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Tween 6

Maria Emlia Gonalves

Margarida Coelho
Reviso Cientfica e Lingustica: David A.

A Guio de explorao das transparncias

B Worksheets
Answer Key Worksheets
Answer Key Students Book
Scripts Students Book
2 Tween 6

Todos os contedos desta brochura esto disponveis para os
professores adotantes deste projeto em
Guio de explorao das transparncias 3
4 Tween 6

Guio de explorao
das transparncias

Guio de explorao das transparncias 5


UNIT 1 | All about me! UNIT 1 | All about me!

1 The British Isles 2 The USA

Sugere-se a utilizao desta Utilizar esta transparncia para
transparncia para recordar os alargar o conhecimento dos alunos
nomes dos pases que fazem parte sobre os Estados Unidos.
do Reino Unido e de alguns 1. How many states are there in
monumentos de Londres. the USA?
1. What is the name of the 2. What is its capital city?
largest island?
3. What is the American flag
2. How many countries can you called?
see there?
4. Where can you see the Statue
3. What are their names? of Liberty?
4. Which country is not part of 5. What is the national summer
the UK? sport in the USA?
5. What is the capital of each 6.
6. Where does the British
monarch live?
6 Tween 6


UNIT 1 | All about me! UNIT 2 | Family Fun

3 Describing people 4 Jobs

Pedir aos alunos para identificarem e Pedir aos alunos para identificarem
des-creverem as personalidades e os empregos representados nas
personagens apresentadas na imagens. Recorrer repetio para
transparncia. Este conjunto de melhor consolidao. Propor
imagens permite tambm rever o exerccios de prtica, como por
nome de peas de vesturio, calado exemplo, Guess the job:
e acessrios. 1. She catches criminals. She is
Retirar a transparncia e propor um a
jogo de memorizao.
2. He teaches pupils. He is a
1. Is Daniela Ruahs hair blonde?
3. She treats sick animals. She is
2. What is Marizas hair like? a
3. Shrek and Fiona are thin, arent 4. He repairs cars. He is a
5. He works on a farm. He is a
4. Is Kate Middletons hat big or
6. He fights fires. He is a
7. He detects crimes. He is a
5. How many balloons has Carl got?
8. He flies planes. He is a
6. Is Carl wearing a bow tie?
9. He drives a taxi. He is a
7. Is Malato wearing a tie?
10. He treats your teeth. He is a
8. What colour are Russells socks?
9. What colour are Hannah
Montanas skirt and boots?
Guio de explorao das transparncias 7


UNIT 3 | Daily Routines UNIT 4 | At School

5 Present Simple and 6 School rooms/places

Present Continuous Utilizar esta transparncia para
Aproveitar a sequncia de imagens apresentar a rea lexical School
para praticar o present simple e o rooms/places. Em interao com a
present continuous. turma, fazer perguntas sobre a
1. What do the ladybirds usually do imagem:
in the evening? 1. What can you see in the picture?
2. What is the rabbit doing at the 2. How big is this school?
moment? 3. How many buildings has it got?
3. What does the cat drink for 4. How many floors are there in the
breakfast? main building?
4. What is the monkey doing now? 5. Look at the first floor. What rooms
5. Are the dragonflies eating pizza? can you see there?
6. What are the fishes doing? 6. What rooms are there on the
7. What does the koala do on ground floor?
Saturdays? 7. Where is the gym?
8. 8. Has the school got a sports field?
Does the elephant play chess at the 9. What other places are there
weekend? around this school?
9. Is the dinosaur cooking?
10. What is the dog doing?
8 Tween 6


UNIT 4 | At School UNIT 5 | School is Great!

7 In the classroom 8 Earth problems

Pedir aos alunos para observarem a Pedir aos alunos para observarem as
ima-gem e identificarem as pessoas e imagens e dizer que estas ilustram
os objetos da sala de aula: alguns dos problemas da terra.
1. Who are the people in the Escrever o vocabulrio no quadro:
picture? Earth problems
Water pollution
2. What are they doing?
Land pollution
3. What can you see on the Air pollution
teachers desk? Deforestation
4. What have the students got on Climate change
their tables? Animals in danger

5. Where is the wastepaper Propor a repetio das palavras

basket? individualmente, em pares ou no
grupo turma. De seguida, pedir aos
alunos que legendem as imagens de
Memory game 1 a 7 com o vocabulrio apresentado.
Retirar a transparncia e pedir aos Poder-se-, tambm, levar a turma a
alunos para escreverem os nomes mencionar outros animais em perigo.
dos objetos. O aluno que disser e
escrever o maior nmero de palavras
corretamente ser o vencedor.
Guio de explorao das transparncias 9


UNIT 6 | Around Town

1 Giving directions
Utilizar esta transparncia para
praticar as preposies ou locues
prepositivas de lugar e a inteno de
comunicao Asking for and giving
Where is the museum? And the
Imagine that I am at the caf. Can
you tell me the way to the museum?

Propor aos alunos para, em trabalho

de pares, praticarem dilogos
semelhantes, oralmente e por
10 Tween 6


UNIT 6 | Around Town UNIT 7 | Summer Time

1 Shops 1 Adverbs of manner

1 interao com a turma, pedir aos
Em 2
Sugere-se a utilizao desta
alunos para identificarem as lojas transparncia para introduzir/praticar
ilustradas na transparncia e os advrbios de modo:
descreverem o que vem nas Who are the people in the pictures?
What are they doing?
1. Tell me the names of the
shops you can see in the pictures. Podero surgir as seguintes
2. What are the names of the
toys in the first picture? They are laughing loudly.

3. What is the boy buying? The children are looking at the

turtle excitedly.
4. What is the girl doing in the
second picture? The little girl is playing minigolf
5. What fruits can you see in the
third picture? The girl is juggling with two balls
6. What can you buy at the
butchers? The boy is running quickly.

7. The girls are smiling happily.

12 Tween 6
Worksheets 13

1. This
6. They
We are
a dog.
homework, dog
is Amy.
is very clever.
walls areiswhite.
14 Tween 6

Workshe Countries and
et nationalities

Name No. Class

Date / / Evaluation Teacher

A Match the countries with the corresponding picture.

Then write the correct number next to the nationality.
Liga os pases imagem correspondente. Depois
escreve o nmero correto ao lado da

o) b)

1 Scotland Spanish

2 Russia Italian
n) c)
3 Australia American
4 The USA Chinese

5 Brazil English

m 6 France Indian d)
7 England Canadian

8 Italy Japanese

9 Greece Brazilian
l) e)
1 Spain Portuguese
1 Portugal Russian
1 India French
k) 1 China Greek f)
1 Japan Scottish
1 Canada Australian

j) i) h)

Worksheets 15

et 4 To be

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the sentences with the verb to be in the right form,

negative or affirmative.
Completa as frases com o verbo to be na forma correta, negativa ou afirmativa.

1. Mrs Smith 2. Ann and Kate 3. _______ they at 4. Tom _______ at

_______ at work, _______ tall and the cinema? No, home. He _______
she _______ at thin. they ______. They at school.
home. They _______ top ______ on the
models. beach.

5. ______ Camilla 6. Dylan _______ 7. _______ Jack 8. _______ Mr

in bed? Yes, she
very happy from Lisbon? No, Brown twenty? No,
______. She ______
in bed because because it _______ he _______. He he _______. He
she ______ sick. his birthday. _______ from Paris. _______ thirty.

9. Peter and Carol 10. The kids 11. _______ Bruce 12. The children
_______ in the _______ in London.
_______ in the six years old? Yes,
They _______ in
park. swimming pool. he _________.

13. I _______ from 14. Adonis _______ 15. My umbrella 16. _______ you in
Year 6? Yes, I
Australia. from Greece. This _______ new.
That _______ _______ the
Sydney Opera Parthenon.
16 Tween 6

et 5 Personal
Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Match the questions with the corresponding answers.

Liga as perguntas s respostas correspondentes.

1. Whats your name?

2. Whats your a) The

surname? USA.
b) Miller.
3. How do you spell it?
c) 0745 661
4. How old are you? 3298.
d) M-i-l-l-e-
5. When is your e) Twelve.
f) Brian.
6. Where are you from?
g) 23rd
7. Whats your July.
h) 56 King
8. Whats your address? i)
9. Whats your phone

B Use the information to write a small text about Brian.

Utiliza a informao para escrever um pequeno texto sobre o Brian.






Worksheets 17

et 6 Have got

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Write have got or has got and circle the right word.
Escreve have got ou has got e rodeia a palavra certa.
1. David 6. My sister
__________ curly / __________ a
straight hair. computer / radio.

2. I __________ a 7. Mr Brown
new dress / __________ a
sweater. moustache /
3. We __________ 8. You __________
long / short hair. medium / short

4. The fish 9. Tom and Ann

__________ big / __________ a dog /
small eyes. turtle.

5. You __________ a 10. Wang

lovely necklace / __________ a
umbrella. ponytail /
B Look at the table. Ask questions and give short answers.
Olha para a tabela. Faz as perguntas e d respostas curtas.

Henry and
1. Helen / a printer Has Helen got a printer?No, she hasnt.
2. She / a guitar Has she got a guitar? Yes, she has.
3. She / a radio _______________________? _______________________.
4. She / a bike _______________________? _______________________.
5. Henry and Bill / a printer _______________________?
6. They / a guitar _______________________? _______________________.
7. They / a radio _______________________? _______________________.
18 Tween 6

8. They / a bike _______________________? _______________________.

Worksheets 19

et 7 There + to be

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Farm animals
Follow the example. Write there is or there are.
Segue o exemplo. Escreve there is ou there are.

1.There is a snake. 2._________________ 3._________________ 4.________________

5._________________ 6._________________ 7._________________ 8.________________

9._________________ 10._________________ 11._________________ 12._______________

A Look at the table and complete the sentences. Follow the example.
Olha para a tabela e completa as frases. Segue o exemplo.

1. There are some chickens.
2. _______________________ any turkey.
3. _______________________ a cow? Yes, _______________________.
4. _______________________ any geese? No, _______________________ .
5. _______________________ a donkey.
6. _______________________ some sheep.
20 Tween 6

et 8 A/an/some

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Write a, an or some. Escreve a, an ou some.

1. ________ eagle 2. ________ snail 3. ________ dog 4. ________


5. ________ money 6. ________ elephant 7. ________ milk 8. ________ sheep

9. ________ water 10. ________ eggs 11. ________ duck 12. ________

A, an, the or zero article

B Write a, an, the or zero article. Escreve a, an, the ou omite o artigo.
1. I live on ___________ farm.
2. ___________ Brazil is a big country.
3. ___________ Amanda is ___________ intelligent girl.
4. ___________ Mr Potter has, ___________ cat and ___________ fish.
___________ cat is light brown and ___________ fish is orange.
5. ___________ students are making noise.
6. ___________ book is about animals.
7. ___________ Susan has got ___________ new bike.
8. Theres ___________ elephant in the zoo.
9. ___________ Peter has got ___________ cute dog.
10. We have got ___________ Dalmatian.
Worksheets 21

et 9 To be and have got

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the gaps with the verb to be or have got.

Completa os espaos com o verbo to be ou have got.

1. I ___________ two younger sisters.

2. She ___________ a cat and a dog.
3. Fiona ___________ a secretary.
4. Mike ___________ a fireman.
5. They ___________ my friends.
6. You ___________ long hair.
7. Sally ___________ in my class.
8. We ___________ blue eyes.
9. I ___________ a student.
10. He ___________ a small nose.
11. You ___________ tall.
12. My cat ___________ beautiful eyes.
13. The boys ___________ new bikes.
14. We ___________ good friends.
15. Tom and Emma ___________ freckles.
16. Kims skirt ___________ white.
17. Peter and I ___________ ten years old.
18. My mother ___________ a black dress.
19. My brother ___________ curious and active.
20. Anns schoolbag ___________ pink.
21. They ___________ two children.
22. Their favourite hobby ___________ reading.
22 Tween 6

et 1 Plurals

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Match the pictures and the words in the box. Then write the
Liga as imagens e as palavras da caixa. Depois escreve o plural.

woman witch box family

bus strawberry tooth baby
boy butterfly car child
wolf leaf mouse sheep

1. bus / buses._______ 2. _________________ 3.

_________________ 4.________________

5._________________ 6._________________ 7._________________ 8.________________

9._________________ 10._________________ 11._________________ 12._______________

13._________________ 14._________________ 15._________________ 16._______________

Worksheets 23

et 1 Present Continuous

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the sentences with:

sing eat ride cry dance
Completa as frases com:

1. He ____________________ 2. Emily _________________ 3. John _________________

4. Susan _________________ 5. She ___________________ 6. They_________________

B Ask and answer. Pergunta e responde.

1. ___________ Ann ___________ (watch) 2. ___________ the boys ___________

TV? (swim)?
No, ___________. No, ___________.
She ___________ (take) a photo. They ___________ (play) football.
24 Tween 6

et 1 What time is it?

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

The time

A Draw the hands on the clocks and write true sentences about you.
Desenha os ponteiros nos relgios e escreve frases verdadeiras sobre ti.

I always get up at _________ I have a shower at _________ I have breakfast at


_______________________ ________________________ ________________________

I go to school at __________ School starts at ___________ I have lunch at


_______________________ ________________________ ________________________

I go home at _____________ I have dinner at ___________ I usually go to bed at


_______________________ ________________________ ________________________

Worksheets 25

et 1 Present simple

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Choose the correct answer and match the sentences with the
Escolhe a resposta certa e liga as frases s imagens.

1. I _____________ my bike after school every day.

a) ride b) rides
2. Peter _____________ TV in the evening.
a) watch b) watches

3. My friends _____________ football after school.

a) play b) plays
4. Carol and Ann _____________ to school by bus.
a) go b) goes D

5. Thomas usually _____________ to the beach at

the weekend.
a) goes b) go

6. Michael is fat because he _____________ too much. E

a) eat b) eats F

7. I always _____________ a book before going to bed.

a) read b) reads

8. Brian _____________ two sisters.
a) has b) have H

9. I _____________ in a very beautiful house.

a) live b) lives

10. My father is a pilot. He _____________ planes. I

a) fly b) flies
26 Tween 6

et 1 Present simple

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Find the verbs and write them under the correct picture.
Encontra os verbos e escreve-os debaixo da imagem correta.

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4.


5. ________________ 6. ________________ 7. ________________ 8.


B Look at the pictures again. Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the verbs.
Olha de novo para as imagens. Completa as frases com a forma correta dos

1. My sister _____________________ baseball on Saturdays.

2. Peter usually _____________________ TV after dinner.
3. Laura _____________________ fast.
4. They _____________________ the bus at half past eight.
5. He _____________________ a sandwich for breakfast.
6. She _____________________ her face in the morning.
Worksheets 27

7. Peter _____________________ his bike after school.

8. I usually _____________________ a book in the library.
28 Tween 6

et 1 Present simple

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Circle the correct answer. Rodeia a resposta correta.

1. We play / plays baseball at the weekend.

2. Michael and Martin dont like / doesnt like basketball.
3. Lucy dont wash / doesnt wash her dog every day.
4. My friends go / goes to school by bus.
5. You dont do / doesnt do your homework regularly.
6. She brush / brushes her hair before going to school.

B Fill in the gaps with dont or doesnt.

Preenche os espaos com dont or doesnt.

1. My father _________________ like golf.

2. Chris _________________ watch TV in the afternoon.
3. Tessa and Tom _________________ go to work by car.
4. They _________________ go to work at the weekend.
5. Lia _________________ go to the cinema once a week.
6. You _________________ eat soup every day.
7. She _________________ drink coffee at night.
8. We _________________ like reading detective stories.

C Correct the mistakes.

Corrige os erros.

1. Mr Jackson love fishing. __________________________________

2. He doesnt likes tennis. ___________________________________
3. We studies in our bedroom. _______________________________
4. They not live in Portugal. _________________________________
5. We doesnt go to the circus very often._______________________
6. Does he wakes up early?___________________________________
7. Does Sam and Carol like handball? __________________________
Worksheets 29

et 1 Present simple

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the table.

Completa a tabela.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

They are late for school.
We eat vegetables.
They dont drink beer.
She gets up at 7.
He doesnt speak French.
Do you play chess?

B Write sentences in the present simple. Escreve frases no Presente do

1. what / you / have / for breakfast / ?

2. I / be / never / late for work / .


3. she / be / from Australia / ?


4. my friends / study / hard / .


5. we / not / work / on Sundays / .


6. they / not / have / lunch at home / .


7. Mr Smith / not / like / fish / .


8. Jim / work / in Viseu / .

30 Tween 6

Worksheets 31

et 1 Adverbs of
Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Write sentences. Use the adverbs

of frequency. Follow the code.
They / go / to the
Escreve frases. Usa os advrbios
park /
de frequncia. Segue o cdigo.

in the afternoon




1. __________________________

He / make / his bed He / cook / dinner

2. __________________________ 3. __________________________

He / have / a
They / be / late for
shower /

in the morning

4. __________________________ 5. __________________________
32 Tween 6

et 1 Question Words

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Choose the correct question word. Match the questions and the
Escolhe o pronome interrogativo correto. Liga as perguntas s respostas.

1. _____________________ is your name?

2. _____________________ old are you?
3. _____________________ do you live?
4. _____________________ do you usually get up?
5. _____________________ do you have for breakfast?
6. _____________________ do you usually go to school? How When
7. _____________________ do you do your homework? often Who
8. _____________________ do you go to the gym every day?
Where What
How time
9. _____________________ Ms Palmer?
What Why
10. _____________________ is your favourite sport?
11. _____________________ do you go to the cinema?

a. I live in London. g. My name is Joe.

b. Because I love sports. h. On foot.

c. Basketball. i. Milk and cereals.

d. I get up at 7 oclock. j. In the afternoon.

e. Twice a month. k. Im eleven.

f. She is my Physical Education teacher.

B Ask the questions. Faz as perguntas.

1. __________________________________________________________________________?
Michael goes to work by train.
2. __________________________________________________________________________?
He has breakfast at the caf.
3. __________________________________________________________________________?
Worksheets 33

He plays football after work.

4. __________________________________________________________________________?
Because he wants to be fit and healthy.
34 Tween 6

et 1 Weekend activities

Name No. Class

Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Match the activities with the pictures. Liga as atividades s imagens.

1. going to the cinema

2. fishing

3. vacuum-cleaning the floor

4. watching TV

5. gardening a) b)

6. doing puzzles

7. washing the car

8. skateboarding

9. skiing

10. painting
c) d)

e) f) g)

h) i) j)
Worksheets 35

2 Present Simple and Present

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Write the verbs in the present simple or present continuous.

Escreve os verbos no present simple ou present continuous.

1. Sam always _________________ (play) football in the afternoon.

2. His parents _________________ (watch) a film now.
3. Look! The baby _________________ (smile).
4. They never _________________ (go) to school by train.
5. Listen! Your mobile phone _________________ (ring).
6. At the moment Mrs Smith _________________ (read) a book.
7. Brian sometimes _________________ (make) a cake.
8. Susan usually _________________ (drink) a glass of milk before going to bed,
but today she _________________ (eat) a sandwich.

B Make sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous.

Faz frases. Usa o present simple ou o present continuous.

1. Peter and Carol / go / to the park / every Saturday / .

2. John / not play / volleyball / at the moment / .
3. she / do / her homework / now / ?
4. Margaret / ride / her bike / on Sundays / ?
5. We / not watch / TV / on Sundays / .
6 Today / you / take / photos / .
36 Tween 6

2 Prepositions of time

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Circle the correct preposition.

Rodeia a preposio correta.

1. My father goes to work early in / on the morning.

2. He leaves home on / at 7 oclock.
3. He has lunch at / in midday.
4. He comes back home on / in the late afternoon.
5. He likes to watch TV in / at the evening.
6. We play football together at / on Saturday morning.
7. His summer holidays are in / on August.
8. We visit our family in / at summer.

B Complete the sentences with on, in or at.

Completa as frases com on, in ou at.

1. I go to school ______ weekdays.

2. I go to the gym ______ Tuesdays and Thursdays.
3. I play basketball with my sister ______ the weekends.
4. My sister sometimes goes out ______ Saturday night.
5. Sundays I get up ______ 10 oclock.
6. I visit my grandparents ______ Easter.
7. My birthday is ______ April.
8. I was born ______ 2003.
9. My sisters birthday is ______ 1st May.
10. Were having a birthday party ______ Friday afternoon.
11. I go on holiday ______ July.
12. I go skiing ______ winter.

C Complete the sentences about you.

Completa as frases sobre ti.

1. ________________________________________ spring.
2. ________________________________________ New Year's Eve.
3. ________________________________________ Christmas.
4. ________________________________________ September.
Worksheets 37

2 Possessive case

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Circle the correct option.

Rodeia a opo correta.

1. Lucys / Lucys sister is ten years old.

2. My brothers / brothers name is Jim.
3. My parents / parents car is old.
4. James / Jamess sports bag is green.
5. The girls / girls skates are black and white.
6. These are my childrens / childrens toys.
7. Janes and Jacks / Jane and Jacks bike is new.
8. New York / New Yorks taxis are yellow.

B Complete the sentences. Use possessive forms as in the example.

Completa as frases. Usa formas possessivas como no exemplo.

1. This is the boys basketball. (boy)

2. These are the grammar books. (boys)
3. ____________________ car is modern. (Ms Barnes)
4. ____________________ children go to my school. (Ms Millar)
5. ____________________ wife is very nice. (Mr Morris)
6. My ____________________ lunch boxes are in our classroom. (friends)
7. My best ____________________ guitar plays very well. (friend)
8. ____________________ computer is very fast. (Alex and Joe)
9. Those ____________________ office is on the first floor. (men)

C Write sentences using the possessive case. Follow the example.

Escreve frases usando o caso possessivo. Segue o exemplo.

1. Molly / English book Its Mollys English book.

2. Karl / football boots _________________________________________________
3. Charles / Maths teacher _________________________________________________
4. Sue and Don / daughter _________________________________________________
5. The policemen / motorbikes
6. The teachers / room _________________________________________________
38 Tween 6

7. The students / school things

Worksheets 39

2 Possessive pronouns

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the sentences with a possessive pronoun.

Completa as frases com um pronome possessivo.

1. That pencil case is mine . (my)

2. Is that ruler ________________? (your)
3. Those books are ________________. (their)
4. That pencil is ________________. (his)
5. Is this wallet ________________? (her)
6. Those bags are ________________. (our)

B Complete each sentence with a possessive pronoun.

Completa cada frase com um pronome possessivo.

1. That skateboard belongs to my brother. Its his.

2. That schoolbag belongs to me. Its ___________.
3. That green house belongs to Mr and Mrs Smith. Its ___________.
4. The pink bike belongs to Vera. Its ___________.
5. This English book belongs to you. Its ___________.
6. This CD player belongs to me and my brother. Its ___________.
7. This pen belongs to my mother. Its ___________.

C Choose the right word.

Escolhe a palavra correta.

1. Is this pencil my / mine or your / yours?

2. Whose scarf is that? Its her / hers.
3. Whose scissors are those? Your / Yours or my / mine?
4. I dont have an umbrella. Can I take your / yours?
5. Thats not my / mine car. My / Mine is black.
6. Our / Ours house is bigger than your / yours.
7. Theyve got three dogs, but I dont know their / theirs names.
8. Peter has got a big flat. Its / Its windows face south.
9. Ive got two sisters. Their / Theirs bicycles are over there.
10. Is this your / yours puppy? No, its not my / mine.
40 Tween 6

2 Modal verbs

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Choose the right verb to complete the sentences.

Escolhe o verbo correto para completar as frases. can must mustnt
School rules
1. You ___________ 2. You ___________
ask your teacher be quiet in the
questions. school library.

3. You ___________ 4. You ___________

run during breaks. listen to your

5. You ___________ 6. You ___________

write on the desk. play during

7. You ___________ 8. You ___________

shout in class. walk on the grass.

B What would you say in these situations? Use may or can.

O que dirias nestas situaes? Usa may ou can.

1. ask a question 2. come in 3. go to the toilet 4. answer the


1. May I ask a question? 3. _________________________________

2. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________
Worksheets 41

2 Comparatives

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the sentences with:

Completa as frases com: more than as

Pet Shop

1. The puppy is ________________ expensive than the kitten.

2. The fish is cheaper ________________ the hamster.
3. The parrot is ________________ colourful than the goldfish.
4. The kitten is bigger ________________ the hamster.
5. The puppy is as cute ________________ the kitten.
6. The puppy is slower ________________ the hamster.

B Rewrite the sentences using comparative adjectives.

Reescreve as frases usando o comparativo dos adjetivos.

1. Paul is 1.65m. Peter is 1.60m. (tall)

Paul is taller than Peter.
2. Peter weighs 75 kilos. Paul weighs 60 kilos. (heavy)
Peter _______________________________________
Peter Paul
3. Paul is 14 years old. Peter is 18 years old. (old)
4. Pauls sweatshirt cost 30. Peters sweatshirt cost 25. (expensive)
Pauls sweatshirt was
5. Peter always gets up at seven oclock. Paul gets up at half past seven. (early)
Peter gets up
42 Tween 6

6. Peters mother drives at 50 km per hour. Pauls mother drives at 60 km per

hour. (fast)
Pauls mother
Worksheets 43

2 Superlatives / Comparatives

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the sentences using the superlative.

Completa as frases usando o superlativo.

1. Jimmy Carrey is the funniest (funny) actor in the film.

2. He is ________________________ (important) person I know.
3. Carol is ________________________ (pretty) girl in class.
4. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of ________________________ (fast) football players in
the world.
5. Who is ________________________ (rich) person you know?
6. Who is ________________________ (old) person in your family?
7. Who is ________________________ (young) person in your family?
8. London is ________________________ (expensive) city in England.
9. New York is ________________________ (noisy) city in the USA.
10. This is ________________________ (good) school in the city.
11. That is ________________________ (beautiful) garden in the city.
12. Today is ________________________ (hot) day of the summer.

B Choose the right answer. Escolhe a resposta correta.

1. Lisbon is _______________ than Coimbra.

a) big b) bigger c) biggest
2. My sister is three years _______________ than me.
a) young b) younger c) youngest
3. These shoes are the _______________ I have.
a) more modern b) most modern c) modern
4. This film is the _______________ story in the world.
a) most romantic b) romantic c) more romantic
5. The climate in Portugal is _______________ than in Sweden.
a) warmer b) warmest c) warm
6. Yakustsk, in Russia, is the _______________ city in the world.
a) cold b) colder c) coldest
44 Tween 6

2 Object personal pronouns

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined

words by an object personal pronoun.
Reescreve as frases. Substitui as palavras sublinhadas por um
pronome pessoal forma complemento.

1. Look at Daniel! Look at him!

2. Look at those boys! ____________________________________
3. Open the window, please. _______________________________
4. Can you help my sister and me? __________________________
5. The magazines are for you and your brother.
6. This is a present for my aunt. ____________________________

B Complete the sentences with an object personal pronoun.

Completa as frases com um pronome pessoal forma complemento.

1. This is a picture of my new house. Look at ____________.

2. I dont know that girl. Do you know ____________?
3. Im speaking to you. Please listen to ____________.
4. Were going out. Why dont you come with ____________?
5. Do you know that man? Yes, I work with ____________.
6. Paul needs this book. Please give ____________ to ____________.

C Complete the sentences. Use subject and object personal

Completa as frases. Usa pronomes pessoais forma sujeito ou complemento.

1. I have a lot of cousins but ____________ live far from us.

2. My sister has a new job but ____________ doesnt
like very much.
3. I cant find my schoolbag. Where is ____________?
4. These photos are good. Look at ____________.
5. Where is she? I want to talk to ____________.
Worksheets 45

2 To be Past simple

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Rewrite the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.

Reescreve as frases na forma negativa e interrogativa.

1. They were in Manchester last weekend.

They werent in Manchester last weekend.
Were they in Manchester last weekend?
2. Vera and Jim were at the cinema yesterday.
3. The film was funny. The Lowry Arts Centre,
___________________________________________. Manchester.

4. It was very cold yesterday.
5. Tom and I were at the shopping centre last Sunday.
6. She was on holiday with her parents.

B Complete the questions to get the answers.

Completa as perguntas para obteres as respostas.

1. When were you born? I was born in 1998.

2. Where ______________________________? I was born in Lisbon.
3. How old ______________________________? I was two in 2000.
4. Where ______________________________? My primary school was near my
5. What ______________________________? My favourite film was Ninja Turtles.
6. Who ______________________________? My favourite actor was Tom Cruise.
46 Tween 6

3 There + to be Past simple

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the sentences with:

Completa as frases com: There was Was there
There Were
1. ___________________ a pop concert by the were there
Jonas Brothers yesterday.
2. ___________________ many people at the concert?
Yes, ___________________ many people there.
3. ___________________ a party at your school last Saturday?
Yes, ___________________ a party at my school.
4. ___________________ many students there?
Yes, ___________________ many students.
5. __________________ enough food for everyone? Yes, __________________ a lot
of food.
6. __________________ many drinks? Yes, __________________ water, juice and

B Ask and answer the questions, using the information given.

Faz as perguntas e responde, usando a informao dada.

1. a football match Was there a football match yesterday?

Yes, there was.
2. many policemen ____________________________ at
the stadium?
Yes, ____________________________.
3. many cars ____________________________ near the stadium?
No, ____________________________.
4. many people ____________________________ watching the match?
Yes, ____________________________.
5. many fans ____________________________ there?
Yes, ____________________________.
Worksheets 47

6 a party ____________________________ to celebrate your teams

No, ____________________________.
48 Tween 6

3 Past simple Regular verbs

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

Pe os verbos entre parnteses no passado simples.

1. I phoned (phone) you in the evening.

2. Julia __________________ (wash) her hair after school.
3. Bill __________________ (study) Maths yesterday morning.
4. I __________________ (play) with my dog yesterday afternoon.
5. Edward __________________ (paint) his bedroom walls.
6. My students __________________ (work) a lot yesterday.
7. She __________________ (receive) a postcard from the USA.
8. They __________________ (use) their computer yesterday.

B Look at Steves diary. Write affirmative or negative sentences.

Olha para o dirio do Steve. Escreve frases afirmativas ou negativas.
Public Holiday
1. Steve visited some friends, but he didnt play football. Diary

2. He _________________________________________ Visit some friends

____________________________________________ Play football
3. ____________________________________________ Walk in the park

____________________________________________ Climb a tree

Stay in bed late
4. ____________________________________________
Study for school
Listen to music
C Ask and answer about your last public holiday.
Pergunta e responde sobre o teu ltimo feriado.

1. watch TV Did you watch TV?

Yes, I did. I watched a TV show.
2. cook lunch _____________________________?
3. phone a friend _____________________________?
4. tidy your room _____________________________?
Worksheets 49

3 Prepositions of place

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use in, at or on

and the words in brackets.
Olha para as imagens e responde s perguntas. Usa in, at ou on e as palavras
entre parnteses.

1. (the bus 2. (the garden) 3. (the chair) 4. (the boot)


5. (school) 6. (the table) 7. (the tank) 8. (the shopping

1. Where are the people? They are at the bus stop.
2. Where is the man? _______________________________________________
3. Where is the dog? _______________________________________________
4. Where is the Dalmatian puppy?
5. Where are the students? _______________________________________________
6. Where are the presents? _______________________________________________
7. Where is the fish? _______________________________________________
8. Where are the girls? _______________________________________________

B Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use:

Olha para as imagens e completa as frases. Usa:
behind between
under opposite

1. The cat is 2. The car is 3. Frank is 4. Brian is

______________ ______________ sitting standing
the chair. the lorry. ______________ ______________
50 Tween 6

3 Imperative

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

Stat here.

A Sandra is giving Julia directions to get to her house. Read and

choose the right letter on the city plan (A, B or C).
A Sandra est a dar a direo Jlia para chegar casa dela. L e escolhe a letra
certa na planta da cidade (A, B ou C).

Come out of the school and walk along Park Street. Go past the traffic
lights. My house is after the park on the left.

B Look at the city plan again and complete the directions. Use the
verbs in the box.
Olha outra vez para o plano da cidade e completa as direes. Usa os verbos da

A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the police station? take
B: (1) Come out of the school and (2) ____________ left into cross
Park Street. (3) ____________ the first turning on the right and turn
(4) ____________ along Central Avenue. At the restaurant (5)
____________ Hospital Road. The police station is just at the come

C A tourist wants to go to the pet shop. Give him directions.

Worksheets 51

Um turista quer ir para a loja de animais de estimao. Indica-lhe a direo.

52 Tween 6

3 Adverbs of manner

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Complete the table.

Completa a tabela. Adjective Adverb




B Choose an adverb from A to complete the sentences.

Escolhe um advrbio do exerccio A para completar as frases.

1. She played the 2. When Im in

piano the shower, I
_____________. sing

3. Cant you ride 4. Our team

your bike more played
_____________? ______________
yesterday. We

5. My dogs 6. He drank his

always play cup of milk
______________ _____________.
in the garden.

7. Sebastian 8. Hes ill in bed

drove his car and looked at
_____________. me
Worksheets 53

3 Be going to

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A What are they going to do? Write a sentence for each picture. Use:
O que que eles vo fazer? Escreve uma frase para cada imagem. Usa:

have a party
play the flute
play on the
eat an ice
1. Hes going to 2._______________ 3._______________ monuments
play the flute. _____________ _____________

4._______________ 5._______________ 6._______________ 7._______________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

B Follow the model. Segue o modelo.

1. Jim / see a film Yes
Is Jim going to see a film? Yes, he is.
2. Jill / visit a museum? Yes
3. the boys / chat on the Net No
4. Alice / write a story No
5. the students / play baseball Yes
54 Tween 6

3 A / some / any / no

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Some / A tree pie

Garfield and his friend are having a picnic. butterfly tablecloth
Put the things in the box in the correct column.
grapes teddy
O Garfield e o amigo esto a fazer um piquenique.
apple bear
Escreve as coisas da caixa na coluna correta.
watermelon basket
pear plates
A/An Some
tree grapes

B Any / No
There are some things missing in their picnic. Complete the
sentences with any or no to find out.
Faltam algumas coisas no piquenique deles. Completa as frases com any ou no
para descobrires.

1. They havent got __________________ sandwiches.

2. I can see __________________ chips there.
3. Have they got __________________ drinks?
4. No, theyve got __________________ water.
5. There is __________________ fruit juice either.
6. Are there __________________ hamburgers?
7. No, there are __________________ hamburgers.
8. Have they got __________________ cheese?
9. No, they havent got __________________ cheese.
10. I can see __________________ knives.
11. Are there __________________ forks?
Worksheets 55

3 How much / How many

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Fill in the gaps with much or many.

Preenche os espaos com much ou many.

1. How _________ 2. How _________

chocolate do balloons did
you want? they buy?

3. How _________ 4. How _________

money have boxes is Mr
you got? Smith

5. How _________ 6. How _________

books has coffee do you
Mary got? drink?

7. How _________ 8. How _________

sugar do you girls are sitting
take in your at the table?

9. How _________ 10. How

water do you _________ milk
drink every do you put in
day? your tea?

11. How 12. How

_________ _________ ice
cakes are there cream do you
on the table? eat for
56 Tween 6

4 Indefinite pronouns

Name No. Class
Date// Evaluation Teacher

A Choose the right answer.

Escolhe a resposta correta.

1. Look! Theres _______________ at the bus stop. I think its Tom.

a) anybody b) somebody c) nobody

2. Do you know _______________ about him?

a) anything b) something c) nothing

3. There is _______________ at the door. Its a man.

a) anyone b) someone c) no one

4. Is there _______________ at home?

a) nobody b) somebody c) anybody

5. Theres _______________ in the house. Theyre on holiday.

a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody

6. Theres _______________ in the living room. Its Sue and her mother.
a) no one b) anyone c) someone

7. Can you see _______________ under the table?

a) something b) anything c) nothing

8. No, theres _______________ under the table.

a) anything b) nothing c) something

9. Is there _______________ at the window?

a) anybody b) nobody c) somebody

10. I have _______________ to tell you now. Listen to me, please.

a) nothing b) something c) anything

11. I dont have _______________ to say.

a) anything b) nothing c) something
57 Tween 6

Answers Worksheets
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 7
A 1. b) / 2. c) / 3. b) / 4. b) / 5. c) / 6. c) / 7. a) A
B 2. There are two rabbits. 8. There are two
1. She is eleven years old. a chickens.
2. We are good friends. d 3. There is a cow. 9. There are two dogs.
3. It is black and yellow. e 4. There is a cat. 10.There is a donkey.
4. You go to the park on Sundays. b 5. There is a sheep. 11.There is a goose.
5. They are in the same class. c 6. There are two ducks. 12. There is a
6. He is in class 6A. f turkey.
7. There is a pig.
Worksheet 2 B
2. There isnt 5. There is
A 1. b) / 2. b) / 3. c) / 4. c) / 5. a) 3. Is there /there is 6. There are
B. 1. Her / 2. His / 3. Its / 4. Their / 5. your / 6. 4. Are there / there arent

Worksheet 8
Worksheet 3
A a. 11 / b. 5 / c. 10 / d. 2 / e. 12 / f. 8 / g. 1 / h. 1. an eagle 7. some milk
13 / i. 14 / j. 9 / k. 3 / l. 15 / m. 7 / n. 4/ o. 6 2. a snail 8. some sheep
3. a dog 9. some water
Worksheet 4 4. a squirrel 10.some eggs
A 1. is / isnt; 2. are / are; 3. are / arent / are; 4. 5. some money 11.a duck
isnt / is; 5. is / is / is / is; 6. is / is; 7. is / isnt / is; 6. an elephant 12.some cheese
8. is / isnt / is; 9. are; 10. are; 11. is / is; 12. are B 1. a; 2. ; 3. / an; 4. / a / a / The / the; 5.
/ arent; 13. am / is; 14. is / is; 15. is; 16. are / The;
am 6. The; 7. / a; 8. an; 9. / a; 10. a

Worksheet 5
Worksheet 9
A 1. f / 2. b / 3. d / 4. e / 5. g / 6. a / 7. i / 8. h / 9.
1. have got 9. am 16. is
2. has got 10. has got 17. are
B. His name is Brian and his surname is Miller. He
3. is 11. are 18. has got
is twelve years old. His birthday is on 23rd July.
4. is 12. has got 19. is
He is from the USA. He is American. His
5. are 13. have got 20. is
address is 56 King Street. His phone number is
6. have got 14. are 21. have got
0745 661 3298.
7. is 15. have got 22. is
Worksheet 6 8. have got
1. has got curly hair Worksheet 10
2. have got a new sweater 2. wolf / wolves 10. car / cars
3. have got long hair 3. box / boxes 11. mouse / mice
4. has got big eyes 4. woman / women 12. witch / witches
5. have got a lovely necklace 5. leaf / leaves 13. sheep / sheep
6. has got a computer 6. boy / boys 14. family / families
7. has got a moustache 7. butterfly / butterflies 15. strawberry /
8. have got short hair strawberries
9. have got a turtle 8. tooth / teeth 16. child / children
10. has got a ponytail 9. baby / babies
3. Has she got a radio? Yes, she has.
Worksheet 11
4. Has she got a bike? No, she hasnt.
5. Have Henry and Bill got a printer? Yes, they A
have. 1. He is eating a sandwich. 4. Susan is
6. Have they got a guitar? No, they havent. crying.
7. Have they got a radio? No, they havent. 2. Emily is singing. 5. She is riding her bike.
8. Have they got a bike? Yes, they have. 3. John is reading. 6. They are dancing.
58 Tween 6

1. Is Ann watching TV? 2. Are the boys

No, she isnt. No, they arent.
She is taking a photo. They are playing
59 Tween 6

1. a) / 2. b)/ 3. a)/ 4. a)/ 5. a)/ 6. b)/ 7. a)/ 8. a)/ 9.

a)/ 10. b)

A 1. play / 2. watch / 3. run / 4. catch / 5. eat / 6.

wash / 7. ride / 8. read
B 1. plays / 2. watches / 3. runs / 4. catch / 5.
eats /
6. washes / 7. rides / 8. read

A 1. play / 2. dont like / 3. doesnt wash / 4. go / 5.

dont do / 6. brushes
B 1. doesnt / 2. doesnt / 3. dont / 4. dont / 5.
doesnt / 6. dont / 7. doesnt / 8. dont
C 1. Mr Jackson loves tennis.
2. He doesnt like fishing.
3. We study in our bedroom.
4. They dont live in
5. We dont go to the circus
very often.
6. Does he wake up early?
7. Do Sam and Carol like

60 Tween 6

3. the prettiest 9. the

4. the fastest 10. the
Worksheet 23 best
A 1. Lucys / 2. brothers / 3. parents / 4. 5. the richest 11. the
Jamess / most beautiful
5. girls / 6. childrens / 7. Jane and Jacks / 6. the oldest 12. the
8. New Yorks hottest
B 2. boys / 3. Ms Barness / 4. Ms Millars / 7. the youngest
5. Mr Morriss / 6. friends / 7. friends / B 1. b / 2. b / 3. b / 4. a / 5. a / 6. c
8. Alex and Joes / 9. mens
C 2. They are Karls football
3. Its Charless Maths
4. Its Sue and Dons daughter.
5. They are the policemens
6. Its the teachers room.
7. They are the students
school things.
Worksheet 28
Worksheet 24 A 2. Look at them!
A 2. yours / 3. theirs / 4. his / 5. hers / 6. ours 3. Open it, please.
B 2. mine / 3. theirs / 4. hers / 5. yours / 6. ours / 4. Can you help us?
7. hers 5. The magazines are for you.
C 1. mine; yours 6. Our; 6. This is a present for her.
yours B 1. it / 2. her / 3. me / 4. us / 5. him / 6. it; him
2. hers 7. their C 1. they / 2. she; it / 3. it / 4. them / 5. her
3. Yours; mine 8. Its
4. yours 9. Their Worksheet 29
5. my; Mine 10. your; A 2. Vera and Jim werent at the
mine cinema yesterday.
Were Vera and Jim at the cinema yesterday?
Worksheet 25 3. The film wasnt funny.
A 1. can / 2. must / 3. can / 4. must / 5. mustnt / Was the film funny?
4. It wasnt very cold
6. can / 7. mustnt / 8. mustnt yesterday.
B 2. May I come in? Was it very cold yesterday?
3. Can I go to the toilet? 5. Tom and I werent at the
4. Can I answer the phone? shopping centre last Sunday.
Were Tom and I at the shopping centre last
Worksheet 26 6. She wasnt on holiday with
A 1. more / 2. than / 3. more / 4. than / 5. as / 6. her parents.
than Was she on holiday with her parents?
B 2. Peter is heavier than B 2. Where were you born?
Paul. 3. How old were you in 2000?
3. Peter is older than Paul. 4. Where was your primary
4. Pauls sweatshirt was school?
more expensive than Peters. 5. What was your favourite
5. Peter gets up earlier than film?
Paul. 6. Who was your favourite
6. Pauls mother drives actor?
faster than Peters mother.
Worksheet 30
Worksheet 27 A 1. There was
A 2. the most important 8. 2. Were there; there were
the most expensive 3. Was there / there was
Answer key 61

4. Were there / there were

5. Was there / there was
6. Were there / there was
B 2. Were there many
policemen at the stadium?
Yes, there were.
3. Were there many cars near
the stadium?
No, there werent.
4. Were there many people
watching the match?
Yes, there were.
5. Were there many fans
there? / Yes, there were.
6. Was there a party to
celebrate your teams victory?
No, there wasnt.

Worksheet 31
A 2. washed 6.
3. studied 7.
4. played 8. used
5. painted
B 2. He walked in the park, but
he didnt climb a tree.
3. He stayed in bed late, but
he didnt study for school.
4. He listened to music, but
he didnt water the plants.
62 Tween 6
Answer key 63
64 Tween 6

Answers Students Book

Show what you know 2 (page 49)
Thomas Smith is twelve years old. He is a
student. His favourite hobby is skateboarding.
His mother, Ann, is friendly and patient. His
father, Michael, is hardworking and very active.
His sister, Mary, is kind and funny.
He has got a cute cat, Max.

(page 55)
3. a) Do you know Sea Life in Oporto? Yes, I do.
b) Does she like sharks? No, she doesnt.
c) Do they have a fish? No, they dont.
d) Does Sea Life open at 10 oclock? Yes, it does.

(page 111)

8. Example
Yesterday my class visited Oporto. I packed my
things very early in the morning. Then I walked
to school. We travelled by bus. When we arrived
there, we visited the most important
monuments and historical buildings. I liked my
school trip very much.
Answer key 65
66 Tween 6

On Tuesdays and Thursdays she usually plays

tennis with her friends.
At seven oclock she has dinner with her family.
After that she brushes her teeth.
She always listens to music before going to bed.
At half past nine she goes to sleep.
Scripts Students Book 67
68 Tween 6

My cousins and I always do lots of fun activities.

We go to the river because it isnt hot there. We
play football, swim and run by the river. This
summer were going fishing. Its going to be fun.
Scripts Students Book 69

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