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The Absence of Desire is the Beginning

of Happiness
By Kacper Potawski
Creator of Dancing With the Universe

If you look closely, all your desires are actually like mirages.

An illusion you never get to that makes your life into a never-ending,
non-fulfilling story that only keeps you wanting more.

When you're walking in the desert, and you see the image of a lake, you
thirst. You keep walking after the lake, but the more you walk, the more
you thirst, the further the lake gets away from you.

And your thirst is never quenched.

This is the same insane madness that most of us live our lives in
constantly... constantly wanting something else to be fulfilled. Constantly
thinking about an imaginary future that will bring salvation.

This is "normal life"... as it seems.

After all, it's what your parents taught you to do... It's what everyone
else is doing...

But, essentially, it's madness! Because you keep going

somewhere...and... You never get there!

You have small glimpses of peace, enlightenment, bliss,... "sanity" in between.

Here's what you may have not noticed before... Eventually when you do get what you
want... you are happy for a very brief while.

Why are you happy?

"Because I got what I want!" one might say.

Actually - it's because for that moment... there is an absence of desire.

When you have no desire... all of a sudden, you're happy for no reason. (but your mind of
course links this to the fact that you achieved your "desired" outcome). In that moment,
your mind stops... you are empty, you do not need anything else.

Desire is heavy. Why? Because there is a simple law in the Universe.. "What you focus on
expands." And when you desire... what expands? The assumption that you do not have
what you want.
And "not having"... is a very heavy thing. It's dull, depressing, agony. This is the pressure
you feel in your bell right when overwhelming desire for getting something builds. This is
the pressure and "blind spot" which actually makes your life a struggle.

The paradox is... when you are desire-less... When you are empty of all desire...

It takes only a single thought to move your life situation in the direction of that thought.

It takes only a single thought, and slight intention behind it...and of course, a little action on
your part...


Whatever it is you "wanted"... somehow ends up in your life very shortly. Without the
heaviness behind your desires...The Universe unfolds at your feet.

Of course... this can become a trap by itself again... as your mind can
"own" this as another concept and begin to play with it, talk about it, find
it interesting. Then, begin to use this as just another "fancier" way to
"get what I want and keep it"

This is "fake spirituality" :) And eventually leads to your suffering

anyway. As you begin attached to everything you bring into your life.

Become desire-less, self-less, attach-less, then you are like the drop of
clear water through which the sunlight moves through... And the rainbow
appears :)

May all beings be free

Kacper M. Postawski
Creator of Swimming In Abundance and Dancing With the Universe

How Happiness Attracts Money

By Christopher Westra
Excerpt from I Create Millions

Do you know there is a strong correlation between money and


Yes, you heard right. No, money does not bring happiness - the
correlation goes the other way. Happiness brings money!

Yes, those who are truly happy now always attract more abundance into
their life.

If you think that anything outside yourself will cause you to feel a certain
way, then you are suffering under an illusion.
The universe wants you to understand that you are the creator of your emotional life. You
can decide to be happy now, and happiness is what you really want.

You don't need money to be happy. As long as you think you need money to be happy you
will push it away because of your desperate craving.

When you are already happy, then you don't need money. You simply desire increased
abundance for yourself, your family, and the entire world. You can surely have it then,
because you have learned the lesson.

Stop searching for the magical arrival of an ideal and perfect day. Enjoy the flux and flow of
this very day.

The present moment is the only time you can be happy because now is the only time that
exists. Be happy before you get money. Be happy right now!

Actively enjoy the blessings you receive, and cultivate a welcoming and
happy attitude towards everyone. You only want money to buy things.
You think these things will make you happy, and more secure.

Choose to feel the way you want to feel right now, and then you can
have anything you want. You achieve manifesting power when you know
the secret.

The secret is that you manifest first in the inner emotional world of faith,
and then in the outer physical world you can touch. Go forth and
choose this day to be happy.

By Christopher Westra. This is Method 15 of 87 Money Mastery

Techniques from "I Create Millions." Download a free sample of this book

How to Buy Happiness

Source: Reuters

Money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else,
researchers reported on Thursday.

Spending as little as $5 a day on someone else could significantly boost

happiness, the team at the University of British Columbia and Harvard
Business School found.

Their experiments on more than 630 Americans showed they were

measurably happier when they spent money on others -- even if they
thought spending the money on themselves would make them happier.

"We wanted to test our theory that how people spend their money is at
least as important as how much money they earn," said Elizabeth Dunn,
a psychologist at the University of British Columbia.
They asked their 600 volunteers first to rate their general happiness, report their annual
income and detail their monthly spending including bills, gifts for themselves, gifts for
others and donations to charity.

"Regardless of how much income each person made, those who spent money on others
reported greater happiness, while those who spent more on themselves did not," Dunn said
in a statement.

Dunn's team also surveyed 16 employees at a company in Boston before and after they
received an annual profit-sharing bonus of between $3,000 and $8,000.

"Employees who devoted more of their bonus to pro-social spending experienced greater
happiness after receiving the bonus, and the manner in which they spent that bonus was a
more important predictor of their happiness than the size of the bonus itself," they wrote in
their report, published in the journal Science.

"Finally, participants who were randomly assigned to spend money on others experienced
greater happiness than those assigned to spend money on themselves," they said.

They gave their volunteers $5 or $20 and half got clear instructions on
how to spend it. Those who spent the money on someone or something
else reported feeling happier about it.

"These findings suggest that very minor alterations in spending

allocations -- as little as $5 -- may be enough to produce real gains in
happiness on a given day," Dunn said.

This could also explain why people are no happier even though U.S.
society is richer.

"Indeed, although real incomes have surged dramatically in recent

decades, happiness levels have remained largely flat within developed
countries across time," they wrote.

RELATED ARTICLE: How Happiness Attracts Money

How to Experience Total Freedom

By Eckhart Tolle
Author of The Power of Now

Are you stressed? Are you so busy getting to the future that the present
is reduced to a means of getting there? Stress is caused by being "here"
but wanting to be "there," or being in the present but wanting to be in
the future. It's a split that tears you apart inside.

Does the past take up a great deal of your attention? Do you frequently
talk and think about it, either positively or negatively? The great things
that you have achieved, your adventures or experiences, or your victim
story and the dreadful things that were done to you, or maybe what you did to someone

Are your thought processes creating guilt, pride, resentment, anger, regret, or self-pity?
Then you are not only reinforcing a false sense of self but also helping to accelerate your
body's aging process by creating an accumulation of past in your psyche. Verify this for
yourself by observing those around you who have a strong tendency to hold on to the past.

Die To The Past Every Moment

You don't need it. Only refer to it when it is absolutely relevant to the present. Feel the
power of this moment and the fullness of Being. Feel your presence.

Are you worried? Do you have many "what if" thoughts? You are identified with your mind,
which is projecting itself into an imaginary future situation and creating fear. There is no
way that you can cope with such a situation, because it doesn't exist. It's a mental

You can stop this health- and life-corroding insanity simply by acknowledging the present

Become Aware Of Your Breathing

Feel the air flowing in and out of your body. Feel your inner energy field. All that you ever
have to deal with, cope with, in real life -- as opposed to imaginary mind projections -- is
this moment. Ask yourself what "problem" you have right now, not next year, tomorrow, or
five minutes from nw. What is wrong with this moment?

You can always cope with the Now, but you can never cope with the future -- nor do you
have to. The answer, the strength, the right action, or the resource will be there when you
need it, not before, not after.

Are you a habitual "waiter"? How much of your life do you spend waiting? What I call
"small-scale waiting" is waiting in line at the post office, in a traffc jam, at the airport, or
waiting for someone to arrive, to finish work, and so on. "Large-scale waiting" is waiting for
the next vacation, for a better job, for the children to grow up, for a truly meaningful
relationship, for success, to make mony, to be important, to become enlightened. It is not
uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.

Waiting is a state of mind. Basically, it means that you want the future; you don't want the
present. You don't want what you've got, and you want what you haven't got. With every
kind of waiting, you unconsciously create inner conflict between your here and now, where
you don't want to be, and the projected future, where you want to be. This greatly reduces
the quality of your life by making you los the present.

For example, many people are waiting for prosperity. It cannot come in the future. When
you honor, acknowledge, and fully accept your present reality -- where you are, who you
are, what you are doing right nw -- when you fully accept what you have got, you are
grateful for what you have got, grateful for what is, grateful for Being. Gratitude for the
present moment and the fullness of life now is true prosperity. It cannot come in the future.
Then, in time, that prosperity manifests for you in various ways.
If you are dissatisfied with what you have got, or even frustrated or angry about your
present lack, that may motivate you to become rich, but even if you do make millons, you
will continue to experience the inner condition of lack, and deep down you will continue to
feel unfulfilled. You may have many exciting experiences that mony can buy, but they will
come and go and always leave you with an empty feeling and the need for further physical
or psychological gratification. You won't abide in Being and so feel the fullness of life nw
that alone is true prosperity.

Give Up Waiting As A State Of Mind

When you catch yourself slipping into waiting... snap out of it. Come into the present
moment. Just be, and enjoy being. If you are present, there is never any need for you to
wait for anything.

So next time somebody says, "Sorry to have kept you waiting," you can reply, "That's all
right, I wasn't waiting. I was just standing here enjoying myself -- in joy in my self."

These are just a few of the habitual mind strategies for denying the present moment that
are part of ordinary unconsciousness. They are easy to overlook because they are so much
a part of normal living: the background static of perpetual discontent. But the more you
practice monitoring your inner mental-emotional state, the easier it will be to know when
you have been trapped in past or future, which is to say unconscious, and to awaken out of
the dream of time into the present. But beware: The false, unhappy self, based on mind
identification, lives on time. It knows that the present moment is its own death and so feels
very threatened by it. It will do all it can to take you out of it. It will try to keep you trapped
in time.

In a sense, the state of presence could be compared to waiting. It is a qualitatively different

kind of waiting, one that requires your total alertness. Something could happen at any
moment, and if you are not absolutely awake, absolutely still, you will miss it. In that state,
all your attention is in the Now. There is none left for daydreaming, thinking, remembering,
anticipating. There is no tension in it, no fear, just alert presence. You are present with your
whole Being, with every cell of your body.

In that state, the "you" that has a past and a future, the personality if you like, is hardly
there anymore. And yet nothing of value is lost. You are still essentially yourself. In fact,
you are more fully yourself than you ever were before, or rather it is only now that you are
truly yourself.

The past cannot survive in your presence. Whatever you need to know about the
unconscious past in you, the challenges of the present will bring it out. If you delve into the
past, it will become a bottomless pit: There is always more. You may think that you need
more time to understand the past or become free of it, in other words, that the future will
eventually free you of the past. This is a delusion. Only the present can free you of the past.
More time cannot free you of time.

Access the power of Now. That is the key. The power of Now is none other than the power
of your presence, your consciousness liberated from thought forms. So deal with the past
on the level of the present. The more attention you give to the past, the more you energize
it, and the more likely you are to make a "self" out of it.
Don't misunderstand: Attention is essential, but not to the past as past. Give attention to
the present; give attention to your behavior, to your reactions, moods, thoughts, emotions,
fears, and desires as they occur in the present. There's the past in you. If you can be
present enough to watch all those things, not critically or analytically but nonjudgmentally,
then you are dealing with the past and dissolving it through the power of your presence.

You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You find yourself by coming into the

Eckhart Tolle is the author of the internationally-acclaimed The Power of

Now and Stillness Speaks.

Read more from Eckhart Tolle at

Mind Power News 51: The Power of Now

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Be Happy Right Now

Did Oprah Crash the Economy?

By Phillip Tilley
Author of The Money Matrix of the New World Order

Did Oprah cause the economic crash? It is possible she is at least partly
to blame. A year and a half ago the economy was humming along doing
fine, consumer confidence was high and so was the stock market. Then
Oprah had the author to the book The Secret on her program not once
but twice to promote it.

The Secret uses junk science to convince gullible people they can have
whatever they want if they wish it into existence.

Ten million people bought the book and began secretly using the secret
to get what they wanted. A new house or car, a big screen TV, and a
vacation to Hawaii were all high on the lists of most people. When the secret wasnt
working, they used their credit cards and took out loans and got what they secretly wanted
anyway because they believed the secret would secretly send them money to pay for it all
so they didnt worry. They are worried now because there is no money.

Now we are in the midst of an economic crisis. It is no secret that overextending your
purchasing power and expecting a miracle will make you go into delinquency, foreclosure,
and bankruptcy. I wonder how many of those readers of The Secret would secretly like to
sue Oprah and the author of The Secret for influencing them to foolishly destroy their own
lives? A real secret is that influence is one of the mechanisms of the money matrix.

If you dont believe only ten million people could destroy the economy of the U.S. or that
Oprah could influence a crisis in the economy Ill show you how it works.

In 1996 Oprah had a guest talk about Mad Cow on her program and she said something to
the effect that she wasnt going to eat another burger. Texas cattlemen lost $12 million as
cattle prices dropped and beef consumption went down. That was just $12 million in Texas.
Total loses nation wide were likely $100 million. So in the past, Oprah has had an influence
on at least one sector of the economy and if she endorses a book the author becomes a
millionaire, count two of influence on the economy.

If you dont think only 10 million people can crash the economy, consider how few people it
takes to elect a President. There are 300 million Americans, half of them are eligible to vote,
150 million. Half of those eligible to vote actually register, 75 million.

On election day half of the registered voters vote, 37.5 million. 51% vote for the winning
candidate, 19.25 million. That is only 6.4% of the U.S. population, and only 12.8% of
eligible voters. You only need to influence 6.4% of eligible registered voters that actually
vote to get elected!

10 million people is only 6.6% of consumers. I wouldnt say Oprah was malicious or
intended to crash the economy, she was merely a tool of influence for the Money Matrix.
With the Butterfly Effect, what affects 10 million affects us all. A trail of information leads
only to the truth. Wake up people, the money matrix has you.

Phillip Tilley is author of

The Money Matrix of the New World Order.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Disease of Self-Improvement

Understanding the Power of Now

By Karim Hajee
I'm about to reveal something very special
and if you follow what I outline in this
article you'll tap a very powerful
side of yourself - one that will allow you
to create the life you want in a very
short time.

We all have this ability and you don't have to

endure weeks or months of training to begin
working with this incredible power. What am
I talking about? It's the power of Now - the
power of the present moment. We all live in
the present moment but very few of us utilize
the power of this very present moment.

In this article I'll outline how

this power works, why you need to begin
working with the power of now and how to
start utilizing this amazing power. I'll also
outline how not working with the Power of the
present moment can really cause a great deal
of suffering and heartache - so read on and
I'm sure you'll discover something very

Understanding The Power Of Now

Let's face it the only thing that exists is

what is happening right now. The past does not
exist - it's over with and should be nothing
but a fading memory. The future does not exist -
it simply hasn't happened yet. Both the past and
the future are merely concepts
which consists of thoughts and memories.
The only thing that really exists right now
is the very present moment that you live in
and from this present moment you can draw
tremendous power - the kind of power that
can change your life and allow you to achieve
your goals.

Now you may say that you don't like the present
moment - but that's only because you're thinking
about what you feel the present should be. You're
either allowing your ego to dominate your present
moment, or you're focusing on mistakes of the past,
or your consumed with the future that you're forgetting
to live in the present moment. I know some of you may
say: "Karim, right now I don't have a job and the bank
is about to foreclose. Plus my wife/husband just left me
and I'm stuck with 3 kids. My present is not exactly
If you're present or current situation is
not pleasant then you are comparing it to something else -
you're probably thinking about what the now should be
instead of dealing with what is going on. In the above
case I would say if you don't have a job then
it's time to look for one - I know you probably are
but don't focus on the fact that you don't have
a job, don't focus on how difficult it may seem
to get a job, don't focus on why don't have a job,
simply concentrate on going out and getting a job.
At the end of the day - see where you are and
focus on what needs to be done next.
If your children need attention
right now - then give them attention. If you need to
go out and look for work right now then do it.

Don't compare your present situation to anything - accept

what it is and make the most of it with the intention of
making the present better with each step that you take.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying accept your present
situation and don't do anything to improve it. I'm saying
deal with your present situation and do everything you
can to improve your life.

Once you begin working on the present moment with the

intent of improving your life you begin to utilize the
power of now - you leave the past in the past, you don't
concentrate on the future and instead you start living
in the present moment doing everything that you can to
improve your life now.

When you do this you send a powerful message to your

subconscious mind. You tell your subconscious that you
are here now and ready to get to work to improve your
life. It then begins working for you because your
subconscious only understands the present moment -
your subconscious does not understand the future or the
past - your subconscious only lives in the now - in
the present moment.

Now I know this concept is easy to understand but

the challenge is in applying it. While many of you
will be able to grasp and understand the concept of
living in the now and working with the power of the
present moment - practicing it is quite another thing.
In order to do this you have to first start working
with a process that involves getting your mind to
work differently - something that it is not used
to and through that process you'll begin to live in
the now while moving forward and improving your life.

The Present is All That Exists

You may have memories, you may have feelings
when you think about the past, you may worry
about the future - but let's face it the past no
longer exists. You can't step back in time and
go into the past. Star Trek fans may disagree -
but as far as we know - there is no way of going
back in time and re-living or altering the past
experiences. The past is done with. It doesn't exist.
Similarly you can't step into the future and see
what happens - despite what so called psychics and
astrologers say - there is now way of seeing the
future or living in the future. It hasn't happened
- one day that future will arrive and if you're not
paying attention - if you're too focused on the past
or still worrying about the future - you'll miss it

The only thing that is taking place right now is the

present moment. As you read this article - that's
all that you are doing. When you are done the moment
that you are currently experiencing will never happen
again! The now will never happen again! Your present
moment will never happen again!

Even when you think about the past - you do so in

the present moment. You don't go back in time and
remember the past - you do so in this present moment.
When you think about the future you do it in the
present moment - not in the future - you do it now.
When you think about the past and the future you
are wasting the valuable time and power that you
have in the present moment. The only reason people are
unhappy is because they fail to live in the present
moment, they fail to embrace the now. Instead, they
often think about what their present moment should
be and allow their ego to dominate them - thus the
unhappiness sets in.

It is impossible to have a problem and live in the

present moment at the same time. When you live in
the present moment your attention is completely focused
on what is happening at that very moment. There are
no thoughts of the future or the past. If you are
at work - focus on work. If you are at home - focus
on the home. If you are with friends - focus on your
friends. When you do this your subconscious mind is
released and free to start working on improving your
life. When you are focused on the past or worried about
the future - the subconscious is lost in confusion. It
doesn't know what you want and is forced to go from
present to past and present to future without
being given the time or ability to create the situations
you need to improve your life in the present moment.
In short - you never allow your subconscious to
function in the present moment - which is the only
place that it can work.

Many of you may be seeking answers, trying to make

decisions or just hoping to discover a passion that
you can follow. All of these answers come when you live
in the now - when you are focused on the present moment
you will receive your answers. You can't step back into
the past or step into the future to receive these answers,
they only come in the present moment. But if you're
focused on the past or consumed with the future then
when the answer arrives you'll miss it. Why? Because
you were not living in the present moment - this
is where you can receive the answer.

How To Live In The Now

The reason you have trouble living in the now

is because your mind is simply not used to doing this.
Your mind is used to remembering the past or
worrying about the future - it can't live in the
present because it doesn't know how. But you can teach
your mind how to do this and I'm about to outline some
simple steps that you can take to start living in the

First take a look at your present situation and ask

yourself what's wrong with the very moment you are in.
Don't think about what happened yesterday or sometime in
the past. Don't focus on what might or might not happen
tomorrow. Take a look at the very moment you are in
not 5 minutes from now - and see if there is anything
wrong. If you are at home - is there something wrong?
Don't say you are out of work - that's not the
present moment because you are looking at what is not
happening. I want you to focus your mind on what is
happening - then see what is wrong with that picture.
My point is you should find nothing wrong with
the present moment - it is what it is - and once
you accept it - you can start living again.

Let's face it you can't turn your mind off - but you
can get it to work differently and that's what you should
start doing. Because if you don't take control of your
mind your mind will control you - and that's not going to
help you improve your life.

Ask yourself these next questions. Do you find yourself

waiting for something to happen? Are you waiting to get
some more time? Make more money? Meet the right person?
Are you waiting for the right opportunity? Waiting is another
game the mind plays because it doesn't want to live in
the present moment. If you answered yes to any of the
above questions then you are not living in the present
moment - you are focusing on anything but the present
moment. I know you can't focus on the present moment
or live in the now 24 hours a day. But start by
doing this for a few minutes a day and then continue
expanding the exercise everyday. Then track your progress.
See how you feel when you only focus on what is happening
right now. As you continually do this you'll see yourself
starting to enjoy the process. Here's a suggestion. The
next time you are driving or walking pay attention only
to what is happening around you. Listen to the sounds,
observe the people. Don't think about what you have
to do or what happened yesterday or what might happen
tomorrow or what might happen in five minutes. Focus
your attention only on what is happening right now.
Doing this will get your mind to start living in the
present moment and before you know it you'll be able
to focus your mind and utilize the power of now.

Have Some Fun!

The final step in the process is to start

having some fun. Start enjoying your life. Start
doing things that you enjoy. Act like a 6 year
old - don't try to be an adult all of the time.
Forget about your troubles and just do something
completely different - and have some fun. Once you
start doing this you'll see things begin to fall
into place. If you have a passion for sports then
start playing a sport you like. If you have a
passion for cooking - make a meal or two over the
next couple of days. Do what you enjoy and you'll
start attracting more positive situations into you life.

If you're ready to change your life and

achieve your goals then visit:
The Creating Power System

Karim Hajee

Amazing Secret Reveals How to Eliminate Stress From Your Life, Skyrocket Your
Self-Confidence, and Program Yourself For Lifetime Success. Learn more here: The
Creating Power System

More headlines at

How to Live in the Moment - A Scientific
By Avtar Singh
Source: Intent Blog

Both Einstein and spiritual masters have said that time is an illusion.
Then isnt each moment of time an illusion in itself? How is it possible to
live in the moment if it is an illusion?

Generally speaking, living in the moment has been a spiritual concept

related to the cultivation of awareness of the inner self or consciousness.
However, in this modern day and age, the phrase has almost become a
fashion in the pursuit of material wealth, power, and fame both in the
personal as well as business worlds.

As part of the corporate training to enhance productivity and profits, the

employees are provided motivational training by professionals to develop
living in the present attitude or behavior. Yoga and meditation classes
are given to corporate executives and employees to enhance
competitiveness and financial health of the corporations. Recently, I
heard the CEO of a Yoga franchise boasting about the extravagant
success of its business in beating out even the most materialistic and
egotistic CEOs of the well known and largest corporations in business.

Yoga, which originally meant to achieve unity with the universal

consciousness or awareness of the present moment, has become, for a
common person, another physical exercise to achieve bodily fitness and
good-looks to succeed in the material world. Similarly, meditation that
was meant to be a spiritual tool to achieve inner or self awareness to
help living in the present/moment has become another profit making or earn-a-living tool
for many.

Just like the materialistic science has squeezed consciousness out of the universal laws to
win over the inanimate matter, the modern day pseudo-spirituality has squeezed
consciousness out of yoga and meditation reducing them to mere physical tools to enhance
material living. Instead of cultivating unity with the universe and inner self, the
commercialized versions of the present day yoga and meditation have become ego
gratifying and enhancing tools for individuals and corporations. Instead of providing
meaning and purpose to life, they have mostly given rise to competition and jealousy of the
enhanced egos of their practitioners.

Let us look into the science, a Holistic Relativity perspective, of the living in the present
moment to understand its true meaning and value to life. According to Einsteins theory of
relativity, the speed of a clock or passing of time depends upon the speed of the observer.
Hence, time is only a relative entity to the observer and there is nothing like a universal
time or clock that specifies an absolute synchronous moment of time in the universe.

Empty space has no running clock in it and each of the galaxies moving at different speeds
in the expanding universe has different clock and time. Moreover, relativity theory says that
there is no synchronicity in the different clocks related to different observers. That means
there is no absolute and unique beginning or present or ending moment of time in the
universe. Hence, Big Bang is a singularity and the moment of time in the universe does not
exist as a unique point. Even quantum mechanics' uncertainty principle does not allow a
certain unique moment of time to exist as the space-time becomes a quantum foam of
uncertainty at smaller and smaller scales.

So, how could we live in the present or any moment that is indefinable as per the science?
Are science and spirituality of living in the moment at odds with each other?

Holistic Relativity resolves this dilemma and vindicates the wonderfully intuitive
and scientific insights of the spiritual masters as follows.

There are other problems with the concept of the moment of time. In spite of the fact that
time is an illusion and no physical experiment can be performed to establish its existence,
science has devised atomic clocks that can measure time with an unparalleled accuracy
down to nanoseconds. Our everyday experience of time reinforces the feeling that it is an
absolute reality rather than a relative (temporal) reality or a stubborn illusion, as Einstein
characterized it.

However, the present moment is nothing but an infinitesimal duration of time, much much
smaller than even the smallest measurable time interval, which represents the boundary
between the past and future. If it is only the boundary between the past and future, how
can one live in it?

In order to live or dwell in the so-called present moment of time, there must be a finite non-
zero extent of it to dwell in. Scientifically speaking, the smallest known moment or duration
of time is the Plancks time that equals approximately 10 raised to the power of minus 43
(that is1 divided by 10 forty three times) seconds.

Neuroscientific measurements have shown that there is an irreducible delay of several

hundred milliseconds between our conscious decision-making and its pursuant action via
neural responses by the brain. So, even if we consciously decide to live in the current
moment, by the time we can act upon it several hundred milliseconds would have already
passed beyond the Plancks moment of time. So, it is neuro-scientifically impossible to live
in the moment even if we tried. It is worse than fitting the camel within the eye of a needle.
Then, how did Buddha live in the moment? What do the spiritual masters mean by Living in
the present moment?

To understand this, let us see what happens if we are able to slow down the clock or time.
As the clock movement slows down, the extent of the duration of the present moment
sandwiched between the past and future also expands. In the limit, if the clock is stopped
completely, then both the past and future disappear, and what remains is the present
moment with an infinite extension. In fact, since the both past and future dissolve, so does
the present and what really remains is the one wholesome eternal existence or the
consciousness. There are no more boundaries of past, present, and future dividing space
and time leading to a perfect state of universal unity or Yoga.

The Holistic Relativity shows that such a state of being with fully dilated space and time is
achieved when the mass completely dissolves into energy. The important insight to be
gained here is that the realization of such a state of being has been the fundamental
objective of the practices of yoga and meditation as originally devised by the spiritual
masters including the Buddha. Their insight that led to the development of these tools was
deeply scientific showing their deep intuition into the workings and laws governing space
and time. They may not have developed explicit mathematical expressions for their
intuition, but their experimental verification was accomplished thru their direct experience
of such states of egoless (mass-less and time-less) being while living a bodily and worldly

Hence, the concept of living in the present moment is, scientifically (Holistic Relativity
wise) speaking, no different than the concept of the stopped clock signifying fully dilated
space (omnipresence or total awareness) and time (eternity) in conjunction with the
dissolution of the ego (mass) or enlightenment.

This egoless state is the state of true Yoga or unity with the universe. Meditation is
nothing but a tool to realize such a state. Just like the medication is to
cure the disease of the body, meditation is to cure the disease of the ego
or mind. Just as when the healthy state of being is achieved medication
is no more needed, meditation is not needed when the state of egoless-
ness or total awareness is achieved. However, meditation may help
maintaining the state of awareness as it gets tarnished by the struggles
of daily living in the egotistic world.

In summary, please do not rush to taking the batteries out of your clocks
to stop time. What living in the moment really means and how it can
be achieved is DISSOLVE THE EGO"

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Slow Down Time With Your Mind

How to Live in the Moment - A Scientific

By Avtar Singh
Source: Intent Blog

Both Einstein and spiritual masters have said that time is an illusion.
Then isnt each moment of time an illusion in itself? How is it possible to
live in the moment if it is an illusion?

Generally speaking, living in the moment has been a spiritual concept

related to the cultivation of awareness of the inner self or consciousness.
However, in this modern day and age, the phrase has almost become a
fashion in the pursuit of material wealth, power, and fame both in the
personal as well as business worlds.

As part of the corporate training to enhance productivity and profits, the

employees are provided motivational training by professionals to develop
living in the present attitude or behavior. Yoga and meditation classes
are given to corporate executives and employees to enhance
competitiveness and financial health of the corporations. Recently, I
heard the CEO of a Yoga franchise boasting about the extravagant
success of its business in beating out even the most materialistic and egotistic CEOs of the
well known and largest corporations in business.

Yoga, which originally meant to achieve unity with the universal consciousness or awareness
of the present moment, has become, for a common person, another physical exercise to
achieve bodily fitness and good-looks to succeed in the material world. Similarly, meditation
that was meant to be a spiritual tool to achieve inner or self awareness to help living in the
present/moment has become another profit making or earn-a-living tool for many.

Just like the materialistic science has squeezed consciousness out of the universal laws to
win over the inanimate matter, the modern day pseudo-spirituality has squeezed
consciousness out of yoga and meditation reducing them to mere physical tools to enhance
material living. Instead of cultivating unity with the universe and inner self, the
commercialized versions of the present day yoga and meditation have become ego
gratifying and enhancing tools for individuals and corporations. Instead of providing
meaning and purpose to life, they have mostly given rise to competition and jealousy of the
enhanced egos of their practitioners.

Let us look into the science, a Holistic Relativity perspective, of the living in the present
moment to understand its true meaning and value to life. According to Einsteins theory of
relativity, the speed of a clock or passing of time depends upon the speed of the observer.
Hence, time is only a relative entity to the observer and there is nothing like a universal
time or clock that specifies an absolute synchronous moment of time in the universe.

Empty space has no running clock in it and each of the galaxies moving at different speeds
in the expanding universe has different clock and time. Moreover, relativity theory says that
there is no synchronicity in the different clocks related to different observers. That means
there is no absolute and unique beginning or present or ending moment of time in the
universe. Hence, Big Bang is a singularity and the moment of time in the universe does not
exist as a unique point. Even quantum mechanics' uncertainty principle does not allow a
certain unique moment of time to exist as the space-time becomes a quantum foam of
uncertainty at smaller and smaller scales.

So, how could we live in the present or any moment that is indefinable as per the science?
Are science and spirituality of living in the moment at odds with each other?

Holistic Relativity resolves this dilemma and vindicates the wonderfully intuitive
and scientific insights of the spiritual masters as follows.

There are other problems with the concept of the moment of time. In spite of the fact that
time is an illusion and no physical experiment can be performed to establish its existence,
science has devised atomic clocks that can measure time with an unparalleled accuracy
down to nanoseconds. Our everyday experience of time reinforces the feeling that it is an
absolute reality rather than a relative (temporal) reality or a stubborn illusion, as Einstein
characterized it.

However, the present moment is nothing but an infinitesimal duration of time, much much
smaller than even the smallest measurable time interval, which represents the boundary
between the past and future. If it is only the boundary between the past and future, how
can one live in it?
In order to live or dwell in the so-called present moment of time, there must be a finite non-
zero extent of it to dwell in. Scientifically speaking, the smallest known moment or duration
of time is the Plancks time that equals approximately 10 raised to the power of minus 43
(that is1 divided by 10 forty three times) seconds.

Neuroscientific measurements have shown that there is an irreducible delay of several

hundred milliseconds between our conscious decision-making and its pursuant action via
neural responses by the brain. So, even if we consciously decide to live in the current
moment, by the time we can act upon it several hundred milliseconds would have already
passed beyond the Plancks moment of time. So, it is neuro-scientifically impossible to live
in the moment even if we tried. It is worse than fitting the camel within the eye of a needle.
Then, how did Buddha live in the moment? What do the spiritual masters mean by Living in
the present moment?

To understand this, let us see what happens if we are able to slow down the clock or time.
As the clock movement slows down, the extent of the duration of the present moment
sandwiched between the past and future also expands. In the limit, if the clock is stopped
completely, then both the past and future disappear, and what remains is the present
moment with an infinite extension. In fact, since the both past and future dissolve, so does
the present and what really remains is the one wholesome eternal existence or the
consciousness. There are no more boundaries of past, present, and future dividing space
and time leading to a perfect state of universal unity or Yoga.

The Holistic Relativity shows that such a state of being with fully dilated space and time is
achieved when the mass completely dissolves into energy. The important insight to be
gained here is that the realization of such a state of being has been the fundamental
objective of the practices of yoga and meditation as originally devised by the spiritual
masters including the Buddha. Their insight that led to the development of these tools was
deeply scientific showing their deep intuition into the workings and laws governing space
and time. They may not have developed explicit mathematical expressions for their
intuition, but their experimental verification was accomplished thru their direct experience
of such states of egoless (mass-less and time-less) being while living a bodily and worldly

Hence, the concept of living in the present moment is, scientifically (Holistic Relativity
wise) speaking, no different than the concept of the stopped clock signifying fully dilated
space (omnipresence or total awareness) and time (eternity) in conjunction with the
dissolution of the ego (mass) or enlightenment.

This egoless state is the state of true Yoga or unity with the universe. Meditation is
nothing but a tool to realize such a state. Just like the medication is to cure the disease of
the body, meditation is to cure the disease of the ego or mind. Just as when the healthy
state of being is achieved medication is no more needed, meditation is not needed when the
state of egoless-ness or total awareness is achieved. However, meditation may help
maintaining the state of awareness as it gets tarnished by the struggles of daily living in the
egotistic world.

In summary, please do not rush to taking the batteries out of your clocks to stop time.
What living in the moment really means and how it can be achieved is DISSOLVE THE

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Slow Down Time With Your Mind

How to Create In the Eternal Now
By Adrian Cooper
Excerpt from Our Ultimate Reality

Time is an illusion, a purely human construct of mankind, designed for

convenience in order to measure a perceived past, present and
future. The illusion of time on Earth is maintained by means of a
scientific measurement of the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun
in the physical three dimensional Universe in order to observe the
seasons and the time the Earth takes for a complete rotation relative to
the Sun in the measurement of ongoing time, in turn measured by
various physical instruments such as clocks, calendars and charts.

Beyond the perceptions of most of those in the physical world, time

simply does not exist. There is only Now, the Eternal Now where
everything that has happened, is happening and ever will happen relative
to the Earth concept of time already exists, always has existed and
always will exist. Beyond Earth therefore the concepts of past, present
and future simply do not and cannot exist.

The entire Universe from The Source, The First Cause, God is Energy
vibrating at a frequency relative to The Source, The Source being the
very centre of the Universe of Energy and the physical world being the
outermost shell, the physical three dimensional Universe as observed by
means of the physical senses and by science, existing at the lowest rate
of vibration and the highest density. It should also be mentioned that the
physical Universe of matter represents only a tiny fraction of the
Universe of Energy and vibration in its entirety.

All Energy is influenced by the causation of thought before configuring under the influence
of that thought, manifesting as an observable effect in the plane at which the thought
originated. Everything that happens, ever happened and ever will happen in the entire
Universe therefore, including the physical world, first originated as a thought originating
from the Mind of a Being, and which thought in turn has its corresponding effect on the
Energy of the Causal Spheres of the Universe while becoming the corresponding and
potentially observable effect.

The Ultimate act of Creation by The First Cause, The Source, God of the entire Universe in
all of its glorious spheres, planes and dimensions originated in the very beginning as a
thought in the Mind of God. It can be truly said therefore that we all exist as expressions,
within the Mind of God, made in the true Spiritual image of God.

Since the beginning of the human concept of time mankind has sought to live life based
around that concept, thereby always thinking in terms of past present and future rather
than Now. The Universe and the Energy we influence in the creation of our own individual
realities have no concept of time, only Now, and as a result there is a no past or future
irrespective of how much mankind forces his own existence around those erroneous notions.
This tendency to force everything to happen in compliance with a notional concept of time
has a very profound effect on the lives of those who do not fully understand these realities.
When a person thinks in the future tense, for example I will, I want, I could then the
Energy being influenced by those thoughts that can manifest into individual reality will be
influenced only in the Now, with the perceived future never actually arriving. So if someone
thinks, says or behaves in a manner that implies I want, then that person is placing
themselves into a perpetual state of wanting but never of actually receiving. The vast
majority of the human race today exists to some extent in a state of such wanting, while
never being in a state of Mind, Energy and vibration to receive that which they want.

The Universe, The Source, God is immutable, absolutely perfect in every possible respect,
and will accordingly always respond to a thought in its absolute terms rather than a human
concept. I want literally creates a state of wanting perpetually until if or at such time
whatever is associated with that thought is shifted to a state of having in the Now, which
will then allow the object of that thought to manifest from a perpetual want into the actual
Now, and accordingly into the individual, observable reality of the person originating that

The importance of the Eternal Now simply cannot be over-emphasised. It is one of

the most fundamental influences on the ability to create our own realities Now,
rather than perpetually being frozen in a state of wanting but never receiving, a
state that many find themselves in today.

The next chapters of this book we will address the importance of only thinking and acting in
terms of the present tense in the context of total control over your own life and reality,
enabling you to realise the potential that is within every human being, to have anything you
can possibly desire. Always remember, there is nothing that you cannot be, do or have.

The importance of the Eternal Now must be fully grasped and fully understood as a
continuous aspect of enjoying total fulfilment, joy and evolution. How we think has the most
profound effect over the effects that occur in our lives; nothing has a more profound effect.

It is not sufficient to only recognize and express these fundamental Universal laws when it
suits us, when we desire something or when there is a situation that demands it, it is
absolutely necessary to live life completely in accordance with these immutable Universal
laws. Those who do live their lives, either consciously or subconsciously according to these
Universal laws will always seem to others to live a charmed, lucky fortunate existence,
when in fact they are in reality living a Magical life, always in total control over their own
individual reality, and always in a higher degree of harmony, Energy and vibration with the
Universe compared to their less notionally charmed, lucky or fortunate family, friends
and others around them.

In order to begin the process of living the life of your desires in which you have a total
control first of all requires awareness. Rather than thinking random thoughts, all of which
will have their corresponding effects whether observable or not, start to become fully aware
of how, what and why you are thinking what you are. This is where powers of concentration
as developed by virtue of the exercises in the previous chapter of this book are so valuable.
Presence of Mind, awareness and concentration are a very powerful combination indeed in
creating your own reality and living that Magical life that many can only dream of.

Always think as you wish things to Be, Now.

Two of the most powerful words that you can possibly think or say are I Am. As you live
your life therefore the first stage of awareness is to always stop your thoughts short of a
statement that implies the future tense and to transmute it into the present tense. So I
will becomes I am, I want becomes I have and I might becomes I do. Also keep in
Mind that there is absolutely no such concept as try. We either Do something in the
present Now, or we do not Do anything; try simply does not exist except as a concept of a
person wishing to achieve something.

I want to feel well should not be allowed to proceed as a thought and should be
immediately become I am feeling so well. This thought takes the reality of feeling well
from some point in the perceived future that never arrives, to actually feeling well in the
present. So a strong thought of I am feeling so well will manifest into your reality in the
Now, and you will indeed feel well in accordance with the effect of the causation of your I
am feeling so well thought on the causation of the Universal Energy involved.

Similarly, if you have a bill that needs paying and you believe that you do not have the
money, another human construct, to pay the bill, never think in terms of I want the money
to pay this bill, but rather I have the money to pay this bill effortlessly. Bringing this
statement into the present tense rather then a future statement of lack will cause the
means by which the bill can be paid to manifest into your reality, and the bill will be paid in

Please always keep in Mind; the Universe always delivers in absolute accordance with your
thoughts; there are no exceptions to these Laws. Again, I might succeed at this objective
implies never actually succeeding. The might places the success into the indefinite and
infinite range of possibilities and never as an actuality. So I might succeed with this
objective should become I am enjoying complete success with this objective, and that
success will then become your reality as that vibration of Universal Energy has its effect.

In summary, always think in terms of the present tense, and always remember those words
I Am, using them all the time in the context of the reality you wish to create for yourself.
In the next chapters of this book we will deal with consciously creating your own reality, an
extremely important aspect of which is recognition of the Eternal Now. Creating your own
reality is an ongoing, joyous and productive life, not just something to do when it suits
you or to conform to the demands of others, vanity or ego. Those who understand and
consciously apply these facts to their lives will be richly rewarded with health, wealth and
happiness to the exact extent of the focus of the thoughts that created the same reality.

In the next chapter we will discuss in great depth The Law of Attraction, and aspect of
Causation, the law of Cause and Effect, that once, fully understood and practiced, which is
well within the abilities of everyone, will enable you to attract into your physical life
absolutely anything you could wish for, desire or need, thus enabling you to live a life of
complete abundance, joy and fulfilment.

Adrian Cooper is the author of Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of
How to Use the Past, Present, and
Future in Attaining Success
Did you know that your past, present, and future can affect directly or
indirectly your outlook in life?

The Past
Have you ever done something that is so regrettable you couldn't forgive
yourself? Have you ever made a mistake that up to the present time
you're still blaming yourself? Are you still torturing yourself with the
thought that only if you could've done it differently, you're living a much
better life right now?

Good news for you! You don't have to keep this burden in your heart for
as long as you live. Release it. Set yourself free.

If you keep bad memories, you're depriving yourself of good mental and
emotional health. You're making yourself a prisoner of the past.

This will adversely affect your capacity to act at the present moment.
You will not be able to think clearly and you will lose your focus if you are
still lingering in the shadows of your dark past.

No matter what you do, you couldn't reverse or otherwise change

history. So let bygones be bygones. Why worry about something you
have no control of?

Let go of the past, but keep the LESSONS. Whatever lesson you've
learned will be of utmost importance to the fulfillment of your goals in
the future. These lessons are your mentors that may sometimes teach you the hard way;
but nevertheless, success comes to those who are willing to take the risk and pay the price
for their actions.

And what about the successes you had in the past? How did you feel when you've
accomplished something exceptional? It feels great isn't it?

Well then, use these past experiences in your present endeavors to encourage you and to
motivate you. These memorable experiences will bring a positive aura of enthusiasm and
will remind you that you have the power to achieve anything with the right attitude.

Recall these affirmative memories in everything that you do and you will see amazing
results in all your undertakings.

The Future
Now how can the future influence your success if it hasn't occurred yet? The answer is

Your burning passion to attain your ideal life in the future will become the motivating factor
that will prod and push you to take the essential steps at the present moment.
Conceive your future in the most vivid and comprehensive way possible.

For instance, if you want to get rich, then take into consideration:

1)How much money you desire to make, when you intend to get them, and your action plan
to have that exact amount by your target date

2)The vision of your lifestyle when you've attained the money; like the people you are in
contact with, the activities you are engaging in, the food you are eating, the places you are
visiting...Well, you get the picture.

These are the guiding forces that will chart the right path to your intended destination. If
you envision yourself as having attained them and focus all your efforts regardless of the
impending obstacles ahead, then your inner power will release the right kind of energy that
will enable you to do nearly anything in pursuit of your desired end.

The Present
The present moment is the time to ACT. Ready or not, you must do some action now!
Mistakes will be made, but you could always revise them.

Put procrastination aside. One delay or excuse will generate a chain

reaction of more postponements and alibis that will never end. Before
you knew it, open opportunities have already passed you by.

Never let fear get on your way. Some people are struck by the threats of
failures, setbacks, or criticisms. What they don't realize is that majority
of successful people had to pass through "the eye of the needle" in order
to get where they are now.

Act intelligently. Use your past mistakes as guides to avoid future

blunders. Let the vision of your ideal life in the future compel you to
carry out your plans and catapult you to reach your deepest desires.

More headlines at

What Is the Key to Freedom?

By Deepak Chopra
Excerpt from Power, Freedom, & Grace: Living from the Source of
Lasting Happness

One of the most crucial aspects of life is the notion of

freedom and the notion of bondage. Ultimately, our
goal is to experience freedom, but to understand
what freedom is we first have to understand what
bondage is.
What does it mean to be free and what does it mean to be in bondage? To be in bondage is
to be stuck in this or that possibility, having lost the ability to choose from an infinite range
of responses.

What is the bondage to?

The bondage is always to our own boundaries, to our own beliefs and conditioned
responses. Boundaries and beliefs are nothing more than ideas or concepts that we have
committed to and accepted as truth. And when they are as rigid and inflexible as concrete,
we cannot see past them. They become the prison walls that we inadvertently construct
around ourselves.

Freedom: The power to think or act without restraint; the capacity to exercise

You wrap yourself in thoughts the way a spider wraps flies in gossamer. You are both the
spider and the fly, entangling yourself in your own web. Your entire lifetime and other
lifetimes are packaged inside you as imprints or energy patterns that are triggered by
words, encounters, and relationships. You have been conditioned to interpret your
experiences in a certain way, and this determines how you react to them. So any bondage
that you experience is really the prison of your own conditioning.

Most people live their entire lives in bondage. They are a bundle of nerves and conditioned
responses, which are constantly being triggered by other people and circumstances into
totally predictable outcomes. To be free of bondage, we have to break down conditioned
responses; we have to go beyond boundaries and experience the boundless.

What is freedom?

Freedom comes from the experiential knowledge of our true nature, which is already free. It
comes from finding out that our real essence is the joyful field of infinite consciousness that
animates all of creation. To have the experience of our real essence is just to be. Then we
are free. In this state of freedom, we understand that life is the meaningful coexistence of
all opposite values. We may experience happiness or we may experience pain and suffering,
but we do not get attached to pleasure and we do not recoil in fear of pain. In freedom, we
even lose our fear of death, because the belief in mortality is just a spell that we have cast
upon ourselves.

Behind the mask of mortality is the field of immortality. The real you is immortal; it is
beyond birth and death. The real you is not your ego, which is time-bound; it is your spirit,
which is timeless. When you know that, when you identify with your spirit, you are free of
every limitation, including the limitation that you are a person trapped inside a body for the
span of a lifetime. You are the source of both body and mind, and you are not touched by
this world of change because you know that you are the unchanging essence of pure
consciousness itself.

The time-bound comes and goes; the timeless always is. The time-bound is the known; the
timeless is the fresh unknown. In our addiction to the time-bound, we have projected a
reality of separation and suffering. We live in a collective hallucination where we are bound
and imprisoned by our own projections. Past and future are in the imagination; reality is in
this moment. Suffering is in the imagination; freedom is in this moment. Beyond all of the
obstacles to freedom is a world that is free of all projection; it is the world of infinite
consciousness. And that world abides in the eternal moment.

Your Life Is This Moment

There never was a time when your life was not this moment. There never will be a time
when your life is not this moment. It is impossible to deal with that which does not exist in
this moment. Therefore, live in this moment by keeping your attention in this moment.
Abide in this moment, and you will abide in that which is eternal, timeless, ageless, and

When you live in the now and the here, you recognize that the real you dwells in the
timeless, eternal moment. You no longer want to live in the memories of the past or the
imaginings of the future. You want to live in the present moment, where you can exercise
the power and freedom of choice. The whole purpose of living in freedom is to enjoy the
choices that you make in every successive moment of the present.

People have asked me, Is the world one of free will, or is it deterministic? The world is
both deterministic and one of free will. If you are aware and beyond conditioning, then you
have free will and you live in freedom. But if you are unaware and conditioned, then you do
not have free will and your world is deterministic.

The present is the moment of choice and interpretation. Your choices, this moment, are
creating the external events you are experiencing in this moment. Your interpretations, this
moment, are creating the internal events you are experiencing in this moment. And because
the outer world is a mirror of your inner world, your choices and interpretations co-
create and perpetuate one another. You are neither the choice nor the interpretation but the
source of both. If you become aware of your choices and interpretations, then you will begin
to experience freedom of choice.

Therefore, the key to freedom is to become the silent witness, which is the ever-present
awareness that witnesses everything. The silent witness is awareness itself. Awareness,
aware of itself, is presence, profound wisdom, and peace. When you are free, you identify
with your inner self instead of your self-image. And within this freedom lies the ability to
spontaneously put your attention on those choices that bring joy to you, and also joy to

By Deepak Chopra, author of Power, Freedom, & Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting

Deepak is also the author of many more books, including A Book of Secrets ,The Seven
Spiritual Laws of Success, Life After Death, How to Know God, Perfect Health.

How to Create Complete & Perfect Freedom

By Dr. Robert Anthony
Creator of Rich Mind Life Strategy

Imagine doing what you want, when you want, with whom you want, where you want, for
as long as you want, without ever having to answer to anyone

Let me ask you a question.

How would you know if you were "rich"?

That may seem like a stupid question. You would probably reply, I
would know if I was rich if I had no bills, or I had a lot of money in the
bank, or had income producing investments or business, or I could buy
whatever I want without having to go into debt.

What Are True Riches?

If you gave any of the above answers you would be partially correct.
Most people perceive wealth or riches as the ability to be financially
secure. However, true riches offer an even greater benefit than financial
security A person who is truly rich knows they are truly rich when they
have achieved the most valuable asset of all: PERSONAL FREEDOM!

This is true wealth to have complete FREEDOM to live life on YOUR


Focus on What You Want to Attract

When I did not understand the principle of personal freedom, I focused

on money. I wanted money, and I wanted lots of it! That was my goal.
And because we get what we focus on, I attracted more money.

But then one day I realized that what I really wanted was the freedom to
live life on my terms. First, it's important to know when people see how I
live and conduct my business, they often say that, Its easy for you, you
earn a lot of money, youre famous, youve got a huge demand for your
books, training programs, etc. But they miss the point. I purposely
designed my life this way when I had no money.

This was my dream. This was my intention.

Focus on Having Personal Freedom

Living this way is the basis of what I teach in my books, audio programs,
seminars and personal counseling. What you get in life is determined by
what you focus on and the actions you take.

In other words, you get the outcome of personal freedom by focusing on it and practicing it.
It is both the cause and the effect or the outcome.

I choose freedom to do what I like, when I like, where I like, with whom I like in both my
personal life and in my business.
For example, I do not carry a mobile phone with me unless I am traveling. When I am at
home, which is ninety percent of the time, I dont carry one with me. My reasoning is that I
am just not that important that I must annoy everyone who comes into contact with me by
constantly and incessantly talking on the phone.

If you feel you have to carry a mobile phone with you everywhere and answer every call,
you are not free - you are a prisoner.

Create Your Life By Design

In addition to not carrying a mobile phone with me, I do not take any unscheduled phone
calls. Even my personal coaching clients who pay me tens of thousands of dollars must
make advance appointments to talk with me on the phone - and those calls are kept to a
minimum because I prefer getting emails.

As a result, today, I work only with people I enjoy working with.

No exceptions. If I have a troublesome client, I fire them!

My Freedom Makes Me Truly Rich

I live pretty much as I choose. If I want to take a day off to go out to the races, watch the
horses run and have a bet, I do. If I want to travel anywhere, I do. If I want to be with
someone, dine anywhere or go when I want, whenever I want, I do.

My peace of mind and my freedom to live my life on my terms is why I am truly rich. Yet, I
want to quickly emphasize, this has nothing to do with the amount of money I earn. This
just helps to support my lifestyle of freedom.

But here is the point: I created this at a time when I could not afford it. I didnt wait until I
had to money to do it. It was my core desire. I believe anyone can live this way if they
choose. People tell me that because of their circumstances it is not possible for them to do
this. I tell them horse pucky. You can do anything you want if you set your intention and
follow through.

This is true wealth. You can have it your way regardless of what you do for a living,
regardless of the business you're in, where you live, your current income, wealth or lack
thereof, regardless of any variable you can possibly name. If you will deliberately get in
ALIGNMENT with creating freedom, YOU - I mean: YOU - can have it!

Get in Alignment with Your Desire to be Free

Your mission - should you choose to accept it - is to get in total ALIGNMENT spiritually,
mentally, emotionally, strategically and behaviorally with a lifestyle of personal freedom, so
you can enjoy the results of you wealth. This is the position you want to get into, as quickly
as possible.

If you want a lifestyle of total personal freedom, now, not 'someday' - You can join me
today. It comes from developing a RICH MIND LIFE STRATEGY.

As always, I wish you the best of everything that you are willing to accept for yourself.
Dr. Robert Anthony is the author of 15 books including the million copy
best sellers "The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self Confidence" and
"Advanced Formula for Total Success". His latest creation is the
comprehensive life-changing program, Rich Mind Life Strategy.

The Power of Now

By Karim Hajee
Excerpt from 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life

Do you ever catch yourself daydreaming or thinking about something

that happened some time ago - or even something that may or may not
happen in the future?

Chances are you're like most people and you regularly think about
something that happened in the past or you're focused on something
that could happen in the future.

When you you're thinking about the past or the future - you're not here -
you're not living in the now.

When you're not living in the now you fail to utilize what I call the power
of now - something that can dramatically improve your life in ways you
never thought possible.

If you want to achieve success, happiness and live the life you want -
start living in the now - be here now - by experiencing the present
moment for the gift that it is.

The Past is Over, The Future Does Not Exist

We all live in the present moment but very few of us utilize the power of this very present

Let's face it the only thing that exists is what is happening right now. The past does not
exist - it's over with and should be nothing but a fading memory. The future does not exist -
it simply hasn't happened yet.

Both the past and the future are only a part of your thoughts and memories - they only
exist in your mind and not in reality.

The only thing that really exists right now is the very present moment that you live in and
from this present moment you can draw tremendous power - the kind of power that can
change your life and allow you to achieve your goals.

Now you may not like the present moment - but that's only because you're thinking about
what you feel the present should be. You're comparing the present moment to something
else and not appreciating what is happening right now.
Chances are you're either allowing your ego to dominate your present moment, or you're
focusing on mistakes of the past, or your consumed with the future that you're forgetting to
live in the present moment.

I know some of you may say: "Karim, right now I don't have a job and the bank is about to
foreclose. Plus my wife/husband just left me and I'm stuck with 3 kids. My present is not
exactly pleasant." If you're present or current situation is not pleasant then you are
comparing it to something else - you're probably thinking about what the now should be
instead of dealing with what is going on.

If you don't have a job then it's time to look for one. I know you're probably looking for
work but don't focus on the fact that you don't have a job, don't focus on how difficult it
may seem to get a job, simply concentrate on going out and getting a job. This is the
process of doing what has to be done now and not worrying about the way things should be.

At the end of the day - see where you are and focus on what needs to be done

If your children need attention right now - then give them attention. If you need to go out
and look for work right now then do it. Don't compare your present situation to anything -
accept what it is and make the most of it with the intention of making the present better
with each step that you take.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying accept your present situation and don't do anything to
improve it. I'm saying deal with your present situation and do everything you can to
improve your life.

When you begin working on the present moment with the intent of improving your life you
begin to utilize the power of now - you leave the past in the past, you don't concentrate on
the future and instead you start living in the present moment doing everything that you can
to improve your life now.

When you do this you send a powerful message to your subconscious mind. You tell your
subconscious that you are here now and ready to get to work to improve your life. It then
begins working for you because your subconscious only understands the present moment -
your subconscious does not understand the future or the past - your subconscious only lives
in the now - in the present moment.

Now I know this concept is easy to understand but the challenge is in applying it. While
many of you will be able to grasp and understand the concept of living in the now and
working with the power of the present moment - practicing it is quite another thing.

To start working with the power of now you have to get your mind to work differently - you
have to get your mind to simply focus on what is happening and what needs to be done
right now. No more comparing or hoping for things to get better. Just deal with what is and
what has to be done.

When you do this you start moving forward and you allow your subconscious mind to help
you achieve your goal because you are here now - working with your subconscious to create
the situations that you want.
The Present is All That Exists

You may have memories, you may have feelings when you think about the past, you may
worry about the future - but let's face it the past no longer exists. You can't step back in
time and go into the past. The past is done with. It doesn't exist.

You can't step into the future and see what happens - despite what so called psychics and
astrologers say - there is now way of seeing the future or living in the future. It hasn't
happened - one day that future will arrive and if you're not paying attention - if you're too
focused on the past or still worrying about the future - you'll miss it completely.

The only thing that is taking place right now is the present moment. As you read this article
- that's all that you are doing. When you are done the moment that you are currently
experiencing will never happen again! The now will never happen again! Your present
moment will never happen again!

Even when you think about the past - you think about it in the present moment. You don't
physically go back in time and remember the past. You only remember the past in this
present moment.

When you think about the future you do it in the present moment - not in the future.

When you think about the past and the future you are wasting the valuable time and power
that you have in the present moment.

The only reason people are unhappy is because they fail to live in the present moment, they
fail to embrace the now. Instead, they often think about what their present moment should
be and allow their ego to dominate them - thus the unhappiness sets in.

It is impossible to have a problem and live in the present moment at the same
time. When you live in the present moment your attention is completely focused on what is
happening at that very moment. There are no thoughts of the future or the past. If you are
at work - focus on work. If you are at home - focus on the home. If you are with friends -
focus on your friends.

When you do this your subconscious mind is released and free to start working on
improving your life.

When you are focused on the past or worried about the future - the subconscious is lost in
confusion. It doesn't know what you want and is forced to go from present to past and
present to future without being given the time or ability to create the situations you need to
improve your life in the present moment.You never allow your subconscious to function in
the present moment - which is the only place that it can work.

Focus on the present moment. Allow your subconscious mind to work for you everyday - by
working with the power of the present moment.

Many of you may be seeking answers, trying to make decisions or just hoping to discover a
passion that you can follow. All of these answers come when you live in the now - when you
are focused on the present moment you will receive your answers. You can't step back into
the past or step into the future to receive these answers, they only come in the present

But if you're focused on the past or consumed with the future then when the answer arrives
you'll miss it. Why? Because you were not living in the present moment - this is where you
can receive the answer.

If you want to start directing your subconscious mind and if you want to stop living in the
past and start living in the now then you need to take control of your mind and
subconscious mind and begin creating the life you want.

How To Live In The Now

If you're ready to start living in the now and begin creating the life that you want then take
a look at your present situation and ask yourself what's wrong with the very moment you
are in.

Don't think about what happened yesterday or sometime in the past. Don't focus on what
might or might not happen tomorrow. Take a look at the very moment you are in not 5
minutes from now - and see if there is anything wrong. If you are at home - is there
something wrong?

Don't say you are out of work - that's not the present moment because you are looking at
what is not happening.

I want you to focus your mind on what is happening - then see what is wrong with that

You should find nothing wrong with the present moment - it is what it is - and once you
accept it - you can start living again.

Let's face it you can't turn your mind off - but you can get it to work differently and that's
what you should start doing.

Because if you don't take control of your mind your mind will control you - and that's not
going to help you improve your life.

Ask yourself these next questions: Do you find yourself waiting for something to happen?
Are you waiting to get some more time? Make more money? Meet the right person? Are you
waiting for the right opportunity?

Waiting is another game the mind plays because it doesn't want to live in the present

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you're not living in the present
moment - you are focusing on anything but the present moment. I know you can't focus on
the present moment or live in the now 24 hours a day. But start by doing this for a few
minutes a day and then continue expanding the exercise everyday. Then track your
progress. See how you feel when you only focus on what is happening right now. As you
continually do this you'll see yourself starting to enjoy the process.
Here's a suggestion. The next time you are driving or walking pay attention only to what is
happening around you. Listen to the sounds, observe the people. Don't think about what
you have to do or what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow or what might
happen in five minutes. Focus your attention only on what is happening right now. Doing
this will get your mind to start living in the present moment and before you know it you'll be
able to focus your mind and utilize the power of now.

Start utilizing the power of now - you'll be more focused and you'll enjoy the present
moment. Best of all you'll start moving toward achieving your goals and living the life you

Have Some Fun!

Remember to have some fun. Enjoy life. Do things differently. Act like a kid when you can -
kids are always living in the now - that's all they know. Forget about your troubles and just
do something completely different - and have some fun. Once you start doing this you'll see
things begin to fall into place. If you have a passion for sports then start playing a sport you
like. If you have a passion for cooking - make a meal or two over the next couple of days.
Do what you enjoy and you'll start attracting more positive situations into you life.

By Karim Hajee, creator of The Creating Power System. This article is from the book 101
Great Ways to Improve Your Life

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