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What are PV diagrams?

Consider a gas sealed in a container with a tightly fitting yet movable piston
as seen below. We can do work on the gas by pressing the piston downward,
and we can heat up the gas by placing the container over a flame or
submerging it in a bath of boiling water. When we subject the gas to these
thermodynamics processes, the pressure and volume of the gas can change.

A convenient way to visualize these changes in the pressure and volume is by

using a Pressure Volume diagram or PV diagram for short. Each point on a
PV diagram corresponds to a different state of the gas. The pressure is given
on the vertical axis and the volume is given on the horizontal axis, as seen

Every point on a PV diagram represents a different state for the gas (one for
every possible volume and pressure). As a gas goes through a
thermodynamics process, the state of the gas will shift around in the PV
diagram, tracing out a path as it moves (as shown in the diagram below).

Being able to decode the information shown in a PV diagram allows us to

make statements about the change in internal energy \Delta UUdelta, U,
heat transferred QQQ, and work done WWW on a gas. In the sections below,
we'll explain how to decipher the hidden information contained in a PV

Note: Unless otherwise specified, we will assume that the work WWW refers
to the work done on the gas.
How do we determine the sign of the work done
from a PV diagram?
Let's say our gas starts out in the state shown in the PV diagram below.

If we press the piston downward, the volume of the gas will decrease, so
the state must shift to the left toward smaller volumes (as seen in the
diagram below). Since the gas is being compressed we can also say for sure
that positive work WWW is being done on the gas.

Similarly, if we let the gas expand, pushing the piston upward, the volume
of the gas will increase, so the state must shift to the right toward larger
volumes (as seen in the diagram below). Since the gas is expanding we can
also say for sure that negative work WWW is being done on the gas.

So if we ever see a state shifting to the left on a PV diagram we can say for
sure that the work done on the gas was positive. Similarly, if we ever see a
state shifting to the right on a PV diagram we can say for sure that the work
done on the gas was negative.

How do we determine the magnitude of the

work done from a PV diagram?
The work done during a thermodynamic process is equal to the area under
the curve as seen in the diagram below.
The reason why work is equal to the area under the curve is that,
W=F\Delta x =(PA)\Delta x=P(A\Delta x)=P\Delta
VW=Fx=(PA)x=P(Ax)=PVW, equals, F, delta, x, equals, left
parenthesis, P, A, right parenthesis, delta, x, equals, P, left parenthesis, A,
delta, x, right parenthesis, equals, P, delta, V

And since P\Delta VPVP, delta, V is just the \text{height} \times \text{
width}height widthh, e, i, g, h, t, times, space, w, i, d, t, h of the rectangle
shown above, the work is equal to the area. If we use pressure units
of \text{pascals}pascalsp, a, s, c, a, l, s and volume units of \text{m}^3m3m,
start superscript, 3, end superscript then the energy we find will be in units
of \text{joules}joulesj, o, u, l, e, s.
[Why are the units J?]

W=P\Delta VW, equals, P, delta, V

N}\times\text{m}=\text{joules}open bracket, P, a, close bracket, open
bracket, m, start superscript, 3, end superscript, close bracket, equals, open
bracket, start fraction, N, divided by, m, start superscript, 2, end superscript,
end fraction, close bracket, open bracket, m, start superscript, 3, end
superscript, close bracket, equals, N, times, m, equals, j, o, u, l, e, s

\text{atm}a, t, m\text{liters}l, i, t, e, r, s\text{pascals}p, a, s, c, a, l,

s\text{m}^3m, start superscript, 3, end superscript\text{J}J

\text{atm}a, t, m\text{liters}l, i, t, e, r, s

1 \text{ atm}=1.013\times 10^5 \text{ Pa}1, space, a, t, m, equals, 1, point,

013, times, 10, start superscript, 5, end superscript, space, P, a
1 \text{ L}=0.001 \text{ m}^31, space, L, equals, 0, point, 001, space, m,
start superscript, 3, end superscript

We have to be really careful with signs though. If the path on a PV diagram is

directed to the left, the volume is decreasing, and positive work is being done
on the gas. If the path on a PV diagram is directed to the right (as in the
diagram above), the volume is increasing, and negative work is being done
on the gas since W_\text{by gas}=-W_\text{on gas}Wby gas=Won gasW, start
subscript, b, y, space, g, a, s, end subscript, equals, minus, W, start subscript,
o, n, space, g, a, s, end subscript.

It doesn't matter what shape the path takes, the area under the curve will still
represent the work done. For any curved path we can imagine breaking the
area into an infinite amount of infinitesimally thin rectangles.


The area of each rectangle would represent the work done during each
infinitesimal step, and the sum of the areas would represent the total work
done for the entire process.
[What if there is a closed path for a cyclic process?]

It should be said that we are always going to assume these processes are
taking place slowly enough that the entire gas can be at thermodynamic
equilibrium at every moment (i.e. the same temperature throughout the gas).
If this seems dubious to you, you're right to question it. However, even
though basically no real world processes will exactly satisfy this requirement,
our ability to model many thermodynamic processes are not fatally
jeopardized by this lack of adherence to ideal circumstances.
How do we determine the sign of \Delta
UUdelta, U from a PV diagram?
Remember that internal energy and temperature are proportional U \propto
TUT. So if the temperature increases, the internal energy must also

Now, if the gas we're considering is an ideal gas we also know that,
PV=Nk_BTPV=NkBTP, V, equals, N, k, start subscript, B, end subscript,

And if no gas is allowed to escape (so the number of molecules NNN is

constant) we can say that PV \propto TPVT. All of this means that,

\Large U \propto T \propto PVUTPV

So if the quantity of pressure times volume (P \times V)(PV)left parenthesis,
P, times, V, right parenthesis increases, the temperature TTT and internal
energy UUU must also increase (which makes \Delta UUdelta, Upositive).
This idea is represented in the diagram shown below.

This means that anytime the state in a PV diagram ends up further up and
right than where it started, \Delta UUdelta, U is a positive number.
Similarly, anytime the state in a PV diagram ends up further down and left
than where it started, \Delta UUdelta, U is a negative number.

Now if the state in the PV diagram moves up and left (pressure increases and
volume decreases), or down and right (pressure decreases and volume
increases), it is a little ambiguous whether the quantity (P \times V)(PV)left
parenthesis, P, times, V, right parenthesis actually increased or decreased
(since one variable increased and the other variable decreased). To be sure,
one would have to check the exact values of the initial and
final PPP and VVV on the axes of the graph to tell if the quantity (P \times
V)(PV)left parenthesis, P, times, V, right parenthesisactually increased or

It is also good to note that if the quantity (P \times V)(PV)left parenthesis,

P, times, V, right parenthesis does not change, then the temperature TTT and
internal energy UUU do not change either. For instance, if the pressure
doubles, and the volume is cut in half, (P \times V)(PV)left parenthesis, P,
times, V, right parenthesis remains the same value (since 2P \times
\dfrac{V}{2}=PV2P2V=PV2, P, times, start fraction, V, divided by, 2, end
fraction, equals, P, V). the temperature TTT and internal energy UUU will
end the process with the same values they started with.

How do we determine the sign of QQQ from a

PV diagram?
Given a PV diagram, we typically have to rely on the first law of
thermodynamics \Delta U=Q+WU=Q+Wdelta, U, equals, Q, plus, W to
determine the sign of the net heat that enters or exits a gas. If we solve this
equation for the heat QQQ we get,
Q=\Delta U-WQ=UWQ, equals, delta, U, minus, W
Now that we know this, we can use what we know about finding the sign
of \Delta UUdelta, U and WWW to find the sign of QQQ in many cases. So
for instance, if the change in internal energy is positive and the work done is
Q=(+)-(-)=+\qquadQ=(+)()=+Q, equals, left parenthesis, plus, right
parenthesis, minus, left parenthesis, minus, right parenthesis, equals, plus,
space ...the net heat must be positive.

Which makes sense, since if the internal energy increased even though work
was done by the gas, that implies that more heat must have entered the gas
than energy lost due to the work done by the gas.

Or for example, if the internal energy decreases and the work is positive,

Q=(-)-(+)=-\qquadQ=()(+)=Q, equals, left parenthesis, minus, right

parenthesis, minus, left parenthesis, plus, right parenthesis, equals, minus,
space ...the net heat must be negative.

Which makes sense, since if the internal energy decreased even though work
was done on the gas, that implies that more heat must have left the gas than
energy gained by the gas from work being done on it.

What do solved examples involving PV

diagrams look like?

Example 1: Finding signs

An ideal gas in a sealed container is taken through the process shown in the
PV diagram below.

Select the correct statement about the signs of the following quantities:
change in internal energy of the gas \Delta UUdelta, U, net work done
on the gas W,W,W, comma and net heat that enters the gas QQQ
Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:

\Delta UUdelta, U is negative, WWW is negative, QQQ is positive

\Delta UUdelta, U is negative, WWW is positive, QQQ is negative

\Delta UUdelta, U is negative, WWW is positive, QQQ is positive

\Delta UUdelta, U is positive, WWW is negative, QQQ is positive

[What is the solution?]

P \times VP, times, VPPVV\Delta Udelta, U



Q=\Delta U-WQ, equals, delta, U, minus, W

\Delta Udelta, UWW

Q=(-)-(+)=-Q, equals, left parenthesis, minus, right parenthesis, minus, left

parenthesis, plus, right parenthesis, equals, minus


Example 2: Finding area

An ideal gas in a sealed container is taken through the process shown in the
PV diagram below. The initial volume of the gas is V_i=0.25 \text{m}^3Vi
=0.25m3V, start subscript, i, end subscript, equals, 0, point, 25, m, start
superscript, 3, end superscript and the final volume of the gas is V_f=0.75
\text{m}^3Vf=0.75m3V, start subscript, f, end subscript, equals, 0, point, 75,
m, start superscript, 3, end superscript. The initial pressure of the gas
is P_i=70,000 \text{ Pa}Pi=70,000 PaP, start subscript, i, end subscript,
equals, 70, comma, 000, space, P, a and the final pressure of the gas
is P_f=160,000 \text{ Pa}Pf=160,000 PaP, start subscript, f, end subscript,
equals, 160, comma, 000, space, P, a.

What is the work done on the gas during the process shown?


We can find the work done by determining the total area under the curve on a
PV diagram. We have to make sure we use the total area, all the way down to
the volume axis. For instance, we can imagine viewing the area under the
curve in the example shown above as a triangle and a rectangle (as seen

Now we just find the sum of the areas of the triangle and rectangle. The
height of the rectangle is the pressure P_iPiP, start subscript, i, end
subscript and the width of the rectangle is the change in volume \Delta
V=V_f-V_iV=VfVidelta, V, equals, V, start subscript, f, end subscript,
minus, V, start subscript, i, end subscript. So,

\blueD{\text{area 1}}=\text{height} \times \text{width}

\quadarea 1=heightwidthstart color blueD, a, r, e, a, space, 1, end color
blueD, equals, h, e, i, g, h, t, times, w, i, d, t, h, space (area of the rectangle)
\blueD{\text{area 1}}=P_i \times \Delta V \quadarea 1=PiVstart color
blueD, a, r, e, a, space, 1, end color blueD, equals, P, start subscript, i, end
subscript, times, delta, V, space (height is P_iPiP, start subscript, i, end
subscript and width is \Delta VVdelta, V)

\blueD{\text{area 1}}=(70,000\text{ Pa}) \times (0.75\text{m}^3-

0.25\text{m}^3)\quadarea 1=(70,000 Pa)(0.75m30.25m3)start color blueD,
a, r, e, a, space, 1, end color blueD, equals, left parenthesis, 70, comma, 000,
space, P, a, right parenthesis, times, left parenthesis, 0, point, 75, m, start
superscript, 3, end superscript, minus, 0, point, 25, m, start superscript, 3, end
superscript, right parenthesis, space (plug in values)

\blueD{\text{area 1}}=35,000 \text{ J} \quadarea 1=35,000 Jstart color

blueD, a, r, e, a, space, 1, end color blueD, equals, 35, comma, 000, space, J,
space (calculate)

We can find the area of a triangle by using A=\dfrac{1}{2}bhA=21bhA,

equals, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, b, h.

\greenD{\text{area 2}}=\dfrac{1}{2}bh \quadarea 2=21bhstart color greenD,

a, r, e, a, space, 2, end color greenD, equals, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2,
end fraction, b, h, space (area of the triangle)

\greenD{\text{area 2}}=\dfrac{1}{2}b(160,000\text{Pa}-70,000\text{ Pa})

\quadarea 2=21b(160,000Pa70,000 Pa)start color greenD, a, r, e, a, space, 2,
end color greenD, equals, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, b, left
parenthesis, 160, comma, 000, P, a, minus, 70, comma, 000, space, P, a, right
parenthesis, space (the height of the triangle is the difference in
pressures P_f-P_iPfPiP, start subscript, f, end subscript, minus, P, start
subscript, i, end subscript)
\greenD{\text{area 2}}=\dfrac{1}{2} (0.75\text{m}^3-
0.25\text{m}^3)(160,000\text{Pa}-70,000\text{ Pa}) \quadarea 2=21(0.75m3
0.25m3)(160,000Pa70,000 Pa)start color greenD, a, r, e, a, space, 2, end
color greenD, equals, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, left
parenthesis, 0, point, 75, m, start superscript, 3, end superscript, minus, 0,
point, 25, m, start superscript, 3, end superscript, right parenthesis, left
parenthesis, 160, comma, 000, P, a, minus, 70, comma, 000, space, P, a, right
parenthesis, space (the base of the triangle is the difference in volumes V_f-
V_iVfViV, start subscript, f, end subscript, minus, V, start subscript, i, end

\greenD{\text{area 2}}=22,500 \text{ J} \quadarea 2=22,500 Jstart color

greenD, a, r, e, a, space, 2, end color greenD, equals, 22, comma, 500, space,
J, space (calculate)

So the total area under the curve is 35,000 \text{ J} + 22,500 \text{
J}=57,500 \text{ J}35,000 J+22,500 J=57,500 J35, comma, 000, space, J,
plus, 22, comma, 500, space, J, equals, 57, comma, 500, space, J

This area represents the absolute value of the total work done during the
process. To determine the sign of the work done on the gas we notice that the
process moves the state to the right, causing the gas to expand. When gas
expands the work done on the gas is negative. So,

W_\text{on gas}=-57,500 \text{ J}\quadWon gas=57,500 JW, start subscript,

o, n, space, g, a, s, end subscript, equals, minus, 57, comma, 500, space, J,
space (celebrate)

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