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Computer Science

Winslow Middle School 2017-2018 School Year Room: C100

Miss Chen

Welcome Students!
I hope you all had a wonderful summer! During this upcoming school year we will be
exploring, and learning together. We will learn about topics such as Block Coding,
Problem Solving, Physical Computing, and App Making. We will use electronic
materials such as LittleBits, Microbits, and Tablets. We will utilize programs to code and
we will create projects that will show off our coding skills and design ideas. We will put
emphasis on being good and curious digital citizens on the web, as well as striving to
connect to the real world by creating exciting and enticing projects.

Expectations: How will I be graded?

Homework Policy
1. 5% of your marking period grade (Not Much Homework, however if I do assign
homework it is to help with the next days lesson, therefore it needs to be done on
2. There is no late homework it is a 0 if it is not done.

Quiz/Test/ Project Policy

1. 50% of your marking period grade
2. Every day a project is late from the due date 10% is marked down from the
project. Projects can be no more than 5 days late. If I do not get it at all it will be a

Class Activities/ Preparedness/ Participation

1. 45% of your marking period grade
2. This includes activities and assignments we do in class ex: games, short
assignments, do nows and exit tickets
3. This also includes participation and cooperation during class
4. 1 Participation is calculated at the end of each week.
1. 100% Participation: Student was cooperative and helpful, and had no
Class Dojo Infractions
2. If student has Dojo Infraction, Every Dojo Infraction = -5% participation
that week.
3. See Class Dojo Information

Before Class: Check the board for Do Nows, and Class Goals for the day. Get any
Homework or projects that are due out and ready for me to check. Get started on the Do
Now, and wait for instructions. If finished with Do Now early, get yourself ready for
class or start an Im finished, now what? Activity.
During Class: There will be times when we do whole class lessons and when you
will be doing group/partner activities to learn about the topic for the day.The goal is for
you to grasp the learning target for the day so that you can show me what you know when
you do your projects/ class activity that day. Your grade will reflect your behavior and
cooperation. You are expected to be on task throughout the period, if you are finished
early, there is an early finisher slide show that you must go to.
No Gaming or using other sites during the lesson. If you are seen off task you will
get one warning. After the first warning you will be asked to sign off and shut
down for the day. If off task again, a lunch detention and a phone call home will occur.
After Class/ Before you leave: CLEAN UP! We will be utilizing many expensive
and fragile electronic material so please take care of the materials and put them where
they belong, otherwise we will not have them to do activities later on. Complete the exit
ticket, log off of the computers and turn in any work. Put work, USB, headphones and
personal class materials in your designated area.. Leave the computer area neat and clean
for the next computer user.

Mandatory Materials
*USB Flash Drive 4GB +
Folder (Provided for you)
Expectations for the Teacher
This classroom and class is a time and space for us to collaborate together. We
will be collaborating with peers, with teachers, and even with people online. In order to
do so, we need to have an expectation for ourselves and for our peers to be good digital
citizens online and in the classroom.
As your teacher I will support you my students always. Be aware that you may
come to me at any time to talk about any types of concerns. I will do my best to utilize
your interests and your curiosity to create interesting assignments and lessons.
This class and classroom is all of ours and I want us to be in contact at all times
through teacher and student feedback in order to better our learning and ourselves.

(Please detach and return bottom portion only)

Student Signature ___________________________Class Period____ Homeroom ______

Parent Signature 1_____________________ Parent Signature 2 ___________________

Email Address #1 ______________________ Email Address #2 ___________________

Best Number to call #1 _________________Best Number to call #2 ________________


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