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Lets start with the following Setup:

a) Duplicate detection rules

Page Region Attribute Name Rule Setup Rule Setup Rule Setup

Rule Name Air Travel Lunch General Rule

Header Description Airfare Rule Lunch Rule General Rule

Rule Type Airfare Meals Generic

Employee Yes Yes Yes

Receipt Date Yes Yes Yes
Expense Category Yes Yes Yes

Expense Type Yes No Yes

Optional Attributes
Receipt Amount Yes No No

Consider all expenses with

employee listed as an
attendee for duplicate
detection No Yes Yes
Additional Rules
Number of Duplicates
Allowed 1 1 0

Prevent Prevent
Duplicate Detection Action Inform Approvers Submission Submission

b) Duplicate detection Rule set

Page Region Attribute Name Rule Set setup

Rule Set Name Default Rule Set

Description Global Rule Set

All General Rule

Accommodations General Rule

Airfare Air Travel

Car Rental
Expense Category

Mileage General Rule

Miscellaneous General Rule

Per Diem PerDiem

c) Duplicate detection Rule assignment

Global Rule Assignment

Attribute Name Rule Set setup

Rule Name

Rule Set Name Default Rule Set

Effective Start Date 06-Aug-2012

Effective End Date

Operating Unit Attribute Name Rule Set setup

Rule Name Generic Rule

Rule Set Name

Vision Operations
Effective Start Date 20-Jan-2012

Effective End Date

Rule Name

Rule Set Name Default Rule Set

Vision Services
Effective Start Date 06-Aug-2012

Effective End Date

d) Expense Report Template setup
Number of
Expense Report Template Setup Duplicates Allowed

Operating Unit Vision Operations

Expense Report
Template Name Travel

Air Travel Null

Expense Type Meals - Lunch 0

Car Rent Null

Operating Unit Vision Services

Expense Report
Template Name Travel - Services Template

Air Travel 2

Expense Type Meals - Lunch Null

Car Rent 2

On review and confirmation details pages, the duplicate detection violations
will be shown depending upon the system profile option 'OIE: Enable Policy'.
OIE:Enable Policy = Warn Users


Already entered expense reports

OU Template Employee ER NUM Receipt_date expense_type Amount Attendee
Vision Operations Travel FIEVE W319650 01-Aug-2012 Air Travel 100$
Vision Operations Travel FIEVE W319650 01-Aug-2012 Car Rent 25$
Vision Operations Travel FIEVE W319653 03-Aug-2012 Meals-Lunch 50$ KJONES

A>New expense report W323650 entered by KJONES

OU Template Employee ER NUM Receipt_date expense_type Amount Attendee

Vision Operations Travel KJONES W323650 03-Aug-2012 Meals-Lunch 25$ JCFIEVE

In the Review page

This expense report contains policy violations. Use the warning icons to review. If necessary, return to the
previous page to update expense line or to include a reason for violation in the justification.

Click on the triangle policy icon:

Policy Violation: A duplicate expense claim has been detected.
This expense is not allowed as per the current policy setup in the application. Please review this expense claim
information as well as the referenced expense report details mentioned below to check if this is a duplicate
expense claim.
If you are sure that this is a valid expense claim and is allowed as per company policies, then please contact
your Manager or Accounts Payables representative or System Administrator for assistance.
1. Expense Report # W319653 - Line # 1 (Refer Cash and Other Expenses)

1.At first, the application finds the operating units (Vision Operations)
2.Then finds the expense category (i.e.) Expense Type = Meals Lunch is assigned to Expense Category
3.Check the rule assignment at OU level and finds a direct hit for a rule applicable (i.e.) General Rule
4.Looks at the attributes defined and processes duplicate detection

B> New Expense Report W327650 entered by FIEVE

OU Template Employee ER NUM Receipt_date expense_type Amount Attendee

Vision Operations Travel FIEVE W327650 01-Aug-2012 Air Travel 200$

Expense reported via expense report # W327650 is detected as a duplicate of expense reported with #
W319650 & Line #1. As all the other attributes enabled in the General Rule has matched. So this is a
duplicate expense claim.
As a reminder, If a Generic Rule (applicable to all the expense categories) is available, then it will be considered
first for duplicate detection.This is the case here.

C> New Expense Report W327651 entered by FIEVE

OU Template Employee ER NUM Receipt_date expense_type Amount Attendee

Vision Operations Travel FIEVE W327651 01-Aug-2012 Car Rent 50$

Result: Expense reported via expense report # W327651 is detected as a duplicate of expense
reported with # W319650 & Line #2. As all the attributes has matched. Though the receipt amount is
different but that is not considered, as the rule did not have this as a matching attribute. Also the value
defined for Number of Duplicates Allowed defined at Expense Report Template (Travel) is Null, so
the application goes up the hierarchy and finds Number of Duplicates Allowed defined in the
applicable rule (Generic Rule) is 0. So this is a duplicate expense claim.
With Prevent Submission, during the entry of the expense report, at the Cash and other expenses multi-row
page we will get the error: Line 1 Error - A duplicate expense claim has been detected. This expense is not
-If we change the Duplicate detection action value of the Generic Rule from Prevent Submission to Warn
Users, we will get this message in the REVIEW page:

Message: This expense report contains policy violations. Use the warning icons to review. If necessary, return
to the previous page to update an expense line or to include a reason for violation in the justification.
After clicking on the policy warning icon:
A duplicate expense claim has been detected. This expense is not allowed as per the current policy setup in the
application. Please review this expense claim information as well as the referenced expense report details
mentioned below to check if this is a duplicate expense claim.

If you are sure that this is a valid expense claim and is allowed as per company policies, then please contact
your Manager or Accounts Payables representative or System Administrator for assistance.

1.Expense Report # W319650 - Line # 2 (Refer Cash and Other Expenses)

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