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Reading is the key to learning.teachers often use sayings to motivate

students to read. Reading is one of the skills that needs to be given emphasis and
importance. It is the pre-requisite for better developing higher order thinking skills.
Reading fluency is the ability to read quickly and easily. It also means decoding words
accurately and automatically and understand those words as you read.
Reading clearly introduces young people to new words so they link between
reading for pleasure and vocabulary development and comprehension skills is
expected. Moreover, reading also introduces young people to new ideas, along with
teaching new vocabulary, it helps them understand and absorb new information and
concepts in school. Independent reading may also promote a more self-sufficient
approach to learning in general.
Public school-teachers encounter problem with regard to the reading ability of
students. They dont possess adequate reading comprehension skill to do what is
expected of them. Without comprehension, reading is simply following words on the
page from left to right while sounding them out. The words on the page have no
meaning. And while people read for many different reasons, he main objective is to
derive some understanding of what the writer is trying to convey and make use of
that information whether for fact gathering data, learning a new skill, or for pleasure.
Thats why reading comprehension skills are so important.
The teachers in Grade Four of Tanza Elementary School desire to level up the
reading competencies of the students by equipping them through the reading
intervention which can be easily achieved because it is is specifically designed
according to their needs
The research concern is to improve the non and slow readers reading
competencies. Based on Phil-IRI result, some students dont have the required
reading competencies which is a pre-requisite to achieve learning.
The desire to help the increase the students level of reading competency and
help improve the academic performance of the students and the academic index of
the school for promotion to the next level.
After the administration of the Phil-IRI-Pre-reading, Dolch Basic Sight Words,
and one-on-one oral reading, five students from each class were evaluated non-word
readers and would undergo the reading intervention program.
The steps the teachers are going to accomplish this program are as follow:
Gathering of reading materials that suited to the respondents needs
An hour after class remedial reading
Assessment of reading competency based on Phil-IRI
Assessment of reading competency based on Dolch Basic Sight

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