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${Olt AtL rftftl BY THESX FEESE}ItrS:

I}{lS SOt{?fiACT Of IEASE execuied in $urigoo Ciiy. Ph$ippines, h enl*red intc h,y
q*d hetween:
JO}IN O- VAILOCEI. of legol cge, HUPlNgond a residen't of CEBI CITY.
Philippin*s, hereinsffer refe.ned io cs ihe LESSOR.


JUASI-fEfi!*&}{SG J. lAt$tll$. of togal oge, ftt*ftl{S cnd a resident of C&S$TA"

Cagnieg, $urigao City, Fhilippines, hereinafler refened lo crs ihe LESSIE:


I"] Thaf the LESSOR 'rs

lhe sbsolute owner of c* i?ORI? CS$nfiEnClAL tultDlt{G
situuled cl ?S,}lT& elL4ltIG &Il"At{S 3T.. B*(}I" IArr" SU-tLGAS SIIY" covered by Tax
Declr:filtion Ho. _.
2.) Tttot the LE$SIE shsli use the psri of th* 2 stor*y br,rilding s5 qnfl$*,, *Xq
S$A*illllG HOUSE rstl* q nxEmrecrssl4J{B*a. f,{S,I*q
3.1 Tl"rtrt th* LFSSOR is willing to iecse lhe cb*ve-rnentioned spcce to ihe LESSEE who
lik*wlse desir*s to leqse lh* <:f*rementi*n*d bvilding. subiect l* such conditi*ns"
$rrd csven&nts mulualty heneficial l* baih p*rfier.
4.1 ltOW WHfRffOSS, far ond in consider*tion of the fcreg*ing gx"emis*s nnd of lhe
condilions snd ccvenanis und slipulation hereirr bel*w set fmth, the pariies
hereby egree *s follow:
A. ?gnH- Thotlhe terrn af lhis ceinfr*cl i* far o perbd of Two {l} YEAR/S, storting
$ep*err&er *I-".&ifgnd *xpiring*ugueisfulgg renewoble upon frgreernenN of
both r<xt!ee"
i'iorrv*ver, this contrsct may be pr*.terrninct** on ihe fdkluring gr*uncls cnd
l. treach *f contrscf of eilh*r parly:

2, for*tr muleure nr buslness reverses, bul lesse* rnust gcve pr!*r n*tice of *l
le$st ihllty {30i doys fo iNre leasor

3. ony ather recron suhiect 1$ concufi.ence by b*th p*rlb5

B. *t$t-$|ttT Xeilf&l *$e FAYI*EHTI * Iha pxties herein *gnee th{:l ihe mffithty
rant(}lo{ ihe teased prernises shall be TE}'l I}ISUS&il} ffg(}$ 6HtY [fIS.0m"&]
fhil;pp{*e cl,nency iexcluding VAT snd Withholdlng lax"}, . Foyment \a/*ll be
rnnde every First tiYeek of ihe month. t-ess*r witl requfe yesrly pqlstdoted checks
to be dqled the first d*:y of each rn*nth slurting Sepleruber O!- 20r&. rhe
cnnount exch;des electricul *nd wcler bills, publb utilitles. rncintencnce, qnd
telec*mrrutnicsfion incr:ned by the Lessee wilhin the le*sed pr*rnites" Bouncing
check is io be reploced irnrnediately ond any chorges thereof wiil be paid by

C" BEfOffi - Upon execution of this conlrcct. the LESIEE:holl p*y into lhe LE$SOf:

t. Twenty tr}tou$ond Pes*s {Fffi"S0O"IO} Fh$lppine Cunency equivolenf lc

fum t*) rnonih* renlsl u* Securily Sepudt the $ecurily Deposlt shr:llbe
held by the LESSOft without li$biaify fcr interest {:nd ss sa*urity for ihe
ped*rmonce by lhe tESSEf sl ils coyencnis snd *bligctions under_ih'is
conlract. lt is understnad thr:i this depcsil is nol lhe limit of bssee'$
ldbinty in the eve*l thot lhe lessee dses incur liobilily lo the Lesor in
ffcccrdsnce wilh lcw, cnd os an lncident io this son,ract- Ih* l"essee
shall nat In any giv*n lirne. cpply fhe deposit cs rentcl during lhe
r*rnr:ining term *l the leose" The 2 m*nlhs $ecurity Deposif s firly
rem*lning b<:lanc* thereof cft*r d*.ducii*n *f cny *np*id utitriti*s *r
fixtures upan fermination shcll be return*d by th* LESSOR to the
LES$EE within lhirty l30l dayt after the d*te trf expift,fion or Srre-
farrrrlncli*n of this leose witho*l cny delay whuts*eyer.

n Ten }heusond Per$s {Fl0,000.00} Philippine Currency.*qLlivfilsnt ta one

{1} mon*h crdvnnce ren}cl pcyrnenl ta be *pplied upon
c&rntrnencerneni of the leose. Therecftsr" lhe agr*ed mr:nthly renkrls
shcll be pr:id promptly wilhin th* monlir by the LESSEI rrith*ut need of
p*or Demand by the LfSSOR.

usf on fiI*FosE * lh* LEssf* sholl use the teased prernises for otFicE AND
s*A($lFlG HOU5r.
L. C&f,E ;Ih* :holl diligently preserve, ke,*p, cnd rnaintoin lhe lecsed
premises" Frop*r disp*sci of garbage ond cleunline$s sir$u:db* *hs*rved *l (}H
tirnes t* cvoid comploints from n*lghbmi*g *ress. c*aking cnd other
opplicnces m,Jst 5e provided wir* propsr safegu*rds *gainst fire hnzcrd; in ihis
ccnn*ction, Lrs$(}R requirel ths LrssEr l* keep hundy nl ell lirnes s fir*
exiinguisher of sr.rilable size. $pecial cff*nlion should be give* ,p the plvr*blng
fixlures tc uvoid clogging as p{umbing repoirs ore very casfiy. He sh*lt shoulder
hir own wcfer, telephone, and eleciric bills. Iaxes cnd <rsre*sm*nt* due ta the
g*ver*:rrrentr areentirely the l*sspr's respcrrsibilifu

f. P**CEfUL F6$$ES$|OH - fhe LESSSH wsnunh ihe Lesxee's ps*cetul possession

a*d e*joyrnani of the kcsed premises far lhe enike durction *i the contreict *f
le"os,B. flo\#eysl', wl*enever lcsseg {ex, Fir*, e*rthguakes, lhett etc"} ure lncuned
dt;ring the tirne of +ccupqncy, ihe less*r will *st be held r*sponsibl* !n cny vr*y"

G. TELECS,$IIIUX|CAYIO|{\E$SIRI*AL TXIilRES. ETC. - the instntrlt:t:ion af

electricul he$ter, t*lsphone. feletype a*dlor g&s conn*ctions in the
l-eer*ed Premises shcrll be fi:r the r:ccclxnl <rnd expense af lhe LTSSEX wh*
is her*by nulhoriaed lo mcke the rorne. The inslallctkln should b* rrurde in
such s wsy as to couse no moteri*l injury *r cicmcrg* io lhe Leased
Prernises. Ihe LE$SEE shcll *mplely fhe seruic*s o? licensed electriciotf *r
lechnici<rn *approved by lhe U$St)f, ga th$l uddiiion*f t*od *f cunent
shatl be witlrin the power copocily l*cd o{ lhe Lecsed Prenrircs lhereby
minir*ixing fire hszr:rds. Further, such i*stollcti*n *hall c*rnply with ihe
requirernents of the fire Deportment ond/or the City Elerki*ion.

H" PtlBLtc t T[lx$/11,]J$]*Il]lJt]lcE. * All fe*s for ulililier such Qs el*ct*cify.

wclen ielephone <rnd olher public sarvices sholl be fi:r the exclusive
ccco**f af ih* tf$EE. Repcirs in ihe s*rvice syst*m including water
pipeslgutten, toil*t, qnd electriccl ccnnections shull be Lindedsl(en by
the withaul fr.fiy *biigoti*n on ihe p*rt +f the Lf$*$ft l*reimburee

ih* cost fhereof.

t" At?EXAIISItIS/AtrslTlSNSflJ&fnA\JfiiflIT - lf ne,eded, lhe LE$$3f shnll

make a divisiCIn *r parly wcrll rnqrde of strong and r*liqble msteriels" The
LE$Sff shall nal mske any olteration or cddition *r imp,ravemenf *n fhe
ler:se prernises wiihcut the pdcr consenf of ihe tESSOf,. lt is express{y
cgreed ihct *,1 p*rmcrrenf improvern*nls, nltersfi*n or cddilion
introduced by the tE5tff shsll b*come ilre pr*perly of the LE$SOR*nd
sh*ll be sunendered with the prenris*s as pcrri fiereof sl fhe terrr,incli*n
cf ihe contruct wilh*ut *ny ohilgatian nn th* pcrt oi the LESSOR fo
reimbun* the ccst th*reqrf.. M*reoyer. !t is *greed that cll mE:vabl*
imprsv*mentr inlroduced by fhe IE$5IE on the premises may be rerncved
by lhe LI$SEE upon lenninotiorr ol ihe l*e:s* contrcrct f*r uny csuse herein
prcvfd*d s, {Jpon vcccting the lee}sed premises prinr ta cr sn lhe
eNpircrfinn *f this cgreement.
J. IttlSPECTlOt{ Sf PIE&fiSES - Wilhot"tt intruding upon tes:ee's privocy, the
less*n is tree to inspect st reosoncble iIOURS Of THf DAY \i/ith pri*r noiice
or wsuld not" *nd t* rn*ke
lt: lhe lesses, for ptxsible terrrrile inleslcfion
necesscry repcirs. Unless p*cr onongement hac b*en rncde with lessor,
no repcir, structursl olterelicns cr impr*vemen? undert*ken by the lessee
rnoy be done or set aif ngainst ren{sls.

$lGll$OAfD RE$IIXCI|Oii - The ffi$$Ef moy put up $n ideniilying sign

ndve*isemenl in .find oround the msin doar ol fhe prernises lessed,
p:cvlded thst lhe sorne does n*t spail lhe generol cppecrcnce of or
ccuse dcrnoge to the leosed building. No olher identt$ng sign *r
odv*rtisement shall be put - up, poi*ted or inscribed in the le*ssd
premises w{!h*ui the previous wrillen cnnrenl sf ihe t8S$Sn-

nEffInN SF P*EUI$E$ AfIEk USt. - The l.lS$fI, at th* expircfi*n t:f the term
of ths LfASE or its concellslion, cs l-rerein provided, sholl promplly deliver
the scid premises to the *.fS$O[ in g*od and teneintcbl* cqrndiiion, os
they firsl occupied, reersonoble wecr cnd fecr occept*d. d*void of oll
occuponts. fumiture's articles and eflect *f ony kind" The tt$$flsholl
noiifu ths LESSS* within o*e mErnth frorn expiration of the contrqct cs fs
his inlention tc r*new *r nct tttis lecse over ifrs pr*rr*ises" tf no notice is
mcde withln the suid period" it is undarstocd thci TSIIEE is no longer
lnterestecJ lo renew ond ihe LESSOR con olfer the spoce lo anolher
inleresied psrty.

M. Vl*LAil*N$ *F TEBttg AIID *ONDIIISII$ - Greiss vicliotion erf any lerms cr

condili$ns of this lesse as herein prnvided shcll be sutti*ienl gr*und for ihe
,ermin{}tionof the }*ose. The resclssi*rt or }errnination sf thls c*ntracl af
le*s* pursusnt to lhls provision nnqy he *ffscted bythe ffiS$OR ar the
Lf$Sff - ql$ ths cose m$y be.

N. BA&A.A&E$- Ihe p*rties ogree thct oll c*vensntE ond cgr*emenls her*in
contsined stroll be deerned essenticl conditions c*d th*f ll defsult cr
Uecch be rnod* of cny such conditi*ns. ihen fhis lesse, c:l,ftre directi*n
of fhe aggr,ieved pcrfy, n'rcy be ienninated cft*r pricr written notic* to
'lhe guill pprty, wht: slrsll be lisble fcr cll damcges. aclu*l *nd
c$nrequentiol, r*sulting kcm such d*fcr:lt or lersinotion.

o, - Lersee ir rqquked trr :ubmit lo the t,fSSOE tNre forrns upon requesl
by the LES[On't <lccounlon] ct the end of the yeor for tw purposes the
poyment sumrnory of the VAT ond Withholding poid by tl're LESSEE.

P. tlll0t {G EfFfCf - all the lerms qnd conditions of thk Eonlrfict of l*cse
sholl be binding upon the heirs, succe$sors ond osigns of the porties

N W$ilAlS HfifnE$f, the porlies hove hereunto set ihelr honeh this
doy of ------4 20'l-, ot CeLu Cily. Fhilippiner"

,*t lslNH 0. yAt[ocEs JUAA

l.D" I,D,
NO, tdo.
Dsle Dote

Signed in lhe presence cf:

;*ts, c*tlrE$l{E v- rEYrs ifr*" StTcH* $, rs*r$s


rcF$BUC Or THr $ff Urilrdfs)

Pnouilcr or ctB$
Sefsre rne, fl ldctory Public for in Cebu Ciry, this
dcry of 201*.
Personclly sppesred the oforementioned pers*nls who

is/ore personolly known to me

{c} eompetenl evidence's" $f
And lcrcwn to me to be the soille personls who exsc*led the
forgo*ng inslrument which csnsists af L--*---*J poges
including lhe poges an which lhe scknowledgement ore written, cnd
sig*ed ot the leff rnorgin of eoch doy every poge by tFre porlies excluding
this inrtrumenl ond lheir witnesses ond seoled with rny ncloriol seol ond
she/he/hey cckno\irledged lo ffrs that - hislher/their signature in
?nstrument was/were freely ond voluntorily sffixed by himlher/lhenr tor
purps$er stoled therein.

Hel$heflhey further declared thst helshe/ihey har/heve the

outhority io sign in behalf of the principcl thoi he/she/they represeni/s).

ffifilf$i ifiY tl.AND AND SIAL on the dote ond on the ploce firsl
cbove mentioned.

soc. Ns.

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