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polish journal of food and nutrition sciences Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci.

e-mail: 2009, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 17-23


Lidia Stasiak, Stanisaw Baejak

Department ofFood Biotechnology and Microbiology, Warsaw University ofLife Science, Warsaw, Poland

Key words: acetic acid bacteria, Gluconacetobacter xylinus, glycerol, dihydroxyacetone, biotransformation

Themost commonly recognized and utilized characteristics ofacetic acid bacteria is their capacity for oxidizing ethanol toacetic acid. Those
microorganisms are asource ofother valuable compounds, including among others cellulose, gluconic acid and dihydroxyacetone. Anumber ofinves-
tigations have recently been conducted into theoptimization oftheprocess ofglycerol biotransformation into dihydroxyacetone (DHA) with theuse
of acetic acid bacteria of the species Gluconobacter and Acetobacter. DHA is observed to be increasingly employed in dermatology, medicine and
cosmetics. Themanuscript addresses pathways ofsynthesis ofthat compound and anoverview ofmethods that enable increasing theeffectiveness
ofglycerol transformation into dihydroxyacetone.

INTRODUCTION glucose toacetic acid [Yamada & Yukphan, 2007]. Another

genus, Acetomonas, was described intheyear 1954. Inturn,
Multiple species ofacetic acid bacteria are capable ofin- intheyear 1984, Acetobacter was divided into two sub-genera:
complete oxidation of carbohydrates and alcohols to alde- Acetobacter and Gluconoacetobacter, yet theyear 1998brought
hydes, ketones and organic acids [Matsushita et al., 2003; another change inthetaxonomy and Gluconacetobacter was
Deppenmeier et al., 2002]. Oxidation products are secreted recognized as aseparate genus [Yamada & Yukphan, 2007].
outside cells, owing to which they may be isolated directly Nowadays, the family Acetobacteraceae includes 25 gen-
from aculture medium. Atypical trait ofacetic acid bacteria is era. Apart from the most recognized ones, i.e. Acetobacter,
theproduction ofacetic acid from ethanol [Ruiz et al., 2000]. Acidomonas, Asaia, Gluconacetobacter, Gluconobacter, Granu-
Apart from vinegar, the key metabolites produced by those libacter, Kozakia, Neoasaia, Saccharibacter or Swaminathania,
microorganisms include cellulose, gluconic acid, L-ribose some genera have emerged that usually include one species
and dihydroxyacetone [Kim et al., 1996; Charney et al., 1978]. and display characteristics common for the entire family.
Those compounds are applied inmany branches ofindustry They are, among others: Belnapia, Leahibacter, Oleomonas,
as well as inmedicine. Among them, special attention should Rhodopila or Rubritepida. Another 25species are still awaiting
be paid to dihydroxyacetone (DHA) a substance sugar for theconfirmation oftheir affinity toparticular taxa [www.
in character utilized, among other things, in the treatment].
of leukoderma and as an active component of self-tanning The most explicitly known and the most widely applied
creams [Erni et al., 2006; Green et al., 2004; Fesq et al., 2001]. industrial strains of acetic acid bacteria belong to the spe-
Dihydroxyacetone is formed as aresult ofglycerol oxidation cies Gluconacetobacter. Those bacteria occur invinegar, sugar
catalyzed by glycerol dehydrogenase anenzyme linked with cane, flowers and fruits [Brenner et al., 2005]. Representatives
acellular membrane ofbacteria [Gtgens et al., 2007]. ofthat genus are Gram-negative aerobic bacteria whose op-
timal growth temperature accounts for 30C, and pH ranges
TAXONOMIC, MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMI from 5.4to6.3[Hommel, 2004]. Cells ofbacteria belonging
CAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FAMILY ACETO to the genus Gluconacetobacter attain shapes from ellipsoi-
BACTERACEAE dal to more elongated bacilli, usually straight ones, though
slightly bended ones are also likely tooccur. Their sizes are
Inthepast, affinity ofbacterial genera tothefamily Ac- intherange of0.6-1.2 1.0-3.0 m. They occur individually,
etobacteraceae was subject tonumerous changes. Intheyear inpairs or inshort chains. Only part ofthem are character-
1898, thegenus Acetobacter was established and thespecies ized by peritrichal ciliation which provides their motor capac-
Acetobacter aceti was affiliated to it. Next, in the year 1935, ity. They produce catalase, do not produce oxidase, indole nor
thegenus Gluconobacter was postulated and bacteria includ- hydrogen sulfide, and they do not fluidize gelatin [Brenner
ed to that genus were capable of oxidizing glucose to glu- et al., 2005]. Inaddition, they transform ethanol into acetic
conic acid toaconsiderably greater extent than ofoxidizing acid, whereas further oxidation toCO2 and H2O depends on

Authors address for correspondence: mgr in. Lidia Stasiak, dr hab. Stanisaw Baejak, Department of Food Biotechnology and Microbiology, Warsaw
University of Life Science, ul. Nowoursynowska 159 C / 32, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland; tel.: (48 22) 59 37658; e-mail:

Copyright by Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
18 L. Stasiak & S. Baejak

the concentration of that compound in a culture medium. Apart from the production of vinegar, an increasing in-
Some strains are also capable ofoxidizing lactates toCO2 and terest has been observed intheapplication ofthose bacteria
H2O [Hommel, 2004]. for theproduction ofvitamin C (ascorbic acid). Nowadays,
In terms of industrial usability a valuable representative vitamin C is synthesized in a seven-step Reichsteins cycle,
of the genus Gluconacetobacter is G. xylinus species. Litera- with D-glucose used as asubstrate. That processes covers six
ture references provide anumber ofsynonyms that describe chemical syntheses and one reaction ofmicrobiological oxi-
the same organism, e.g. Acetobacter xylinum, Bacterium xyli- dation ofD-sorbitol toL-sorbose. Theproper course ofthat
noides, Bacillus xylinum. Cells ofG. xylinus occur individually, transformation requires high pressure and temperature [Han-
in pairs, chains or in small clusters. Those bacteria are ob- cock & Viola, 2002]. In recent years, research have focused
served togrow well inthepresence ofD-glucose and topro- on theelaboration ofalternative methods for theproduction
duce acids from ethanol, D-glucose and D-xylose [Brenner ofascorbic acid, especially thebiotechnological ones. Inor-
et al., 2005]. der to minimize production costs a study was undertaken
G. xylinus is a model organism in biochemical and ge- to modify methods applied so far with the use of industrial
netic investigations into mechanisms of cellulose synthesis. strains ofacetic acid bacteria. Itwas proved that theapplica-
Thequantity ofcellulose synthesized by that species is pro- tion ofenzymes originating from G. oxydans enabled facilitat-
portional toanincrease ofbiomass, whereas theyield ofthat ing that process and additionally minimized production costs
process is determined by the source of carbon [Embuscado [Hancock & Viola, 2002].
et al., 1994a, b]. Once ethanol is themajor source ofcarbon, Selected strains ofacetic acid bacteria have been shown
then multi-stage oxidation of that substrate occurs that re- to be capable of cellulose biosynthesis [Zhou et al., 2007;
sults intheformation ofacetic acid. Once theculture medium Chao et al., 2000], which affords new possibilities of that
contains glycerol, G. xylinus oxidizes ittodihydroxyacetone. biopolymers production. Investigations have shown that Ac-
A research conducted by Nabe et al. [1979] demonstrated etobacter xylinum is the most efficient producer of bacterial
that G. xylinus (Acetobacter xylinum) was characterized by cellulose (BC). That property has also been demonstrated for
ahigh, as compared totheother acetic acid bacteria, activity Gluconobacter oxydans, yet inits case thebiosynthesis ofcel-
oftheenzyme catalyzing aerobic transformation of glycerol lulose is not that efficient as in the case of A. xylinum [Jia
into dihydroxyacetone. Those observations induced a study et al., 2004]. Bacterial cellulose has turned out to be a ver-
into theadaptation ofthat species totheproduction ofdihy- satile biomaterial. Paper produced from such a cellulose is
droxyacetone on anindustrial scale. highly elastic, resistant and, more importantly, completely
biodegradable [Shah & Brown, 2005]. Apart from the pa-
APPLICABILITY OF THE METABOLIC POTENTIAL per industry, BC may also be applied for theelectrophoretic
OFACETIC ACID BACTERIA separation of DNA. Due to an internal, three-dimensional
network ofmicrofibres, cellulose may be used for thesepara-
Theuse ofacetic acid bacteria (AAB) dates back todistant tion ofDNA fragments with sizes ofeven 10-100pz [Tabuchi
years ofour civilization. Probably, as early as intheBabylonian & Baba, 2005]. Yet thegreatest emotions and hopes are fos-
times (VI century BC) use was made, though unconsciously, tered by thepossibility ofapplying that easily-available bacte-
of their capability for the preservation of food [Hommel, rial biopolymer inmedicine. Attempts are underway toapply
2004]. Some notes on theconsumption ofvinegar have been BC for reconstruction ofdestroyed or damaged organs, frag-
encountered intheOld Testament. Theproduction ofvinegar ments ofskin, for healing wounds and for thesynthesis ofar-
consisted infilling jars half-full with wine, grape pomace and tificial tissues [Czaja et al., 2007]. Low production costs and
comminuted date fruits. Those components were next sub- thepossibility ofsynthesizing unlimited quantities ofbacte-
jected tospontaneous fermentation. Vinegar was contempo- rial cellulose prompt scientists tosearch for new possibilities
rarily used as aseasoning, arefreshing drink and amedicine ofits application inmedicine.
[Allgeier & Hildebrandt, 1960]. Incountries inwhich thepro- Out ofmultiple compounds produced by acetic acid bac-
duction of vinegar was not disseminated it was recognized teria, worthy of special notice is dihydroxyacetone (DHA).
as anexpensive and luxurious beverage. IntheMiddle Ages, Itis produced as aresult ofglycerol oxidation catalyzed by
France became its greatest producer. glycerol dehydrogenase (EC anenzyme bound with
Contemporary knowledge on biochemical, physiological acellular membrane. Dihydroxyacetone is animportant com-
and genetic characteristics ofAAB enables their well-thought- ponent ofself-tanning creams and asecondary metabolite on
out and targeted application inanumber ofindustry branches. thepathway ofobtaining other chemical compounds [Drae-
The capability of bacteria from the genus Acetobacter los & Zoe, 2002; Claret & Bories, 1994].
toferment ethyl alcohol toacetic acid is employed inthefood With development of agricultural economy a need has
industry for theproduction ofvinegar [Hommel, 2004]. Vin- appeared for theelimination or partial reduction ofartificial
egar accelerates theprocess ofmeat tenderization and loos- fertilizers used infarming. Itis common knowledge that ni-
ening, softens fish bones, is acomponent ofmarinades and trogen is anelement indispensable for thegrowth ofplants.
pickles applied inthefruit and vegetable industry as well as Intensification of plant production requires doses of artifi-
inthepreparation offish and sea fruits. Vinegar is additional- cial fertilizers to be increased, which poses ecological risk.
ly used for thepreparation ofsauces, mayonnaises and mus- In order to provide a high crop yield and, simultaneously,
tards. Itimproves sensory attributes ofaready product and, toreduce environmental hazard use may be made oftheso-
by acidifying medium, itenables preservation offood. called plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) that are
Acetic acid bacteria 19

capable of binding nitrogen in cells and of reducing atmo- sweet, refreshing taste and characteristic aroma [Rabinow-
spheric nitrogen toammonia [Pedraza, 2007]. Inthefamily itch, 1925]. Itis thesimplest representative ofknown ketoses,
Acetobacteraceae such properties have been demonstrated for it does not posses a chiral centre nor shows optical activity
three genera ofbacteria: Gluconacetobacter, Acetobacter, and [Erni et al., 2006]. Dihydroxyacetone is awater-soluble sub-
Swaminathania. stance susceptible to microbiological factors and capable
Gluconobacter oxydans possesses capability toreduce tox- of further oxidation. The most widely recognized and uti-
icity of patulin [Ricelli et al., 2007]. Patulin is a mycotoxin lized characteristics ofdihydroxyacetone is its ability toform
produced by moulds that belong to the following species: colour compounds in contact with human skin [Draelos &
Penicillium, Aspergillus and Byssochlamys [Draughon & Ayres, Zoe, 2002]. That phenomenon was first observed by Eva
1980; Northolt et al., 1979]. Inhumans, intoxication with patu- Wittgenstein from the University of Cincinnati in the year
lin usually occurs after theconsumption ofmould-infested ap- 1950[Wittgenstein & Guest, 1961]. Being acompound from
ples and apple juices [Moake et al., 2005]. High concentrations agroup ofsaccharides, dihydroxyacetone was aconstituent
of that mycotoxin were also reported on other fruits (pears, ofsyrup administered tochildren treated for congenital glyco-
peaches, strawberries, berries, cherries, apricots and grapes) gen storage disease. While taking themedicine, some children
as well as incheese [Piemontese et al., 2005; Majerus & Kapp, were accidentally spilling itonto their skin. After afew hours,
2002; Pittet, 1998]. Patulin poses a severe risk to the health brown spots were observed at thesite ofsyrup contact with
ofpotential consumers, infants and children inparticular. De- skin [Wittgenstein & Guest, 1961]. That interesting observa-
pending on its concentration, intoxication with patulin may tion prompted Eva Wittgenstein tocontinue experiments on
induce, among other things: ulceration, convulsions, damage DHA reactions with human skin.
totheneural and immune systems, activation oftumor cells Nowadays, DHA is known to react with several com-
for neoplasia, and at acellular level inhibition ofDNA syn- pounds, including ammonia and amino acids, thus yielding
thesis [Moake et al., 2005]. Strains ofGluconobacter oxydans colour compounds. Brown coloration of skin results from
have been shown capable oftransforming patulin (with 96% areaction ofdihydroxyacetone with free amino acid groups
effectiveness) into ascladiol, i.e. its less toxic precursor [Ricelli ofarginine occurring incuticle [Wittgenstein & Berry, 1961].
et al., 2007; Sekiguchi et al., 1983]. Theeffect ofskin browning is analogous tothemechanism
Apart from benefits that result from the application ofMaillard reaction; itusually proceeds upon theinfluence
of AAB, they have also been demonstrated to act as pests. of heat between amino acids and reducing sugars. Increas-
They are thecause ofanumber offaults inaready wine or ing theconcentration ofdihydroxyacetone inareaction with
beer as they evoke turbidity, souring, vinegar aroma and afilm amino acids enables obtaining colours from yellow tobrown
on their surface [Silva et al., 2006]. They may also evoke spoil- [Draelos & Zoe, 2002]. In the year 1970, dihydroxyacetone
age offruit and vegetable marinates as well as disturb theapt was included by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
course of the production process of bakers yeast. Recently, onto the list of cosmetic components [].
those bacteria have been isolated from, among other things, Currently, it is an indispensable component of self-tanning
apple juices intheItalian Alps [Dellaglid et al., 2005], from creams, theso-called bronzers [Green et al., 2004]. Atoo long
fruits inSenegal [Ndoye et al., 2007] and Thailand [Seearun- exposure ofskin totheaction ofUV radiation may be therea-
ruangchai et al., 2004], from grapes grown inChile [Prieto et son ofpainful burns as well as accelerates processes ofageing
al., 2007], as well as from vegetable silages ofcorn [Mehnaz and neoplasia [McCook et al., 2004]. Cosmetic concerns that
et al., 2006], wheat and sugar beets [Elferinck et al., 2001]. promote safe tan all year round encourage touse theself-tan-
Theoccurrence ofAAB invarious regions oftheworld may ning creams as safe alternatives totheexcess ofsunrays.
point toagreat adaptive potential ofthose microorganisms. It turns out that dihydroxyacetone may be used succes-
Pathogenic characteristics are ascribed to bacteria sively not only in the cosmetics but also in dermatology as
ofGranulibacter bethesdensis. That species has been isolated atherapeutic agent inthetreatment ofleukoderma [Fesq et
from human lymph nodes. Itis likely tobe one ofthefactors al., 2001]. Most ofknown methods ofleukoderma treatment
inducing chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) which is are long-term processes that do not assure complete regres-
thecause ofdiminished immune resistance tostaphylococci sion ofsymptoms ofthat disease. Hence, new, certified and
and mycotic infections [Greenberg et al., 2007]. Fortunately, acceptable means of fighting that disease are still needed.
sofar itis thesole example ofapathogenic species ofthefam- Investigations conducted on a group of patients affected
ily Acetobacteraceae. by leukoderma demonstrated that a preparation containing
DHA affected thealleviation ofeffects ofthat disease in80%
PROPERTIES, APPLICATIONS AND METHODS FOR ofthepatients examined [Fesq et al., 2001].
SYNTHESIZING DIHYDROXYACETONE There are known afew compounds that act similarly todi-
hydroxyacetone. They cannot, however, replace DHA due
Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is aketotriose occurring insug- totheir irritating and sometimes toxic effect on skin. Inturn,
ar beets and sugar cane as a product of glycerol oxidation. some compounds exist that may be applied inacombination
The full name of that compound stipulated by the Interna- with dihydroxyacetone, e.g. erytrulose, owing towhich it ispos-
tional Union of Future and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is sible toreduce DHA concentration incosmetic preparations.
1,3-dihydroxy-2-propanone (C3H6O3), its molecular weight Due toDHA capability for further oxidation and its instability,
accounts for 90.08 g/mol and melting point for 75-80C self-tanning preparations should be utilized before theexpiry
[]. It is a white, hygroscopic powder with date declared by theproducer. Amethod for protecting DHA
20 L. Stasiak & S. Baejak

molecules against adetrimental effect ofenvironmental factors product. Although a few methods of dihydroxyacetone syn-
was patented intheyear 1995[Durand, 1995]. Itpostulated thesis are inuse, studies are underway toelaborate easier and
encapsulation ofdihydroxyacetone molecules inthestructure more cost-effective methods for obtaining that compound,
ofawater-proof material that releases dihydroxyacetone step- whose role in, among others, cosmetic and dermatological
wise during theapplication ofaself-tanning cream onto skin. industry cannot be overestimated.
Thewater-proof coat protects DHA against thecontact with
water and, simultaneously, eliminates its oxidation. SYNTHESIS OFDIHYDROXYACETONE WITH THEUSE
Only a few laboratory methods of DHA synthesis have OFFREE AND IMMOBILIZED CELLS OFACETIC ACID
been applied under industrial conditions [Fakley et al., 1988]. BACTERIA
The method of microbiological transformation of glycerol
to dihydroxyacetone, patented in 1978, involves the applica- Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) may be synthesized by means
tion ofproperties ofthestrain Acetobacter suboxydans ATCC oftwo methods, namely: chemical and microbiological syn-
621[Charney et al., 1978]. Its inventor assured ahigh reaction thesis [Gehrer et al., 1995; Charney et al., 1978].
yield once appropriate culture conditions and composition The chemical synthesis may proceed through catalytic
ofaculture medium are maintained. Thesuggested medium oxidation of glycerol or condensation of formaldehyde with
should contain 9-12% ofglycerol and 0.5% ofayeast or fish calcium carbonate. Such aprocess ofglycerol transformation
hydrolysate. Biotransformation spanned for ca. 30 h and into DHA proceeds inainhomogeneous mode, additionally
theresultant dihydroxyacetone was isolated from theculture results intheformation ofcomplex and hard toremove com-
medium with known methods, through filtration oftheculture pounds, and theyield ofreaction is not satisfactory [Hekmat
medium, removal ofinorganic ions present inthemedium, and et al., 2003].
next concentration ofthesolution and crystallization. Another Inturn, themicrobiological methods consist inpartial oxi-
concept oftheindustrial production ofDHA was linked with dation ofglycerol toDHA by selected strains ofacetic acid
re-utilization ofpreviously proliferated biomass ofacetic acid bacteria characterized by ahigh activity ofanenzyme catalyz-
bacteria [Ohrem et al., 1998]. Various strains ofGluconobacter ing that reaction, i.e. glycerol dehydrogenase [Claret, 1992;
and Acetobacter genera are characterised by a high activity Nabe, 1979].
ofmembraneous glycerol dehydrogenase, catalyzing thetrans- Chemical syntheses oforganic compounds, run on anin-
formation ofglycerol todihydroxyacetone, inanappropriate- dustrial scale, require considerable financial input. Often,
ly-composed culture medium. After several dozens of hours such types ofreactions result intheformation ofby-products
of culturing, cells lose their capability for further divisions, being detrimental tonatural environment. Processes conduct-
which however does not mean theloss oftheactivity ofglyc- ed with theuse ofmicroorganisms are usually less expensive
erol dehydrogenase. Based on those observations, Ohremi and than the chemical ones; what is more their control is easier
Westmeier postulated anew method for thesynthesis ofdihy- and they do not lead totheproduction ofsubstances posing
droxyacetone [Ohrem et al., 1998]. According tothat method, risk toenvironment [Hekmat et al., 2003].
cells of acetic acid bacteria should be proliferated and, si- Some strains of acetic acid bacteria, including Glu-
multaneously, should be provided appropriate conditions for conobacter melanogenus, Gluconobacter oxydans, and Ac-
thetransformation ofglycerol into DHA. Biomass, incapable etobacter xylinum [Wei et al., 2007a, b; Nabe et al., 1979;
offurther proliferation is not removed from atank but utilized, Flickinger & Perlman, 1977; Asai, 1968], are capable ofpar-
as a whole or in part, for the subsequent production cycle. tial oxidation of glycerol to DHA on condition that strictly
Itenables asubstantial reduction ofproduction costs. Apart specified parameters ofthat transformation are provided.
from determining theoptimal parameters ofdihydroxyacetone Oxidation of glycerol by acetic acid bacteria may fol-
biosynthesis, additional difficulties are posed by the process low according to two pathways. The first pathway, inde-
of its isolation from the post-fermentation culture medium. pendent of adenosinotriphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide
Theprocesses ofDHA extraction and purification usually in- adenine dinucleotide (NAD), proceeds at pH 6 and results
volve many stages. Thespecific crystallization ofDHA should intheproduction ofdihydroxyacetone [Flickinger & Perlman,
be preceded by multiple filtration, evaporation and incubation 1977; Hauge et al., 1954]. The only enzyme that catalyzes
ofthesample. However, those methods cannot be applied for this transformation is membraneous glycerol dehydroge-
theisolation ofDHA from organic mixtures, they are addition- nase [Claret & Bories, 1994]. Under the effect of ATP and
ally time-consuming and difficult toproceed, and thequality inthepresence ofMg2+ ions theresultant DHA may be trans-
of the end product does not always reach the required level formed into thephosphorylated form inareaction catalyzed
ofpurity [Fakley et al., 1988]. by dihydroxyacetone kinase [Hauge et al., 1954]. Thesecond
Fakley and Lindsay have contented with difficulties accom- pathway ofglycerol transformation proceeds at pH 8.5 and
panying thepurification ofdihydroxyacetone on alarge scale. requires the presence of ATP and Mg2+ ions and addition-
They elaborated a method based on thin-layer evaporation ally of an enzyme glycerol kinase. A reaction product is
inwhich DHA is distilled off theresidue ofareaction mixture triphosphoglycerol which is next oxidized in the presence
[Fakley et al., 1988]. They claimed that standard distillation of NAD-dependent dehydrogenase to the phosphorylated
ofDHA resulted inpartial dehydration ofthat compound and form of DHA [Flickinger & Perlman, 1977; Hauge et al.,
that precipitation was not an appropriate treatment since, 1954]. In a number of subsequent biochemical transforma-
apart from dihydroxyacetone, also other sugars were likely tions, the phosphorylated DHA is being transformed into
to precipitate from the medium and contaminate the end fructoso-1,6-diphosphate, which is followed by theformation
Acetic acid bacteria 21

of glucoso-6-phosphate which, in turn, is incorporated into of the process. The most effective biotransformation pro-
thepentosophosphate cycle [Hauge et al., 1954]. ceeded at atemperature of25-30C, at yeast extract content
Investigations conducted on the mechanisms of DHA of2-4g/L and at glycerol concentration of20-50g/L [Nabe
synthesis from glycerol by acetic acid bacteria have demon- et al., 1979]. According to other investigations carried out
strated that, apart from appropriate pH and sufficient aera- with cells ofGluconobacter oxydans immobilized inpolyvinyl
tion of the culture, the apt course of the reactions requires alcohol gel, effective synthesis ofDHA from glycerol occurred
determining the concentration of glycerol in the production at pH 6 and temperature of 30C [Wei et al., 2007a]. Such
medium [Claret et al., 1992]. Its high content may inhibit cells displayed anoxidative activity against glycerol even after
thegrowth ofsome strains ofacetic acid bacteria and disturb 14days ofstorage, yet theactivity was lower by 10% as com-
mechanisms ofcells division [De Muynck et al., 2007]. Theex- pared tothat ofcells subjected toimmediate immobilization.
cessive concentration of glycerol may impair its biotrans- There-used immobilized cells were observed torun thereac-
formation to dihydroxyacetone or even make it impossible tion with effectiveness ofca. 86%, and gel capsules they were
[Claret et al., 1992]. Theproper course ofbiotransformation entrapped inremained non-deformed even after five produc-
is additionally determined by thequantity oftheformed DHA. tion cycles [Wei et al., 2007a].
Atoo high concentration ofthat product may exert aninhib- Research addressing glycerol oxidation to DHA with
iting effect on the growth of, among others, Gluconobacter theuse ofenzymes produced by acetic acid bacteria still focus
oxydans. Some research have shown that thestrain G. oxydans mainly on reducing production costs, facilitating theprocess
was capable togrow until DHA concentration inthemedium and yielding the greatest effectiveness of biotransformation.
did not exceed 8% [Bauer et al., 2005]. Hence a growing interest is observed in theuse of immobi-
Independent observations have demonstrated that, de- lized cells that may be applied repeatedly inthereaction while
spite a high effectiveness of glycerol biotransformation omitting the stage of re-proliferation of biomass. Recently,
toDHA, ofcrucial significance is theselection ofanappro- agricultural wastes intheform ofmaize pulp have been pos-
priate growth phase ofacetic acid bacteria. Only cells being tulated as asource ofvitamins and nutrients for acetic acid
in the stationary growth phase (to be more specific being bacteria [Wei et al., 2007b]. Such natural components would
inthelast stage ofthat phase) are capable ofrapid and effec- enabled minimizing costs ofDHA production even by 75%.
tive biosynthesis ofDHA once appropriate pH, aeration and Inaddition, ithas turned out that theactivity ofglycerol de-
medium composition are provided [De Muynck et al., 2007; hydrogenase inaculture medium containing apart from glyc-
Hauge et al., 1954]. erol also the maize pulp is almost as high as that observed
In order to adjust conditions of dihydroxyacetone syn- inthemedium with sorbitol and yeast extract.
thesis by means of microbiological methods, a comparative
analysis was conducted for processes with theuse offree and SUMMARY
immobilized cells ofacetic acid bacteria [Raka et al., 2007;
Nabe et al., 1979]. Such investigations were carried out for Advance in biotechnology and emergence of innovative
thestrain Acetobacter xylinum immobilized on polyacrylamide research methods are accompanied by increasing knowledge
gel [Nabe et al., 1979]. Itwas demonstrated that pH 4-4.5ap- on physiological, biochemical and genetic properties ofacetic
peared to be optimal for the immobilized cells whereas acid bacteria. They are extensively applied for the synthesis
pH5.5for thefree cells. Theimmobilized cells were less sus- ofspecified substances, including dihydroxyacetone. Demand
ceptible totemperature fluctuations, as compared tothefree for DHA and new possibilities ofits practical application en-
ones [Nabe et al., 1979]. Cells collected from thestationary courage scientists toelaborate more effective, faster and less
phase and then immobilized were observed tooxidize glycerol expensive methods ofits production.
considerably faster than those collected from thelogarithmic Theprocess ofglycerol biotransformation todihydroxy-
phase ofgrowth [Gullo et al., 2006; Allgeier & Hildebrandt, acetone may be enhanced by constructing astrain incapable
1960]. Theyield ofthebiotransformation process ofglycerol of further transformations of DHA. Deletion or disruption
toDHA with theuse ofimmobilized cells ofA. xylinum was of gene continuity of dihydroxyacetone kinase, responsible
higher even by 18% inrespect oftheyield ofreaction run with for phosphorylation ofdihydroxyacetone, would enable high
thepresence offree cells [Nabe et al., 1979]. yield production ofthat compound. Nevertheless, processes
Theutilization ofimmobilized cells intheindustrial pro- of microbiological synthesis of DHA are linked with some
duction of DHA, though promising, has been arising some constrictions. Bacterial metabolites present inpost-fermenta-
doubts. Problems encountered in their use on a large scale tion fluids impair theisolation ofaproduct with arequired
included insufficient aeration ofcells entrapped instructures level ofpurity. Analternative means would be theapplication
ofthegel as well as diminished activity and bacterial stabil- ofanimmobilized preparation ofbacterial glycerol dehydro-
ity ofglycerol dehydrogenase incells re-used for thereaction genase that catalyzes oxidation ofglycerol todihydroxyace-
[De Muynck et al., 2007]. Asimilar research was conducted tone. Knowing thecharacteristics ofthat enzyme, anattempt
with the use of Gluconobacter oxydans bacteria immobilized might be undertaken toisolate itfrom amixture ofbacterial
inpolyvinyl alcohol gel [Raka et al., 2007]. Anattempt was proteins, purify and apply it in an immediate reaction with
made to determine the initial concentration of glycerol and glycerol. Owing tothat method, crystallization ofDHA would
yeast extract as well as temperature optimal for thebiotrans- become much more simplified for thereaction mixture would
formation process. That experiment enabled determining contain only theproduct and residues ofasubstrate ofthat
themost favorable conditions for theapt and effective course enzymatic biotransformation.
22 L. Stasiak & S. Baejak

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