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;Name: Muhammad Aidid bin Mohd Tahir

;SID: EE098249

;Sec: 3A

;Write a one macro to load the following values into

;the respective file registers:

; [0x10]=0x11

; [0x11]=0x22

; [0x12]=33

;Write another macro to load the following values into

;the respective file registers:

; [0x20]=0x44

; [0x21]=0x55

; [0x22]=66

;Write a main program to do the following:

; [0x10]+[0x22]=[0x30]

; [0x11]+[0x21]=[0x31]

; [0x12]+[0x20]=[0x32]

;Compile and simulate.

;Show the final answer to your instructor.

;[10 marks]

;Marks breakdown:

;Load values into respective file registers using macro: 3 marks

;Add function: 4 marks

;Ability to compile, simulate and show the final answer: 3 marks

;After you have completed the quiz, please print it with asm code and

;snapshots of results. Submit to my room BN-1-063


load macro val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,val6

movlw val1

movwf val2,A

movlw val3

movwf val4,A

movlw val5

movwf val6,A



;program start template

org 0x00

goto start

org 0x08


org 0x18


;main program

start load 0x11,0x10,0x22,0x11,0x21,0x12

load 0x44,0x20,0x55,0x21,0x42,0x22

movf 0x10,W,A

addwf 0x22,W,A

movwf 0x30,A

movf 0x11,W,A

addwf 0x21,W,A

movwf 0x31,A

movf 0x12,W,A

addwf 0x20,W,A

movwf 0x32,A



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