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Green Line Oberstufe The individual and society Vocabulary sheet

Spot on facts The make-up of society

Word/phrase Translation Usage/memory aid

What is social class?

social class soziale Schicht Social class is not all about income, but money
certainly plays a big role.
social class society (n)

social status gesellschaftliches Social status depends on education as much as

Ansehen money, but unfortunately you (or rather your
parents) need money to get the best education for

economic wirtschaftlich The economic climate is slowly improving.

connected with the trade and industry of a country
and the wealth created
economic economics (n) economy (n)
economist (n)

lower class Unterschicht lower class middle class upper class

to be affected by von etw. beeinflusst sein to be affected by sth = sth has an influence on
to be affected by to affect (v)

income Einkommen the money you earn either from work or investments

wealth Reichtum; Vermgen wealth poverty

wealth wealthy (adj)

attitude Haltung; Einstellung Your attitude to/towards life is the way you feel
about it.
Fr. attitude (f)

inequality Ungleichheit I recently read a utopian novel about a classless

society without any social inequality.
inequality equal (adj) unequal (adj)

opportunity Chance; Gelegenheit; The USA has been referred to as the land of
Mglichkeit opportunity because people think that everyone
there has the chance to become rich and famous.
chance to be able to do sth

reward Belohnung; Preis A reward of $ 100 has been offered to anybody

who finds the stolen car.
reward to reward sb (v) rewarding (adj)

hierarchy Rangordnung; Hierarchie hierarchy hierarchical (adj)

Social class in the US

nobility Adel nobility noble (n)

royalty Knigshaus royalty royal (adj, n)

to be divided into aufgeteilt werden in to be divided into to be joined together

to be divided into division (n) divisive (adj)

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Green Line Oberstufe The individual and society Vocabulary sheet

Spot on facts The make-up of society

Word/phrase Translation Usage/memory aid

elite Elite the very top stratum of society

elite elitist (adj)

from rags to riches vom Tellerwscher zum a rags-to-riches story

Millionr becoming very rich after starting life very poor

accident of birth Zufall der Geburt Success should not depend on accident of birth.
the circumstances you are born into

scope Reichweite the amount of space covered by sth

scope = extent = range

single mom alleinerziehende Frau; a woman who either by choice or circumstances

alleinerziehende Mutter has to bring up her child(ren) on her own

economic downturn wirtschaftlicher economic downturn = economic decline/slump

Abschwung economic downturn economic upturn/recovery

to move up into aufsteigen in to improve ones social status

to move up into movement (n)

upward mobility sozialer Aufstieg upward mobility mobile (adj)

downward mobility sozialer Abstieg downward mobility mobile (adj)

currently momentan at this moment in time

to reverse herumdrehen to change back

to reverse reversal (n)

proposal Vorschlag to make a proposal

proposal to propose (v)

ladder of opportunity Aufstiegschance A good education is the first rung on the ladder of
opportunity to attaining a better standard of living.

The generations

value Wert the amount sth is worth

value valuable (adj)

attribute Merkmal a characteristic feature of sth or sb

stress: attribute (n) [[ '- - -]; to attribute (v) [ - '- -]
attribute to attribute (v)

the Millennials demografische a term used to describe children born between

Bezeichnung fr die 1980 and 1999
Generation von Kindern, the Millennials millennium (n)
die zwischen 1980 und
1999 geboren sind

supporter Befrworter sb who agrees with a cause or issue

supporter to support (v) supportive (adj)

gay rights Rechte fr Homosexuelle gay rights gayness (n) gay (adj)

Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 | Green Line

Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfltigung fr den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch
gestattet. Die Kopiergebhren sind abgegolten. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Green Line Oberstufe The individual and society Vocabulary sheet

Spot on facts The make-up of society

Word/phrase Translation Usage/memory aid

unique einzigartig being the only thing of its kind

unique = singular
unique uniqueness (n)

respectful respektvoll respectful respect (n) to respect (v)

moral Moralvorstellung During the banking crisis bankers were accused

of being unscrupulous and having no morals.
moral morality (n)

work ethic Arbeitsethos; Arbeitsmoral Its gratifying to see so many young people
demonstrating a strong work ethic.
work ethic ethics (n) ethical (adj)

The Millennials

to characterise bezeichnen; to describe the main qualities of sb or sth

charakterisieren to characterise character (n) characteristic

confident selbstsicher; confident uncertain; unsure

selbstbewusst confident confidence (n)

self-expressive ausdrucksfhig able to express ones own feelings, ideas,

personality etc.
self-expressive self-expression (n)

upbeat optimistisch an upbeat mood

having a positive outlook on life
upbeat = optimistic

to be open to sth fr etw. zugnglich sein; They werent sure how to solve the problem and
fr etw. aufgeschlossen were open to any suggestions.
sein to be open to sth = to be accessible to sth
to be open to sth to be inaccessible to sth

diverse divers; verschieden New York is an ethnically diverse city.

very different from each other
diverse diversity (n)

previous frher; vorherig; the previous night = the night before

vorhergehend previous current; future

to consider oneself to sich etw. whnen to have the opinion that one has certain
be characteristics
to consider considerate (adj) considerable

savvy erfahren internet-savvy, media-savvy

savvy inexperienced

Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 | Green Line

Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfltigung fr den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch
gestattet. Die Kopiergebhren sind abgegolten. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Green Line Oberstufe The individual and society Vocabulary sheet

Spot on facts The make-up of society

Word/phrase Translation Usage/memory aid

to be concerned about besorgt sein um etw.; sich Many parents are concerned about the violent
sth um etw. Sorgen machen computer games their children play.
to be concerned about sth = to be worried about
to be concerned about sth concern (n): a
matter of great concern

Generation Z

to grow up aufwachsen to become an adult

to take sth for granted etw. als selbstverstndlich You cant take her help for granted.
betrachten to be so used to sth that you think it will always be
like that

connected mit dem Internet constantly using internet accessible equipment

verbunden connected to connect (v) connection (n)
connectivity (n)

attention span Aufmerksamkeitsspanne the amount of time one can concentrate on sth
before one moves on to sth else
attention span attentive (adj)

challenge Herausforderung A challenge is sth that is difficult and needs a lot

of work and/or skill.
challenge to challenge (v)

eager eifrig If you want to do sth very much, you are eager to do

to confront entgegentreten; sich to confront = to face

stellen; konfrontieren to confront confrontation (n)

impact on Auswirkung auf the effect that sb/sth has on sb/sth

impact to impact (v)

slacktivism die Teilnahme an Wearing a bracelet with an anti-war message is an

sinnlosen Aktionen example of slacktivism.

to volunteer eine ehrenamtliche He volunteered to work in a hospital in

Ttigkeit bernehmen Mozambique.
to volunteer volunteer (n) voluntary (adj)

Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 | Green Line

Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfltigung fr den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch
gestattet. Die Kopiergebhren sind abgegolten. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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