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Directive technical document of Harbin Turbine Company


Technical principles for turbine rotor high-speed dynamic

2010-05-01 2010-05-01
Issued on May 1, 2010 Implemented on May 1, 2010

Issued by Harbin Turbine Company Limited


This standard is revised according to B/Z58.42-2007<Technical

principle for turbine rotor high-speed dynamic balancing>.
This standard substitutes B/Z58.42-2007 beginning from the date of

This standard is managed centrally by technical management department.

This standard is drafted by dynamic balancing test center.
Prepared by: Li Libo
Checked by: Zhang Xiyan
Reviewed by: Sun Zhongmin
Standardization checked by:Li Jingbin
Approved by: Li Yawu


Technical principle for turbine rotor high-speed dynamic

(50Hz 60Hz)

This standard specifies the process requirements for high-speed

dynamic balancing test at room temperature of rotors with gravity center
within supporting span for stationary steam turbine (50Hz and
60Hz)industrial steam turbine, semi-speed steam turbine, fan, and marine
turbines in high-speed dynamic balancing test chamber.

(50Hz 60Hz)

This standard is applicable to high-speed dynamic balancing test at

room temperature of rotors with gravity center within supporting span for
stationary steam turbine (50Hz and 60Hz)industrial steam turbine, semi-
speed steam turbine, fan, and marine turbines in high-speed dynamic
balancing test chamber.
Applicable documents

The following documents shall form an integral part of this standard to

the extent specified herein. Any succeeding amendment (except for
contents of corrigenda) or revisions of these documents with issue date are
not applicable to this specification. However, Its encouraged to study the
availability of the latest issue of these documents for the parties which have
reached an agreement according to this specification. For the documents
without issue date, their latest issue is applicable to this specification.
Turbine cleanliness
Turbine rotor high-speed dynamic balancing
ISO 1940-1:2003
Mechanical vibration-Balance quality
requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid)
ISO 11342:1998
Mechanical vibration-Methods and criteria for
the mechanical balancing of flexible rotors
Steam turbine specifications

The equipments, instruments and gauges used for balancing shall be

applied strictly according to the operating instructions, and shall be in the
good state waiting for operation. The drawings used for the rotor waiting
for balance shall be complete.

All values shall satisfy the requirements of drawing and the relevant
provisions and acceptable certificate shall be given before the rotor
entering the test chamber to do balancing. And workpiece shall be checked
whether it meet the following balancing requirement:

Any rotor is not allowed to operate in the condition with temperature under
non-toughness transition temperature NDT of rotor material. This
requirement has special meaning for cold season (especial for HP/IP rotors
of steam turbine).
b 15
600rpm 20 20

If the rotor just gets into test chamber from outside with temperature below
15, it should rotate to speed at least 600 rpm and stay indoor with
temperature 20C or above at least for specified hours to meet the
requirement for rotor temperature.
out temperature stop time
7 24
-1 38
-18 52

Check whether there is any external quality defect on rotor. If

there shall be quality problems on rotor, there shall be defect sheets, but the
quality defects at the key positions is forbidden, such as burrs on shaft
journal, etc.
Check for the complete fixtures

During the test, if the measured data at the specific speed is not stable
or the measured data with several times is quite different, the relative
operation time shall be necessary to extent at each specific speed to
measure the stable data. In addition, if the low-speed and high-speed
balancing accuracy can not meet the requirements at the same time, the
high-speed balancing shall be regarded as standard.
3.4 300MW

For the rotor with capacity of 300MW or above, when speed is over first
critical speed, before the speed is decreased, the jacking oil shall be put into
running and then the speed can be decreased to increase stability of rotor.
4 (Cleaning of bearing)
4.1 A

Old bearing: The relative fixtures shall be found according to

<Technical requirements and records for rotor installation> (see Appendix
A); for the used bearing, the dead zone of bearing and inclusion in the
passage of HP oil shall be cleaned with HP forced wind to avoid shaft
abrasion based on the actual situation.
New bearing:
4.2.1 23
Circular and elliptical bearing: Firstly it shall be cleaned with HP
forced wind to blow, and then the jacking oil can be put into running for
two to three times.

1h3h 35 1min2min
Tilted pad bearing: Firstly it shall be cleaned with HP forced wind to
blow, and then make the oil circulating, and the time shall be determined by
the strainer conditions, and if the strainer pressure decreases, strainer shall
be cleaned, and meanwhile the circulating time for filling the oil shall be
extended; generally for 1h-3h, during oil circulation, the jacking oil can be
put into running for three to five times, and each time shall be about 1min-

After cleaning, the bearing and the horizontal split rotor prepared to
assemble shall be covered well with the gauze immediately. It shall be
careful to set the jacking oil seal ring well while installing the bearing, and
the direction of inlet and outlet shall be checked.

Attention: for safety, in any case, the temperature of the bearing shall
be less than 90.
5 (Cleaning and lifting for rotor )

Before lifting the rotor, check the different adjustment positions and
platform trailer, and carefully clean the rotor journal surface and bearing
working surface in compliance with JB/T4058 standard, to ensure there is
no residual metal flash, burrs, welding slag, grease and rust at the rotor
journal and the blade shroud, place the rotor on pedestal bearing with
attention to the rotation direction, and try best to make it in consistence
with its own rotation direction of rotor.
Installation for the pedestal, bearing and connection collar
6.1 .
The rotor shall be installed strictly according to the dynamic balancing
process requirements.
Clearance between bearing pad and oil retaining ring: it must
guarantee the requirements for the clearance at the top of bearing pad, and
the clearance of oil retaining ring shall be adequate.
6.3 0.05 mm
for the rotor which need to be installed with connection collar, the run-
out of this rotor should no more then 0.05 mm, and connection screw must
be weighted, and weight difference shall be within 1g.
Inspection after rotor installation

The installation at all positions shall satisfy the technical

requirements, through oil filling and manual turning check to confirm no
scraping and oil leakage, and close operator access door after confirming
nobody in shell as well as switch off light in chamber and power of lift, and
get ready to startup.

Every system of equipment (water system, oil system, oil vapor

exhaust system, vacuum system, attached rigidness system and jacking oil
system, etc) shall be checked without any failure, and the operation
parameters (hydraulic pressure, air pressure, oil pressure and oil capacity,
temperature, etc) shall be in good state waiting for operation.
Preparation before rotor balancing
8.1 6min

The spare power supply shall be inspected and started, and the
supplying power operation time shall be not less than 6min. The automatic
switch-over performance shall be tested periodically.
Confirm the inherent critical speed, vibration mode, overspeed and
balance accuracy of rotor.
8.3 ,

If there is requirement in contract it shall be executed according to

contract. If there is no requirements in contract, the following standards
shall be met. (when conflict happens between requirements in contract and
standard, the standard shall be prevailed.)
Turbine rotor high-speed dynamic balancing
ISO 1940-1:2003
Mechanical vibration-Balance quality
requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid)
ISO 11342:1998
Mechanical vibration-Methods and criteria for
the mechanical balancing of flexible rotors
Steam turbines specifications

The operator shall be in his work post and startup all work system and
make records at any time, for starting the rotor to conduct balancing.
Balance of rotor
9.1 ,
The technical data shall be input to control panel according to
requirement and low speed balancing is ready.
Under the condition that equipments and instruments are in normal
state, the rotor can be startup.
9.3 30%40%

90 60 32
9 6 36
10 7 48 12
30%-40% of first critical speed of rotor shall be regarded as low speed
balancing speed. the rotor shall be operated at low speed for a certain time
until the vibration amplitude value changes little. If the residual unbalance
weight of both plane 1 and plane 2 are about 300 g separately, and
weighting for low speed balancing is not required and record the data then
stop the machine. Otherwise, it shall execute according to item 9.4. (for the
balancing weight which balancing groove max. allowable weight is
equivalent to 90 degree arc, the allowable continuous balance weight arc is
60 degree; and max allowable No. is 9 for 32 balance hole, and max.
continuous No. is 6; and max allowable No. is 10 for 36 balance hole, and
max. continuous No. is 7; and max allowable No. is 12 for 48 balance hole,
and max. continuous No. is 8)

The balance weight shall be added complying with the records and
calculation result, and it shall speed up to this speed value and record
values until the speed value is acceptable, otherwise it shall be repeated.
Please pay attention that the distribution state of original unbalance weight
shall be controlled well when low speed balancing is done, and first critical
speed and high-speed balance situation shall be also considered to avoid or
reduce the contradiction of first critical speed and high-speed in order to
make the good basis for high-speed balance.
9.5 : 100200r/min
, 8.3 9.6

Balancing beforefirst critical speed: normally, 100~200r/min before first

critical speed is as balancing speed, if it meet requirements in 8.3, next
speed balancing can be done, owhterwise, clause 9.6 shall be executed.
Balancing at rated speed

The data at the proper speed shall be selected as the data used for
balance calculation, and input the computer balance program to conduct the
relative calculation. The weights add adjustment shall be conducted on the
basis of calculation result and actual situation. We must be careful when we
add weights on couple.
balancing accuracy requirement of flexible rotor
a) 200MW
The turbine unit with capacity of 200MW or below: it is defined that
the average square root VB (working speed) of bearing vibration speed and
VC (critical speed) are used to evaluate its balancing accuracy.
Steam turbine for power generation: VB2.5mm/sVC2.8mm/s
Industrial steam turbine: VB1.5mm/sVC1.8mm/s
b) 300MW

The steam turbine with capacity of 300MW or above: the bearing

vibration and absolute vibration of shaft can be measured at same time,
based on requirement, the bearing vibration or absolute vibration of shaft
can be evaluation standard.

LP rotor: VB1.8mm/sVC2.8mm/s
HMP rotor: VB2.5mm/sVC2.8mm/s
When absolute bearing is measured at bearing journal, the allowable
unbalance vibration is :
At rate speed: Ap-p0.05mm
At critical speed: Ap-p0.10mm
Overspeed test

For assembled rotor and LP rotor, under some condition, the

overspeed test shall be done firstly and then balancing test under certain
speed to get stable data and reduce balancing cycle.
120% 15%
15% 115% 120%

115%-120% 115%
120% 10
60Hz 112%
Overspeed is 112%-120% of rated speed, under any condition, the
speed of rotor shall not be allowed to exceed 120% of rated speed. The
speed of rotor for overspeed test in the workshop shall not be allowed to
repeatly exceed 15% of rated speed (max. calculated speed), the overspeed
exceeding 15% of rated speed shall be done only once, and within the
speed up range of 115% -120% of rated speed, the final overspeed value
shall be decided by the vibration condition of rotor in the process, and
within the speed range of 115% -120% of rated speed, the speed shall not
be allowed to stop, and the accumulated time from 115% to 120% of rated
speed for overspeed process shall be never allowed to exceed 10 min.
The overspeed of the 60Hz turbine rotor is 112% of rated speed, and
max. speed shall not be allowed to exceed 115% of rated speed.
Balancing at rated speed after overspeed

1 min


9.5 9.6
Before overspeed, if the vibration during speed up and of rated speed
is acceptable, then decrease the speed to rated after overspeed, and hold
stable running for 1min, and the record data, shutdown. If there is one item
of vibration is not acceptable before over speed and rated speed, and the
vibration data after overspeed and during speed decreased to rated is
acceptable, and re-speed up to rated speed when the speed decreased to
500rpm, if all vibration data is acceptable, that means rotor balancing
complete. If one of the vibration data before overspeed and rated is not
acceptable, and it is still not acceptable after overspeed until speed
decreases to zero, clause 9.5 and 9.6 shall be followed until the requirement
is met.
Speed down and shutdown

After balancing test is acceptable, decreasing speed until shutdown,

and please observe the vibration value during speed decreasing from rated
speed to zero speed, and pay more attention to vibration under critical
speed and be ready to deal with the condition.
Working condition adjustment and air releasing

After rotor balancing is acceptable, when speed decreases to zero, the

working condition shall be adjusted to release the vacuum and oil vapor in
the chamber, and then balancing is over.

When rotor balancing is not acceptable, it is necessary to adjust balance

weight, after speed decreases to zero, working condition shall be adjusted
to release vacuum in the chamber.
Locking of balance weight and Settlement of test data
Locking of balance weight

Be sure that the balance weight on rotor is same as in record, and lock
balance weight according to requirement of drawing, and inform the shift
responsible person after the weight is locked.

( B)
To settle the test data and diagram, and fill the test report, the test report
can come into effective after signature of related personnel and department
seal (see Appendix B), and keep them in archive.
Dismantle rotor
To release the balancing state and note the followings while
dismantling rotor.

After lifting the rotor, the bearing and oil inlet shall also be covered
well with the coated abrasive or clean cloth. If have possibility, the upper
cover shall be timely packed well.
Field cleaning and rotor delivery inspection
To clean chamber, pedestal, bearing and oil retaining ring, etc.
To shut off all power in the chamber, and close the door.
To submit the rotor and test reports to related department for inspection.
All balancing procedures end.
Usage and Maintenance of Equipments

The operators shall be acquainted to Three Goods and Four

Capabilities, and carefully conduct work, and take responsibilities for field
and equipment safety.

A (Appendix A)
(Harbin Turbine Company, Ltd.)

Technical Requirements and Records for Installation of Rotor (high speed balancing)
Rotor description Drawing No.
Heat No. Job No.
Connection end of rotor ,
Span of platform trailer Universal joint No.

Bearing I II
1 3
Oil retaining ring
2 4

Set value Set value
mm mm
Measured value Measured value
Operator Operator
1 2 3 4

Upper cover of bearing I II

Pedestal anchor erector

Pedestal oil pipe erector

Run out
Connection disk Erector Barring inspection


Process Chief director

B (Appendix B)
(Harbin Turbine Company, Ltd.)

Test report for the dynamic balancing of rotor

Product description Rotor Drawing No.

Job No. Heat No. Test date
(Technical data )

Balance speed Overspeed Overspeed time
Calculation of first critical Measurement of first critical
speed speed
(High-speed dynamic balancing test)

Allowable value of bearing vibration at working speed

I: mm/s : mm/s
Residual value of bearing vibration at working speed

Allowable value of first critical bearing vibration

I: mm/s : mm/s
Residual value of first critical bearing vibration
(Weights add situations )

Weights add positions Total weight Total quantity

Balancing result

Recorded by Checked by Chief director


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