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As in other fields, the quality of the materials in construction have

changed* The strength of concrete is better defined today than in 1917*

Methods of producing steel have improved* High strength steels have been
Due to these changes, new methods are needed in design* Much work
must be done and many tests conducted to develop an adequate criteria for
the calculation of shear stress in slabs and footings* The results of this
investigation indicate the need for new methods*4 ,5 ,3 Conclusions, The
concentration of tensile reinforcement near
the column supporting or supported by a flat plate or footing has the following
a) increases the shear capacity of the slab by as much as 39 percent,
b) increases the stiffness of the slab,
c) provides a better balance between shear and flexural capacity.
The presence of compression steel:
a) retards a "complete" failure in slabs,
b) increases the shear capacity only slightly,
c) increases the stiffness of the slabs.ytryujk./jgyjk.tirk.

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