3 ald estima must nt expect from the harsh, matetial world.” rete id to be sure would! replied Annie Hlovenden, igh oping. Come; explain 10 me guicly what the Sch eed whitg so delicately wrought tact might Rea ig for Queen Nab, See; Iwi put fin motion.” TE aad Oe ee wise ol eS pr given the sighest possible touch, withthe point oe re inne pron of complchednacosey ofa apie ore chanionce mentioned, wihen the arti seized TEENS are aloe thacradehersream aloud Shear ‘gw convulsion of intense rage and anguish that slg ue Te nex aan behead ae pos his band , oe i hand amused be, “have deceived myelt, and must ee earned forsympathy and chought™and fancied aoe a tat you might give Ht me. Bux you lack the ‘hha, Ania old ad ou oy Fee: That dace otal month, and he though of alifedme! Sa Rose bar ou have ued et Was ete Warland fle had indeed erred, yet pardonably; for reer san spit could have suldciendly fevernced the ocesso are inhineys kmanthare en a woman's Ere wife oveadcn, posibiy, ight rorbave Qsappotnted his had ‘iebeen ihe by thc dnp elie ove “Te artis spent the ensuing witter ins way tha sats a svons, who had hitherto retained hopefl opinion a him, hat Cras in erth,ierevocably doomed to inutityat regarded the Mondand co an evl destiny on his own part. The decease ofa ngre had por him in posession of small inheritance: Trot {feed feom she necessiey of toi, and having lose the seadFat inoence of a great purpose ~ great, at feast to him — he Sbandoned himself tohabie fiom which, it might have been Ripposcds the mere delicacy of his organization would have lied to secure him. Buc wien the ethereal portion of a an of fenivsia obscured, the earthly partassumes an inence the mere Sitonuollable, bocatse the Gharsctr ir now thrown Off she balance to which Providence had so ncelyadjurcd fn and which, in coarser natures, adjusted by some other method, Owen Mrarlond made proof of whatevershow of bis may be found in tot He looked atthe word dough te golden medium of wine, find contemplated the visions that bubble up so gaily around the brim of the glass, and that people he air wit shapes of pexsant Imaness, which 0 soon grow pos and forlorn Even when this Aiamal and inevitable change hac taken place, the young man spl have coed vulpes, {ndagh ts vapor did but shroud ein gloom, and Bll de gloom wan apcuie hos mocked sr bin There iva cata eisone. bes of spin, which, being realy and the deepest sensation of ‘Sich the arse was now conscios, west more intolerable than ny fanantic miseries and horror tha the abuse of wine could tmion up Inthe awer cas, he could remember, even out of the inidstof hi rouble, chara was bee a delusion; inthe former, the Feary anguish was bis acoal hfe, From this perous state, be was redeemed by anincident which song thane peion wie Bu Of which te shrendet ould not explsin or” conjectre’ the operation. on Owen Waa? gtd Te was very ie, Ou Swann aeroon ot spring, asthe ardst sat among hs, otous companions, with 2 fase Ok wine before hry 2 splendd bute flew in tbe open ‘rindow, and fatered about his head "AB? exclaimed Owen, who had drank frecly, ‘Are you alive again, cild'of the stn, and playmate of the summer breeze, i ‘4 NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE ater your demal winter's napt Then i is ime for me to beat bent "fk leaving is wnempcied eles upon the able he depared, and‘wat aes Keown rap another drop of win! "ad asm apse setred he wandecngs the woode and fil Wehbe ined that te bight bately whi had came SSSAUIRE iw te window, a Owens wk the rade erly ‘alae espe commisnedo recast he pe cali Sarlidtocdtrctiudtinamongmen temigh be ance tac he dh ck pce ry uy he Lhd, npn of. he Baertiy hod sighed, and lose nse em oft When [tock flight, his eye followed the winged vision at fie sity tack ‘ould show the path to heaven. But what could be the purpose of the unsesonsbic toil which was again resimed, os the watchman Kew by the lines of lamplighe through the creview of Owen Warlan’s shutters? ‘The townspeople had one comprebenive ‘aplanaion ofall hese singularts, Owen Warland had gone mad Pwunveraly efeacouthow satalacroy, ton, and soothing Ge injured sensibly of tarownes and dines shi chy trained of accounting for whatever ies beyond the wodd' most ‘tdinacy scope From Stine Peal’ days down to our poor fle ‘Aros ofthe Beau, the same taliaman has been applied eo the ‘uetation of ll pcs inthe word or deeds of ment who spoke Srieced t09 wisely or too well In Owen Warland cate the jidgmetof his townspeople may have been corec.Pethapshe was Ins. The lack of sympaty tae coneane benween himself and his reighbor, which ook away the restraint of example as cough ‘oimake hm so, Or posable had cxughe jaseso mach of chert faatance a served fo Bemider hi, in an early sens, by ittermixcore withthe common day ‘One evesing, wien the arse had rewened from a customary raniesand baa jar thrown the iste of is lamp onthe delicate Peeclorens eg ofey ered: Stal alan un ain apt slate were Cubodied in ts mechanistic he wae surprised by tatrance Of Off Peter Elovenden, Owen never mer thie man ‘SEuhour a theinking ofthe hears. Of all the wos he wat most tei, by emg «hen andertanding which yw 30 {Etsacely whariedidse, and dubeleved so uncompromising in Srhae could not sec. On this oceaston, the old watchmaker Rad Thewly 4 gracious word or wo fo fay sue ARTIST OF THe meAUTiRUL, ss “egy a ahem osm moTpe arGst began to mutter some excuse. Fee ee a ee at oct sleck gctbehaabpee Sarina kee apr im enya ne he Seerray pes tet as ton re Hobe Bl Wa iets See RE erent stung cent often a eects sober anc Meta Hevea doe SOS Saas Se a regan ern eet tel ta area ge if, amid all other thivaring influence, love bad not 10 steal the cunning fom his hand, Outwardly head lent or enterprising laven the carer of hs passion had ‘Confined lis tarmlts and vcsseude’ so entely within the ert SEeginaton, that Annie hersslé had. scarey more then @ ‘yoman's Intuitive perception oft Buin Owen's view iecoveced the holt eld of his ie. Forget ofthe cme when she had showniadaetincapatie of any dey respons fe bad ersten Sooneceig all kis drease of agi eaecnee with Ani's images the was {he visible shape in which the spintual power that he ‘worshipped, and on whose alter hehoped to lay a aot unworthy as made manifest to hi. OF course he had deceived {tical fore wore no rch stb in Anne Honenden ars Imaginaron had endowed her seth She, inthe aspect which she Wore to is inward viglon, was as euch 2 cretion of his ony ae themyscdious piece of mechanison wouldine were ever relied Had he Uecome convinced of his maak through the medium of sucess ove; ad he won Annie tohis bosom, and there ebeld her fade from angel into ordinary woman, the disappoinement might ave deven him bac, with concentated energy, upon le {ole rershining objet: On the other and, had he found Aanie what he fancied his lot would have been so cich in beaury, thay, uc ofits mere redundancy, he mighe have wroughe the Betutal Ineo many a worthier type than he had toled for: But the sie in wich hs sorrow came fo him, che sence thatthe angel of hele had been snatched away and given to-a rade man of earth and lfon, who.could neither need hor appreciate her ministrations, this was the very perversity of fate, that makes Human existent Sppear too absurd and conteadictoty tobe the scene of one other pe oc one other fear. There wos nothing eft for Owen Wartand ‘uso tt down ike man thar had ben stunned. “Hewesetheongh of slender frame asnumed an obtosee garitore of fesh than i had ver before worn. His thin cheeks became round: his delist litte Fad, So spirally fashioned to achieve fairy raskcwork, grew Plumper tan the band of 2 thriving infant. Fis aspect bad a Ebildsbness such a might have induced stranger co parhim on the head ~ pausing, however, nthe ac, wonder what manner k child ws here Iewas ae if the sire bod pone out Of hy teasing the body to loursh ina sao vegestic cxstence, Net thre Owen Warland was iiote Fe could alk, and no weston sly. Somewhat ofa babble, indesd, did peopie bein to think fim: fore was apeto discourse ae weanaome lengity of marvel ‘of mechanism that be bad gad about in books but which he bad learned eo. consider ar absolury fabulous” Among them he cttumerated the Man of Brass, constructed by Albertus Mag, Sd the Brazen Head of Piar Bacon; and, coming dowa to atet cb the noromata of alte coach and horsesy which, e was Prerended, hed been manufactored for the Dauphin of France gether with an insect hat bunsed abou the ea ikea ving fy, snd yet was bata contrivance of minute tel springs There was story too, of« duck tat waded and quacked, and ate; hough, ind day honere cnen parcbased for dinne, he would base {Gund himself cheated with the mere mechanical appasiion Of & ick "Bur all chese accounts,” said Owen Warland, I am now sstafed, are mere lmposttons™ Then in a mysterious way, he would confess that he once hough decent. In his idle and dreamy days, he had con Sdered it possible, i's cecsn sense to spite toachinery, nd to combine withthe new specs of life and motion ths produced, 3 beauty that should ssn othe hea! which Nature fines, Afterhis recovery hie small and | par proposed herself, in ll her creatures, but has newer rake ct PrePealze. He seemed, however 1 retain no very dtinct airs ygon either of the process af achieving tis abject, oF the ign tel fave thrown tall aside now’ he would say. ‘ewas a dzear, such as young men are always mystifying themselves with. Now SENIL.Ne Schutte tie commen sens, itmakes mie laugh (0 thank of oor; post, and fallen Owen Wasland! These were the symptom that he bad ceased to be an inhabicane of the better {Bie thac lies onseen around us He hd lost his faith inthe FRiStbe,and now pridedhimself ar such unfortunate invariably {Eyinthe wisdom which ejected much thatevenhiseyecould see, Spd tustedconfdendy in nothing tur what his hand could couch, Fis the calamity of men whose spitual pare des out of them, ind leaves the grosier understanding to amimilae them moze and ‘hore to the tings of which alone can take cognizance: Buty in Geen Wastnd the pee wat not dean pate away oy Flow ic awoke again, is noc recorded. Peshaps, the torpid slumber was broken by 2 coavulsiv pan: Pethapsy asin a former Ingance, the butterfly came and hovered abot ihe head, and Finopted hina, indeeg, thi creature of the sunthine had fiways myetciout mission fr the artist relaspired hm with ibe former pugpone of his ie, Whather i were pale ox happiness thar thiled through his veins, hs fst impulse wae to thank Heaven for rendering his agaia the being of thought, imaging: tony and keenes sensibility, that he had long cease 0 be "Row for my task ead he."Never di fel such strength fore "Yet strong as he fle himsel, he was incited to toi che more diigendy, by an ansiey lee deat should surprise him in the imide of hi labors. Ths anaiety,pehaps x common to all men ‘hose theirheares upon anythicg ohh, in their own view of, that lle becomes of importanee only as conditional to itt ‘ccomplishment. So long ax we love fe for itel we seldom ‘ead the losing it. When we dese life for the ateainment of an ‘object, we recognize the fray of ts textre, But, side by side with thi sense of insecurity theresa veal ath in oar invulnerability to the shaft of death, whle engaged in any task that seem ‘signed by Providence as our proer thing vo do, and which the 38 NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE world would have cause to mousn for, should we leave it Unaecomplished. Can the philosopher, big wich the inapication of fn idea that to rlorm mankind, belie that he i t0 Se ‘beckoned from dis senible existence, a the very insane when he mustering Ris bresth co speak the word of light? Should he perish ode Weary ages may pass away ~ the world’s whole lie: Sand may tally drop by drop before anorher intellects prepared fo develop the truth thar night have boc uttered then. Bat atory Stlorde many an example, where the mort precious spit a ny Basalt och mane io human shape as foe hee | EEntimely, wuthout space allowed him, so fares mortal judgment ould discern, to perform his mission on che earth. The prophet ies; nd the man of woepid heart snd slugalch brain lives on. The oe aves bi song half ung os Ges fe, Beyond the sope of ‘ioral eas, ina celestial choir The painter ~ as Allston did Ieaves half his conception on the canvas, to sadden us with is Impecfect beauty, and goes to penure forth the whole if tbe no EBzeverence 10 say so, im the hues of Heaven, But, racer, such Incomplete designs ofthis ie will be perfeced nowhere. This #0 {fequene abortion of man's dearest proees must be taken ast Droat, that she deeds of earth, however etherealized by piety or Benius, are withost valu, except as exercises and maniferestions Df the spin Flesven, ll ordinary thought i higher and more ‘melodious than Milton's song, Then, wouldihe add another verse ‘any stain that he had lft nfnied ee? ‘But to rerum to Owen Warland, le was his fortune, good or ill to achieve the puspose of his life. Pass we over a long space of Incense thoughs, yearning effort minutevail,and wasting anxiesy, Succeeded by an instant of solizry eiaimphs let all this be imagined: and thea behold te aris oma winter evening, ek Sdmittance to Robere Danfords fceaide Gcle There he foun the Man of Iron, with bis masive substance thoroughly warmed nd attenpered by domestic influences; And there wae Nes oo, ‘ow transformed into a matron, with much of her husband's plain and sturdy nave, but imbueds-as Owen Warland sell bateved, with 2 finer grace, that might enable her t0 be the iguerpeeter between Strength and Beauty. Ie happened, lewis that old) Peter Hovenden was a guest, this evening, at big daughter's feside, and it was bis wel remembered expresion of ‘keen, cold ertcnm, that hes encounted the artists glance. “Ny old tend Owen? cried Robert Danforth, searing up, and | tHe Anrist oF tHe oxaunieuL, 9 compresting the artia’s delicate Gngers within a hand that was seemed o grip bars of irom, “its ie kind and neighborly) tere to he at last! Twas afaid yout Perpetoal Moton had {Sclechol you out ofthe remembrance of oid ames” ‘earl glad soate yout rad Ani, weilea blush reddened hee matsonly eheek Tt was not lige Fiend, stay (om ws so lone ‘Weal, [Oweny"inguired the old. watchmaker, as his: Ate greene how Somat Gh the Beavafulr Have you cated iat fie “The artist did not immediatly ceply, being stared by the appattion of young child of sreogth, that wot tmmbling gbout Pine caper; litle personage who had come mysteriously out the ae but with something so sturdy and eal this Comporion are semed moulded outof the densest substance wn ae ‘could supply. This petal infans crawled towards thenew-domer, and seting himselon end ~ ne Robert Dantorth Spressed the posture = stared at Owen with a look of such ‘Stfacion| observation, chat the mother couldinachelp exchanging ‘proud glance with her husband, Bur she amet was disturbed BF RE Ghals looks as imagining + resemblance bervern snd Peter Hovenden’s habiral exprestion, He sould have fancied tar he old watchmaker was corapressed ito this Baby-ahape, and was Iboking 4ut of thowe baby'cyes, and repeating as ae how dd ‘Bemalidoss question “The Bese, Owen! How comes om the Beuuifal? Have ou | succeed! in creating the Beausfal” “Thavesucceeded,"eplied the aria, with a moment seumph [nis eyes, and a smile of sunshine, yer seeped in SUC ween ‘es tny blends eis the rath [have succeeded “indeed? cried Annie, look of maiden minhfulness peeping _aus of er face again. “And finely nowt inguse Wat te “Surely jc st9 disclose i, chat Lhave come,’ answered Owen ‘Warland “You shall know, and see, and touch, and possess, the sceret! Pfr Annie if by thaemame may sll acess te fens of mny boyith years — Anoie, is for your bridal gfe that I have ‘Wrought |hi spiritualized mechansm, this harmony of motion, thie Mysfery of Beauty! Is comes ate indeed; ut ies 25 we Bo ‘onmrard nlf, when objects begin wo love thee freshness of hus, nd our doulstheie delicacy of pereaption, hat the epi of Beauty 60 NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, is most needed. If forgive me, Annie if you know how t0 value | thi ie can never come too late! if prouced, as he spoke, what seemed a jewe-box; It was carved rich out of ebony by his own had, snd inlaid with Sieclal eatery of peach reprecoting = boy im pursuit of Kenly, which elsewhere bad become «tinged spin and was, fying heavenwardy while the boy, or Youth, baa found uch chy in hs ston deste, hace tcended fom earth o cloud, smddsgnpcloud to cles sumoaphere twin the Beal Thi {Sh hon he ae ones ad Dude nila bs Haare ple magnifemce of ts purple and golcspeckled wings, asin prelude toa fights imposible co express by words the glory, fe splendor, the delicate gorgeousness, which were softened into the beauty ofthis object Nature's ideal buterly washere realized {nalts perfection; notin the patter of such faded insects as ft noni earthly lowers butof shore which hoyer across the meads Pats, for child-angels and the sists of departed infants Gepost themselves with: The nich down was visible upon i; Shidgey the lustre of ir eyes seemed instinct with spine. The Frelgh: plinmered aconnd this wonder ~ the candles gleamed fipoe 1 © but ie glstened appazeniy by ies own cadiance, and ifuiminated the Bnger and outeretched hand on which it rested, ‘with a white gles like that of presous stones. In its perfect Uehuy, the consideration of sae was entcely Tost. Had is wings Srerarthed the femamens, the mind could aot have been more fled or satised. “Pesusiull Beswaful” exclaimed Annie, ‘stave? Isic alive? ‘ine? To be suse ie isp answered ber husband, ‘Do you suppose any mortal has skill enough to make a butterfly — or soule put himuel tothe eouble of making one, when any child thay catch a score of them ina summer's akernoon! Alive? Cehainly! Bur thie prety box is undoubsedly of our friend ‘Ghren'stuanufacturey snd ceally it does him ered” "Rr this asoment, the boterfy waved i wings anew, with « modo so abuoiutely lifelike shat Annie was seared, and even ve stickeny foc in epte of her husband's opinion, she could not Stusfy hewell whethericwasindeed alving creature, ora pece of ‘wondrous mechanism. “Isit alive? she repeated, more earesty than before. ‘She did soy but simose screamed, a5 a battery 7 hy sad alighting on her fingers up, sae waving the Judge for yourself’ said Owen Warland, who stood gazing in eae WR Seed ateon s “fhe burterly now fang islf uso the ait, fotered cound heady and soated int a diant region ofthe poror sll ‘AZfing tll perepeble ro sight by the sary gleam in which the over afi wings eneoped Teint on th oe, allowed movoutse with his sugactou lite eyes. Aker fying, about the 3 eit fturned, ina apital curve, and seed again'on Annie Fes "cial" acim tains and he gro wich ‘ne gorgeous mystery had alighted was s0 tremulous that the he ab as fogced vo balance bie wich his wings "Tellme if heave or whether you created” Pherelore ask who rcated itso tbe beautfl?'replied Owen ‘Warland ‘Alive? Yes, Annie; iemay wellbe aid posts lif for Wbsorbed my own being into ity and in the secret of that Bute, and in is beauty ~ which © nor merely ourwaed, bat deep a0 te whole syweem ~ i represented he anelect, he {fovinadon, the aeaabiliey, the sul ofan Artist ofthe Beautiful POET creed fe But — and here his countenance somewhst Sseiged = this butter isnot sow to me what fe was when L Shellie afar off in the day-deeams of ny youth.” "Be is what iemay, eis a prety playing, tad che Blacksenith inning with childlike dight. “I wonder wheter ie would Endewttad to alight on such 3 great camry Roger ar mine? Hold ‘hither, Annie By the arts dicecion, Annie touched her ge’ tp cothat of herhusvandy and, afer inomentar delay the butery Huctered Hom one to the other Ie preued a tecond fight by a staar, yet fot precisely che same waving of wings, asin the rv experiments ther ascending from de blacksmitassealoare Binge, rose [Badualy enlatging curve to the ein, made one wide sweep round the room, ad cecurned wth an sndulating movement © the poine whence it had stared. “Well thar Goes beat all nacwel" cred Robert Danforch, bestowing the hearst praise that he could nd expresion foe; ‘nd indeed had he paused there, aman of finer words and ncet Perceprion, could not easly have tid more “That Bocs beyond fe, Veonfes! Bue whae then? There is more teal wee ih one ainsi blow of my sledge-haremer, than in the whole f ear labor that our Bend Owen tas wasted on this buted! ~10- a a NATHANIEE HAWTHORNE | swe antist ov raz seaurirvt 6 Here the child dapped hs hands, and made a great babble indistinc utterance, apparently demanding that the bute Should be given hin fora playehing. elt ot ang he oot. Even he bright peso gd iP and bey we naeyes dott her roe So rie deter pape is ia nar dara | STEAD Sachanah iad ee oe icone wether te syopetil ec haba a BeSoepnein ae Of ae Ren and te rca Te spam al hecindpes spars mel ami athe won Tedadhincon yiatich hecomenpted benarreour ol Sthhandvan Ineo eye ose fetapa och owa concounne sn pacepibicony oc Asal Sten athe fe se Bor Owen nh eal sage hs pre fed cra othe pon chan a Sedov mr hac Nant ene Suh wor nd Setar detect fe wo wines psc Stowe cold eer sy he Stag or, nor ele ng ‘Soak wtih id We hpi of tn ah TST TSAI peernes mat Boge wate agli Rhett iar ner ‘ome pines hub nd cre Per Hoyenden ma fy Aero. ant whic woul ave ned tem at CB tele esha been ori owed, Over Wren | Bal it nck os Wachmih e, a fo Foc ast anu tnt iru ag! itis dying cred Anag in alarm. esac wi an sed sy who Bg, The ety fin appeared to recov: the power of weinany ert ti Sal of hk og i ad op arigh wich was none ehref abe isin BERGE Rule voted abou e At Sy hee iestened om Filet nfs hand so the sal age of the cil, Se rect grew so poeta tha ke pote threw tele EI abo bade opane the wf i, etal, ended KEopling bend ashe Bad sen i fate! sad mothe dyad Sebape waving o tensa wigh wih alanine dlighe Nrvechokn thereon a eri ol elpnadon oe, Sade Onfen Warland fo anf bre were old Bec london Ply pd us arly, tedoed fossa topcas Bt alls ta, Flow, fie the tele monkey lool” whispered. Raber be ortho hs wif. "Tneted saw sch a look on a child's face’ anewered Annie, onocs ane abundant wealth, and Save eared song {eve offs kinglom, tthe ox unique ad wondrous o te $ifueete ae se and kepe these ome “Pater std Adm hinting cons word pre rom he od watchmaker might gray hs ionmessppreic, Go come nd Manse ths prey bere “4 “Lev urace sd Pete vende, ising from i chai, ith sneer upon face ht awaysnade pode dou, ke mac {Bef drereingburarnatena costae ercitnyhager for “Asif bunt ike the rit were conscious of something {0 ahah spon hati undemtend e Bence when once T hovel PE noteateh compen nde civ senre eateemey rated ‘Cached it GE icc lee Neng, escove form he allanol Se tnase ot tothe increstd astonishment of Annie, when herp other wuitan ay metion® tat seemed bear pend wtbour ne fathers inger ws peee paat hat ofherashands on wince PP anus hccueal anigcs wih whtenicreamecs ike ‘Een sliced themes oopedio mings seme ened i Gapaled he far vay nvlanealy ey higher “siminng her wn infant, and with good reason, fa more than he Sesncbleerty. "The daring Lnow more ofthe mystery than We aa he sy, and grown immortal Bur Ws lanes gleamed spon eae Tey cate ea radiance the buterty struggles et wer, tonacds de mise ssiestiroal Lipecun as cate snare alee ige bee chine Siig manda ba facut, ou leat tena trance looked placidly at what seemed the ruin of his life’s labor, and! setae cmane pecs eee ee 3844 809—1849 ‘The Fall of The House of Usher Som coy eto igh supends ‘Soe guton le touche dso Boringebe whole ofa dul, dar, snd soundless day inthe automa afore when he loud hang opens ow nti benren, {had been passing alone, on oneback, through a singulsry ary race of country, and at lene found nyse as che shady fhe evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Shc Tiow nochow was with teh pimps of he bldg, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spit | say Insflertes forthe feling was uacioved by any’ of that hell pleasurable, because poetic. sentient with which the mind THoally receives even the sernest naval images ofthe desolate or {erdole looked upon the scene before me upon the mere house Shdthe imple landacape features! de domain upon the bleak ‘walls upep the vacant eyelike windows ~ upon s few cank edges and upon afew white trucks of decayed trees —with an tee depression of soul which ean compare to po carthly tewation more propery than to te alter dicam of che revelle- Upon opium, te bite elapse tat eveny-day ie the dos Groping off of the vell. There was an iciness, a sinking, a Sickening of the heart ~ an unredsemed dreasiness of thought which no goading ofthe imaginaion could torture into aught of ‘esublie. What was e~I paasedro think ~ what was ethat so ttnerved mein the contemplation ofthe louse of Usher? Irwas ‘ysery all insoluble; nor could | grapple with the shadowy fancies that crowded upon meas I pondered. [was forced to fal, back upon the nsatistactory cosclssion, that while, beyond doubs, there are combinations af very simple natussl objecs| ‘which have the power of tus affecting sy atl the analysis of is tower lies among” considerations beyond our depth. Ie was posible, T reflected, that 2 mere diffrent arrangement of the 12 i W, Somerset Mayghars ‘THE FORCE OF CIRCUMSTANCE ‘Sm on sting onthe vectads wating for er husband to ‘come infor handeon. The Nalay boy Sad dawn the blinds ‘Shea the morning fos ts esas but se ad pay raed, for ef tha co thst se coud lool at se sver: Under the ‘eathles sua of day it bd the whe pallor of death, A ative was padding along in a dug-oats sal tha itbadly Showed sbove be sure ofthe wer The colors of he day ‘pers wy and wan, They were Bot the vesious tases of he ‘eae Gtalk aa Eastca slo, in he minor key, which CGcatbate she acres by is ambiguons monctony andthe (as avai iopteniy a relia, but waits in vain) Tae ‘deus sang the geting rg wlth a feazied energy twas {coatinal snd monorovous a he ruling of brook over ‘estoner; bor onamsdden tas drowned by ts load aging ‘ofa bid, meliuoos and sch; and foram nan, wish atch ther hey he thought of te Bapish acti "Then she beac hechosbun’'s tp oa he gavel pe bohlnd the bangalore, the path tld to the coarebouse ln whic he Ind been working, aad she roe from bee cae t gest i. evan ap the short of steps, fo the baagalow was bale tu pls sod at the doce te boy as wating totale bis topen. Eetaelatotherom nhshored banat dng som ad pasous and hiseyes twp wih pessureas be ss er "Hulls, Dose Hungry? "Ravenous? “Tel only tke me a inate to have a ash and then Pst sad? "Be que she sed. He deapeced into bis drenng-room and she heard bin ‘whitlog heal while with the eclessoess with which sbe ‘bur always semonstaag, be,core of hs clothes sod ag mes ay COOOLOF SOQ RAAIOMO VEE IIGIG ILD co the toon, He ws srestyai, but Be wa tl eptboy: he ould acres grov up Tht was why she had ‘tthe wis him, prt, for no aoouat of eon Feros tht he war gootooing, He was ie obtain eine be lino pe ‘Be fun ther pip Sbe ad eine Bin jac scoters tn the ad ot le este ‘endl pn She ad wl i ce sat be wast {lpg tle ade ter nagh too. He Found lie an sgt tan averous bones, andbe bad a carning Gfien abe wes with hia abe fle Bappy 204 good 1 Ad the deep eeson which ses ia those et je of hs touched Re. wus vexyssfactory to Be ike tat, Onon stag on is Hoes, durog thee fhe bad taken bis te ia he bands and ld 0 You'sena uly ine ft man, Guy, bot you've got chasm T Pehelploviag ou" "pave of eotion evept ove hee and he ees filled with She su his ice contre fora moment with the of is Feng and his wece was ice sky when be ea tbl thing for me tohave masceda woman cho't crf eel of he She ad mt im ata Goal place by te ida where she mas spending « month's holiday with het thes. Dosis wes a terreary #9 + meaber of patimert, "ous home a esr. Tey wee stayag st he same owe, he qulely tld her al stout hinsele He was bom it sb whee fer ad served for ey yuesuader the He esc nnesa sr rons second Sula, aad oa ering schol be bad entered the eae {erie He wus devoted t conan “afc al, Eagle's a foceiga lod eo mabe tld hee My home’ Seabel.? "hod com twas her home too, He asked bee to mary him at she end ofthe moat’ s holiday. Sbrbadlowabe wai goingto, id ad deve ro sofoe hi. She washer widowed moter! aly cldand be could at oso Seaway from ber, bat when (Be tment came she did aot quite know wat happened ro lay, she was aed ot ec eerby an unespeted emotion, and ‘he acceped bi, They had been sted now fo ose moots {nt lil otstton of whlch be was in charge She wes vey appr Er ld in once dat dhe bad quite made up ber mind to seforehim. “hes you sory you dials be ake, witha mary sale in ‘ewig Bee eyes "gould Have been peifc fol eT. Whats bitof ack hat ie or cane or whatever tas seeped in and ook be ‘mater entiely owe of my Bands” ‘Now beet Gay carer down hestepsto the bathhouse, [He outa iy fellow and even wid bare et he could nat be {qeat Bat be viteed an excemution Heald x0 or thee ‘Fowds inte lal dalet sod she could aos undesand. Then the beard someone sparking thin, aotelovd butinssfblaat ‘chispee Reiiy it was e00bad of people to sayy him wes ie ms going to have bis tech, Hespoke again ad though bis ‘oie was low she could bea at he was vexed, Te other ‘oie war razed now; iewasa woman's Dosis soppoeditwas {oraeooe who had s compat to make. Iwi ike » Malay ‘Soran to come in hat eaeptions way. But she was evi ity geting recy lel from Gay, for she beard him say: Get tj Hotz allereats se wadertood, aad thea he bead ima {olethedooe There wae a sonad of he waterbe ras roving ves hineal (he bubing acangerens st aed budhtosses were ander he bedzooms, oo tbe ground you tnd a lage rab of water sod you saced yourself with ale 1 pal aed oop of nts Be wa ack agela the oa J] we soMERSEX MAUGHAN ining-rorn.Hisba wats ve. Tey st downto luccheon, ‘Tes lucky I'm aot a supicocs oc jealous person,’ be tuaghed. 1 Goat kao the Tshould alogsther approve of (out Saving ainated conversions with dies while you'st Esving yous ba" sfc, eral to cheer bad borne ue ook wheabe cane ts, but now ft bightese. “Tae excl pleted cher? ‘Spt judged by the tone of our oie. Tn fac, Lehoughtyos were cee tor withthe young pesoa” Damned chee, waylaying we ike tse” ‘Wat dd ehe wane?” ‘Ob Tdow't now, [ee a woman fom the kampong. So's dada row with berbusbend osomerhig.” "Tones ifs there eae ho was Banging about is sowing? ‘He Bowoed ele ‘fae ther someone banging abot?” "Ye, Tent nt yoar desing zoom tose that everyting ‘wus sls and tidy and hen Tent owa co the buth-bose. The someoce alii ont of the doce ae T went down the steps hd-wben looked oot saw awoman sanding there” "Did you speak tobec?™ “Task ber what she waned snd she sald something, butt coaldarendectaai” . "Tm sot going t0 bave all sons of say people prowling soa ber Hesaid "They'vegot no sight to come? "He sled, ba Dons, with he quick of womsa in love aoe tht he walle ony i ‘with hizeye lo, snd wondend what leas that toubled bis. ‘Ava have you ben doing this momsing? he asked. “Ob, aothing mach I weatfora litle walk? “Tazeugh the kxmpong?™ ‘Yen Teva a min tend dalaed monkey upg te to pce cocoa which rer dnd me? + "Tee mbera ash ee? “Ob, Gay, there were two lite bope watching bim who were savch ‘wee tan the oben, T wondered if they were hal & 2 “14

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