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Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267

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Thermally cured semi-interpenetrating electrolyte networks (s-IPN)

for safe and aging-resistant secondary lithium polymer batteries
Jijeesh R. Nair a, **, Matteo Destro a, b, Federico Bella a, Giovanni B. Appetecchi c,
Claudio Gerbaldi a, *
GAME lab, CHENERGY Group, Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT), Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino,
LITHOPS Batteries S.r.l., Via della Rocca 27, 10123 Torino, Italy
ENEA, Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, SSPT-PROMAS-MATPRO, Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Roma, Italy

h i g h l i g h t s

 Thermally cured semi-interpenetrated solid electrolyte networks.

 Simple, cheap thermal polymerisation approach for Li polymer batteries.
 Green polymer electrolytes with safe and aging-resistant characteristics.
 Stable cycling in Li/LiFePO4 cells at 70  C for >2000 cycles.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Truly solid polymer electrolyte membranes are designed by thermally induced free radical polymeri-
Received 25 July 2015 sation. The overall membrane architecture is built on a semi-interpenetrating polymer network (s-IPN)
Received in revised form structure, where a di-methacrylate oligomer is cross-linked (in situ) in the presence of a long thermo-
14 November 2015
plastic linear PEO chain and a supporting lithium salt to obtain a freestanding, exible and non-tacky
Accepted 1 December 2015
Available online 18 December 2015
lm. In the envisaged systems, the di-methacrylate functions as a soft cross-linker, thus avoiding
physico-mechanical deformation of the s-IPNs at elevated temperature, without hampering the ionic
conductivity. s-IPNs exhibit remarkable stability towards lithium metal and no traces of impurity are
Interpenetrating polymer network
detected while testing their oxidation stability (4.7 V vs. Li/Li) towards anodic potential. The newly
Thermal polymerization elaborated system is also successfully tested at moderately high temperature in Li metal cells in which
Polymer electrolyte LiFePO4/C is used as the cathode active material, showing excellent indications of safe and highly durable
Lithium battery electrolyte separator (i.e., 2000 cycles at reasonably high 1C rate).
Aging resistance 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction system. Unfortunately, the worries are still worries and options are
still immature. Among the existing energy storage options, lithium-
Energy economy and related complications are the everlasting ion batteries (LiBs) have cultivated the benets and still lead the
phobia of 21st century [1e3]. Even though many means of pro- market [6,7]. Even though other innovative approaches are getting
ducing energy are established, effectively using them by efcient closer to the reality, their stability and adaptability are yet to be
storage remains one of the biggest concerns of present and future quantied [8,9]. Thus, the present scenario demands better per-
generations [4,5]. An efcient storage system can effectively forming materials that can compensate the troubles existing in the
improve our lifestyle, cultural integration and transportation current technology such as safety, heavy packaging materials,
ageing stability, ecocompatibility and cost [10e12].
Many of the above mentioned issues related to LiBs can be
overcome by moving to an all-solid conguration [13,14]. Moreover,
* Corresponding author.
another drawback is the use of solvents in most of the preparation
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J.R. Nair), procedures, thus increasing the concerns related to high impact
(C. Gerbaldi). processes and disposal of organic (most often halogenated)
0378-7753/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.R. Nair et al. / Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267 259

solvents. On the contrary, the use of water as solvent in different oligomers. In general, in all the above reported results, the role of
preparation procedures should be one of the main objectives of the linear chain is to impart ionic conductivity and/or mechanical
scientic community in view of the assessment of the next- properties.
generation of large-scale energy storage systems [15]. However, Considering the existing know how, in the present work we
the scientic activity in this direction is rather scarce, and most of propose newly elaborated truly-solid s-IPN-based polymer elec-
the cell components reported in the literature are prepared in trolyte membranes. The samples are prepared by thermally-
hazardous conditions, by means of processes including many induced free radical polymerisation and thoroughly characterised
expensive heat treatments and prolonged separation/purication in terms of their physical, chemical and electrochemical properties.
steps [16,17]. The best performing sample is assembled in lithium pouch cells
The choice of the preparation conditions becomes even more exploiting a composite LiFePO4 cathode and a suitable in situ
relevant when coupled with the disposal of conventional liquid polymerization procedure directly on the surface of the electrode
organic electrolyte solutions, made of a lithium salt dissolved in lm, fundamental to obtain an intimate interfacial adhesion. The
organic carbonates. Indeed, all-solid state batteries can lead to process is simple, eco-friendly and even adaptable to battery pro-
substantial benets, such as excellent processability and exibility, cessing methods to improve the interfacial properties. The truly
higher safety, minimization/prevention of short circuits due to solid polymer cell demonstrates for the rst time very long-term
lithium dendrite crystals growth upon cycling and ease of handling charge/discharge cycling for thousands of cycles. The results
[18,19]. Moreover, solid-sate electrolytes also act as separators regarding stability and aging resistance are motivating, and a good
insulating the positive electrode from the negative one. To this insight is provided for the materials that can be pursued by such
purpose, they are requested to possess suitable physical properties polymerisation procedures. In addition, the simplicity of the pro-
in terms of mechanical robustness, elasticity and thermal stability posed process and the wide availability of the materials used make
[20,21]. this system very promising and ready to be industrially scaled-up
We recently proposed various polymeric matrices suitable as LiB following the main principles of green chemistry.
solid electrolytes [22e26]. However, a relevant limit is the absence
of a polymeric matrix capable of providing all the required pecu- 2. Experimental
liarities cited above. To this purpose, a promising solution could be
given by interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs). Indeed, by 2.1. Materials
taking monomers or oligomers that polymerize by different
mechanisms, two IPNs having contrasting or complementary Unless otherwise mentioned separately, all starting materials
properties can be produced. The major advantage of these hybrid and reagents were purchased from commercial supplier Sigma
systems lies in their superior combination of physical, chemical, Aldrich and used without further purication. The experiments
thermal, mechanical and electrical properties, which can be ach- were repeated two to three times and found to be reproducible. All
ieved by appropriately selecting these components and by adjust- samples were stored in an environmentally controlled dry-room
ing their relative proportions [27]. Despite their potential interest, (10 m2, R.H. <2% 1 at 20  C) produced by SOIMAR (Caluso, Italy).
as being often used in the eld of fuel cells [28] or in the prepa- The reactive formulation for the preparation of the all solid
ration of special binders for electrodes in energy storage systems semi-IPN-based polymer electrolyte membranes was based on
[29,30], to the best of our knowledge only a few groups proposed bisphenol A ethoxylate (15 EO/phenol) dimethacrylate (BEMA), a
IPN-based polymer electrolyte for lithium batteries. Passerini et al. methacrylate based di-functional oligomer having an average mo-
[31] and Momma et al. [32] prepared a PEO-PS di-block copolymer lecular weight of 1700. Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO, Mw 200,000)
gel electrolyte that showed high ionic conductivity (1 mS cm1 at was used as long chain polymer, which can enhance the mobility of
ambient temperature) and kept a discharge capacity of 124 mAh Li ions. Bis(triuoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt (LiTFSI,
g1 during 30 cycles. However, this system still contained a high CF3SO2NLieSO2CF3, battery grade) was obtained from Solvionic and
quantity of solvent within the polymeric network; moreover, a used as the source of Li ions. 2-20 -azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) was
study of prolonged cycling was not proposed. used as free radical initiator when acetonitrile (ACN) was used as
In general, accordingly to the IUPAC denition [33], systems the solvent; 2,20 -azobis(2-methylpropionamidine) dihydrochloride
comprising one or more polymer networks and one or more linear (AAPH) was used as the initiator when water was used as the sol-
polymers characterized by molecular scale penetration of at least vent. Before use, BEMA and PEO were dried for few days under
one of the networks by a linear macromolecule are generally clas- vacuum (BUCHI Glass Oven B-585 Drying), and ACN was treated
sied as semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (s-IPNs). A s-IPN with molecular sieves (4 ).
[34] is identied from an IPN due to the presence of linear mac-
romolecules that can be separated from the constituent polymer 2.2. Preparation of the semi-IPN-based polymer electrolyte
network without breaking any chemical bonds. The most inter- membranes
esting semi-interpenetrating networks reported in the literature so
far include: PEO-PU-PAN [35], PMMA/PEGDA [36], PEGDMA/pol- The reactive mixtures were prepared by mixing known quantity
y(siloxane-g-allyl cyanide)/PEGDME [37], TMPTA/PVDF-co-HFP of dimethacrylate monomer, polyethylene oxide and lithium salt in
[38], PEG/PMMA [39], multi-armed oligo(ethyleneoxy)phosphate ACN along with 2 wt. % of free radical thermal initiator AIBN. The
[40], PEO-co-EC/POSS-A/ETPTA [41], PMMA/polysiloxane-co-pro- ratio of active components to ACN was 1:3 (in weight). The exact
pyloxymethoxytriglycol [42], and PEGDA-co-PVC/PVDF-co-HFP formulation of the series of samples prepared (namely, TBP-1 to
[43]. Interestingly, recent results concerning the preparation of TBP-3) is given in details in Section 3. The reactive mixture was
polymer electrolytes incorporating polymerised ionic liquids or later drawn into a lm by coating it onto a releasing paper pur-
other polymer systems having linear chains in semi- chased from LENETA, USA. Then, the set up was kept for drying
interpenetrating network-like architecture is also pacing up under a fume hood. Later, the precursor membrane over LENETA
[43e45]. Shaplov et al. [46] reported high ionic conductivity sheet was kept in an oven under N2 ux at 90  C for 1 h to complete
(>104 S cm1 at 25  C), excellent mechanical properties and stable the thermal polymerization. Mechanically stable, free-standing
interfacial properties for a s-IPN-based system that contains reac- lms were easily peeled off from LENETA sheets. The average
tive ionic liquid, nitrile butadiene rubber and methacrylate-based thickness of the nal polymer electrolyte membrane was around
260 J.R. Nair et al. / Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267

80 mm. The complete process usually takes less than 3 h for the response of a non-blocking Li/s-IPN/Li symmetrical cell under open
production of ready-to-use all solid polymer electrolyte mem- circuit conditions (OCV) at 70  C. The electrochemical stability
branes. For electrochemical testing in lithium cells, the reactive window (ESW) was evaluated at 70  C by linear sweep voltam-
solution was prepared using water as the solvent and sprayed over metry (LSV) in three electrodes test cells (ECC-Std purchased from
the electrode surface to form a thin lm that successively under- EL-Cell, Germany) using a PARSTAT-2273 instrument. Separate LSV
went thermal polymerisation. tests were carried out on each polymer electrolyte sample to
separately determine the cathodic and anodic stability limits. The
2.3. Instrumental techniques and polymer electrolyte measurements were performed by scanning the cell potential from
characterization the OCV towards more negative (cathodic limit) or positive (anodic
limit) potential values. The following cell congurations were
The insoluble fraction (gel content) of the thermally cured adopted for the anodic (potential scan range from OCV to 6 V vs. Li/
products was determined as follows: the samples were kept in a Li) and cathodic (from OCV to 0.2 V vs. Li/Li) scans, respectively:
stainless steel metal net, accurately weighed and, subsequently, i) stainless steel (SS, working) and Li metal (counter) as the elec-
extracted with CHCl3 to dissolve the non-cross-linked polymer trodes and the given s-IPN as the electrolyte; ii) Cu foil (working)
chains. Extraction included 18 h of residence time for the solvents and Li metal (counter) as the electrodes and the given s-IPN as the
in order to remove the soluble content from the sample at ambient electrolyte. In both cases, the active area of both the electrodes and
temperature. The cross-linked (insoluble) fraction was then calcu- the electrolyte was equal to 2.54 cm2. The potential was scanned at
lated by dividing the mass of the dry sample left after the extraction a rate of 0.1 mV s1. The current onset of the cell was associated
by the mass of the original sample (relative error 1%). with the decomposition (oxidation or reduction) of the electrolyte.
The surface morphology study was performed using Field Clean electrodes and fresh samples were used for each test.
Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM, ZEISS Supra 40),
equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX). For
analysis, the samples were subjected to metallization by sputtering
a very thin Cr layer (around 10 nm maximum) to minimize the 2.4. Fabrication and electrochemical characterization of LiB
effect of the electron beam irradiation that might lead to charging components and test cells
and burning of the polymer network.
The glass transition temperature (Tg) was evaluated by differ- Laboratory-scale lithium cells were assembled using a carbon
ential scanning calorimetry (DSC) using a DSC 204 F1 Phoenix coated LiFePO4-based composite cathode and a lithium metal
(Netzsch) instrument. Samples were housed in aluminium pans in a anode. The average composition of the cathode was in the ratio of
dry room under controlled atmosphere. In a typical measurement, 87:8:5 wt.%, where the active material was commercial LiFePO4
the electrolyte samples were cooled from ambient temperature (Clariant LP20), conductive carbon was Shawinigan Black AB50
to 85  C and then heated at 10  C min1 up to 120  C under N2 (Chevron Corp., USA) and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-
ux. The Tg was calculated as the midpoint of the heat capacity CMC) was the binder [47]. Na-CMC was initially dissolved in
change observed in the DSC trace during the transition from glassy deionized water followed by the addition of conductive carbon and
to rubbery state. The thermal stability of the samples was tested by active material nanoparticles under continuous stirring (~3 h). The
thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) with a TG 209 F1 Libra in- obtained slurry was then spray-coated onto a hot aluminium cur-
strument from Netzsch over the temperature range of 25e600  C rent collector foil (70  C), dried under a fume hood at ambient
under N2 ux at a heating rate of 10  C min1. conditions and later vacuum dried overnight at 120  C. Later,
The ionic conductivity of the s-IPNs was determined by elec- electrode foils were cut in 2.5 cm  2.5 cm pieces and prepared in
trochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis of two- the form of an electrodeelectrolyte composite by thermally curing
electrodes test cells (ECC-Std purchased from EL-Cell, Germany) the s-IPN polymer electrolyte directly onto the surface of the
assembled by sandwiching the electrolyte sample between two electrode lm. In a typical preparation, a blend of the thermally-
stainless steel (SS-316) blocking electrodes (area 2.54 cm2). A cured polymer electrolyte was prepared following the procedure
PARSTAT-2273 potentiostat/galvanostat/F.R.A. (Frequency described in Section 2.2 but using water instead of ACN as the
Response Analyzer) instrument (Princeton Applied Research, USA) solvent. The mixture was spray-coated over the electrode surface to
was used for measurements at various temperatures in the 1 Hz to form a thin lm (max 30 mm) and followed up with a thermal-
100 kHz frequency range at the open circuit potential (OCV). The induced polymerization directly over the electrode. Then, the
cells were assembled in the dry room and housed in an environ- electrolyte/electrode lms were dried under high vacuum over-
mental simulation chamber (BINDER model MK-53, with a tem- night at 90  C prior to cell assembly to assure complete water
perature control of 1  C). They were kept at 80  C overnight and, removal. The all-solid-state test cells were fabricated by laminating
then, tested from 20 to 80  C at a temperature interval of 10  C (the a lithium foil over the multiphase composite electrode/electrolyte
samples were kept at each intervals for about 1 h before mea- tape. The assemblies were housed in a coffee bag envelope (pouch
surement, to allow an optimum thermal equilibrium). The ionic cell) and, successively, sealed by hot pressing at about 100  C. The
conductivity was calculated based on the following equation: electrochemical active area of the laminated cells was approxi-
mately 6 cm2. The electrochemical behaviour and characteristics of
s ([ / A) / Rb the cells were investigated at 70  C in terms of constant current
charge/discharge cycling at different current regimes using an
where s is the ionic conductivity (S cm1), Rb the bulk resistance, [ Arbin Instrument Testing System model BT-2000. The performance
and A are the thickness and area of the test sample, respectively. Rb was evaluated in terms of rate capability, charge/discharge ef-
was given by the high frequency intercept of the Nyquist plot by ciency and specic capacity retention upon very long-term cycling
analysing the impedance prole using a suitable tting program at 70  C. The potential cut-offs were xed at 4.0 V vs. Li/Li (charge
(Electrochemistry Power Suite software, version 2.58, Princeton step, lithium deinsertion) and 2.5 V vs. Li/Li (discharge step,
Applied Research). lithium insertion). Prior to testing, all cells were kept at 70  C for at
The compatibility of the s-IPNs with the lithium metal anode least 5 h to achieve the thermal equilibrium and the effective
was tested by monitoring the time evolution of the impedance contact between the electrodes and electrolyte.
J.R. Nair et al. / Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267 261

3. Results and discussion s-IPN, namely TBP-1, is shown in the supported video in which the
nal polymer electrolyte was folded in half multiple times, and
3.1. Solid polymer electrolyte preparation and physicochemical recovered to its original shape without any damage or tackiness.
characterisation This indicates that the prepared solid electrolyte material is me-
chanically stable and robust even if the thickness is rather low;
Polymer electrolyte membranes were prepared by thermally similar features are also visible in Fig. 1.
induced free radical polymerisation of a reactive mixture under Supplementary video related to this article can be found at
inert conditions. The typical reactive mixture formulation consists
of four components, namely, a dimethacrylate oligomer BEMA, a The conversion of the di-functional oligomer to cross-linked
high molecular weight PEO, LiTFSI as the lithium ion source and a network after thermal polymerisation was evaluated by
thermal initiator, thoroughly dissolved in a proper solvent. BEMA measuring the insoluble fraction content. The obtained values are
was selected as the multifunctional oligomer as it can function as a listed in Table 1. It was observed that an increase in salt content
soft crosslinking agent due to its well-known characteristics such slightly reduced the insoluble one. One possible explanation for
as low Tg, solubility in various solvents, fast reaction kinetics and such a behaviour is the restricted mobility of the reactive meth-
compatibility with PEO chains and lithium salt [48]. Moreover, it acrylate groups to the reaction sites during the polymerisation
can readily form cross-linked networks thus keeping the electrolyte process where the propagation reaction is happening in an almost
components intact. Under temperature, the thermal initiator de- solid like condition. Moreover, the addition of lithium salt further
composes into free radicals, which react with the dimethacrylate increased the viscosity of the system. The gel content values (%)
groups to form three dimensional networks. Before polymerisation were found to be well in accordance with the amount of BEMA used
reaction, the precursor solution was poured into a Teon dish and in the matrix; indeed, a value higher than the theoretical was noted.
kept under a fume hood for evaporation. This process allows the This result was also conrmed by FTIR measurements (data not
PEO chains to distribute uniformly over the surface. Then, once reported), that showed the absence of methacrylate groups at
transferred in an oven under controlled atmosphere at 80  C, the 1634 cm1. This may be ascribed to the PEO chains that, remaining
di-methacrylates react themselves to form a three dimensional after extraction in CHCl3 solvent for 18 h, are trapped through the
network. This overall step forms the backbone of the polymer polymerised BEMA (pBEMA) structures. Indeed, large number of
electrolyte, which is similar to the matrices being formed in the PEO chains came out of the three dimensional cages formed by
form of a semi interpenetrating polymer network. A s-IPN [38] is pBEMA structures during the extraction step in CHCl3 solvent,
generally characterized by the presence of a heterogeneous phase which conrms the semi-IPN like characteristics of the nal poly-
structure that is formed by a chemically cross-linked polymer mer electrolyte membrane.
matrix and a linear thermoplastic chain. It is efcient and easy to The surface morphology of the polymer electrolyte was studied
produce with tailored structural/physicochemical characteristics by FESEM analysis. The topographic images are shown in
and it is used for a wide variety of applications [49]. Fig. 2(AeD), which highlights the typical micro-phase heteroge-
Various physical and chemical characterisation methods such as neity characteristics of a s-IPN network structure. In particular, the
gel content studies, FESEM analyses, differential scanning calo- s-IPN based polymer matrix exhibited amorphous phases of
rimetry (DSC) and thermo-gravimetric analyses (TGA) were per- pBEMA, LiTFSI coordinated PEO and crystalline PEO phases. Some
formed on the thermally cured polymer electrolytes. The BEMA to voids or pores are visible in the images, which are most likely
PEO ratio was kept at 40:60 as it was found to be the optimal bal- formed during the evaporation of the solvent from the polymer
ance between the soft cross-linker to linear thermoplastic polymer matrix along with the evolution of N2 gas during the polymerisa-
content. Before arriving to the reported formulation, several tests tion process that involves the decomposition of AIBN molecules. At
were performed to understand the fundamental aspects of the very high magnication (see image D of Fig. 2), the overall homo-
polymer electrolytes, to decide the quantity and type of photo- geneity and smooth surface of the s-IPNs under study are well
initiator, as well as the suitable molecular weight of PEO depending evidenced.
on the easiness in processing, solubility of salt, ionic mobility in The glass transition temperature (Tg) was evaluated by differ-
terms of [EO]/[Li] ratio and mechanical integrity. Thus, here the ential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis and the resulting ther-
focus was on varying the salt content and pursuing the in- mograms are shown in Fig. 3A. DSC measurements were performed
vestigations of the different samples resulting from such on the series of polymer electrolytes TBP-1 to TBP-3. The corre-
combinations. sponding Tg values are also listed in Table 1. The Tg was dened as
Table 1 shows the composition of the solid polymer electrolytes the midpoint of the heat capacity change observed in the DSC trace
under study along with the insoluble fraction (gel content), thermal during the transition from glassy to rubbery state. The analyses
stability and glass transition temperature values. As seen in Fig. 1, evidenced an increase in Tg values with increasing the salt content.
after solvent evaporation and thermally induced crosslinking, the This effect may result from the coordination of lithium salt with
polymer electrolytes obtained by copolymerisation of the various PEO chains, which may increase the viscosity, thus restricting the
components are rather thin (~80 mm), non-tacky, translucent, segmental mobility. For comparison purposes, a reference polymer
freestanding, extremely exible and easy to manipulate. A multi- electrolyte was prepared by mixing PEO (85 wt. %) of same mo-
media illustration of the mechanical integrity of the representative lecular weight and 15 wt. % of LiTFSI (namely, PEO-15Li). A Tg value

Table 1
List of the different s-IPNs under study, amount of the various components used in the polymer electrolyte preparation along with the relevant thermal and physical

Name BEMA (wt. %) PEO (wt. %) LiTFSI (wt. %) Insoluble content (wt. %) T5 ( C) Tg ( C) EOm/Li Xc (%)

TBP-1 36 54 10 40 3 330 33.2 35:1 36.2

TBP-2 34 51 15 39 2 330 29.2 21:1 29.7
TBP-3 32 48 20 35 2 330 25.3 16:1 25.8

In all cases the initiator content was 2% by weight with respect to the total weight.
262 J.R. Nair et al. / Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267

Fig. 1. Non-sticky and exible nature of a typical TBP-1 based s-IPN (top left image), which was folded multiple times, and recovered (bottom left) to the rst shape without any

of 47  C was evidenced, which is much lower than the TBP series pristine PEO-15Li reference sample (e.g., the amorphous nature of
of s-IPN electrolytes. Comparing the EOm/Li ratio of PEO-15Li with TBP-2 exceeds 70%).
that of the s-IPNs, it is observed that it matches with TBP-1. Note The thermal stability of the samples was assessed by thermo-
that EOm indicates the number of eEOe moieties of the PEO chains, gravimetric analysis (TGA). The resulting thermograms are shown
which possess the segmental mobility characteristics compared to in Fig. 3B. A high temperature single step weight loss is evidenced,
the restricted eEOe moieties from the crosslinker BEMA. More- which accounts for the profound homogeneity of the semi-
over, if one calculates the amount of LiTFSI in weight percentage interpenetrating solid electrolytes with noticeable deection only
with the reference electrolyte (PEO-15Li), it matches with TBP-2 above 300  C. The thermal stability of the samples, corresponding
electrolyte. However, in both cases the Tg was higher than the to the temperature where 5% of weight is lost, is denoted as T5, and
PEO-15Li reference sample, which is an indication that the soft the corresponding values are listed in Table 1. The T5 values for the
crosslinker BEMA inuences the mobility of the PEO chains. This s-IPNs under study are well above 330  C, indicating that the
may account for an increase in the overall Tg of the TBP series of polymer electrolytes are highly stable and safe to use up to very
electrolytes. The crystallinity percentage (Xc %) calculated from the high temperatures. The shoulder peak at above 400  C likely cor-
DSC curves using the PEO heat of melting (Enthalpy 197 J g1) [50] responds to the decomposition of the LiTFSI incorporated in the
conrmed that the Xc of PEO-15Li (graphs not reported here) is 55%, polymer electrolyte. The initial 1e2% dip before 100  C is ascribable
which is much higher than the TBP series of electrolytes, both if to the loss of humidity that is absorbed during the handling of the
calculated in EO/Li ratio and/or LiTFSI wt. %. This further conrms sample for testing [51,52].
that the crosslinking process (induced by BEMA) helps the PEO The ionic conductivity of the s-IPN series of polymer electrolytes
chains to pack properly within the polymer network. The different was calculated from the response of electrochemical impedance
percentage of lithium salt in the polymer matrix signicantly spectroscopy (EIS) analysis. Lithium salt is directly incorporated
inuenced the size and nature of the crystalline peaks at around into the polymer electrolyte during thermal polymerisation, thus
50  C. It is also worth noting that the melting temperature (Tm) of no additional steps were performed (to incorporate salts and/or
the s-IPNs was decreased from 56  C (TBP-1) to 47  C (TBP-3). The plasticisers). Fig. 4A shows the Arrhenius plot, reporting the ionic
melting peak was also broadened with an increase in the LiTFSI conductivity versus the temperature inverse of the s-IPNs prepared
concentration, indicating that the salt interacted with the PEO by thermal curing. A typical ionic conductivity increase with
chains, thus hindering the formation of crystallites in the polymer elevating temperature was observed, at least in the range of EO/Li
matrix. It can be eluded from the DSC studies that the TBP mem- ratio investigated in the study. In addition, it was also observed that
brane series is in the rubbery state at ambient temperature and an increase in lithium salt concentration increases the ionic con-
dominated by amorphous phase, especially if compared with the ductivity, which indirectly means that a lower EOm/Li ratio is
J.R. Nair et al. / Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267 263

Fig. 2. A) FESEM image of the representative TBP-3 polymer electrolyte at 5K magnication; BeD) images at various locations (marked in yellow circles) and at different mag-
nications. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. A) DSC curves and B) TGA thermogram obtained for the TBP series of s-IPNs prepared with various amount of LiTFSI.

benecial for higher ionic conduction. That means, when the EOm/ matrix. In the present case we reported the EO/Li ratio with respect
Li ratio was changed from 35:1 to 16:1, the conductivity corre- to EOm as it is the most inuencing moiety. TBP-3 sample displays
spondingly enhanced. A further increase in salt concentration was the highest conductivity in the whole temperature range, reaching
not attempted, as it will decrease the EOm/Li ratio to unfavourable values of the order of 105 S cm1 at 20  C and exceeding
values [53]. Further increase in salt concentration may create 103 S cm1 at 80  C. Thus, sample TBP-3 having the lowest EOm/Li
problems related to TFSI anions where conductivity will dampen ratio (16:1, see Table 1) showed the highest ionic conductivity if
by salt precipitation and/or formation of aggregates [54]. In the TBP compared to those having a higher EOm/Li ratio. The large deec-
series of polymer electrolytes two kinds of eEOe moieties are tion in ionic conductivity upon heating is observed around 50  C for
present: i) the ethoxy group that is present in the BEMA molecule, all the electrolytes, and conrmed that the physical transitions
which is static (EOs) or mobility restricted due to the participation related to the melting of the crystalline peaks are in agreement
in chemical crosslinking, and ii) the mobile eEOe moieties (EOm) of with the melting temperature values obtained from DSC analysis. It
PEO chains, which can exhibit sufcient segmental motion. Also, is worth noting that the PEO-15Li sample, obtained without cross-
EOm responds very well to temperature change and salt concen- linker and with the same amount of lithium salt (in wt. %) as for
tration, as it can inuence the crystallinity of the overall polymer TBP-2, exhibits lower ionic conductivity in the whole temperature
264 J.R. Nair et al. / Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267

Fig. 4. A) Arrhenius plot showing the ionic conductivity vs. temperature for s-IPNs prepared with various LiTFSI content, but keeping the BEMA to PEO ratio xed at 40:60; B)
VogeleTammaneFulcher (VTF) dependence of the s-IPNs tted between 50 and 80  C (i.e., above the deection point).

range. This is well in agreement with the DSC studies and the
resulting percentage of crystallinity (Xc %) calculations, which is
induced by the pBEMA networks.
In polymer electrolytes, the dependence of the ionic conduc-
tivity towards temperature increase is not a linear relation.
Generally, the ion conduction mechanism can be elucidated from
the activation energy calculations. A complete tting at a full range
of testing temperature may not be possible due to the phase
transitions occurring from the melting of the crystalline regions or
the rearrangement of the eEOe moieties in a PEO-based system. In
the present case, the ionic conductivity vs. temperature curve was
not tting with the Arrhenius equation as well as with the
VogeleTammaneFulcher (VTF) equation [55]. The optimal tting
(i.e., regression analysis R2 values above 0.999) was obtained using
VTF equation when the calculations were carried out between 50
and 80  C. Thus, the activation energy (Ea) of the electrolyte systems
was calculated by tting the values with the VTF equation, using
the slopes of the resulting plots. Fig. 4B shows the relationship (see
equation below) between ln s and 1/(TeT0):
Fig. 5. A. Nyquist plot representing the evolution of the interfacial resistance versus
  time at open circuit conditions, using the Li/TBP-3/Li symmetric cell conguration at
s s0 T 2 70  C; B: change in resistance (high Hz and low Hz) along with the evolution of the
RT  T0 charge transfer resistance (diameter of semi-circle) with time.

where T0 is a parameter related to the glass transition temperature,

Ea is the activation energy, s0 is the pre-exponential factor and R is (SEI) layer onto the surface of the lithium metal electrode, which is
the ideal gas constant. Generally, the VTF equation is believed to clearly showed in Fig. 5B. The overall resistance rapidly decreased
describe the conduction behaviour of highly concentrated liquid and stabilized at around 100 U after few days, accounting for stable
electrolytes and molten salts [56,57]. As listed in Fig. 4B, Ea values interfacial characteristics. It is worth noting that the change in bulk
varied from 4.9 to 6.7 kJ mol1 from TBP-1 to TBP-3, indicating a resistance was limited within the range of 32 4 U (Fig. 5B),
corresponding viscosity increase with the EOm/Li ratio. This will indicating that no vigorous reactions were taking place as resulting
enforce the ions to move slowly at a given energy, demonstrating from any unavoidable impurities that might be present in the
that the ionic moment in a polymer electrolyte above the melting polymer matrix due to synthesis procedure, sample transfer/
point is largely contributed by the melted eEOm moieties (i.e., handling or cell assembly (note that impedance measurements
segmental motion). exhibit an error bar from 5 to 10%).
A deep understanding of the interfacial properties between the
lithium metal electrode and the polymer electrolyte is necessary for 3.2. Electrochemical characterisation, constant current lithium cell
interpreting and nely tuning the factors that control the recharge testing
ability of lithium-based polymer batteries. Thus, the highly con-
ducting TBP-3 sample was examined in terms of compatibility In general, for a lithium-based battery, the anode reactions
(interfacial stability) with the lithium metal electrode. As shown in occur in the vicinity of 0 V vs. Li/Li, while the cathode potential
Fig. 5 (A and B), a TBP-3-based lithium symmetric cell showed may exceed 4.5 V vs. Li/Li, implying that the electrochemical
stable resistance after few days of testing at 70  C. Indeed, the stability window (ESW) is a fundamental parameter that de-
resistance increased during the initial days of storage indicating the termines the reversibility of plating/stripping and de-intercalation/
formation of a thin and homogeneous solid electrolyte interface intercalation processes.
J.R. Nair et al. / Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267 265

in lithium cell as well as the presence of a porous and ion-

transporting interface. During the initial anodic sweep towards
higher potential values, the onset of a current peak at approx. 4.7 V
vs. Li/Li is generally related to the decomposition (oxidation) of
the electrolyte. No other features are observed, conrming the high
purity of the polymer electrolyte. Thus, in summary, good thermal
stability, acceptable ionic conductivity, low activation energy and
wide electrochemical stability window are encouraging character-
istics for a polymer electrolyte that aspires to be tested in realistic
battery conguration.
In this respect, laboratory-scale lithium pouch cells were
assembled by combining a lithium metal anode with a composite
multiphase LiFePO4/TBP-3 electrode/electrolyte lm and tested in
order to evaluate the capability of the electrolyte to perform in real
battery conguration. Its electrochemical behaviour was investi-
gated in terms of constant current charge/discharge cycling per-
formed at 70  C. The electrochemical process of this battery is the
reversible insertion/de-insertion of lithium ions from and to
lithium iron phosphate following the typical reaction:
Fig. 6. Electrochemical stability window of sample TBP-3. The anodic and cathodic
scans were separately run at 70  C and then collected together.
LiFePO4 4 xLi Li(1x)FePO4

which is expected to operate at around 3.45 V vs. Li/Li with at

The ESW of the TBP-3 membrane (representative for all the
charge/discharge plateaus for a theoretical specic capacity of
samples) measured at 70  C is shown in Fig. 6. In the resulting
170 mAh g1. Fig. 7A shows the typical charge and discharge cycles
currentepotential traces, a clear and well-dened lithium deposi-
run at different current rates (i.e., from C/10 to 5C, note that 1C
tion/stripping couple of peaks at around 0 V vs. Li/Li was observed.
corresponds to ~ 3 mA with respect to an approximate LiFePO4
It conrms both the proper working of the solid polymer electrolyte

Fig. 7. Constant current charge/discharge cycling of the LiFePO4/TBP-3/Li truly solid lithium polymer cell at 70  C: A) potential vs. specic capacity proles and B) the specic
capacity at various current rates (C/10 to 5C) with respect to number of cycles.

Fig. 8. Constant current charge/discharge long-term cycling (up to 2000 cycles) of the LiFePO4/TBP-3/Li truly solid lithium polymer cell at 70  C: A) potential vs. specic capacity
proles and B) specic capacity vs. cycle number at 1C rate.
266 J.R. Nair et al. / Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 258e267

active mass of about 18 mg, corresponding to a mass loading of retention after very long-term cycling (up to > 2000 constant
approx. 3 mg cm2). Fig. 7B shows the specic capacity vs. cycle current charge/discharge cycles), which is utmost important when
number at different current rates. Reproducible potential proles stationary or highly stressful applications are envisaged.
were obtained, in which the initial specic capacity approaches
160 mA h g1 at C/10 rate (i.e., the full capacity that the commercial Acknowledgement
LiFePO4 cathode used in this study can deliver at the selected cur-
rent rate even in standard liquid electrolyte based conguration). The support from the European Commission under the MARS-
The rate capability and capacity retention were found to be satis- EV (Grant agreement no. 609201) project is gratefully
factory: even after prolonged cycling at high 5 C current rate, the acknowledged.
cell was still able to deliver specic capacity values of around
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