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Survey Instruments to Asses Ethical Perceptions of Electric and Electronic

Engineering Students
For each statement, please choose the response that best reflects your opinion about each of
the behavior below as it applies to your ethical perceptions. All questions answered using a
5 point Likert scale ranging from 1 - Strongly Disagree to 5 - Strongly Agree.

As an Electric and Electronic Engineering Students, I believe it is unethical to

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Take credit for someone else's X
Hire someone to write an essay X
Purchase or submit a research or X
term paper from the internet to a
class as ones own work
Cheat on a graded assignment X
Cheat on an exam X
Plagiarize other people's work X
without citing or referencing the
Add the name of a noncontributing X
person as an author in a
project/research study
Copy and paste material found on
the Internet for an assignment X
without acknowledging the authors
of the material
Deliberately provide inaccurate
references for a project or research X
Knowingly permit student work
done by one student to be X
submitted by another student

As an Electric and Electronic Engineering Students, I believe it is unethical to

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Surf the internet for personal
interest and non-class related X
purposes during classes

Make a copy of software for X
personal or commercial use
Make a copy of software for a X
Loan CDs of software to friends X
Download pirated software from X
the internet
Distribute pirated software from X
the internet
Buy software with a single user
license and then install it on X
multiple computers
Share a pirated copy of software X
Install a pirated copy of software X

As an Electric and Electronic Engineering professional, I believe

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Providing unauthorized access to
other peoples personal information X
to be unethical
I have an obligation to respect and
protect the integrity of intellectual X
property and
confidentiality agreements
Using social media networking as a
tool for cyber bullying to be X
It is unethical, and potentially
unlawful, to take an unauthorized X
copy of someone elses work
Providing unauthorized access to an
organizations private information X
to be unethical
Ethical behavior is better
understood by Electric and X
Electronic Engineering students
than students in other majors
Education has an influence on ones
ethical behavior X
Being ethical is important in the X
Electric and Electronic

Engineering sector

As an Electric and Electronic Engineering professional, I should

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Not disclose confidential
organizational information to co- X
workers without authorization
Uphold and abide by the laws,
code of conduct, ethical and X
moral principles of my
Not violate the privacy and
confidentiality of information X
entrusted to me to further
Not surf the internet for personal
interest and non-work related X
purposes at work
Not involve in the act of
phishing (unauthorized stealing X
of peoples valuable data)
Not involve in the act of email
spoofing (deformation of email X
for phishing purposes)
Not violate other peoples
privacy with the use of internet X
monitoring devices
Not use technology to infringe
on other people privacy rights X
Adhere to strict confidentiality
rules regarding privacy and X
proprietary matters

As a member of society, I should

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Advise in an honest and
trustworthy manner to enable X
people to behave ethically
Be ethical in my behaviour in all
aspects of life X
Protect fundamental human rights X
Respect the diversity of all cultures X
Abide by and not violate the laws X
of the country and community
Not misuse computing or X
technology resources
Report any violations of ethical X
regulations to an authority
Protect against the act of piracy
(downloading or copying
copyrighted X
music/video/books/software or any
electronic materials)
Take action if I catch someone
involved in unethical use of X
computing resources

As an IT/IS student or professional, I believe

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Establishing an organizational code
of ethical standards encourages X
employees in that
organization to behave ethically
Establishing a code of ethics for
professionals encourages X
professionals (IEEE) to behave
Students acquire and develop their
ethical standards by taking ethics X
as a part of the IEEE

Ethical standards are important in
IEEE programs Ethical standards X
should always be
included in the IEEE curriculum
Establishing an organizational code
of ethical standards encourages X
employees in that
organization to behave ethically

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